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A good buddy and a fireplace

I adore this picture because I adore the two people in it.  This is my little buddy with one of his favorite buddies – our finish carpenter Chuck.  Chuck is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met.  
Every morning when I need to head to the new house I say to Kole “it’s time to see Chuck and the diggers!” and he races to the car.  Chuck is so good with Kole.  He shows him his tools and saws and the two of them chat about hammers and spiders and diggers and all sorts of things of the utmost importance to three year old little boys.  

Chuck’s kindness to my son isn’t the only reason I admire him.  He is so amazingly talented.  I explain to him what I want things to look like and then like magic!  He makes it happen.  His woodwork and attention to detail have blown me away.  Here are a some pics of my family room fireplace in progress…

 Now you can see why I adore Chuck as much as Kole does.  When I picture it all painted and finished with Christmas decor on the mantel I can’t help but grin from ear to ear.  :)

And a few more pics of my little man and his “diggers.”  He will be so bummed the day this house is finished and there aren’t trucks and a construction crew around to entertain him 24/7.  I will be a bit sad too.  So may people who have worked on our house have become good friends of ours.

Kole being a “scary monster.”  We play out this scene about oh…  3,728 times a day.  
 This outfit is a favorite of mine btw.  Whenever Kole has it on I tell people he dresses like his daddy – business casual.  :)
Happy Monday friends!  

xoxo, Erin
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14 thoughts on “A good buddy and a fireplace

  1. Oh, the cuteness that is Kole. I love his smile and his little outfit.

    The fire place and sneak peak of the built ins…~Beautiful~
    What a sweet man to take Kole under his wing and show him everything.

    Have a great week Erin.

    Much love to you,

  2. Hi Erin,

    Kole looks so cute with the workman. Your house looks so beautiful and I guess it won’t be long until moving day. Did you receive the email I sent you?

    Have a good day,

  3. Love all the woodwork! I love seeing all the progress! And Kole and my little guy would get along famously! They could make “scary” faces at each other while they checked out diggers~two things we are slightly obsessed with around here as well!!! ~gina

  4. Kole is adorable. Love the “business casual” outfit. LOL It’s funny, when I have a wood-working project planned for our house I still call on our carpenter from 20 years ago. He’s a lot like Chuck. Amazingly talented!!

  5. Thanks everyone! :)

    Olivia – yes! I was waiting to write you back because we just bought a washer/dryer this weekend! I will email you all of the details today. :)

    Gina – we so need to get our boys together! This year for sure!

  6. He is SO cute Erin, and smiles with his eyes. What a sweet little guy. And I LOVE your molding everywhere-things are coming along quickly!

  7. I cannot wait to see the finished house!! it’s looking gorgeous thus far.

    Your little man is adorable. I love the outfit. Where did you find that?

  8. Kole is so much like my little boy Ollie. Today we have a friend, an aborist of tree-chopper, who is coming to take Ollie to chop down a tree. Ollie has his mini chainsaw at the ready and he has also, like Kole been enjoying being a “scary monster.” Roaaaaaaar! Have a great day. Your house looks incredible but I know I would be exhausted if I were you. Hang in there.
    Kim from Australia x

  9. oh my gosh Erin! I am dying over the house! I seriously can’t believe how amazingly beautiful it’s going to be! I think you’re going to be afraid to live in it, you might need to keep the old house so you can actually live in it and just keep the new house looking perfect, isn’t that what Kenny always suggests for you? ;)
    Kole is so cute.

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