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Organizing Solutions!

*This post is compensated by QVC and affiliate links are used, but as always all product selections and opinions are my own! :) 

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.  I’m seriously so excited about today’s post!  2019 hit and ever since I have been purging and organizing up a storm.  There is something so refreshing and therapeutic about getting your house organized and put together for the new year!  It just seems to help make January a better month since it’s a month that can sometimes feel a little long and depressing. Cleaning out unwanted items from our home breathes new life into our space and is just the BEST feeling, right!?  I know you all know exactly what I’m talking about. :)

QVC reached out to me at the beginning of the year and asked if I wanted to pick five of their organizing solutions to share in my home.  I started going through all of their organizing products on-line and felt like a kid in a candy store.  They have so many fun items I had a hard time choosing which 5 to feature!  But I definitely had some problem areas in my home I was excited to improve and can’t wait to show you how things turned out.  First problem on my list to fix – my pots and pans!  I didn’t get a “before” of them but trust me when I say they were bad!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

When we built our house I wanted two long pull out drawers for pots and pans under our stove, but because of the size of range I chose, the drawers were going to be too long and large to pull.  I opted for two sets of cabinets with pull out drawers inside instead.  They were an un-organized hot mess before, but now..

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

So organized!  The reason they were a mess before was because I was trying to cram too much in them.  I had lots of pans I never used plus all of the lids inside and it was just too much.

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Taking out all of the lids and clearing out pans I don’t use anymore freed up so much space!  Now it’s easy to see the pans I love and use most often.

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

My pot and pan mess was also spilling into these cupboards below my open shelves and they were definitely due for a clean out.  (Um why do I have 6 packs of candy canes on the left?  And 4 of the same size of frying pan on the right?  That I never use because I have other frying pans below my stove!  And is this really the best place to store my small vacuum?  I think not..)

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

MUCH better.  Do you hear the angels?  I believe they started singing once again.  It’s a happy sound indeed. ;)  Seriously so much better!  I got rid of everything I wasn’t using, moved a few things to a better location, and now I have room to store the items I truly love and use most often.

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

A few larger kitchen items on the left.

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

And some of my cutting boards and all of my pot/pan lids on the right.  These StoreMore Pot Lid and Cookware Organizers might be one of my most favorite organizers ever.  They are such a genius solution!  Before I discovered these my pot and pan lids were taking up precious space in my pullout drawers.  Plus I don’t use lids that often!  I do once in a while so I wanted to keep them, but a lot of nights I don’t use them so it’s nice to have them in a different location not taking up precious pot/pan storage space. (I had to lay one lid back a bit because it was too tall to stand straight in this cupboard!)

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

The Pot Lid Organizers are also so easy to adjust to fit the size of your specific lids and hold everything so nice and organized.  I love that they make it so easy to see what I need instead of searching through a messy pile to find the right lid.  They are such a great organizing solution – I can’t believe I’ve lived this long without them!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Next little issue at my house.  Addison and her slime.  (Sigh..)  Most kids are over the slime craze but not my Addison!  She is as obsessed as ever and loves to make/play with her slime every day.  Months ago I finally told her the cabinet next to our dining nook could be her “slime cabinet” because she needed a place to keep everything together.  (No way was it leaving the kitchen and going into her room!)

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

This little cabinet has been driving me crazy for months!  She was using so many different sizes of containers and everything was crammed together and I knew there had to be a better way to keep the slime at bay!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

The second I saw this Multi-Color Twist Lid Storage Set I knew I had found our slime solution once and for all!  Aren’t these fun!?  There are four different jar sizes and you can use them in so many different ways.  In the pantry or for crafts in a craft room…

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

or in the kitchen to hold various colors, types and sizes of slime. ;)  Addison loved moving all of her slime over to these jars and was so excited about her new organized slime cupboard!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Ready for the after?

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Ta-da!  Talk about an improvement!  This took all of 15 minutes!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

I kept all of her slime on the bottom shelf and her supplies on the top.

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

It’s amazing how these stackable storage jars saved so much room!  She has one large empty jar left to fill but knows that if she wants to make more slime after that she has to toss some old slime!  That way we can keep things organized in this small cupboard and mom won’t completely lose her mind with slime taking over the kitchen.  Addison also knows the rule that if slime is out it has to be on the mat I bought her and it can’t leave the kitchen!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Luckily she’s a responsible slimer so we haven’t had any problems.

Yet. ;)

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Next organizing solution.. time to open my little hobbit door and straighten the mudroom luggage closet again!  It’s a space that always needs a refresh each year.

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Part of the reason this little closet is hard to keep clean is because it’s such a catch all for random miscellaneous items that we aren’t using.  This Over-The-Door Collapsible Organizer was a perfect solution!  It is SO easy to install.  Just hang it over a door and bam.  Extra vertical storage!  Do you hear the singing in the background? 

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Car headphones, pool odds and ends, Kole’s soccer socks and shoes that he’ll need next season but doesn’t need now.  The types of things you don’t know where to stash now fit nicely in this organizer taking up ZERO closet space!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

I can think of SO many things you could use this for if you are short on space in your home.  In an office to hold wrapping paper or office supplies.  In a pantry to store extra food items.  In a child’s closet to hold extra shoes, clothes or accessories.  In a bathroom to hold toiletries.  I wish so badly I would have known about this in my previous smaller home!  I would have had one on every door in the house!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.. next obsession!  You know I’ve never met a black and white stripe I didn’t like so needless to say, I was sold on this Thermal Insulated Bag and Tote Set before I even knew how cool they are. :)

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

So cute on the outside and this isn’t the only color/pattern they come in.  LOTS of fun options!  But the magic is on the inside!  They are insulated and perfect for bringing home groceries or for a day at the pool, park or beach!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve only had them a few weeks and we’ve honestly used them almost every single day!  I love taking them to the grocery store.  I also love taking my kids to the grocery store.

One of those sentences wasn’t entirely true. ;)

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)They are heavy duty, easy to carry, a variety of sizes and PERFECT to hold cold items and other groceries.  I’ll never use random sacks and bags again!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

My shopping helper and partner in crime agrees.. they are a hit!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Last organizing solution!  I mentioned in my healthy snack post that if I take the time to prep healthy snacks and things to eat ahead of time we do much better each week!  So I was excited to try out this Lock & Lock Nestable Rectangle Storage Set.

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

I knew I would love them!  Perfect size options and they are so heavy duty but still lightweight.  Exactly what I need for storing fruits and vegetables and leftovers during the week.

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

My favorite part?  The lids are ALL the same size!  GENIUS!  You never have to hunt for the right size of lid (that’s somehow always missing) again.  The lids lock in place so nice and easy.  I’m ordering another set!

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

Did I mention they are also stackable?  Couldn’t love them more.

Organizing Solutions (Sunny Side Up)

So that’s it!  My five organizing solutions from QVC.  I couldn’t be happier with all of my product selections and about the new organized solutions for my home!  Which one was your favorite?

Checking all of these problem areas off of my list motivates me to tackle more!  I’m not ready for the angels to leave just yet. :)


xoxo, Erin
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24 thoughts on “Organizing Solutions!

  1. This was great! You, as a non-cook, have more pots and pans then me!! Funny. . .and if my fridge was ever as empty as yours everyone would wonder if I had died :) Love all of your solutions — never new QVC had so many great ones. Will be ordering those bags for sure. . .

    1. Ha ha.. too funny! I know. I have so many pots and pans. My mom keeps buying them for me in hopes I’ll use them more. ;) And I’m a total fridge minimalist! That picture was after cooking and a Costco run so that’s about as full as it gets around here. Your comment cracked me up! Thanks Jenni! So happy you liked the post.. honestly you’ll LOVE the bags! :)

  2. Awesome! I saw the topic on your Instagram feed and liked it there, but this is even better because we get so much more detail. I’m still in love with all your storage spaces! That slime cabinet in your kitchen is fantastic. What a great way to use up what could be lost storage space. You’ve shared some great ideas. Thank you! I remember the days when I would try to refresh the house! I miss them. LOL Hope you have an awesome week!

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! Always more fun details on the blog. :) You made me laugh remembering “the days..” Ha ha.. I get it! ;) xo

  3. Love your organized spaces! and the Slime cabinet–genius! Thankfully my 12 year old is now into Thinking Putty which is less messy :)
    Do you have difficulty opening your hobbit door with the organizer on the back? I had an Elfa system on the back of a closet door to hold gift wrapping supplies and had to remove it. The door wouldn’t open wide enough to get in with the wall directly behind it.

    1. I’m jealous you’re all putty now! We have that going on over here too, but just can’t quit the slime. Pray for me. ;) My door and closet are so small that it’s definitely tight! But I think you’d be fine with a regular door that’s wider!

  4. Hi Erin- Great suggestions! I’m a lock n lock fan as well and love the seals so much. One question: can you still open your “hobbit hole” door as it looks like the over the door storage rack would bash into the wall? Keep those great ideas coming!

    1. Thank you so much Phyllis! I can enough to get in! Ha. It’s a little tight in such a small space but on a regular door you’d be fine! :)

  5. I bought those exact striped bags a few months ago and use them ALL the time! The straps are long enough to swing over your shoulder and the bags will hold a lot of groceries. Lock & Lock containers are the best too. I’m happy to see someone else enjoys them as much as I do. Love your blog Erin!

    1. YES! Aren’t those bags the best!? I’ve loved using them for groceries. Thank you so much Shawna! That makes me so happy you enjoy my blog!

  6. Addison’s slime cupboard looks great! Question on the hobbit closet: can you still open the door even with the rack hanging on it? Those bags looks great and handy for picnics!

  7. I always love seeing behind someone else’s cupboard doors…thanks for the inspiration to make some changes on the home front! One thought (since the OCD in me completely understands your need to comment on why 1 of your pot lids was not lined up with the rest)…if you lowered the shelf in that cupboard all the way and switched the items to the opposite shelf, would all the lids stand up if they were on the top? There’s usually a little more “headroom” on the top shelf behind the face frame, so maybe all the lids would fit better? Just a thought! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much Heather! I loved your idea about my cupboard! I actually thought of that but decided instead I’m going to have my husband or carpenter just drill another hole in that cupboard so that I can bump the shelf up a little higher. My OCD self needs that lid to be straight.. ha! I’m happy you get it! ;) xo

  8. I love all these solutions especially the insulated bags and lock containers! I wish my fridge looked like yours! I should tackle my fridge this weekend since it is -22 degrees with -50 windchill here in Wisconsin. Am I a bad Mom for not letting my kids play with slime? We have none! My kids threw play doh all over one day so we threw it all away and have banned it from coming into our house again. Thank you for all these great ideas! I’m sure my husband will be thrilled with more organizing things when I buy these. lol 🙂Amy in Wisconsin

    1. Amy you aren’t a bad mom at all and I would have tossed the slime years ago if it wasn’t for the no pet issue with Addison. (Did you see my January favorites post on that little issue?) :) I can’t believe how COLD it is in Wisconsin right now! Oh my word.. stay warm! And yes! Use it as an excuse to keep organizing. ;) Thanks cutie! xo

  9. These are SO fun, Erin!! Thank you, as always, for sharing! What a thrill to tackle oroblem areas ans find new fun/functional things! Almost wish I had a slimer in my house and could use those cute containers to keep it all organized!! Maybe in 10 years!! 😄 Happy weekend to you!

  10. I love all of your tips and tricks! I will definitely be organizing all the slime after reading this. Where did you get your slime mat? Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much Colleen! Makes the slime feel a little more tolerable when it’s at least organized, right? :) I got that slime mat on Amazon! I actually just found another one that looks even better. Just type “slime mat” in the search bar!

  11. First time commenting on one of your posts, even though I’ve been following for a while and absolutely LOVE everything you do! And I appreciate how you are always so positive. But I had to write about this post, which is also the one and only post of any kind related to “home” that I’ve ever shown my husband, because…slime. My 12 year old has also been obsessed, for a couple years now. My husband and I got a chuckle; maybe we need a support group for parents of kids that like slime:-)

    1. Ha! Katie I will be the first to join your support group! My oldest daughter Ellie was into it for about 6 months and then moved on so I keep waiting for Addison to get tired of it, but she’s headed in the opposite direction and becoming obsessed! If she’s not making slime or playing with it in her free time she’s watching videos about it. The struggle is real. Hang in there! And thank you for your sweet words about my posts! Your comment made my day. So happy to know I’m not alone when it comes to the slime.. :)

  12. I discovered your blog today – such awesome tips and solutions! Keep it up :) Do you have any tips for how to store and organize empty mason jars and their lids? I try to use them as much as i can to store foods and others items, but I also have a bunch of empty ones that are always left over. Thanks in advance!!

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