Happy Monday! Oh wait.. it’s a Tuesday. Isn’t that the best!? I hereby declare that every weekend should be a 3 day weekend and every work week should start on a Tuesday. If only I had that power. :) I snapped some pictures of my living room in its current state a few days ago. I’ve been working on a few of our upstairs rooms lately so I haven’t done as much seasonal decorating, but a few small changes for summer are making me happy so I thought I’d share. :)
*All room sources are at the end of the post! Affiliate links are used. If you have questions about my paint colors you can download a printable with all of my home colors HERE.
My summer gallery wall pictures are up and new pillows are always a quick and easy way to update a room!
I shared these pillows in my Memorial weekend sale post. The texture! Don’t underestimate the power of texture and how much personality it brings into your space. Also I’m clearly having a thing for navy right now. I mean.. I’ve always had a thing for navy. But currently there is more navy in my home than ever before. It’s just speaking to me at the moment. And when a color speaks to me.. I listen. Unlike my husband who I tend to tune out. Kidding! Kind of. ;)
Hydrangeas! My favorite flower. Summer just wouldn’t be summer without fresh hydrangeas. I always just pick them up at the grocery store. Milk, eggs, hydrangeas, bread, fruit, popsicles, popcorn.. a day in the life. :)
I styled my shelves with a lot of neutrals and then just added a few pops of coral and pink throughout the room. These shelves are hands down the hardest for me to style! Practice makes perfect.. or so they say. Sometimes when it comes to me and shelf styling I feel like practice makes slightly better than the last time with a long way to go until perfect. But I’ll take it. And I know it’s a bit redundant to have a throw over each chair but you know what? I love my throws! And I couldn’t decide which one to use in this room so I used them both. I hereby declare that you can never have too many throws. I actually do have the power on that one. In my house at least. :)
This room is always my favorite room in the summer. Moms can you guess why? It’s the only room in my house that stays clean. It’s the first room you see when you walk into our home and it’s away from the main living areas so it’s usually safe from Kole’s 27 stuffed animals, El’s 14 water bottles and Addison’s 9 jars of slime. Sometimes I escape to this room in the summer and just sit on the couch or a chair (with a throw) and enjoy the clean while I count backwards from 20.
19.. 18.. 17..
and then I take a deep breath and head back to the slime.
This room might be ready for summer, but am I?
I hereby declare that this summer my kids will all get along and be perfectly content to entertain themselves. Their rooms will stay organized and they will fix their own snacks/meals and clean up after each one. They will do morning chores with a smile and will spend afternoons reading and in deep thought about how to better their home, school, community and country.
I hereby declare.
Beautiful room! It might become my escape, too. Can I come over to sit on a chair and wrap myself up in a throw, too? Love the details. And I really wish for what you wish for regarding children. Oh if we truly had the power to make those wishes come true! Wouldn’t it be loverly?! I might have to print off a picture of that living room and stare at it when I need a break. LOL Seriously, though, it’s a beautiful room and you’re the one responsible for that fact! Good job! :)
Jeanne you are welcome to come and join me in this room any time! A perfect space for us to both escape the summer madness. And yes.. if only! Ha. :) I hope your summer is off to a good start!
Love the updates and I was immediately drawn to the texture on that navy pillow cover but $248 for one pillow COVER? LOL. It’s beautiful but I will have to find something similar for less!
Oh I know Kasi! Serena and Lily is definitely high end. But their Memorial Day sell is still going one more day! 20% off of everything. Still a lot, but better. :) I always wait for the sales with S&L. If I find a good, less expensive alternative I’ll share it on my blog! xo
Your living room is my favorite for all seasons!! Oh! Wait! I take that back it’s a tie with the office/craft room!😀
So sweet of you Miranda! I’m thrilled you like both spaces! :)
It looks ready for summer! Do you have a source for the curtains? They are gorgeous!
Thank you Katie! They were a custom order (I picked out the fabric and had them made) but you can buy the same curtains through my friend who is a designer! Her info. is in this post:
This room is beautiful! I love how you layer things…I am trying to be better at that in decorating.
Would you mind sharing about the sign on your mantle? Love the saying…and I love how soft and unique the frame is.
Thanks for sharing, I love getting ideas from other moms!
Hope your summer is wonderful,
Marci in TN
Thank you so much Marci! I’m so happy you like this space! That frame on my mantel was a random Home Goods find so unfortunately I don’t have a source. I love that saying too. :) Happy summer! xo
I love your declaration!!! Both of them, the Tuesday one and the kids one! Oh and the throw one too!
Ha ha.. yea! :) Thank you Carolyn! xo