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Saturday 6


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

{Charcoal Terracotta Jug, Small Pumpkin Candle, Large Pumpkin Candle, Acacia Cutting Board}

Happy Saturday! I’m so happy to be home! Spent a week in Texas and had the best time but there is nothing like coming home after a trip. Especially when home includes the best smelling pumpkin candle and a cozy fall kitchen. :)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

 {Electronic Candle Lighter, Charcoal Terracotta Jug, Small Pumpkin Candle, Large Pumpkin Candle, Acacia Cutting Board}

This little candle lighter is my new BFF. It works great, is easy to use and is pretty if I leave it out next to my candles. Bring on ALL the holiday scents! I just saw this new candle came out for Christmas and that will happily be coming home with me in November. I love candle season!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Maple Branches, Vase, Glass Pumpkin, Pumpkin Lights

The lights inside of my glass pumpkins are making this window so cozy!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

I used my favorite fairy lights inside of these. Easy way to add some holiday ambiance!


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Candle Warmer, AD at 100, The Art of Home, Capri Blue Glam Pumpkin Candle

One last candle before we move on! (Keeping my candle warmer out during the holidays!)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

This pumpkin candle (aside from smelling amazing) has such a pretty glam look! It will look beautiful through December. And in January too. :)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Top view.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

This terracotta vase is a pretty Amazon find. I’ll share how I’m styling it soon!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Last but not least my cute spider candy bowl. I sometimes set it by the fruit bowl to feel better.. balance in all things. ;)


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog){Floral Fall Dress/Butterfly Necklace/Similar Booties}

I shared this dress in a recent post but I’m sharing it quick again because it was just marked down and is almost gone! If you were debating it. ;)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)327 Sneakers

Cutest sneakers that go with everything! This style comes in stock and is out of stock in a blink so don’t wait on these either!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)NFL Tee, Vuori Joggers, 327 Sneakers

This was my travel outfit home from Texas. I feel this shirt deeply! I’m always so sad for the losing team and especially feel sad and stressed for the kicker when the game is tied and it all comes down to him! I always say to Kenny “his poor mom right now!” He just shakes his head. Ha. Several guys in the airport stopped to tell me they loved my shirt so I’ll keep hoping both teams have fun and praying for the kickers.

And their moms.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Red Heels, Travel Favorites

Love these heels! Maroon is the “it” color for fall and aside from being cute these heels are so comfortable! They come in black and a pretty taupe color too.


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Off to Texas! I’m sharing a quick re-cap of my trip including what I wore! Sorry for the massive picture dump in this post! We have a lot to catch up on. :)

Tobie Dress, Red Heels, Black Bag (similar)

So fun being reunited with long time blog friends! I’ve been going to the LTK conference for years now and while I love the speakers and classes my favorite part is spending time with friends I don’t get to see as often as I’d like! This was day one of classes and I adore this tobie dress. It’s so cute and flattering! 

Tobie Dress (long version), Tobie Dress, Red Heels, Black Bag (similar)

A friend was wearing the same dress but in the long version! It’s a popular dress and comes in several colors/patterns. 10/10!

Midi Dress, Clear Heels, Feather Clutch, Earrings

Speaking of dresses that are a 10/10.. for the evening events I wore this midi dress in bronze. I couldn’t love this dress more! It’s flattering and comfortable and looks a lot more expensive than it is. It comes in black also but I love this color for fall!

Midi Dress, Clear Heels, Feather Clutch, Earrings

I bought it a few weeks ago for an event I went to for Kenny’s office. Loved the dress! But I didn’t have shoes and a purse that I loved to go with it so I bought the accessories above to wear with it for the LTK conference. (Sidenote.. I spilled some food on it the first time I wore it so I washed it (delicate cycle) and hung it to dry and it looked brand new!) 

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Midi Dress, Earrings

I snapped this picture to show my girls the dress but wanted to share it here because you can see my cute earrings! These are my favorite “fancy” earrings that I wear whenever I dress up for something. I have the gold set and they are on sale at the moment. Perfect for holiday parties!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Midi Dress, Clear Heels, Feather Clutch, Earrings

Aren’t these flowers gorgeous!?

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Midi Dress, Clear Heels, Feather Clutch, Earrings

So fun catching up with my HOME girls! There is something really special when on-line friends become real life friends.

My favorite part about this whole blogging/IG gig. :)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Midi Dress, Clear Heels, Feather Clutch, Earrings

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

We ended the first night with dinner and this gorgeous view! Then we stayed up WAY too late chatting and woke up early to do it all over again..


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)A-line Dress, Red Heels, Black Bag (similar)

Dress for day two of speakers and classes! Another dress I’m loving and this one is especially comfortable. Aren’t the red shoes a fun pop of color!?

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Our lunch table was so pretty!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

So were the details in the hotel!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

For the party on the final night I wore this pretty black dress I bought for holiday parties last year. It’s back in stock in a pretty ruched version! Gorgeous!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Ruched Dress, Black Pumps, Black Bag (similar) 

I always come back from this conference feeling grateful for good friends and grateful that I get to do what I love every day! Thank you again for being here. :)


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Wrapping up today’s Saturday 6 with a few pics from parent’s weekend for Addison!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Puff Sleeve Ruffle Tee (on sale!)

We ate at Ad’s new favorite restaurant in Waco. She’s pretty tight with the owner already and she told us that Chip and Jo were in the night before! So cool. :)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Puff Sleeve Ruffle Tee (on sale!)

The best spending time with Ad! We have missed both of our girls so much but get to see Ellie more often having her close.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Addison’s Dorm Sources

Ad and I were getting ready for a few events in her cute dorm and looked over to talk to the boys and Kenny was asleep on the floor! Ha ha.. Kole had his head in his iPad. These two are so fun to hang out with. ;) No wonder I miss my girls so much!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Curling Iron

Ad and I used the curling iron I bought her to take to college to do our hair and I loved it so much I just ordered me one! If you need a good curling iron give this a try. Highly recommend! Ellie always jokes that we only have 4 people in our family because Addison and I are basically the same person and there is a lot of truth to that! We love all of the same things and have similar personalities and are pretty much inseparable when we’re together. I feel like my right arm is missing having her gone! Getting by ok because we FaceTime and talk several times a day.. ha.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Anessa High Waist Leg Jeans, TB Purse

Look who decided to come alive and join the party! Nice to see you boys. ;)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Travel Backpack

I snapped this pic after an event because I was chuckling that Kenny was toting my backpack around (carrying it for me!) and then fell in love with the pretty lighting I didn’t mean to capture! So happy I did.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

So much fun tailgating and going to our first Baylor football game! It was a blackout game so I just wore a black dress I’ve had for years. We bought the boys some merch at the bookstore. The freshman have such a fun tradition of “running the line” at all of the home games. They all race out on to the field before the team does and it’s so cool! We loved watching it live! I told Ad the first time she did it to stay on the sides so she didn’t get clobbered! Shoes are flying and it’s pure madness while the kids are running. Ad said it’s pretty terrifying in the best way. The kids do it their freshman year and then one more time their senior year. Love that. :)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

We got to meet so many of Addison’s new friends and their parents! By the end of the trip Kenny and I felt like we had a new group of fun friends ourselves.. bonus! I’m already excited for the next time we get to all hang out together. I have to say that I was so anxious, nervous, sad and honestly just depressed about my girls moving out but seeing them happy and thriving and knowing they are both exactly where they need to be has completely melted those feelings. I still have sad moments and I miss having them in our home every single day, but there is nothing better than watching your kids soar on their own. Kenny and I get misty eyed sometimes talking to them and look at each other and just smile so big. We’re both just so proud of all they are doing. There are a lot of ups and downs with parenting but the ups make the downs worth it don’t they!? Feeling grateful right now to be in an upswing. I’m going to appreciate and enjoy it while it lasts!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

One of the parents snapped this while we were all walking and sent it to me. The best weekend!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Grateful for sure.


xoxo, Erin
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