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Halloween Cauldron Serving Bowls

Halloween Cauldron Serving Bowls (Sunny Side Up)

{Fall Kitchen Sources/Halloween Serveware & Favorites}

Happy October! Sharing a quick and easy way to add a little Halloween fun to dinner!

Halloween Cauldron Serving Bowls (Sunny Side Up)

{Cauldron Serving Bowls}

I came across this fun cauldron serving bowl set on Amazon and fell hard! Isn’t it cute and perfect for Halloween dining!? I immediately thought of so many different ways I can use this. Tonight it held toppings for our taco dinner!

Halloween Cauldron Serving Bowls (Sunny Side Up)

{Spider Serving Bowl}

I used my cute spider bowl to hold the taco meat. Clearly I was feeling festive! Ha. I’ll share how I make our meat for tacos or taco salad.. it’s so easy! I’ve been making it this way for years and my boys like it. :)

Brown 2 lbs ground beef (I used 3 tonight so we would have leftovers.. you can do as much or little as you want with this mix!). Drain it and then add: 

1/3 – 2/3 cups of water (I eyeball this and just put enough in that the meat is moist but not too soupy)
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp pepper
1 can red kidney beans

Simple and tasty! Especially if it’s in a cute spider bowl. :)

Halloween Cauldron Serving Bowls (Sunny Side Up)

This was so easy to put together! I saw another similar set on Amazon with plastic bowls that I also ordered to try but I like the ceramic bowls better. Especially for food! This was hands down the nicest set.

Halloween Cauldron Serving Bowls (Sunny Side Up)

I usually fry or bake our taco shells but Kole likes the store bought crunchy shells best so that’s how we’re rolling with our tacos over here when it’s just me and the boys! I laid them out on a black board for fun.

Halloween Cauldron Serving Bowls (Sunny Side Up)

This took no extra time and made a regular boring dinner so fun tonight! This cauldron would be cute holding toppings for so many different meals and snacks (potato bar, ice cream toppings, etc.) and it’s perfect for a Halloween party! Would be cute with the bowls full of candy too.

October we are ready for you!

*You can see all of my Amazon Halloween favorites HERE and favorites I’m rounding up/buying for Christmas HERE.

Love this time of year. :)

xoxo, Erin
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4 thoughts on “Halloween Cauldron Serving Bowls

  1. The cauldron would be good for ice cream toppings, even though it’s not a Fall type of treat. I wonder though if the handles would be in the way when scooping out the stuff from it and end up moving the container around. Would you need one hand to keep the container stable and the other to scoop out the food from inside? Would be good for cheese sauce for nachos too.

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