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Fun finds

I took a picture today of a few little things I picked up while I was in Utah.  I’m still unpacking from our trip – and probably will be for  a week because I’m such a serious over packer (but you just never know what you might need…right!?).

-Found this fun little owl plate for Halloween – isn’t he cute!?  I can’t believe Halloween stuff is starting to appear in stores already.  But here I am buying it.  What a hoot.   
-My trusty one-inch Conair curling iron.  A whopping $9.99 from Target.  Love this thing.  I can’t guarantee that it won’t fry your hair and I can’t guarantee that at some point it won’t break.  But it’s cheap to replace and it curls my hair better than all of my expensive curling irons that have been collecting dust ever since I bought this little beauty for our ten year anniversary trip to Italy.  
-Also while in Target I stocked up on my favorite spray on tan (Neutrogena).  I just spray a little on my legs every few days in the summer so they don’t blind anyone.  Any other fair skinned friends out there?  
This stuff is great.  Doesn’t streak (I rub it in even though it says you don’t need to) and it looks for the most part like a real tan (not that I would know what a real tan looks like). 
-Cute letter “E” sticky notes from Anthropologie.  
Bought by my mom.  Thanks mom!  They will hold many happy little to-do’s.  :)
Costco run today.  I bought most of the usual stuff.  Cheese and crackers for the kids.  Popcorn and sugar snap peas for me, strawberries and cuties for all of us.  A rotisserie chicken for an easy dinner.  I buy one every time I go because I always get so frustrated when I go to Costco and drop $200 bucks like it’s nothing and then come home and wonder what in the world we’re going to eat for dinner!!?  The chicken makes me feel better.  :)  Shampoo and conditioner for the girls.  My sister always gave me a hard time for using expensive hair products for my girls so last time I was in Costco I picked up some cheap-o Kirkland brand for them to try.  LOVE IT!  We always get compliments on how good their hair smells!  Even Kenny likes it better than my salon stuff.  Go figure.  Carly – I guess you maybe had a point there.  Also bought and not pictured, diapers, wipes, paper towels…
and of course toilet paper.  All of the essentials!  

What about you?  What are your go to Costco items?  Anyone else smelling like a rose because of Kirkland shampoo or shopping for Halloween items in August?

p.s.  Post for tomorrow night — Fashion Friday or my newly painted and decorated shelf???  Or after this enthralling post are you dying to see what I buy at the grocery store each time I go?  ;)

xoxo, Erin
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27 thoughts on “Fun finds

  1. okay, erin- here is my big confession…haha…i won’t set foot inside a costco in the state of california. seriously. it is just TOO much for me- too many people and too much stuff. i also haven’t been inside a von’s or a ralph’s (except to buy a birthday cake) in over 5 years. if it’s not at trader joe’s or target, then it doesn’t exist. haha! don’t tell me i’m missing out- i’ve been doing so well with my little system for years (but probably not saving money – just saving my sanity). :-)

  2. I use Costco shampoo and conditioner, and I also use the generic Vons brand kids detangler. Mhm – cheap. I don’t know how my hair *looks*…but my hairdresser did say that my hair is the healthiest she has ever seen. And it smells delicious. So there. ;)

  3. Okay, here is what we buy EVERY week at Costco:

    Spinach, blueberries, rotisserie chicken, water, Healthy Choice fudge bars, cottage cheese and fresh flowers. We fill in on other weeks with feta cheese, breakfast bars, Lance Crackers etc…. Gotta love Costco!

  4. We don’t have a Costco around here…Sam’s Club is about as close as we get to it. :-) I am totally with you on the fair skinned thing. I get told all the time how white my legs are, I so need to pick up some of that tanning spray!

  5. I vote for Fashion Friday! I loved your last one and now that the kids will be going back to school, I’m in the mood to shop!
    P.s. I’m new to your blog and have never commented but I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading it

  6. Costco is too far for me, but I have heard of the great deals. (I am too lazy to drive the 25 minutes it takes to get myself to one.) I peeked at Pottery Barn Kids Halloween stuff, I admit. It bugs me to when things are out too early, but I just couldn’t resist.

  7. I am a Sam’s girl myself, but I feel the same way. Dropping like 200-300 dollars and come and and say what did I get! I also use the same curling iron. Not everyday, but when I do it works great and I have had it for over 5 years!

  8. yes i definitely want a fashion friday post. i would also like to see a picture of you wearing the clothes instead of just on a hanger. i will live vicariously through you since i’m on a no spending challenge for the month of august (just to clarify…the no spending is just for clothes, shoes, accessories. not things like food!!)

  9. Grapes from Costco are so good. We also buy kirkland trash bags, paper towels and toilet paper. I’ll have to try that shampoo. They also have a roast in a bag that’s delish, and all you do is heat it up.

  10. My nephew did science fair project a few years back and he showed that KIrkland batteries last longer than the other leading and cheap brands so we buy their batteries and as we walked around the science fair someone else did paper towels and again Kirkland was the best so we buy those too. But I can’t ever leave without the fruit smoothie at the snack bar!! Sometimes I go just for the smoothie!!

  11. Love St. George’s target. Sounds like some great finds. We’ll be there in a few weeks! Our weekly costco run includes water … we offer water to each of our clients so 10 therapists = lots of bottled water. We also have chocolate in a cute bowl at the office so another costco necessity. I am trying to avoid their mega large poppyseed muffins :) and xl bag of m and m’s.

  12. My vote is for Fashion Friday tomorrow. However, I would like to see a grocery trip, too! For instance, how do you plan for your grocery shopping? Do you have some really cool organized system? And do you take all of your kids with you when you go? I can barely handle one in the grocery store some days!

    By the way, I heard that L’oreal has some tanning towelettes that are supposed to be pretty good and easy, too. Haven’t tried them yet, but I plan on it!

    Be well.

    Shannon in PA

  13. Your picture of loot looks very similar to our house:
    Toilet paper,clementines,strawberries
    And on our trip yesterday, we got water, blueberries,cereal,golf gloves,paper towels, and mascara(my daughter loves it!) Fun, fun post!

  14. Another popcorn lover, eh! Last time I went to Costco they only had the extra butter kind. Blah. I am low on my Heart Healthy popcorn, oh no!

    We always get the huge bag-o-chicken, bacon, and cheese.

    I vote for the Fashion Friday.

  15. Erin,

    I have no idea if you read your comments, but I too have a confession…or an unknown secret. A girlfriend of mine is a buyer for Costco and that Shampoo and Condition you love for your girls hair is actually…Pureology! Now, Costco changes all the time, but currently and for the past 6 months, that is what has been in the “Kirkland Brand”

  16. I actually appreciate knowing about the shampoo and conditioner, I have wondered,but there such big bottles that I hadn’t risked it. I will definitely be adding them in my next costco run. The one thing I can’t live without whenever we got there is the uncooked tortillas. They are so good. I seriously can’t stand any other kind now. My kids love the simple gogurts, we always have a box in the freezer.

    Thanks for the tip on the spray tan too- I am trying that also.

  17. I just went to Costco and stocked up on back to school lunchbox goodies – HUGE boxes of individually wrapped Cheez-its, cookies, etc. HUGE container of little canned of peaches; HUGE box of Capri Sun…. Love Costco for stuff like that. Now if I can just keep my daughter (and hubby) out of the snacks so they MAKE IT to the first day of school!

  18. LOVE Costco and their rotisserie chicken! I use the chicken to make chix casserole, pot pie, enchiladas, tacos, etc. We also buy the uncooked flour tortillas, they are so good and cook up fast! Other staple items are the Kirkland’s Salmon (frozen), Wyman’s Frozen Wild Blueberries (Dr Oz says best cancer fighting antioxidant and they don’t go bad quickly like fresh blueberries) and the Tzatziki Yogurt Dip for when I make greek. That’s interesting how the lady said the Kirkland shampoo is Pureology…I love Pureology and don’t think the shampoo we get in Nashville is that:(

  19. Okay, LOVE everything!!! but, I need to know what type of camera do you have and where did you get the camera strap?

  20. My go to Costco items are:

    Oil Oil
    Laundry Detergent & Softener
    Milk (cheaper than the stores)

    Cheese is TOO expensive at Costco for us ($30 for 5lbs). When I’m in the U.S., I go to Sam’s Club with my cousin and spent $10 for the same weight.

    I think I’m going to start buying the Kirkland shampoo again. I loved how it made my hair feel and it smelled great!

  21. Hi Anonymous!

    My camera is the Canon Rebel XSI (Canon’s entry level SLR – I think the newest version is the T2I) and my cute sister in law made me my camera strap for Christmas last year. :)

  22. Hey Erin,

    I love checking in on your blog. I feel like we are in the same boat with three kids. Two girls and a boy! So much work, but so fun… I was in St. George the week before you, visiting my brother. I thought of you and old Rebelette days! I love Costco too. Our favorites are the dried mangos, trail mix, pirate booty, mango salsa, go gurts etc…

  23. at costco i always buy milk (we go through almost a gallon a day!), cheese (same kind as pictured), fresh chicken breast, bread, gain detergent, diapers or wipes, and usually something from the bakery

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