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Thirty-One giveaway!

SO excited about today’s post!  I’m doing a giveaway for a darling reader of mine who I have loved getting to know better.  Mary Beth Schindler, a consultant with Thirty-One, is sponsoring an awesome giveaway where two of my readers will win $25 towards any product they want in the current Thirty-One catalog!

Thirty-One is a faith-based company that sells all kinds of purses, totes, bags, kid’s items, and more.  I love their bags and especially love that almost everything can be monogrammed or personalized.  Check out their current catalog (just click on “View Our Catalog at the top of the page) and see what they have to offer.  So many cute options!  If you love everything, you can e-mail Mary Beth asking to be on her mailing list to get deals and specials.  She’ll also send you a paper copy of the catalog for you to flip through.  If you are looking for extra income she’ll also be glad to answer any questions about starting your own business with Thirty-One.

For the month of April, they also have a great deal going towards the All-In-One-Organizer:  Spend $31 and get this great organizing tool for only $9!  Or, use it as a personalized Easter Basket for your kiddos.  I need to check that one out because anything called an “All-In-One-Organizer” is right up my alley.  :)

These are the bags that Mary Beth sent me and I have LOVED using every one of them!

This huge bag titled “Summer Stuff” and a matching draw string bag have come in so handy!  I have had these two bags all over the place.

They have come in especially handy when we are heading to the park…

or the beach.  I fill them with toys, snacks, water, my camera – anything and everything.  They are the perfect size for hauling around all of my gear – and I’m a serious over packer!

When all I need is just a few snacks, I’ve used this cute little snack bag.  Perfect for some crackers, fruit and water bottles for my girls.  I learned quickly with little ones not to go anywhere without snacks!

Mary Beth also sent me these darling “littles carry all caddies” with an E for Ellie and A for Addison.  Aren’t they adorable!?  They come in so many fun styles.  My girls have LOVED these.

They are the perfect size for toting around all of their little treasures like their My Little Ponies or their Polly Pockets (along with several outfit changes because who knows what Cinderella will be in the mood to wear at any given moment).

They also have these fun little pockets on the back for additional “friends” to hang out.  :)

This was Ellie on her way to school one morning with her little caddy.  

She had it filled with her favorite toy dogs to take for show and tell.  :)
These are just a few of the fun bags Thirty-One sells!  So if you’d like to win $25 towards your own bag, purse, or tote, just leave me a comment on this post and I’ll pick two winners on Friday.  Now if I was a “real blogger” I’d throw in something about mentioning this giveaway on facebook or announcing this giveaway on twitter.   But since I don’t tweet and rarely visit my facebook page (wonder if it’s still there?) I won’t fake being a real blogger.  BUT I do really like Mary Beth and I do really like these bags so if you want to spread the word about this giveaway, that would be cool.  :)  

oh.. and p.s.  these bags have been kid tested and mother approved.  ;)
xoxo, Erin
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228 thoughts on “Thirty-One giveaway!

  1. What cute bags! I’m so glad you posted this – I’ve been looking everywhere for a cute tote to pack my lunch in and I think these may be perfect : )

  2. What fun bags for carrying some of my scrapbooking supplies in! Thanks for giving us an opportunity to participate in this givaway.

  3. Oh. I LOVE 31 Gifts! I have the large utility totes…awesome for our family of six for a trip to the pool on spring break! And the all-in-one organizer is great in the car for the kids, too! Love it all!!

  4. Erin, ive never commented b4 but an addicted to your blog…we can relate in many ways and i just love you! Anyways ive seen tables set up pf ‘Thirty-One’ stuff at local ‘baby and kids’ ales and love their products!! Id love to win something and start my collection:)!!

  5. I have been very curious about this company and would love to win one of these bags – they’re adorable!
    I’ve been following your blog for about 6 months now and I really enjoy all the organizing posts. Very helpful for this busy mom! :)

  6. I want a big huge bag for summer stuff like you! How great would that be for all little boys stuff in the future. The bag where you change the skirts is totally cute too, I’ve got my eye on that one for myself!

  7. I would love one of those big summery tote bags! It would be perfect for schlepping all of our gear to the beach. Love your blog!

  8. Ha! I had to laugh at your comment about being a “real blogger”- I feel the same way! :)

    I found your blog on Becky Higgins’ site (!!) and have loved reading about your sweet family! Your organizing inspires me!!

    I love Thirty-One products and those sweet little caddies would be perfect for all Lauren’s little “friends” as well!

  9. I would love to get in on the action. It’s so ironic….I just heard about these bags for the first time yesterday. A friend of mine was going to a Thirty-One Party. I know I could put one of these bags to good use with a four year old and a little one due to arrive in four short weeks. Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  10. I LOVE that polka dot pattern on your Summer Stuff bag. Love it. I also need a bag like that as we keep a bag packed all summer with our swimming stuff in case we decide to just drop by my father-in-law’s house for dip at the spur of the moment!!

  11. You SO are a real blogger if you’re doing give-aways!!! I think the bags are darling and I’d love a chance to win! I think you are darling, too!

  12. The bags are adorable. I love all the fresh, vibrant colors! My nieces and I would love a couple of these!


  13. I love 31…my purse is a 31 purse! I just ordered a little catty to keep things in my car (like hand sanitizer, wipes, etc.) and a cooler that we’re taking to Florida. I got the same pattern as Addison’s catty and I love it!

  14. These bags are adorable. I love them. I will order some for sure…even if I don’t win. I love your blog, your organization skills and your beautiful kids! Your girls remind me of my two girls. They adore each other and I just made a sister scrapbook on Shutterfly for them just a few weeks ago! Thanks…

  15. Oh those look awesome!! Do you know if the company is in Canada??

    Like the others said you can never have too many bags

    Thanks for sharing

  16. Super cute :) I have never heard of this company. I have been looking for a cute summer bag to tote around with all our swim wear. The big bag would be the one. Thanks for sharing~

  17. Too cute! I love the Owl bag. My daughter’s elementarty school mascot is the Owl so I am always on the lookout for Owl printed goodies. They make great birtday gifts as well!! Will definitely be checking out your site…

  18. I really love the Easter basket idea with those smaller bags! I’ve been meaning to buy/make some cloth bags for Easter…hasn’t happened! I have yet to get to a party, but I can’t wait – they have some cute stuff!

  19. cute bags! especially love the one for snacks…that way our purses aren’t taken over by crackers, apple slices, fruit snacks, etc. :)

    p.s. Thanks for your beautifully written, “I remember” post. Thank you for sharing, Erin! I remember asking you all about this at your birthday dinner and feeling such strong emotion as you shared the details. SO glad you made it!!

  20. They are really cute bags. And I, for one, am glad that you are not a “real” blogger. I hate when I have to go to FB or twitter or mention it somewhere to increase my chances…blah, blah, blah. I like just regular old drawings for us old people who don’t do much of that other stuff!!!

  21. Had my son in December and have quickly learned he needs lots of “stuff” no matter where we are going. These bags would come in very handy.

  22. I love this stuff! (and I love Mary Beth, too!) She sent me over here. I’ve got a long list of things I want and this would help! Thanks for the chance to win!

  23. I had never heard of thirty one until a friend of mine in another state had an online party and I ordered the lunch tote. It came in the mail last week and I am THRILLED with it! Great quality! It is so cute and has my initial on it! I would love one of those big summer bags or the organizer bag!

  24. Oh.Em.Gee! I love the caddy’s. They are soo dang cute! Off to go look at her website, thanks for sharing. :))

  25. Awesome! I am know as the bag lady. I carry around 3-4 bags sometimes to work. My gym bag so I can walk during lunch and change after work for Kickboxing, my lunch bag, my purse and my everything bag. My family say i have been this way since i was a little girl, always carrying bags so I would just love another bag to add to my awesome collection. Me love ME some BAGS….

  26. I’ve never seen this company before, and now I’ve spent a little too much time drooling over the cute bags! Oh my goodness, that could get addictive. I’m a sucker for a cute tote bag. My husband teases that you could sell me anything if you packaged it in a cute tote bag, and I’m afraid that it’s true!

  27. Your blog is my favorite one to visit! I strangely feel like I know you pretty well because of your blog :) I’ve been thinking about investing in these bags for a while now. Thanks for the post about them. I have 2 boys and would love a cute bag just for me. Lots of testosterone over here!! haha I need some things to girlie my life up a little life!!

  28. I am loving the new “Elephant” print! I just love the little totes that your girls have, and have my eye on many other items. I <3 31!

  29. Have only heard about this company in the past few months and am loving all of their things. Could use a lot of their bags. I like to call myself a “bag lady” because I am always lugging a bag or two with me:)

  30. I love Thirty One. I love the idea that you used with your girls to put their toys in! I would love to purchase one for my niece. :)

  31. WOW! So fun and practical! I’m loving the large tote bag. It would get a lot of use this summer for trips to the pool. My kids would love the littles carry all caddies too.

  32. Can a girl ever have enough bags? Those are darling. LOVE THEM. Erin, I continuously lurk on your blog. I keep going mack to the organization posts that you have done. I am off to Power of MOms this weekend and can not wait to do the Mind ORganization. You have given me a great heads up before I get there.

  33. Whoa…you had me @ free! HA! I would love those bags. I live in So.Cal too & have promised my girls frequent beach trips & these would be so cute & fun to tote around.


  34. I would love a bag to carry snacks and beach toys in! They all looks so nicely made.

    I will “tweet” your post because…well, I just made my first Twitter account and yea, I’m excited to use it!

    *even though…I only have TWO followers, LOL
    but hopefully that number will increase soon and more people will see the Tweet about your giveaway :)

    mamakat9 <—– my twitter name! Yay! I’m on my way to becoming a “real blogger” LOL

  35. I LOVE these bags especially the “littles carry all caddies”. Please enter me in your giveaway.


  36. I love thirty one products, I only have one bag from them so far, but I would LOVE to have more!! Also I love all your organizing tips!!

  37. I always look at your blog to get inspired. I am also a mother of 3 and enjoy your beautiful style. I have 3 kids and would love a bage to keep “stuff” in my minivan

  38. Cute bags! I especially love the carry all totes for the kiddos, -these would be perfect for road trips this summer. -I love the picture of the tote full of ponies; we have those coming out of our ears here too!

  39. Seriously??! You’ve got to be feeling pretty good! 136 comments since last night!! Wow!!
    I would also LOVE to have that “Summer Stuff” bag….would seriously come in handy!

  40. I stumbled upon your blog last week and have already been so encouraged by your organizational ideas and tips and feel less overwhelmed by the day to day! Thank you so much for sharing your stories!!!!

  41. Oh wow, these are just adorable! Wondering if the little initial totes come in boy colors? I’ll take a peek myself. Thanks for the giveaway!

  42. Hey, Erin –

    Count me in as a possible winner! I love, love those bags and would love, love to win to get some great organizational bags for me and my little guy :)

    Thanks for considering me!

    Shannon in PA

  43. oh- those are so awesome!!! count me in for the giveaway. :-)

    and, erin, i wanted to let you know that you have inspired me to drink the “Project Life” kool-aid. I am *this* close to buying the kits and starting down that crazy path. Don’t I have enough on my plate already? LOL! :-)

  44. I don’t have any bags from ThirtyOne, but have seen some in person. They are gorgeous and great quality! Love the ones that you have!

  45. Love these new summer 31 totes (and your blog, of course!) I’m getting married in June and think personalized totes or my bridesmaids (sisters..) would be a great idea after seeing this post!

  46. That summer stuff bag is adorable! We go to the beach lots and I can so see myself taking it along. I have boys so anything girly I LOVE!

  47. I would love to use a tote for cleaning supplies or to help organize all my 20 month old’s van “stuff”!

    I love your blog!
    renea @

  48. These bags are awesome! I especially love the huge “Summer Stuff” tote. I’m learning that I need to tote around A LOT of gear with my 4 month old son!

  49. I have never been to a thirty one party and would love to get a taste of their products!

    R. Goldhammer

  50. I’m sure I can’t win the bags being your cousin and all, but I just wanted to say that you were the inspiration for my blog. You and Carly have impacted my life so much. For the better of course. Thank you and I’m so happy to be able to call you my cousin. :)

  51. Super cute! Are they machine washable! My little Maddie would love one! (but so would mom) Thanks for posting about this neat company!

  52. I know you have a LOT of comments so far, so I’m hoping you read mine! I have two girls that are starting school in the fall (sniff, sniff) and would love to get them a bag….or two, or three! :)

    Jessica Rohrer

  53. I have been wanting to try out some bags from Thirty One since I have heard such great things about them.
    You aren’t a real blogger? Hmmm I guess I really like fake bloggers then…since I love this blog! :)

  54. These bags are adorable! I have 4 little girls and we’d love any of the bags. I’ve been following your blog for just a little while now and just love it! You are so inspiring. :)

  55. Love, love, love your blog. I check everyday and get so excited when I see a new post. Love the Project life posts. Thanks for the opportunity for the great giveaway.

  56. How cute are these bags? I love them! I would love one of the carryalls for my little one, she is starting to want to take her toys with her when we go out! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!

  57. Im actually not supposed to come to your blog or “blog stock” at all until Im done being prego…says my husband:) Which I kinda understand after having a complete meltdown after reading your “I remember” post a few nights ago and him coming into the room thinking somebody had died or I was in some serious labor…and then having to explain that Im just reading this amazing story on this cute girls blog…and he is like well who is she? And Im like well I dont really know but she is super cute and has a darling family and I love to read her blog….and so he is like, your bawling your eyes out about somebody you dont even know…ha ha he just doesnt get it and yes 90% is hormones but as a mom I think those stories just hit home and it just made me think of how thankful I am for the priesthood and my amazing family…anyway long post sorry! I just wanted to thank you for your cute blog, its so fun to look at:) And PS the bags are DARLING!

  58. Cutest bags ever and I am totally a bag girl! We love bags over here! Now you know if you do a post with all these cute bags you will need to do a post on organizing all these cute bags :) Oh and my girls would especially love the cute monogrammed totes for all their princesses and ponies too. Great pictures!

  59. Wow–I love all these bags! I just discovered your blog recently and have enjoyed it so much. Thanks for all the great inspiration.

  60. Wow, I can’t believe I almost missed this! I need to check my favorite blogs more often! I would LOVE a chance to win one of these adorable bags.

  61. I found your blog via IHeart Organizing, and I am hooked. I was even more thrilled to see a giveaway from Thirty One! I would love to be entered for a chance to win!

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