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Ellie and Addison

2010 Family Pictures

Just sitting here on my couch organizing some pictures (Kenny found Star Wars on TV so to say I’m bored is an understatement).  I just realized I never posted our 2010 family pictures and I want them on my blog for the someday when I get around to printing my blog into books.  I know you’ve seen these pictures before from my fall header and our 2010 Christmas card so sorry about the repeat!  Feel free to click on the next blog on your list or start your Monday to-do list.  Laundry?  Dishes?  Work?  Yeah…on second thought you may want to stick around and procrastinate a little longer…   :)

(Ellie age 6)
(Addison age 4)
(Kole age 5 months)
(Kenny and Erin ages 24 and 22…approximately…)

We spent way too much money and ordered really big prints of all of these and had them framed, but we haven’t hung them yet because we keep thinking we’ll just wait and hang them when we find a new house. Thinking I need to just hang them in our current house or Kole will be 5 years old by the time we get around to it.

p.s.  Unlike our 2009 photo shoot, I made sure not to post any photos that would elicit “ghetto booty” comments.  ;)

Have a great Monday everyone!  Vader has just saved Luke from the Emperor and is taking off his mask.  I’m off to get Kenny a tissue…

xoxo, Erin
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22 thoughts on “2010 Family Pictures

  1. You guys take the best pics!! And so artsy…everything from rusted out truck to…wait!! Who put this fancy front room yellow chair in the middle of the woods?! Thanks for helping me procrastinate my lunch packing and week planning…u r the best!! thanks for being my most consistent blog to check:)

  2. You are too funny! You always make me smile and I love that about you!

    I looked back because I had missed the booty pictures! Good grief girl…you are adorable…as is your entire family!

  3. Many of us dream of being teased for having a ghetto booty! Sigh. Seriously though, they are great pictures. Your family seems filled with joy!

  4. The pictures and colors are beautiful. Love the old car you are all leaning against. Does the photographer have a site? I’d love to check out their work! Beautiful Erin.

  5. These are beautiful. I’ve spent way too much money on photos too but it’s worth it to look at them everyday. You have to hang them : )

  6. Great pictures! We need to do a family picture. Hey…I watched a bit of Star Wars last night too…I had to laugh about the tissue.

  7. You must make your blog into a book sometime! I’m ready to start working on my 4th one (2010). The 3 that I have are some of my absolute favorite things. Time consuming, yes… but so, so worth it.

    p.s. I think of you now every time I turn on the radio in my bathroom. (My little pink/purple/teal P’Jammer!) :)

  8. Oh sweet and I am so with you on Star Wars. My kids tell me they spent a summer bonding watching it many times late at night so thats a plus of it! Hope you have a great Monday.

  9. Best pics ever. Who would have thought posing cute girls in front of mattress springs would be so great??

    When you get around to publishing your blog, tell me. I’ll go along on the ride with you. It’s on my list of things to do before I die.

    Loved holding my little man yesterday. :)

  10. You have such an adorable family. I am in love with your little man’s outfit and I must find that little hat. Where on earth did you find it? Its so sweet.

  11. Too bad were not there, Pierce would practically be in Kenny’s lap, soaking it all in! I know I’ve told you how beautiful, darling, great the family pics are, but seriously, love them! And love that spring thing the photographer did. Very cool. Cutest family ever!

  12. Cute pics. Now that you have a boy you will learn to love Star Wars as your young padowan will certainly become a Jedi soon with lots and lots of light sabers to protect you from the dark side.

  13. Your blog is so inspiring, bright and cheerful!! I love it :) Your family photos are adorable and you must hang them up… enjoy them it will be time for 2011 family pictures before you know it. Do share you tips for creating such a wonderful looking blog with me please. I am new to this and have no clue what I am doing. [email protected]

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