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Fun finds

Hi everyone!  Sharing a few fun finds today.  A couple of weeks ago I went shopping and the stars aligned!  I found so many things I love – as opposed to countless shopping trips when I’ve needed clothes and have been unable to find a thing.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to bore you with everything I found, but I did want to show you this blouse because I NEVER buy patterned shirts.  NEVER.  And I told myself this year I was going to get out of my rut of solid colors.  And I’m quite proud of myself for actually buying this.  I love this blouse because it works with a belt (I’m all about belts the year after the baby – they are perfect for masking that lovely stretched stomach), it works with jeans, and it also works tucked in with a high waisted black skirt when I need to dress up for something.  And yes, I know I look super cheesy with my hands on my hips in this picture and my head is cut off.  I asked Kenny to take a picture of me in my new clothes.  It was a Sunday during a playoff game.  May have been a critical moment in said playoff game.  He gave me a nice look that said “seriously?” Knowing I needed him for some computer assistance later that evening I decided not to push it.  Out came the tri-pod!  I took this picture and the next few and then all at once Kole woke up from his nap, Ellie was hungry, and Addison was having an outfit crisis.  My photo shoot was over before it started.  I knew I’d have to just post the few shots I got – cheesiness and all.  :)

I also bought this purse.  Here’s what I LOVE about it…

It has your typical pockets on the sides, but also has this big clasp in the middle…

that opens up like this.  I am always losing things in my purse.  And I needed a big one that will hold all of my stuff plus a bottle for Kole and snacks for the girls (not fond of diaper bags).  This middle pocket is perfect!  It holds only three things.  My keys, my cell phone, and Kole’s binkie.  The main three things I am always reaching for and now I can get to them so easy!  No more digging through my purse when the phone is ringing or the baby is fussy.

Also in my purse I have this fun little zipper pouch –

Remember the favorites party I went to?  My friend Kathleen brought these little beauties to help keep your purse organized.  What?  Purse organization?  Quickly became one of my favorites at the favorites party.  :)  Mine holds hand lotion, lip stick, lip gloss, chap stick, eye drops, floss, and nail clippers (don’t keep floss and nail clippers in your purse?  MUST haves for me.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve needed them).  I love that when I’m driving and need to put on some lip gloss it’s so easy to find and grab out of my purse.

These drawer organizers I’ve had forever and they are my favorites.  They’re called “dream drawers” and if I remember right I think I got them at Bed Bath and Beyond.  Each separator has a spring in it so you push it together and put it where you want it in your drawer and then release and it will stay in place.

I use them in my dressers to organize clothes.
Just found this a few weeks ago at Target.  

I had all of our cords/chargers in this kitchen drawer but it doesn’t take much for them to become a tangled mess.

Wa-la!  Now this zipper pouch fits nicely in the drawer and the cords stay untangled and out of sight.  Love this!

This one just makes me laugh.  It’s a key finder I got Kenny for Christmas (also found at Target).  He is always losing his keys.  Now he has a little button on his key chain and if we can’t find his keys we push  the button on this remote and they start beeping.  Genius!

The weather here has been so sunny and nice!  I bought this yellow shirt at Limited and it feels so springy.

*note to self: stop taking self portraits in the girls’ bathroom mirror – the lighting is horrible!

I love yellow clothes.  Such a happy color.  The blouse and purse I showed above were also from The Limited.  They’ve had cute stuff lately.  My yellow shirt is perfect for the park where we’ve been spending lots of time the past couple of weeks.

Wishing those of you who have been affected by the huge storms going on right now safety and warmth…and maybe a plane ticket to Southern California?  Meet you at the park.  :)

xoxo, Erin
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33 thoughts on “Fun finds

  1. LOVE the first (and second) shirt. It looks great on you! I envy your park visits! We are in such a cold speel right now. We just got about 2 feet of snow and I couldn’t be more ready for spring!

  2. Love the new blouse! I am the same way, lots & lots of solids in my closet :)
    Thanks for showing the drawer organizers. I am going to pick those up for sure!

  3. Oh, Erin, how I long to be at the park with you and your 3 cuties! Last night the temperature exceeded the limit of our digital thermometer: -30. UUUUGH!

  4. I keep telling my husband we have to move to San Diego! I cannot stand the cold, snow and ice anymore!! Love all your great finds!

  5. erin, i love your new blouse. you look fabulous! and good work on the photo shoot. i need to remember to get my tripod out.

    yes- our girls would have the best time at the beach together!

    the academy award nominee is amy adams. when i was getting my master’s degree in film from USC, she was my next door neighbor in my tiny apartment complex in west hollywood. she dated my roommate and was over all the time hanging out with us. then i went off to berkeley for law school and she stayed living in that apartment until after enchanted came out. crazy, huh? i lost touch with her when i went to law school (imagine that-i was kinda busy!)- and she’s gone on to become a big movie star. it’s really cool and i am so happy for her.


  6. Ok, I used to live in San Diego and moved away 2 years ago to MARYLAND! Now while not as drastically affected by the bad weather as other states we’ve still had our fair share of snow & cold. I totally would LOVE to meet you at the park – see you at La Jolla cove? My favorite place to take a walk and take pictures!!! ;)

  7. Hey Erin,

    Where did you get that first blouse and that purse? I absolutely love both. And you have the cutest kids ever, by the way!

    Shannon in PA

  8. Great finds! I love the striped blouse…looks great with the belt. I am going to live vicariously through you in the nice sunny weather as I sit on the East coast with the addtional 15 inches of snow we got yesterday! Cannot wait for spring!

    Have a great day!


  9. I would love a plane ticket to Southern Cal!!! Great new finds…I especially love the zipper pouch for the cords. We have the same issue and that would be perfect (Target trip in my future perhaps!). I absolutely keep a nail clipper in my purse…wouldn’t travel without it.

  10. Oh and how could I forget…the yellow…LOVE IT. Yellow, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned, is my favorite. I always say “it’s such a happy color” too.

  11. I love all your fun finds! It made me want to do a little clothes and purse shopping for myself. Next time I’m at a Target I am going to look for that cord organizer. My drawer is driving me crazy. I love all your great organizing tips!

  12. Must have a cord organizer like that!! You should see our junk drawer in the kitchen with cords all over. It’s so hard to keep them organized. Thanks for sharing!!
    LOVE your new shirts. so pretty!!

  13. Hi Erin,
    Great finds. Love that purse. Isn’t it funny what gets us so excited these days. A compartment for the babys pacifier… sold!

  14. Three things….

    1. DANG cute shirt!!! Right when I saw you at church I noticed how cute it was and how you looked HOT in it!

    2. I NEED one of those cord storage thingys. I have tried drawers, totes, everything. That thing is a miracle. Getting one next week.

    3. The tri-pod photo was awesome! I’m just cracking up that you did that. Pretty genius idea actually.

  15. You’re really killing me Erin, really. I can’t even get the counters cleared and organized right now. You do look darling in yellow, cute new shirt. I wish I could wear yellow. I think I’m limited to like 4 colors. And the dental floss, totally a must have in my purse too!

  16. Thanks for sharing! What great finds! I especially love the Target cord organizer. I will definitely be heading to Target soon. And that yellow top is really cute – you look great in yellow! I love your blog, by the way. I discovered it a while back from Memories on Clover Lane, and I have followed and loved it ever since. I was so amazed and touched by your story (your health scare after you had Kole). You have a beautiful family and life. Thanks again for sharing with us all!

  17. Ran to Target today and could not find anything that even remotely resembled your cute little cord pouch. Do you happen to remember what department you found it in? I’m convinced that I MUST have one!!! :)

    Cute tops, too! :)

  18. Super cute clothes and purse! Where else do you shop besides Limited? And for your kids? Always looking for cute places.
    I also carry nail clippers and dental floss in my purse. And use them all the time.
    Wishing we had nice weather right now – my 2 yr old keeps asking to go to the park, but we are buried under a couple feet of snow!

  19. Love your shirts you look great! I hardly believe you need that belt to cover your baby belly but it looks super cute with the top:) I could just eat Kole’s little piggies in that picture!!

  20. Oh yeah…I am now cool..officially cuz I was mentioned (by name) on Erin’s awesome blog! Even if it is just to mention something regarding organization…I’ll take it. And…I am setting a goal for 2010…It’s a big one: an outfit which includes a wide belt. A girl’s gotta start somewhere.

  21. I know it is 2012 but I love that purse and one of my coworkers has the same purse and i looked on the limited site but I can’t not find it. Do you know what the sytle or where i would find ne like it???

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