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Fashion Friday (striped sleeveless jersey dress)

Happy Friday everyone!  What a week!  It was a hectic one around here getting used to our new schedule.  I’m afraid I’ve over scheduled us!  May have to cut a few things out so that I can keep my sanity.
Or not.
My sanity hasn’t been a priority for a while now so why start making it one now?  ;)
Despite the current state of my sanity, I’m ready to talk fashion.  It’s a great way to de-stress. :)  So excited to share my recent fun find with you all today!  I seriously think this is the most versatile dress I’ve ever owned.  It’s the striped sleeveless jersey dress from Old Navy.  Fun for summer, but also a great wardrobe staple as we head into Fall.

What I love about this dress is that it’s so simple and basic.  I can put any color of sweater/jewelry/shoes with it for a fun new look.  Here are a few ways I’ve been wearing it…

Yellow Anthropologie sweater and yellow shoes.  I’ve had both for years and feel like they have new life with this dress!
Here it is with another simple yellow sweater.
 I also wore it a week ago with my navy sweater and a thin yellow belt.
And with this simple blue shrug that I’ve had for years.

This dress looks short on the on-line model (who has legs that go on for days!), but as you can see, on a shortie like me it’s actually knee length.  :)  Other than that it fits true to size.

Here I am in the dress without a camera in my face.  :)  Every time I wear it I get compliments on it.
If you like it, it’s on sale at Old Navy for $25!
Plus they are having a sale until Monday.
You’re welcome.
I’m feeling better already!  Sanity is slowly restoring itself.
Have a great weekend everyone!
xoxo, Erin
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13 thoughts on “Fashion Friday (striped sleeveless jersey dress)

  1. That’s amazing! Thanks Erin for sharing your wonderful stuff with us. I recently came across your blog and I must say it makes me very inspired and cheerful after closing your page. Thanks. :)

  2. Erin, that is such a CUTE dress!! And you wear it so well!!! I would LOVE it with a hot pink sweater or jacket; also a RED sweater or jacket!! You are such a doll, and it looks so cute on you!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  3. So glad you guys all like it!

    Sarayan – what a kind thing to say! Thank you! xx

    Jane – I agree – hot pink or red would look SO cute with this dress! Thanks cutie!

    Yea Laura! I hope you like it!

  4. If you don’t mind sharing, how tall are you? I’m curious because the dress did look way too short on the model but looks perfect on you and I’m trying to figure out if it’ll be knee-length on me too. If so I might be getting myself one :) It looks adorable with your cardigans and shrugs and I have an orange cardigan that I think would look really cute with it too!

  5. Hi Amanda! I don’t mind you asking at all! I’m between 5’3 and 5’4 and I bought the dress in XS. Hope that helps give you an idea of what might work for you!

    Thanks for the sweet comments everyone!


  6. You should get a kick back from Old Navy! I bought this dress over the weekend and have gotten so many compliments. Several of my co-workers want one now too! I wore it today with a teal cardigan and a sparkly necklace and had a random stranger compliment me. I love how thick it is – should be wearable through winter with tights and boots. So versatile. Thanks for sharing.

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