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BPS Giveaway Winner!

So instead of using the ‘Random Integer Generator’ to pick a winner, I decided to do things the old fashioned way. I wrote all of your names down on slips of paper and had Ellie draw a winner. We did a drum roll and everything. It was just more fun that way. :)

The winner of Jessica’s “Don’t Blink: Scrapbooking Your Baby’s First Year” class is –

lettersfromsouthbeach who said:

“I would love the opportunity to win! I have a 5 and 3 year old and have yet to make their baby books! Thanks!”

Congrats! E-mail me at [email protected] so I can send you the class code.

For those of you who were interested in the class and didn’t win, remember to use the coupon code and you can take the class for about the price of lunch. Happy Scrapping!

xoxo, Erin
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2 thoughts on “BPS Giveaway Winner!

  1. Congratulations! Sounds like a very fun way to find the winner, too. Happy Monday. I was just reading your reasons of why you blog. Love them.

  2. Well, crap….there goes my ebay/spending money….

    (So glad Ellie didn’t pick me because then you would have had to go to the trouble of throwing my name out and having her pick again….wait…you never even put my name in there did you???????)

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