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March 11th

Last Thursday, March 11th, I turned 33 years old.

I woke up on my birthday morning to the smell of waffles. Kenny and Ellie woke up extra early to make them for me.

I also woke up to a Nordstrom’s gift card, a coupon for a new paper cutter (I ran mine into the ground with my 2009 Christmas cards), and of course…Cadbury Eggs. Waffles, Nordstroms, scrapbook supplies and Cadbury Eggs – what a delightful combination! Kenny knows me well. :)

I drove on the freeway and noticed that my flowers were in full bloom. Beautiful wild flowers bloom each year next to the freeway entrance by my house. They always pop up mid-March and I like to think they appear just for me. Wishing me a happy birthday each time I head out into the world. I’d love to pull over someday and take a picture of them, but I’m afraid I might be killed. Californians are crazy drivers. I know this because I’m one of them.

I got a pedicure and then splurged and also got a manicure. I never get manicures. A good pedicure will last 2-3 weeks. A good manicure lasts…not even 2 days and the polish is chipped and driving me crazy. So wanting to splurge for my birthday, but also be practical, I got a manicure with no polish. I quite enjoyed it and think I’ll have to try that little trick again.

I went to the store and bought myself more Raspberry Lemonade. My mom called me after my last post about Raspberry Lemonade and told me she wanted to see pictures of how big my belly is getting, not pictures of the Lemonade in my fridge. So mom, this picture of lemonade in my fridge is dedicated to you. ;)

Speaking of my belly, I also had an ultra sound on my birthday. Kole is six pounds and looking great. Smart or not smart, it is looking like he and I will soon share a birthday month.

The girls and I read “Pinkalicious” at least ten times. Because we like pink around here and birthdays and stories about cupcakes go hand in hand.

Then the girls made a special birthday tea party in my honor…

and put on a special birthday ballet performance that only a few special “friends” and I were invited to.

And I sat in a special birthday chair. The green one (“because mommy loves green”) decorated with a birthday cake drawing.

I enjoyed lots of fun mail, phone calls, and facebook/e-mail birthday shout outs. Birthdays are so fun that way. One day to hear from all of your favorite people.

That evening I got ready to go to dinner with my friends. Choosing what to wear was easy since I’m down to three shirts that fit. I thought about wearing my favorite 2 hour shoes that I got last year for my birthday…

and then looked at my belly my mother is so anxious to see and thought better of it. The shoes will have to wait awhile. Realistically until the next March 11th.

I had a great time with my friends who I love and adore. We talked and laughed the night away. I chose the same restaurant as last year.

and we got the same group shot as last year.

I told my friends no gifts (especially since they all JUST finished throwing me a baby shower). So of course…

They got me gifts. They put together a “Survival Kit” to aid me through what we call “the year of the baby.” A bag full of all kinds of fun things from pajamas to face masks to candles to my favorite candy to a “Team Edward – stand by your Vampire” t-shirt. Because who can survive a baby without a “Team Edward – stand by your Vampire” t-shirt? I know I can’t. It was a perfect gift and a perfect evening. Love my friends.

Kenny took me to dinner last weekend and then again this weekend to celebrate. I can always make my birthday stretch into at least a birthday week. Some years, when I’m really at the top of my game, March becomes my birthday month and we are celebrating for a good 31 days. But I’ve had Kenny assisting me in so many “honey do’s” to get ready for the baby that I think a good week is all I’ll get this year. I’m beginning to sense my endless requests are starting to wear on him. “Honey can you please hang these pictures, lift these boxes, and touch-up this paint? It is my birthday week you know” can only last so long. {sigh}

Thanks to everyone who made my birthday so special. I am beyond blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. I love you all.

p.s. To all of you scrapbookers out there…can anyone recommend a great paper cutter? :)
xoxo, Erin
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19 thoughts on “March 11th

  1. I would like to start off as you don’t know me…but I got your blog address from Jessica Turner…Also you are beautiful!!! I love your blog alwyas cute and cheery! I am a third grade teacher in Idaho and have two children. My daughter loves pinkalicious and we actually had a pinkalicious birthday. Take a look at my blog with the pictures. It was so much fun to prepare for to have. Good luck with the baby. There are days that I get the itch for a newborn and then reality sets in :) [email protected]

  2. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had the best birthday. I love the ballet performance with the birthday chair just for you. You have the cutest little family and I can’t wait for that little man to join. What a lucky little boy he is.

  3. Speaking of beautiful flowers, have you been to the Carlsbad Gardens off Palomar Airport exit? We stopped at the outlets on our way home yesterday…I am determined to get back to those gardens WITH my kids for some incredible springtime pictures…

  4. Erin so much fun to see your day! You know it is still your birthday month…so take advantage and keep up the celebration! Love you Erin, and by the really don’t ever age. You look beautiful!

  5. That was a fun night! It was so great to celebrate with you.

    I love those wildflowers by the freeway entrance. Just today I was thinking I really should get out and take a picture but YIKES!!! You’re right, we would be killed.

    Happy Bday again!

  6. Erin, first of all where did your friends get the “Team Edward” t-shirt?! I think I need one! (LOVE that saying, haven’t seen that one!) Second, I really am so glad you had such a terrific day! I especially love the tea party and show the girls put on for you, and really love that Ellie got the green chair and decorated it for you. What a sweetie pie that girl is! (Oh and we are totally loving Pinkalicious around here too!) You are looking so great, gorgeous and picture perfect as always! Maybe if I ever looked as good as you pregnant I would consider doing it again ;) Glad your day was wonderful and so glad you have such cute friends to take care of you! Love you!

    Oh and you really are lucky to have your birthmonth when all your favorite candy is in season. I was just thinking, none of my favorite candy is around at my birthday! Well except the Sweedish Fish that are always in season.

  7. Happy Birthday — it does sound delightful – each part of the day and I’m like you … love to have it be atleast a week celebration. Love the sweetness of your family and friends. Indeed, such a blessing.

  8. erin, it was so fun to celebrate with you on your birthday! it’s always so nice to get out and hang with friends minus the kiddos. glad to hear that the rest of you day was great as well.

    you are getting closer & closer to being done with being pregnant. hooray! ;)i was serious about what i wrote in my little card. i’m here to help :)

  9. So glad you had such a fun birthday, Erin. Good decision on the shoes… next year on your birthday, you’ll be rockin’ them.

  10. Happy birthday. I knew you were in March sometime. It looks warm there. Is it? I need it to be for me. Dinner looks fun and the belly even better. I’m glad you had a special day/week.

  11. Your girls are so sweet, and it looks like they’re inheriting their mom’s flair for a good party!

    For the bestest (but not cheapest) paper trimmer, check this out:

    It costs a mint, but I’ve had mine for over 10 years and never had to replace anything on it! I’ve used it a ton for scrapbooking, but I also used it in my photography business. It’s super precise; you can shave off just 1/16 or een 1/32 of an inch with no problem. And hey, if Kenny’s buying, go for the big kahuna! I bought mine from Light Impressions.

    Happy Birthday!

  12. I have the personal size trimmer and I have never wished I had the bigger one. The 12″ has always been plenty. Happy shopping!

  13. I am so sad I missed your birthday. That is the day everything started going crazy for us. But we are back now and the funeral went as well as can be expected. I am glad you had a great birthday. :)

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