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Home Decor

Mudroom key holder

Sharing a new addition to our mudroom today!  My DIY key holder!  K.  Technically I probably shouldn’t call this a DIY project since #1 – I didn’t make anything and #2 – I wasn’t the one who did the DIYing.  But since I bought it and had the vision, I’m rolling with it.  That’s right.  Queen of DIY right here.

I found this beat up numbered board for 13 bucks at Home Goods.  I immediately fell in love with it because of its rustic look and because the 1 2 3 spoke to me since I have three kiddos.  (Give me a chance to be sappy and I’ll take it.)  It didn’t have hooks on it – just the holes where hooks once were.  I went to a local hardware store and found some hooks that had two screws in each to match what it looked like used to be attached.

When I was in Utah organizing my parent’s laundry room my dad attached the hooks for me.  I guess my dad’s the King of DIY.  Do I still get to at least be a princess?  ;)

Like I said, it’s a bit scratched and marked up but I think that’s part of its charm.  I like a bit of old (or at least old looking!) mixed in with new.
 I also love the way the black numbers go with the black dutch door and hardware in this room.

Not to mention the fact that now we have a place to hang our keys!  Which is perfect since my husband loses his keys at least 4 times a day.  Sometimes he even loses them in my purse.  When I accidentally put them there.  

Ok.  We both have a problem misplacing keys.
But not anymore!  Our mudroom is right off of our garage so we can immediately hang our keys when we walk in from the garage OR the front porch.
No more excuses.
Hear that babe?
What would you do without me?
Wonder what I’ll DIY up next?
Only time will tell…
xoxo, Erin
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7 thoughts on “Mudroom key holder

  1. So very cute…And, I love your mudroom!

    I keep my keys on my nightstand near my bed. If anyone trips our alarm and makes it into our house I can push the alarm on my car and all my neighbors will come running to rescue us. ;) That is if I am able to push the alarm button on my key. I am sure I will be frozen in fear. HA! It makes me feel better at least! Who am I kidding. I need to DIY one of those cute key hangers!!

  2. Hi Erin,
    So glad to meet another DIY Queen like myself (lol). Hmmm, between us and Giselle “multi-tasking”, we’ve got ALL the hard work covered :)

    The key hooks/sign AND your mudroom is darling. Every inch of your house that you have shown us is wonderful! You have THE BEST TASTE, and it is a pleasure visiting your blog.

    Happy Monday.

  3. Hello. I read your blogs all the time and they are so inspiring, thank you. I am interested in the grey colour that you have in your mudroom and I think it also features in other rooms of your home. Can you share the colour with me so I can try and match it. I live in Australia so the paint brand might not be available but I may be able to get a close match. I am finding it very hard to choose the perfect grey for my rural farm house. Thanks very much.

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