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Neutral Christmas Console Table

Happy Monday everyone!  One more week until kids are out of school for Christmas break!  I have to be honest and say that I’m so excited to get this week behind me.  I can’t wait to have my kids out of school so we can spend mornings in our pajamas watching Christmas movies and evenings in our pajamas driving around looking at Christmas lights.  There seems to be a theme here with pajamas.  Clearly I’m a fan.  :)christmas-console-table-decorating
Sharing how I decorated my console table for the holidays today!  This table ended up being more neutral and less colorful than I originally planned, but it still feels festive when you come around the corner into our family room.

Some simple red berries in my favorite Target pitcher add the only punch of color.  But it’a happy punch of color nonetheless.  :)silver-christmas-deer
The deer (or should I say our peace keeper) is keeping watch over the place and next to him is a touch of my Fall decor I left out in a bowl.  I’ve had fun experimenting with mixing golds and silvers this year.
The cute little tree in the corner is covered in some favorite sparkly Rudolph ornaments.  I’m a sucker for anything that has to do with Rudolph.
Case in point.  :)
Just to the side of this table you can see our Santa pictures displayed on my door.
Christmas decorating is so fun because you can just make a few easy changes and have a new look for the holidays.
Table ready for Fall…
Table ready for December!  Now if we can just slow down enough to bring on the Christmas pj’s, we’ll be set.  :)

Enjoy your week everyone!


xoxo, Erin
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12 thoughts on “Neutral Christmas Console Table

  1. Your console table looks so festive. Im still in love with that sweet tree.

    I just got home and opened your Christmas card and I am melting. You guys look great and the kids are beautiful.

    Thanks sweet Erin.:)

  2. Lovely decor, Erin. But, I gotta say, that abominable snowman “decor” tops the list of faves. :) Three more days for us til school is out, but they are jam-packed days so it will feel like a week and a half. :) Good luck getting to your jammie days!

  3. Everything looks so pretty! You really do a fabulous job decorating! Do share — what movies will you all be watching?? We love Christmas movies at our house too!

    1. Hi Melissa! Thank you so much! Makes me so happy you like my blog. :) That burlap wrapped tree is from Pottery Barn a few years ago. I think they still have them though! They are adorable and light up at night.

    1. Thank you Bobbidee! So fun to hear from you! Isn’t that card soft!? It’s a paper that’s like a fabric. My friend who made my cards told me about it so I decided to try it this year. Glad you like it! :)

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