My mom is the BEST:
news watcher
calmer downer
story teller
party planner
phone conversationalist
advice giver
and of course the best MOM around.
Happy Birthday Mom! Hope your birthday this year is the BEST! :)
xoxo, Erin
Not sure Calmer Downer is an official title, but if it isn’t it needs to be. I could use one of those. Lucky you, lucky mom!
Happy Birthday Bonnie!
I haven’t seen your Mom forever, but she IS the best! Happy Birthday Bonnie!
What a sweet post! Love it!
Your Mom left a sweet comment on my post about my Mom, it was so nice. I meant to tell you to thank her for me.
Thanks Bonnie! Happy Birthday!
Fabulous Mom, Fabulous Daughter!
You do have a cute mom and how sweet of you to say such cute things. Love the disneyland pictures too. Your girls are absolutely adorable.
Goodness, she at least taught her daughters to have great fashion sense. Judging, by that photo of what I am assuming are all the girls, there isn’t one black sheep in the bunch.
What a darling post!! She is the best!! Jen and LeAnn are half the size they are in that picture now!! Happy Birthday Bon!!! I love ya!!
Happy Birthday Bon! I love her too. Who couldn’t love her?
Your Mom is the BEST, and she is the BEST FRIEND too. You are lucky to have her, and I am lucky to have her. What a darling post Erin. You always come up with the most clever posts. I Just love checking out YOUR blog. Hope you are having fun in Cancun. Wish I was there!
No truer words spoken! Your Mom IS the BEST.. The perfect birthday for her to spend with all of her family in a FABULOUS resort on a beach! Happy Birthday Bonnie!