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New Finds and Old Favorites

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

{4th of July Outdoor Decor}

*affiliate links used

Happy weekend everyone!  I’m not gonna lie, last week was a tad brutal at our house.  Just way too much going on.  May has officially arrived!  Moms of school age kids.. brace yourselves. :)  We somehow survived and next week is looking a little calmer so I’m grateful for that!

I have SO many fun projects going on that I’m excited to share with you all!  I’m going to try to be better about sharing more progress on IG stories (I’m horrible at IG stories!) so follow me there if you don’t already and hold me accountable. :)  I’m also hoping I’ll have more time to post on the blog next week.  For today I’m popping in quickly with an old favorite post and some fun recent finds I’m excited about!

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Remember when I decked our outdoor space last summer for the 4th of July?  Just a few small touches and we were ready to party!  I’m hoping to get this all up earlier this month so we can enjoy it for Memorial weekend too.  I thought I’d share this post again in case any of you want to start thinking about patriotic summer decorating!

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

This cute Liberty Burlap Party Banner was so easy to hang.  I got extremely tricky and used painters tape.. but you knew that. :)  We had one windy afternoon and one of the banners fell down so I might have to come up with something a little sturdier this year.

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

My Flag Lumbar Pillow Covers are back in stock!  These sold out so quickly last year (so did the banner above) so don’t hesitate if you want them!  I also linked similar fun options at the bottom of last year’s post.  I want to get a couple for inside my home too!

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Another favorite are these Liberty Burlap Flags.  So easy to pop in a vase for a simple table centerpiece or next to food at outdoor summer BBQ’s.  Let the festivities begin!

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.. a couple of favorites!  I shared this cute white scallop blouse in my what I wore to Maui post but it had sold out by the time I got my post up.  It just came back in stock!

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Perfect top for summer.  I’m so ready!  And also so not ready!  Summer brings out mixed emotions doesn’t it? :)

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

My favorite hello mat is never in stock and I get so many questions about it.  I always share similar options, but I found the exact mat here on sale!  Btw.. for those of you who were asking about my yellow porch flowers they are called “Sweet Broom.”  I’m sad to say that they currently don’t look like they do in this picture anymore.  One of them is sort of with me still and the other.. well.. RIP Sweet Broom.  I don’t think I watered them enough.

Or I watered them too much.

The problem was definitely one or the other.  Knowing my record with living plants it’s amazing I’m trusted with 3 children.

New finds and old favorites (Sunny Side Up)

A couple new favorites!  I ordered this Flutter Sleeve Pom Pom top in white and it’s DARLING!  I’ll share a picture of it on me soon so you can see how it fits.. so cute for summer.

New finds and old favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Another new favorite is this stylish Rattan Round Tray.  Oh the possibilities with a cute tray like this!  I’ll share it styled in my home soon but I wanted to share it and the white top above quickly now because they are on sale this weekend.  Woot woot!

New finds and old favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Lastly I have an old favorite Bliss throw paired with a new favorite Palermo throw in a newish favorite Moroccan basket.  I know.. I’m getting all sorts of tricky up in here. ;)  I love these three items so much and keep moving them back and forth between my family room and living room because they look good everywhere I put them!  (Btw this Bliss throw is the color Pink Peony.  It looks orange or peach on-line, but it’s actually a perfect soft pink.)

Alright.. I’m off to bed!  Trying to prioritize sleep this month because when things get really busy around here that’s usually the first thing to go and then suddenly mom isn’t coping so well and the ship sinks fast. :)

Enjoy what’s left of your weekend friends!

P.S.   I updated my FAVORITES PAGE and all of these items I’ve shared are linked there along with other things I’m loving lately!


xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope your week is off to a good start! My parents are visiting this week and it’s so nice to get to spend some time with them. It’s also so nice to have added back-up with the kids.  You mean I only have to be in my car for 4 hours tonight instead of 6? I’ll take it. :)

I’m sharing a fun gift guide for Mother’s Day today with so many cute things! Mother’s Day always sneaks up so quickly and I hate that feeling of scrambling to get a gift because I’ve put it off until the day or two before.  Especially for moms! They do so much for all of us. I asked my mom what her top picks would be from my gift guide and she loves numbers 8, 11, 14, 19, 22, 24 and 25.  That just made my life easy. :)  I love everything on this list and hope you do too!

Mother's Day Gift Guide (Sunny Side Up)

1 – Celine Throw – One of my all time favorite throws for decorating as most of you know.  I bought more than one because it looks so good in every room in my house.  To my kids.. if you need a gift idea – I wouldn’t mind another one in aqua. :)

2 – Small Square Stud Earrings – These simple, beautiful earrings look good on everyone and are perfect for Spring/Summer!

3 – Stripe Round Serving Bowl – I love this fun striped serving bowl. Perfect for summer entertaining!  It’s a little pricey, but if you’re looking for something really nice to spoil your mom with it would make a great gift.  Fun for parties but also fun to display in your kitchen.  (I’m picturing it full of green apples on the counter next to a vase of flowers!)  I love the appetizer set and other serving bowl in this collection too.

Mother's Day Gift Guide (Sunny Side Up)

4 – Somerset Bread Board – I have an obsession with bread boards and think they make perfect gifts!  Tie a pretty ribbon around one alone or add some of your favorite breads and cheeses.  (It would also be cute to pair it with this favorite book!)  Most moms would love one to display in their kitchen and then use it for meals/serving.  (You can see more fun bread board/platter options here including the set I have above by my stove – I love them all!)

5 – Le Creuset Soup Pot – Perfect idea for the mom who loves to cook.  Another item that would be cute to pair with a favorite cook book!

6 – Kate Spade Necklace – This is one of my favorite gifts to give!  I love the dainty initial on this necklace.  I’ve given several to friends and also put an “a” and “e” in my girls’ stockings for Christmas last year.  They are always a hit!

7 – T3 Single Pass Curling Iron – Ahhh!  I’m obsessed with this curling iron!  It’s so good.  My girls keep stealing mine to use it and I can’t blame them.  Absolutely worth the price!  I bought this set but I mostly use the 1.25 inch size wand.  Here are other T3 hair products.. I would love to see if the straight iron is as good as the curling iron.  (hint hint to any family members reading.. girls tell your dad to chip in.) ;)  

Kitchen Shelf Styling (Sunny Side Up)

(shelf sources in this post)

8 – Kitchen Aid Mixer – Every mom needs one of these!  Even if like mine it gets less use and just looks cute in the kitchen. :)

9 – Ceramic Ring Dish Plate – Such a cute little dish for jewelry or office supplies!  And a good reminder for mom. :)  This one is cute too.

10 –  “Amazing Grace” Shampoo, Bath & Shower Gel – I have this in my shopping cart and can’t wait to try it.  I always hear great things about it!

11 – Naya Short Robe – Always a fun gift for cozy days at home or to put on right after a shower.  This robe comes in lots of colors.. I’m loving the blush, night blue and ivory!

12 – DiorShow lash Primer – My favorite lash primer!  I give this for gifts a lot too and everyone I’ve given it to has loved it.

13 – Magic Bullet Blender – I can’t believe how much we love and have used this little blender!  You can throw together a smoothie so quickly.  It’s easy enough for my girls to use on their own too which is so nice.  Addison’s favorite is this Pina Colada mix.  She just tosses some in the magic bullet with ice and has a delicious after school snack!

14 – Liyln Faux Leather Tote – Such a cute pink tote for Spring/Summer!

15 – Willa Zip Pouch Bag – I also love this cute little clutch with tassels.

16 – Little Steamer Deluxe – Another new favorite of mine!  I shared it in my most recent favorites post.  Game changer!

17 – My Amazing Blow Dry Secret – Hands down my favorite dry shampoo.. and I’ve tried LOTS!

18 – Apple AirPods – Who says the teens get to have all of the AirPod fun?  (Kenny.. I’m tired of borrowing Ellie’s and want my own!)  

19 – Zella Crop Leggings – My close friend has these and I’m buying a pair!  Zella is always a good thing and the side pocket is perfect for your cell phone.  I have a feeling they will be my favorites for walks and runs with friends!

20 – Williams Sonoma Striped Dishclothes – My favorite dishcloths.  Sometimes the essentials like this make the best gifts!

21 – Lucite Salad Serving Set – When this post goes live and my friends see it they will laugh and tell me I need to get myself the salad serving set!  I don’t own salad servers and am always borrowing them from friends when I entertain.  My friend Katy (who helped with the food for my Christmas party) and I always laugh about the types of kitchen items I don’t have but should.  Basically if it doesn’t double as decor, I’m not interested. ;)

Mother's Day Gift Guide (Sunny Side Up)

22 – Moonlight Short Pajamas –  CUTEST summer pj’s!  I love the prints on these and they look so comfy!  If you like long pant sets better these lazy day camo pj’s are my top pick!  No surprise there.  Similar to the set I live in above. :)

Mother's Day Gift Guide (Sunny Side Up)

(Ad’s photo display wall)

23 – Canon Wirless Photo Printer – Moms ALL need this in their lives!  When I think about all of the “about me” posters and different projects I’ve had to help my kids with (hundreds!).. they all involve pictures.  How handy to plug in your phone and instantly print exactly what you need!  Also so fun and easy to swap out pictures for bulletin boards and frames around the house.

24 – House Visit Deep Clean – One of the best gifts you can give any mom is a clean house.  Did you know you can do this through Amazon?  I hired cleaners for my mother-in-law for a day last year and she said it was one of the nicest gifts she has ever been given.  Such a treat to have someone else do the deep cleaning for a change!

25 – Epson Color Photo Scanner –  If your mom has older pictures that she wants to preserve this photo scanner looks like a dream!  You can create enlargements, scan slides, negatives and film.  It will also remove the appearance of tears and creases from damaged photos.  Such a perfect gift.  My mom would love this!  I should say she “will” love this. :)

If you still need more ideas you can check out my Mother’s Day Gift Guide from last year.  A lot of the same types of things because they are my favorite gifts.  I hope this helps you find something special for the moms in your life!  And if you’re a mom.. maybe this will help give your family a nudge in the right direction. :)

xoxo, Erin

Organized Outdoor Pool and Toy Storage

*affiliate links used
Easter (Sunny Side Up)

{flutter sleeve dress}

Hello friends!  I hope you all had a nice Easter weekend!  We had a great one despite a teary moment I had prepping Easter baskets the night before.  Filling my girls’ baskets with make-up instead of bubbles and remembering 2 minutes ago when Ellie looked like this..

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

kind of hit all at once.  That happens to me from time to time now that my girls are teenagers.  You know the saying “the days are long but the years are short?”  It really could not be more true!  But I absolutely love the stage we are in so I dried my eyes and reminded myself to keep enjoying every minute.  Teenage drama and all.  Because someday I’ll probably miss that too.

Or not. ;)

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

I’m sharing a quick organizing project with you all today!  If you look at our backyard to the right of this picture you’ll see a little walk way that goes to the side of our house.

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

We have a small outdoor pool shower and then two doors on the side.  The door on the left with the window is our outdoor pool bathroom.

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

I shared pictures and details about our outdoor pool bathroom in this post if you missed it and are interested!

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)


It’s a small space but greatly appreciated in the summer when my kids and all of their friends aren’t running back and forth through my house between the pool and bathroom.  My wood floors appreciate this space too. :)

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

The second door opens to a small closet that I added when we built the house to hold pool items and the kids’ outside toys.  I wish I would have taken a recent “before.”  This picture was from two years ago and last week when I decided to tackle this closet things looked even worse!  The closet had become such a mess where we all just dumped things and shut the door.  It was dirty and dusty with junk piled high.. my kids didn’t even like going in there!  None of us did.

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

I went to put away these two pool floaties we blew up for the kids to use during their Spring Break and there was no way they were going to fit.  I told myself that the next weekend I would finally clean out this closet no matter what!  I’ve honestly been saying “I’ll get to that outdoor closet soon” for the past 5 years we’ve lived in our house.

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

The weekend rolled around and there were so many more appealing things to do that I almost put it off AGAIN.  At one point Saturday Kenny asked me if I wanted to go on a walk and I said “I’d love to, but I can’t.  I have to organize our outdoor closet.”  He said “oh you can do that anytime..” and I told him that “anytime was never coming.”   It was time to just prioritize it and get it done!  So out came ALL OF THE THINGS that were living in this closet.  (Sidenote – can you see my little friend who was helping in the top of this pic?  We have the cutest bunnies that come out on our lawn every afternoon and eat our grass!  I adore them!  My husband not so much.) ;)   I swept and mopped and wiped down the entire empty closet until it looked brand new and then got rid of so many things we weren’t using anymore.

Ready to see the after?

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

So clean!  And the new floaties have a home!  And the kids can actually walk inside to get things!  And I can now breathe normally when I open this door!  And a project that has been on my list for WAY too long is finally finished!

It’s the little things.  Hooray for all of the above!

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

Pool floaties and bodyboards line up nicely to the left..

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

Then I used these large stackable baskets to hold all of the outdoor toys.  I used to have these baskets in my mudroom closet but knew at some point I would move them out here.  I originally bought them for all of the goggles and beach toys and balls!  It’s a perfect solution for this tiny space.  The stacking baskets hold a lot and the kids have easy access to all of their things.

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

We have our water heater in this closet so I just used some space to the side of it for more pool toys and dusted everything off.

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

Feels so nice to actually see the floor of this little closet!

Outdoor Pool Organization (Sunny Side Up)

I try to keep pool “stuff” to a minimum, but I know we’ll end up with more toys/floaties during this summer because the kids often get stuff like that for gifts and we have several floaties we just haven’t blown up and used yet.  My plan is to add some vertical storage to the top of this closet.  Maybe a couple of shelves?  I want to make sure there is room for tall things on the left, but it would be great to maximize and use more of that empty space at the top of the closet.  I’ll keep you updated on that one!

For now I’m just thrilled to finally have this done.  You guys.. 5 YEARS!  5 years I put this off!  We’ve hated this space and it hasn’t been functional for the past 4 summers.  It took me ONE HOUR to whip it into shape and now my kids love it and will have a nice place for all of their outdoor toys.  I can’t believe I didn’t clean and organize this closet sooner.  That is honestly the main reason I’m sharing this tiny pool and toy storage makeover with you all today.  To remind and motivate us all to just DO THE THING that we keep putting off!  I had put this off so long that I’d built it up in my head thinking it would be such a huge, awful project.  It was a piece of cake once I just decided to jump in and do it!

If there is something on your to-do list that you keep procrastinating and putting off I’m encouraging you to schedule a day/time on your calendar and just KNOCK IT OUT.  I have a feeling it will be easier to tackle than you think!  That was my takeaway from this little one hour project that should have been done 4 1/2 years ago.

Lesson is learned.  Rant is over.  Closet is clean.

My work here is done.

For today.  :)


xoxo, Erin

Spring and Summer Fashion (what I wore in Maui!)

*Huge thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post!  (Affiliate links used)

For all of my fashion loving friends I’ve found so many Spring/Summer/Vacation clothes options for you!  This post is a LONG one so get a snack and settle in.  I’m sharing everything I wore on our Spring Break trip to Maui!  Really fun things from Nordstrom I’m excited to keep wearing through Spring and Summer this year.  For all of my not so into fashion friends I’ll be sharing more decor and organization soon.

But these clothes are really cute.  So maybe it’s time to jump on board. ;)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

And we’re off!  Early morning at the airport.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Kole couldn’t leave this favorite friend behind. :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

El took her favorite backpack.  These are all over her high school – they are big with teenagers!  They come in LOTS of fun colors and options.  I told her I liked hers so much I might get one for me.  Apparently the backpacks are cool.. but matching your mom – not so much.  :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

We made it to our favorite spot in Maui and it felt so good to say good-bye to schedules and activities and homework and cleaning and ALL of the every day things for a week!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Our room view.. that ocean could not be more beautiful!  I’ll share lots of Maui tips and all we do there in a future post!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

We’re never in Maui long before we hit the beach!  This floral off the shoulder mini dress is such a cute cover-up.  Lightweight, flattering and so comfortable.  My circle beach bag sold out soon after my swim-suit/straw bag round-up post, but there are already so many cute new similar options in stock!  I have a serious crush on this straw tote too.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Beach = happy kids.  Happy kids = happy mom. :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Of course it’s not long after the beach before my husband hits his vacation stride.  Looks like Kole’s “friend” came in handy after all.  Ha.  I always think it’s cute the way my husband sleeps with a slight smile on his face.  He was OUT when I took this pic.  Nap time = happy husband and dad.  :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

This Isabella wrap dress is hands down a favorite.  Such a great fit and such a great price!  It comes in lots of styles and patterns.  I’m partial to the green.. but you already knew that. ;)  I know I’ll wear this A LOT this summer over my swimsuit.  I love having cute lightweight dresses I can throw on over my suit when we go from the pool or beach to lunch.  This dress also looks adorable on Ellie (my 15 year old – we’re sharing this one!) so a cute option for teenage girls too.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

I only got one picture before the wind kicked up and the rest of them looked like this one.  Or worse! :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

So cute for summer!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

To be honest I’m surprised that my Stripe Rafia Tote is still in stock.  LOVE this bag for the pool or beach!  It’s a perfect size to hold all of the sunscreen, water bottles, etc.  I also bought these Havaiana flip flops for the trip and they are my new favorites.  So comfy and the neutral color works with any and all outfits.  Kole is wearing his favorite Natives – BEST shoes for kids in the summer!  We’ve been getting a new pair every spring for years. :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Having teenagers who are always on their phones can be a major pain, but there are some perks!  They take lots of pictures and every now and then I find gems like these my daughter snapped of me and Kole walking and talking.  My husband always teases me about how close the two of us are.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Kind of inseparable since the day he was born and I wouldn’t have it any other way. :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

We were on a mission heading to get Shave Ice before we hit the pool!  Kole’s favorite thing to do on the islands.  All the miles traveled and money spent for a trip like this and his highlight is a $4 icy treat.  Go figure. :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Then again once you’ve had shave ice in Maui you kinda see why he feels that way.  The absolute best!  My white scallop trim top sold out but is still available in plus size!  I love white tops with denim in the spring and summer.  This cute white top and this pretty lace top are similar fun options and these are similar denim shorts.  The white beaded tassel earrings I’m wearing are also summer favorites!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Cute yellow top that screams happy!  I love J Crews perfect fit tops for when I’m going to be out in the sun all day because they have longer sleeves and cover my skin up to my neck.  Less sunscreen!  Perfect to put on over a suit when you’re worried about too much sun.  They really do have a great fit too.  A spring/summer wardrobe essential and they come in lots of colors and are 50% off!  I’m picking up another one.  SCORE.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

These black Nike running shorts are long time favorites and I already confessed my obsession with this adorable lilac Madewell tie front tee!  I have  been living in it!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

It’s so cute dressed up with jeans and wedges too.  Or with boys in blue shorts holding blue sharks. :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

And since we’re on a roll with pics in cute tops with Kole.. :)  I also love this blue roll sleeve tunic!  It was cute for the beach/pool but I’m also excited to wear it with jeans for more of an every day look.  You can tie the knot low or high or it’s cute with just a little tucked into your jeans.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Beach day!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Let’s talk cover-ups!  This cinch front cover up dress is so soft and pretty.  I’m wearing it with this bikini (top and bottoms).  More green and scallops of course. :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

This Ruffle Sleeve Cover-up romper is another cute option!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

I came across this pic from our trip and it reminded me of this one..

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

This was also taken in Maui a few years back.  The kids might be getting older..

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

but burying El in the sand is still a hit. :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.. this Sandy Shores Striped Sweater I’m wearing is going to be such a long time staple!  I adore it!  First of all.. stripes. :)  But also it just has such a fun loose fit and it’s really cozy and lightweight.  PERFECT for the spring/summer or to keep covered on beach days.  I didn’t get a pic of it but also wore and love this cute stripe hoodie jacket.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

I didn’t get a great shot of this cute ruffle strap mini dress but it’s also perfect as a suit cover-up and comes in lots of colors/patterns.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Luckily I found these pics my girls took so you can kind of see it!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

And that’s as far as I got into the ocean that beach day!  Ha.  Sometimes I swim or snorkel, but most times I supervise, take pictures and read my book.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

In lots of green beach wear apparently. :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

On the flip side I couldn’t get these two out of the water!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Kenny and I were able to sneak away for one evening and enjoy a quite dinner at one of our favorite restaurants – just the two of us!  Always such a treat to be able to speak in coherent sentences with no interruptions. :)  I wore this beautiful midi dress that’s supposed to be off the shoulder but I actually love it on the shoulder too.  I wrote it casual with flip flops and my new favorite orchid earrings.  Such a perfect summer dress!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Pretty evening view on our date!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

What’s more fun to wear on cool days on the island than an Aloha Palms Graphic Sweatshirt?  Not much.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

And eating my favorite fudge in a cozy Aloha Palms Graphic Sweatshirt?  It just doesn’t get better. :)   (similar leggings)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Well.. maybe hanging out with this crew is better.  Let’s play a fun game of can you spot my teen.  This pic was quickly followed with “Off the phone!  We’re on vacation!”

As I use my phone to take a picture. ;)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)


Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Already excited for the day we can go back!


xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Sunday Shelfie

Kitchen Shelf Styling (Sunny Side Up)

Happy Sunday friends!

Kitchen Shelf Styling (Sunny Side Up)

Some days I have so much to tell you all.  Too much most days if we’re being honest. :)

But not today.

Kitchen Shelf Styling (Sunny Side Up)

Today I just have some pictures of the open shelves in my kitchen to share.

Kitchen Shelf Styling (Sunny Side Up)

Ready for Spring!  They feel so shiny and happy after a little update.

Kitchen Shelf Styling (Sunny Side Up)

It’s amazing how just moving a few favorite things around and styling them in a new way can make a spot in your home feel brand new.

Kitchen Shelf Styling (Sunny Side Up)

Try it today!  Spend 20 minutes re-styling a shelf.  Or a coffee table or a mantel.

See if it lifts your mood and makes a spot in your home feel shiny and happy too.

I have a feeling it will!

If you’re re-styling something in your kitchen add a few lemons.

You can’t ever go wrong with lemons.

Guess I had a little something to say today after all.


{POST SOURCES} *affiliate links used

xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

March/April Family Favorites

Hello hello friends.. it’s time for March Family Favorites! In April!  And not even the beginning of April, but mid April.  So we’ll call this post my March/April Family Favorites.  There are no rules around here.. clearly. :)  These monthly picture dumps of all of the things we are loving are some of my favorite posts!  They are as random as it gets so I suppose it just adds to their random charm when I’m two weeks late sharing them.

That’s what I’m telling myself anyway. ;)

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Today (as I’m writing this) it’s April 10th and the anniversary of the day I almost lost my life.  An awful scary day that I’ll never forget, but also in some ways it was the best day.  It was also the day I survived.  Now I get to celebrate this day each year that I’m still here.. raising my kids and writing random blog posts and enjoying every minute of my life (even the tough minutes) and remembering how precious it all is.  I look like a total dork in the picture above, but I was so happy to start my new birthday tradition in March of donating blood and silently thanking those who did the same so that I could be here today.  March highlight for me!

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

(affiliate links used)

For my birthday this year I got new dishes.  The dishes we were using before these were from my wedding over 20 years ago.  We were due. :)  I looked at so many options and finally decided on ordering 2 of this Cambria 16 piece dinner set in the color “stone.”

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Then I also ordered these larger soup bowls because they will be perfect for soups and pasta.

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

I’m excited to finally have a full set of grown up every day dishes!  So many of our other dishes were chipped and worn out after years of use.  I’m also equally excited to re-organize my kitchen cupboards with the new dishes.  But you probably already knew that.  Pictures coming soon. :)

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.. you guys know me and my obsession with frozen microwaveable food. ;)  But honestly.. these Healthy Choice Grilled Basil Chicken meals are SO good!  My new favorite!  Perfect for lunch or dinner on days I’m feeding the kids different things at different times because of their activities.  (And only 230 calories!)  Find them at your grocery store and try them and let me know what you think!

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

This is another fast frozen family favorite (say that 4 times fast!).  Sorry.. nothing but brutal honesty around here.  Sometimes we cook.

And sometimes we don’t. :)

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

This might be my favorite of ALL the favorites you guys!  We have a little phone charging station on our nightstand in our bedroom for overnight, but I wanted something in my office that all of us could use for a quick phone re-charge during the day.  I ordered this Multi Device Charging Station and am in love!  It charges 5 devices all at once and keeps things so nice and tidy!  I love the short cords.  It came with three apple cords and two USB cords so I also bought this 5 pack of apple cords because that’s what we all need for our devices.  My kids love this too!  We all have a charging spot when we aren’t using phones and sometimes on weekends when I announce a little “technology break” for family time this spot works great to hold everything.  (My kids LOVE it when I do that btw.. insert eye roll.)

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Typical after school scene.  Kole is looking as thrilled as ever to be doing his homework. Ha.

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Another recent favorite.. my new Battery Organizer Storage Case!  I had a few drawers in my laundry room that were driving me crazy with loose batteries all over.  I needed to consolidate them so I started looking on-line and found this on Amazon and love it!

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

It holds so many batteries and all different sizes.  It also has a battery tester.  Not sure if I’ll ever use that but nice to have!

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

I just love that it keeps things nice and organized in one spot so that if we need a battery for a toy or flashlight if the power goes out.. we’re set.

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Ordered these Velvet Suit Hangers for Kenny’s suits and love them.

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Ellie took some for all of her hoodies too!  A great deal on a set of really nice hangers.

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

I know I shared this before but this Shouldered Clear Glass Vase is so beautiful and looks good with such a variety of flowers.  Hands down a favorite for Spring!

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

{top/jeans/similar purse/similar shoes/similar earrings}

This Madewell Modern Tie front Tee was a favorite last Spring that I still love and wear so I was thrilled when it came out again this year in this pretty lilac color!  I’ve been wearing it this week in Maui.. it’s so cute.

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Of course all of the dresses I shared in this recent post are March favorites!  Planning on wearing this shirtdress or this flutter sleeve dress for Easter. :)

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Ad’s recent obsession is with all things Zella for girls.  This cute hoodie was a favorite for all of March and we love these socks!

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

El’s latest obsession has rubbed off on me and Addison and now we all 3 worship these elastics!  My girls inherited my super thick hair and regular elastics just don’t cut it.  We’ve tried so many options and never found anything that really worked great for pony tails and buns until these Grab and Go Ponytail Holders came into our lives!  They come in sets of 15 in lots of colors and styles and we take them with us everywhere.  They work SO well and are really comfortable.  Perfect gift for Easter baskets if you have girls!  And try them yourself too.. I don’t use anything else now!  I especially love the way they hold my hair back when I exercise.

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Of course.. my new bench is a March favorite.  :)  So happy to have this spot in my home decorated!

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

I’m also loving My Little Steamer!  I’ve never had a steamer until our Favorite Things Christmas party this year.  Someone brought the mini version of this little steamer and swore by it so I ordered the Deluxe version knowing I’d use it more at home than for travel.

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Coming from someone who HATES to iron this steamer is a dream!  I recently bought my same Pintuck Duvet Cover for the bed in my master bedroom (replacing the old one because after a couple of years it was looking more brown than white!).  I used my steamer to get the wrinkles out and it was so easy to use!  (I had just started steaming the top in this pic.)  I’m sold!  And may never use my iron again.

I can think of worse things. :)

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Here’s a pic of what it looks like on my bed.

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Wonder why our original duvet cover was starting to look dirty?  Hmmm.. one of life’s mysteries I may never solve. ;)

In other fun news, two favorite stores of mine are having major sales right now!  Wayfair is having their “WAYDAY SALE” which is the biggest sale they have each year.  If you’ve been waiting to pick up a piece of furniture now is the time.  A few things I always look for at Wayfair are decorative trays (they have a great selection), Rugs (you can get my kitchen rugs here with free shipping!), doormats, and sideboards and buffet tables (like my navy sideboard in my dining room – 28% off.. the lowest I’ve seen it!  I should have waited. ;)

Also TORY BURCH is having their Spring Event (YEA!!) – 30% off with code SPRING.  See my favorites from TB below.  I’m having a hard time picking which item to order out of the items I’m sharing (letting myself get one purse OR one pair of shoes during the sale) so if you have a favorite let me know. :)

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Last recent favorite!  My cute Kole played the part of the sun in his 3rd grade play all about the planets.

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

The morning of his play my girls had off of school because it was a teacher work day so they woke up early to see their brother’s play.  A family event!  This little guy has sat through SO many dance performances and plays his sisters have been in so it was fun to all be there to support him.  He was so funny and the play was darling.

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

So for my birthday Kole gave me his card and said “mom.. there’s a joke in your birthday card.. see if you can find it.”

From your “sun” Kole.

I found his “joke” pretty quick. Priceless. :)

March Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

(Stripe Raffia tote/navy top, shorts/flip flops/sunglasses)

This kid really is my sunshine.  All 3 of my kids are.  Guess we’ll call them March/April favorites too. ;)

{POST SOURCES.. ALL the favorites} :)

xoxo, Erin

Favorite Swimsuits, Cover-ups and Straw Bags

Favorite Swimsuits, cover-ups and straw bags! (Sunny Side Up)

Happy Sunday friends!  We made it to Maui!  Our week 3 Spring Break destination this year. ;)  Maui has been our Spring Break destination a lot of years and I know I’ve promised you all a Maui tips post.  I am determined to make that happen (working on it this week!) so if you have questions you want answered in that post let me know!  (I snapped this pic quick with my phone today straight off of the plane when we arrived at our resort.  What’s not to love about Maui!?)

I’ll also share some of the cute Spring/Summer clothes I got for the trip.  I’m so excited about the cute things I’m finding for Spring this year!  I mentioned in IG stories last week that I had been trying on swimsuits for our trip (which of course inspired an abundance of morning jogs and stair climbing.. ha) and I had a lot of requests to share my favorites that are out this year.  I’m sharing them below along with a round up of my favorite cover-ups and straw bags!  I was going to share these favorites along with the items I bought after our trip but all of the cute things are selling out so fast!  I know some of you are still in cold weather and not thinking about swim suits yet, but I’ve found that you have to be on top of swim wear every year or you aren’t left with many options.  I used to put swim suit shopping off as long as possible for obvious reasons.  Never a fun try on session for me!  But then after waiting too long to shop I would have slim options which made it an even harder try on session.  Then when I would finally find something cute, it was only available in one size.. that wasn’t mine. :)  Lesson learned!  Now I just face the music and get my swimsuit figured out early!  I also snag a cute cover-up or two while I’m at it.  Then it’s time to hit the pool, have fun with the kids and stop worrying about how I look in everything.

That’s my goal this year. :)

Favorite Swimsuits, cover-ups and straw bags! (Sunny Side Up)

(affiliate links used)

I love the look and style of every swim suit below.  For my body type I’ve found 3 brands that work especially well.. Robin Piconne (I have 3 suits similar to this one and absolutely love them!), La Blanca, and Chelsea28 (I’m in love with this Scallop Bikini and this One Piece suit..they both fit so well!)  Below are other favorite suits I found this year along with some fun cover-ups and straw bags!  I’ll have us all beach ready in no time.

Anyone want to meet me at the stairs?  Or we can pretend we did them and just meet for lunch instead. :)

Favorite Swimsuits, cover-ups and straw bags! (Sunny Side Up)

1 – Crisscross One Piece (sold out)  2 – Delilah One-Piece  3 – Perla High Neck   4 – High Neck One-Piece  5 – Strappy Back One-Piece 6 – Zip Code One-Piece   7 – Naomi Criss Cross   8 – Lace Up One Piece   9 – Spectrum One Piece   10 – Socialite One Piece   11 – Socialite Ruffle Bikini  12 – Gingham Bikini Top  13 – Chira Triangle Bikini Top  14 – Scallop Triangle Bikini Top  15 –  Reversible Halter Tankini Top  16 – Malia Ruffle One Piece  17 – Scallop Bandeau One Piece  18 – Milano Bandeau One Piece  19 – Island Godess One Piece  20 – Becca Prairie Rose Crochet One Piece

Favorite Swimsuits, cover-ups and straw bags! (Sunny Side Up)

1 – Michelle Tunic  2 – Island Hopper Romper  3 – Ruffle Sleeve Cover-up Romper  4 – Hooded Cover-up Tunic  5 – Breezy Basics Knot Romper  6 – Celeste Cover-up Dress  7 – Saltwater Solids Romper  8 – Breezy Cinch Front Cover-up Dress  9 – Off the Shoulder Ruffle Cover-up Maxi  Dress  10 – Cover-up Tunic  11 – Ocean Sky Cover-up  12 – Dolman Sleeve Kimono Cover-up

Favorite Swimsuits, cover-ups and straw bags! (Sunny Side Up)

1 – Apryl Woven Backpack  2 – Woven Rattan Circle Crossbody  3 – Miller Stripe Straw Tote  4 – Had Me At Aloha Straw Crossbody  5 – x Sincerely Jules Shoulder Bag  6 – Packable Woven Raffia Tote  7 – Round Straw Crossbody Bag  8 – Riviera Ring Handle Tote  9 – Stripe North/South Raffia Tote  10 – Woven Square Handle Satchel  11 – Out Of Office Jute Tote  12 –  Apryl Woven Tote

I hope this round-up post gave you some fun ideas!  I’ll be back with more to share soon!  For now I need some sleep.  It was a long travel day and I have no doubt a certain little boy will be up at the crack of dawn pulling me out of bed to hit the beach.

I can think of worse things. :)

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

New Entry Bench!

Front entry bench (Sunny Side Up)

(*affiliate links used)

Oh this is a happy day.  I can finally say that my front entry is complete!  I say finally because for the last five years that we’ve been living in our new home I have been hunting for the perfect bench for my front entry and it’s finally here!

Front entry bench (Sunny Side Up)

To be honest my new navy bench is not exactly what I pictured and a little modern for my taste with its tall straight sides.  But I’ll take it!  And celebrate the fact that I’m done with my never ending hunt for a bench for this spot.

Entry marble wood floor (Sunny Side Up)

Two reasons I’ve struggled to find a bench for this entry:  1) I  knew I wanted a navy bench.  That narrowed the search pretty quickly right off the bat. :)  2) I had to find something narrow.  Most benches are a lot deeper than this bench and would have come out too far past my front door.  It was a narrow spot to work with!  I had the color and style in my head and the exact dimensions I needed and NOTHING I found fit the bill.

Entry marble wood floor (Sunny Side Up)

Except this one. :)  It’s the Adela Shelter Banquette from Horchow and when I first saw it on-line I decided it was so close!  The perfect color and size, but too modern for me.  But I kept going back to look at it and after a few weeks it sort of grew on me!  Then one Saturday I went to look at it again and it was marked down on sale.  I decided it was a sign and I was meant to buy it!  I think also knowing that if I didn’t jump on it I would most likely be looking for the “perfect” bench for another 5 years helped close the deal.  I asked Kenny if I could pull the trigger and he was like “for the love.. please just buy something and have it done and stop talking about finding a bench for that spot!”

Ha!  My strategy that I didn’t even know was a strategy.  I patted myself on the back for that one and plan to use it in the future.  I call it the “talk about it enough that you drive your husband crazy and get exactly what you want” strategy.  Look for my book coming out with details next Spring.

Entry marble wood floor (Sunny Side Up)

I still love my entry console table (it’s back in stock for a great deal here!) and the Party Favor Art and the navy lamp I decorated it with.  The pink ginger jars from Lo Home are a fun new addition on this table for Spring.

Entry marble wood floor (Sunny Side Up)

I also added some festive eggs to a favorite dough bowl!

Entry marble wood floor and Easter Decor (Sunny Side Up)

That pretty much sums up my Easter decor this year.  I know.. you’re all so impressed.  I’m taking Pinterest by storm with this one.

Easter Tablescape (Sunny Side Up)

If you have more energy for Easter decor than I apparently do this year (or are in charge of Easter dinner) there are a few fun ideas in this Easter Tablescape post.  I hung my eggs on my faux flowers for a centerpiece.  I would actually love to put together a new Easter tablescape this year, but I still need to finish decorating my dining room!

Dining Room Christmas Decor (Sunny Side Up)

{Christmas Dining Room Post/Sources}

I had it decked for the holidays, but after the Christmas decor was put away I was left with a blank slate that I’m still working on.  I ordered this Sunken Treasure Canvas to go over my navy table..Front entry bench (Sunny Side Up)

(SO gorgeous!) and am patiently waiting for it to come.  I’ve had my eye on it for a long time!

Entry marble wood floor (Sunny Side Up)

For now I’m celebrating my new bench!  I added this favorite throw to it after I took these pics and it looks so good!  Makes me want to order another one but it would be my 3rd.  Ha.  Seriously.. it’s the throw that looks good everywhere!  I’m also debating this textured blush throw as another option.  One piece of furniture/decor at a time and at one point I’m going to have this house completely decorated!

Just in time to pick a room and start all over again. ;)

Entry marble wood floor (Sunny Side Up)

I was taking pics of this space when Addison got home from school.  A friend brought her home (I have quite the carpool situation worked out this year so that I can get my kids home from their 3 different schools every day).  She walked in the front door, tossed her dirty backpack, binder and water bottle on my brand new bench, sat down and gave me this look.  Rough day at middle school Ad?  I snapped a quick pic and said “well.. my new bench is officially broken in.”

That didn’t take long now did it.



xoxo, Erin

Spring Porch Update! (and favorite Spring dresses)

Coastal Craftsman home (Sunny Side Up)

Happy Wednesday everyone!  We are mid week on Spring Break #2 at our house.  3 kids in 3 different schools = 3 separate Spring Breaks and let me tell you.. productivity is at an all time LOW around here.  You should all be very impressed that this post is even happening right now.  I sure am. ;)  I’ve actually been loving some time with each of my kids home and it has felt like summer thanks to some surprisingly hot weather the past 2 days.  Makes me excited for things to come!  The sunshine and warm temps inspired a little porch re-fresh!  I cleaned and swept my porch and then found the cutest new outdoor rug.  I still love my black and white striped rug but was ready for a change.

(Lots of fun sources and options are at the end of this post!  Affiliate links used.)

Coastal Craftsman home (Sunny Side Up)

Of course still stripes though.. I’m not ready for a change that wild and crazy.  Ha. :)

Coastal Craftsman home (Sunny Side Up)

Coastal Craftsman home Spring Front Porch (Sunny Side Up)

{navy striped rug/similar hello mat here and here}

I found this cute rug on Amazon and it’s plastic!  I was a little skeptical ordering it, but was so happy when it arrived!  Really nice quality and it will be so easy to keep clean.  I added my hello mat and knew I needed a pop of yellow flowers.  I looked all over for the perfect flowers and after not finding what I wanted I decided I would go to the nursery and then plant some in pots myself.  Two days later I was shopping for groceries and these pretty yellow plants were in front of my local grocery store!  In pots and everything.  SCORE.

(Sorry babe.. I forgot dinner.. cute yellow plants took up all of the room in my grocery cart and sort of distracted me..)

Coastal Craftsman home Spring Front Porch (Sunny Side Up)

Another fun score?  This Daisy Cotton Shirtdress.  So cute for Spring!  I’m in love and it was just marked 40% off!

Coastal Craftsman home Spring Front Porch (Sunny Side Up)

Here’s a closer look.  The puff sleeves are my favorite!  It runs a little long so I’m wearing a size 2 petite (I’m 5’3 and 1/2.. don’t forget the half).  The regular 2 about went to my ankles. ;)   I’ll link shoes and accessories below (I found SO many cute similar purses and shoes and earrings!)  I’ve been doing some on-line shopping to get ready for a fun upcoming trip and can’t believe all of the cute new things out for Spring.  (Btw.. this dress is part of Julia’s Gal Meets Glam dress collection and I love everything she does!  Really simple, modest, flattering dresses.)  

Coastal Craftsman home Spring Front Porch (Sunny Side Up)

I got this cute Promenade dress from Anthropologie and it looks like the green is sold out, but it also comes in a pretty blue!  So comfortable and green is one of my favorite colors to wear every Spring.

Coastal Craftsman home Spring Front Porch (Sunny Side Up)

These Orchid Earrings I mentioned in my Floral Favorites post are so good you guys!  I’m in love!  They are lightweight and so pretty.  The perfect pop of pink with almost every outfit!

Coastal Craftsman home Spring Front Porch Spring Dresses (Sunny Side Up)

While we’re talking green dresses from Anthro.. this Nova Knit Dress is another long time favorite dress of mine that’s back in stock!  Comfy and casual.. and green.  I’m nothing if not predictable. :)  I love pulling this out every Spring.

Coastal Craftsman home Spring Front Porch Spring Dresses (Sunny Side Up)

Another fun dress I’m loving that I also shared earlier in my Floral Favorites post is this Flutter Sleeve Dress.  This dress is a little out of my comfort zone because I tend to gravitate toward solid colors, but I just love how feminine and pretty it is for this time of year!  Sorry the lighting is so bad!  I was wearing it to an evening event when I snapped these 2 pics.

Coastal Craftsman home Spring Front Porch Spring Dresses (Sunny Side Up)

I love the way it’s short in the front and long in the back.. really slimming from the side too!

Coastal Craftsman home Spring Front Porch (Sunny Side Up)

Nothing like a new dress and a new front porch rug to welcome Spring is there!?

Coastal Craftsman home (Sunny Side Up)

I think not. :)




..loving every one of these!


.. also loving pink/gold earrings and layered necklaces these days!


xoxo, Erin

Organizing Favorites! (Travel and Baskets)

*This post is sponsored by Pottery Barn and affiliate links are used, but as always all product selections and opinions are my own! 

Hello hello friends!  I’m sharing some organizing favorites from Pottery Barn with you all today!  Organizing?  Pottery Barn?  This post is a favorite and I haven’t even written it yet. :)

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

{Travel Jewelry Portfolio}

Whether we’re going on a trip for Spring Break or planning something fun for the summer I’m always thinking about travel this time of year.  I’m excited to share a few of my favorite travel accessories with you!  This travel jewelry portfolio has quickly become my best friend.  So pretty and it comes in several colors.

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

But the magic happens on the inside.  I love that it has a place for everything!  The top snaps are ring rolls but I don’t wear a lot of rings so I use them to hold my wedding ring, bracelets and larger hoop earrings.  The next zipper pouch is perfect for other bracelets or my watch.

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

Then it has a bottom earring holder for smaller earrings/studs.

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

I put my longer earrings in the long pocket on the left side.

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

But my favorite part is the far right!  I used to put all of my jewelry together in a small make-up bag when I traveled and I hated how my necklaces always got so tangled.  This zipper compartment that holds necklaces is so nice and honestly why I bought this!  I can stack multiple necklaces in each snap and it keeps them separated.  Love that!  Then the whole thing folds up nice and flat and is easy to pack.

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

I also love these cute Lakshmi cosmetic pouches.  They are so soft and I love the colors/pattern.  Easy to toss in your bag!  I use this larger pouch for all of my labeled travel toiletries.

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

I have a little organized “travel drawer” in my bathroom where I keep all of these so that packing is simple.

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

The smaller pouch is perfect for make-up.  I always keep my make-up with me in my carry on when I’m on the plane because if there is ever a luggage mix up or delay at least I’ll have my mascara!  #priorities

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

My husband and I also both love this black Tech Portfolio.  Perfect to hold the iPad and all other travel accessories.

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

I like using the top slots for my driver’s license and main credit card when I travel so that they are easy to access.  And of course the iPad is ready for my son on the plane when the whole family is traveling.  Enjoy Kole.  Mom is reading a magazine and then taking a nap.  I miss when my kids were babies, but I do not miss traveling with my kids when they were babies. :)

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

{Moroccan Woven Baskets/Faux Peony Bundle}

I can’t write an organizing post with items from PB and not talk about baskets.  They are my #1 favorite thing organize with!  And Pottery Barn baskets are my favorite.  I recently bought this set of Moroccan Woven Baskets and love them!  You can see two of them in this picture above (one by my chair and the small basket on my shelf).

Organized baskets (Sunny Side Up)

The large basket is by my fireplace.

Organized Packing (Sunny Side Up)

The larger two baskets in this set are perfect for blankets and books, but if you have small children they would also be perfect for corralling toys.  I had toys stashed in baskets all over my house when my kids were younger!  Easy clean-up. :)

Organized baskets (Sunny Side Up)

{Daytrip Lidded Baskets/Bosworth Printed Wool Rug – BLUE}

The baskets I chose for the openings above our mudroom lockers were one of the first things I purchased when we moved into our new home and I still love them today.  Fun picnic basket style.

Organized baskets (Sunny Side Up)

Organized baskets (Sunny Side Up)

I use them to hold our winter accessories!  Perfect spot for them because we don’t have much and only use them once or twice a year.  The basket above my locker and my husband’s is holding our ski pants. :)

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

But my favorite baskets for organizing are hands down PB’s Savannah Utility baskets.  LOVE these.  I have them all over our house!  I use the larger size in my bathroom built-ins to hold toiletry items we don’t use as often.

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

Then I have the smaller size on display on the shelf above my bathtub.

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

This set is empty but that’s what I love about these baskets.  They look great as decor too and work with any color scheme.

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve shared this before but they are also the baskets I use in my pantry. :)  I used this small size for a while and then upgraded to the Savannah Lidded Baskets because they are deeper (a rectangle fit) and I can fit more food!  I just keep the lids off and in a separate cupboard if I ever want to use the the baskets a different way.

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

{Pantry Organization}

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

Another favorite organizing solution of mine has always been wall organization!  Pinboards especially are my favorite and we have them throughout my home and one in each of my kids’ rooms.

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

{Similar Galvanized Framed Corkboard}

I bought these pin boards from Pottery Barn for my pantry soon after we moved into our house and have loved having a place to display my kids’ school/art work, thank you notes, wedding invitations, baby announcements, etc.  Having a set place for miscellaneous paper items like this helps keep my kitchen counters and fridge clear and clean!

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

The PB linen pinboard in my bedroom is another favorite place I display special pictures and cards from my kids.  Items like this are so nice to enjoy when they are grouped together and displayed vs. a pile of clutter sitting on the nightstand.

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

{Similar Linen Pinboard}

My happy place. :)

So many fun items from Pottery Barn for organizing!  I’ll link to these items and other favorites below!

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

{Shouldered Clear Glass Vase}

This has nothing to do with organizing but while we’re talking all things Pottery Barn I recently ordered this Shouldered Clear Glass Vase and couldn’t love it more.  Aren’t these tulips so beautiful in it!?  I keep moving it around my house to different rooms and it looks good in so many spots!  I love vases that are narrow at the top like this because they are easier to fill.

Organizing with baskets (Sunny Side Up)

I shared a picture on Instagram tonight and a lot of people mentioned putting a penny in the bottom of the vase to keep the tulips standing straight!  Such a great tip!  I’m excited to try it.  But I have to say that I always love it when tulips start to droop and spill over the sides of the vase.  Perfect imperfection. :)  I’m obsessed with bright pink at the moment and have sprinkled these raspberry faux peonies all over my home too.

I’m ready for Spring!  Sunshine on my face, flowers throughout my home, and of course.. LOTS of organizing.

Bring it on. :)

{PB ORGANIZING FAVORITES} *all of these items are on sale right now!

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Colorful Birthday Party (Kole turns 9!)

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a great weekend!  We lucked out with perfect party weather and Kole’s 9th birthday party was a hit!  When I asked him what he wanted for a birthday party this year he said he really wanted everyone to come over to our house to jump and could we please get a bouncy house.

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

So that’s exactly what we did. :)  This boy of mine still loves to jump which makes me happy because I know our bouncy house days are numbered!

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

He didn’t want a specific party theme like Star Wars or anything so we decided to just decorate everything with the colors that were in the bouncy house he picked out.  This colorful castle was the winner because it had a slide. :)

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Pops of blue, yellow, red and green!

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

We had an extra table so we just used it for gifts.  We always have our kids open gifts later after the party which I love because we can take our time and I can jot down info. for thank you cards.  Funny to remember how different that is from when I was young and half of the party was all about opening presents!  How do you do it with your kids?  I don’t think I’ve been to a party where gifts were opened in years!  I’m wondering if that’s a San Diego thing or just the way everyone does it now?

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

We set out three tables for food.. a blue table, a red table..

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

and a yellow table.  Then we used the opposite colors of plates on each to stand out.  I loved that my yellow and red flowers all started blooming so pretty just in time for the party and I had blue pillows on the lounge chairs!  Not planned to coordinate with the party decor, but I’ll take it. :)

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

I can’t take all of the credit for this cute party.  My darling friend Vanessa was a huge help!  She is a close friend of mine and I hired her this year as an “assistant.”  I’ve mentioned before that my 3 kids are in 3 different schools this year and we have a hectic after school schedule every day.  My husband’s job keeps him busy so it didn’t take long for me to see heading into this school year that if I wanted to keep my blog alive and be the kind of mom I want to be I was going to need some help.  Or give up sleep completely.  I can go on about 5 hours a night but giving up more than that just wasn’t an option. ;)  She was so excited to work with me and it has been a blast!  Every week is different and it’s usually just a few hours here and there but I’ve loved having her help with things like taking pics I need to be in (so nice to not have to wait for the weekend when Kenny is home!), some of the administrative blog stuff that I get buried in, or last week.. party planning and then heading to the store to get ALL things colorful for Kole’s party.  Plus it’s just more fun to do things like this with a friend. :)  I laughed that we both showed up in green and yellow coordinating with the party decor.  Kenny showed up in camo.. he obviously didn’t get the memo.  Ha.

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve never been a huge fan of goodie bags after a party.  We all do it – I’ve given them out after my kids’ parties for years, but I sometimes feel like they are a waste of money because the kids chew the gum and maybe use the pencil, but a lot of times they just get trashed!  So we decided to give each of the kids a ball when they left (you can see them in a cooler off to the left of this table.)  Kole is always bouncing a ball around so it seemed like a fun and practical gift for this age for about the same price as a goodie bag.  The kids played with them at the party and then each got to pick one to take home after!  A fun party favor and it worked with the colorful polka dot theme we had going on.

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Vanessa painted simple crate boxes and then we used gumballs in a mason jar with a polka dot ribbon and colorful balloons as table centerpieces.  She also found this cute dog that all of the kids signed with a pen for my party boy to keep and remember who came to his party. :)

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Then I about broke my neck hanging colorful lanterns from the back porch light over the food table.  But priorities.

I can’t believe my baby is 9!

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Costco run for all of the food!  Flowers were for me. :)

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Vanessa also painted the cute KOLE letters and then I put a picture of him in a frame on top of another crate.  We got pizza and then I just served easy snacks.  We also added gum balls in cute bowls everywhere because.. why not?  :)

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

All finished setting up!

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

I love this smile.  It’s his fake smile that says “humor mom for 5 more minutes with these stupid pictures and then I get to finally have fun with my friends.”  I know that smile well because his dad does it all the time too.

They’ll thank me someday.  I just know it.

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

We also added a cute banner up on the balcony!  With painters tape.  But you already knew that.

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Every time I share pics of our yard I get questions about our umbrellas.  They are the older model of these Cantilever Umbrellas and I honestly can’t say enough good things about them.  A splurge but they are worth every penny!  So easy to adjust to the sun and they’ve held up great.  (I’ll link to backyard sources and similar items below.)

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Oh yeah.. friends are starting to arrive.  It’s party time. :)

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

This party was so easy after set up because the kids just jumped and swam and played in the yard!

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

I didn’t take as many pics when all of the kids were here because I was monitoring the pool, bounce house and trampoline making sure everyone was safe.  Boys stress me out!  Their “play” always feels like a broken limb will happen at any moment.

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Happy Birthday Kole!  You’ve got great friends who love you so much.

Boys Colorful Birthday Party (Sunny Side Up)

Mom and dad are kinda crazy about you too. :)

(Keep working on those smiles boys)


xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

New Finds and Old Favorites

Happy Weekend everyone!  This will be a quick post because it’s late and I still have a few things to get ready for Kole’s birthday party tomorrow!  Sometimes it’s so difficult getting things done when the kids are awake isn’t it!?  I just had to give up on trying earlier today and then get everyone in bed so I could focus (Kenny too.. he fell asleep on the couch.. ha).  At 10 pm I was finally able to start checking things off of my to-do list!  Getting more sleep is a major goal for me this year.  Actually achieving that goal feels about as realistic as getting things done when the kids are awake.


Starting with old favorites!  I’m sharing 2 past posts that I hope will be helpful to read for the first time.. or the second. :)  How I organize my jewelry AND tips on what to toss and what to save when it comes to ALL the papers kids bring home from school.

What do these 2 posts have to do with each other?  Absolutely nothing.  I just like them both. :)

*affiliate links used

Organized Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)



For new favorites this week I’m so excited about the Serena & Lily Spring Design Event!  You guys!  Eekkk!  I’ve been waiting for this sale!  Right now through Monday Serena & Lily has 20% off of EVERYTHING in their store!  I love S&L but their products are pricey so I aways wait for sales like this to shop for my home.  I ordered some new pillows for my living room and can’t wait to get them here!  (Especially excited about this one.)

Serena and Lily (Design Event) - Sunny Side Up

{Guest room details and sources}

A couple of favorites in my home from S&L are my guest room bed and my Malibu Chandelier.  To be honest I sometimes want to move them into my own bedroom I love them so much!  I’m linking some favorite S&L products below!  I love pretty much everything in their store.  If you are shopping the sale on-line be sure to use the code INSPO to get the sale price when you check out.

Ok.. back to my balloons. :)  I’ll share some peeks of Kole’s party on IG stories if you want to pop in and see what we’re up to! I can’t believe that by the end of this month my baby will be 9!  This S&L sale came at a dangerous time.  Retail therapy is always my go to when I’m sad about my kids getting older.  SOS!  Ha.


Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Serena and Lily (Design Event) - Sunny Side Up



xoxo, Erin

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