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Favorite Sandals (9 under 90!)

Favorite Sandals (9 under 90!) Sunny Side Up

Happy Thursday everyone!  I hope you’ve all had a good week so far!  It is POURING rain right now as I type this but our week started off with warm temps and sunshine.  Just a taste of Spring and it felt so good!  We are throwing a birthday party for Kole this weekend in our backyard so I’m hoping that we get our Spring weather back for the weekend.  If not I’ll be coming up with a way to keep twentyish 9 year olds entertained inside my house.  So fun right?  Prayers would be appreciated. ;)

I’ve been on a hunt for new shoes for Spring/Summer and seriously you guys.. I’m in love with all of the fun sandals that are popping up this year!  There are so many cute and comfortable slide options.  Perfect shoes for the park, the pool, the beach, running errands or chasing kids!  You can dress them up with a skirt or keep them casual with cut-offs.  If you like a sandal with a heel this cute wedge was so popular last year and they have it back in lots of new colors (I just ordered them in navy!).  I’m really torn on which slides to order and just can’t choose between all of the fun options below.  These are my 9 favorite sandals that are under $90!  Great deals on CUTE shoes and every pair comes in a variety of color options.  Bring on the sun!  I’m so ready for painted toes, comfy sandals and warm cars.  (Isn’t it the best feeling getting into a warm car when you’ve been in a cold building?  My favorite.) :)

p.s.  Let me know what you think of a new 9 under $90 series!  I’m kind of excited about it.  Maybe a post like this every week or two?  I have SO many fun ideas and good deals on favorite things to share!

Favorite Sandals (9 under 90!) Sunny Side Up

(All sandals are linked below!  Affiliate links are used.)

1 – Mandoline Sandal – 2 – Manette Slide Sandal – 3 – Woven Slide Sandal – 4 – Miles Slide Sandals

5 – Sannibel Wedge Sandal – 6 – Andy Slide Sandal – 7 – Mindra Wedge Sandal –  8 – Bay Slide Sandal

9 – Colsen Slide Sandal

xoxo, Erin

My Organized Office (Part 2!)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

(*For newcomers (hello and welcome!)  I designed this office when we built our house and the dutch door and table were both custom made.  The counters are all quartz (Caeserstone – Organic White).  The room is 15 1/2 by 12 feet and you can download my house paint colors here.  All other office sources will be shared at the end of the post!  Affiliate links used.)

I’m back!  Back with the rest of my office organization.  I know you’ve all been on pins and needles just waiting for part 2. ;)

Make sure to check out how I organized the first half of my office if you missed it!  Today we’re moving on to the cupboards and drawers on the right side of the room so settle in with some popcorn (or another preferred snack although I highly recommend popcorn) and here we go!

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

We ended the first part of the tour with this cupboard of half finished projects that I finally got organized and under control.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Here’s a look inside this section of lower cupboards and drawers..

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.  Before you decide that I’m a crazy hoarder let me tell you that this putting together this cupboard is quite possibly the smartest thing I’ve ever done to save my sanity and time.  These are toys/gifts for kids.  Some of them are gifts my own kids have received for birthdays and I’ve stashed them in here for a rainy day.  Some are gifts I’ve bought.  A couple of years ago both of my girls were participating in “secret sister” gift exchanges.  Ad for volleyball and El for dance.  Every time Ad had a volleyball game or El had a dance competition we were shopping for a little gift for a friend on the team.  Add that to the 3-6 birthday parties my 3 school-aged kids were going to each month and I felt like I was constantly having to shop for gifts.  I finally realized what a time suck it was becoming for me and got on-line and ordered a bunch of small gifts/toys.  Then I went to the grocery store and stocked up on candy, small gift cards, cute gift bags and tissue.  I put all of the wrapping supplies in our wrapping cupboard and all of the gifts in this cupboard and from then on every time one of the kids needed a gift for someone I told them to head to the office, pick something out and wrap it up!  LIFE SAVER.

To be honest we now politely decline some of the “secret friend” activities (my kids don’t mind at all!) and we only attend birthday parties for close friends.  It was just getting to be too much between the 3 kids and now that my girls are older and both so busy our family time on the weekend has to be prioritized or it doesn’t happen!

But when the kids DO need a gift.. we are ready. ;)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

This top drawer used to hold files for all of my “inspiration” pages that I had torn out of magazines.  Decorating, organizing, home design.  I had a lot of torn out magazine pages!  After the holidays I dumped everything from this drawer out on to my floor and was planning on going through them to categorize/organize/file them all, but then I decided that I really didn’t need them anymore.  How often was I looking at my torn out magazine pages for inspiration?  They had been sitting in this drawer untouched for years.  Time to simplify!  And recycle.  So this drawer is currently empty. :)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Below the empty drawer is what’s left of my six years of teaching Elementary School.  I’ve recycled SO many things over the years and this is all I’m still hanging onto.  I’ve used a lot of my teaching materials with all 3 of my kids and these are things I still use or might use in the future with Kole.  He has always loved and played with the sack puppets. :)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Time for the cute little cubbies above the computer!  When I was designing this office I sketched out these 5 little drawers above the computer mostly to break things up and add some interest.  I didn’t really need them for storage and knew that drawers at that height weren’t practical anyway.  I just liked the way they looked.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

So I decided to make the three middle “drawers” one pull down cubby and then have just one drawer on each side.  The side drawers are empty.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

In the middle cubby I have these three baskets that hold computer screen cleaners, putty I use when I decorate, felt I use under furniture, and then of course.. more painters tape. :)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

The cupboards above the little drawers hold books!  I’ve gone through our crazy book stash multiple times and just can’t part with these yet.  Although it looks like we have two copies of Wonder (not sure how that happened) so I might need to Marie Kondo this book situation yet again. ;)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Below the computer are two drawers full of organized school supplies.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

One thing I allow myself to hoard just a tad.  Along with cute notepads.

And kids’ extra birthday gifts.

And throw pillows.

And peep toe booties.

Alright alright.. so I’m an organized hoarder.  Always room for improvement right?

When I’m ready and want to. ;)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Honestly though.. these types of drawers just make my day!  If I’m feeling down I can just open a drawer of perfectly lined up paperclips and bam.  Instant pick me up.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

On to the next little section of cupboards!  These open cupboards at the top used to be a hot mess!  Kind of a dumping ground for all the things.  I cleaned them out and got rid of everything I wasn’t loving/using and now they are almost empty.  I have NO plans to fill them up anytime soon.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

The wooden crates below I’ve shared before.  They hold more school supplies (told you they are a weakness!), command strips for hanging pictures, and camera manuals/computer programs I still use from time to time.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

The lower drawers hold paper files.  Important papers for each of my kids and then things like medical forms, receipts, etc. I still want to hang on to for a while.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

They also hold some of my older sentimental keepsakes.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Getting our paper under control was a HUGE project that I tackled last summer and I wrote a post all about it HERE if you missed it.  All of our finance/tax papers are in my husband’s office and I need to organize them better at some point but that involves his help which is why it hasn’t happened yet.  For some reason he doesn’t get as excited as I do about spending a weekend sorting, categorizing and organizing paper.

He’s a mystery to me.


My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Next to the paper files is the drawer that holds my camera equipment/label maker drawer.  The only thing missing when I took this pic was my main Canon camera.  Because I was using it to take the pictures. :)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

(My favorite camera/My favorite lens. *Linked because I get so many questions about what camera I use!)

There it is on the right.  Drawer complete. :)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

The drawer underneath my camera holds our printer.  Nice to have it tucked out of the way!

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Moving along to the tall cabinet on the right!  I shared this cabinet years ago because it was one of the first spaces I organized in our new home when we moved in.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

My building books/notes/paint samples are on the top with paper and all of our craft supplies underneath.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

This space has worked so well for us and has stayed organized through the years.  I straightened the paper for this picture but that’s it!  My kids know where everything is and they know where things go when it’s time to clean up.  I used to have something similar in a smaller kitchen cupboard in our previous house so think outside of the box if you need a craft set up for your kids and are short on space!

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

The only difference in this cupboard now compared to 5 years ago when we moved in is that these colorful files used to hold coloring and activity books and now they hold Algebra and Biology books.  I miss all things My Little Pony but love this stage with my kids too. :)  Circle of life!

Although I can’t say that I’m a huge fan of Algebra.  Or Biology.  My husband covers all Math/Science homework and I cover all English/Reading/History/creative project based homework.  Together we make a pretty smart student.. ha.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

So that’s it for all of the organized drawers and cupboards in my office!  Those grey boxes on the counter have my girls’ names on them and are a place they can put papers (drawings, stories, etc.) they might want to keep that I file through later to put in their school boxes.  (I’ll share their school boxes at some point too!  They are still a work in progress.)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

We also have the white file organizer on the wall with each of my 3 kids’ names where we set school papers they are currently working on, test notes they are currently studying, etc.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

That’s it my friends!  How I’ve organized the entire office.  I so hope you enjoyed the tour!  Regardless of what your office space looks like right now (for years my “office” was in a small closet under our stairs!) I hope this post gives you a few ideas of how you can organize different things and create a space that works well for you and your family.

Having a set location for items that everyone knows about is key!

So is having lots of cute notepads.

And school supplies.

And throw pillows.

And peep toe booties.

But organize them well and get rid of everything else.



xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

New Finds and Old Favorites

Easy Ways to Spring Clean (Sunny Side Up)

{Faux Pink Peonies (on sale!)/Sweater/Jeans/Earrings/Similar Shoes} *affiliate links used

Happy weekend everyone!  Thank you so much to everyone who sent sweet birthday wishes and participated in the giveaway.  Winner is Mary Beth @mbmessner!  And Pottery Barn it is. :)  Mary Beth I’ll be in touch!

My family and friends made my birthday special with lunch and dinner and I spent the afternoon with Kenny donating blood.  A new tradition I’m so excited about!  Some of you might remember that a massive blood transfusion saved my life after a scary experience about 10 days after I gave birth to Kole (I wrote more about it the year after it happened here).  I decided that every year on my birthday (or during the month of March if I can’t make it happen on my birthday) I’m going to give blood.  A little way of saying thanks because I’m so grateful to still be here today. :)  I also think we need to continue the birthday giveaway because that was fun!  I wish I could send every one of you a $300 gift card!

We closed the restaurant down again this year!  Love my friends and birthdays are the best. :)

Easy Ways to Spring Clean (Sunny Side Up)

Sharing a fun new find with you all today!  I’m obsessed with these Elsie Rattan bowls from Anthro!  Honestly this basket/bowl looks so good everywhere I put it!  I’ve been moving it around and finally decided to use it as a fruit bowl. :)

Easy Ways to Spring Clean (Sunny Side Up)

Aren’t the handles so much fun!?  I love the style and texture it adds to my kitchen.

Easy Ways to Spring Clean (Sunny Side Up)

I bought both sizes (the fruit bowl is the largest) and I’ll show you what I’m doing with the smaller bowl when I figure that out!  It will look great somewhere. :)

Easy Ways to Spring Clean (Sunny Side Up)

Also if you’re looking for great kitchen plants my faux topiaries are back with a little lavender!  So cute.  These faux basil drop-ins are also favorites and look SO real.

Easy Ways to Spring Clean (Sunny Side Up)

I have the small size here.  So happy about all of the great faux plant options coming out this Spring because I love having plants in my home but I only have the time and talent to keep one.. maybe two alive.  Ha.  #truth

Easy Ways to Spring Clean (Sunny Side Up)

Here are a few other new finds I’m loving this weekend:

PB has 20% off of everything this weekend and all of the fun Easter items are out!  I have these glitter eggs and love them!   They look so cute in a vase or bowl or basket to add to a table for some Easter fun.  I’m also loving this clear glass vase that’s on sale and I have these Cambria dishes in my cart (I’ve wanted them forever and am getting them for my birthday!).  Also a lot of their outdoor furniture is on sale!  So excited to start eating dinner outside again.

This faux fur throw with cute poms is 40% off and comes in 3 colors and this cute Madewell top is on sale for just $29!  And my new cozy North Face jacket is also 40% off. (I’ve lived in it this winter!)

Also Wayfair is having a 3 day clearance sale with up to 70% off of all things HOME!  I’m on the hunt for a few things to finish off some spaces I’m working on.  More on that soon!

Easy Ways to Spring Clean (Sunny Side Up)


For my old favorite I’m sharing a post from last year that will help motivate us all to start some spring cleaning!  March/April are perfect months to get our homes clean and organized and freshened up for spring so that when the sunshine comes we can all be outside enjoying it!

Easy Ways to Spring Clean (Sunny Side Up)

I made a fun list of 20 simple things we can all do to spring clean (it’s in my printable library and you can download here.)  I’m going to be checking off this list during the next month and I hope you’ll join me!  Check out this post for some inspiring pictures to get you motivated!

Easy Ways to Spring Clean (Sunny Side Up)

That’s it for our new finds and old favorites!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


xoxo, Erin

Floral Favorites!

Floral Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)

{Floral Vines Top/Jeans/Similar booties/Earrings/Similar purse/Similar faux flowers}

*affiliate links used

Happy Friday everyone!  Pausing on all things office quickly to share some floral favorites with you today!  We’ve had a colder than normal winter here in San Diego with so much rain but today the sunshine came out and it was 70 degrees!  It felt amazing and made me so excited for spring and summer.  I’m ready to bust out all things floral!  I recently bought this cute navy floral top (I already had the white and loved it last spring) and was excited for a day warm enough to finally wear it.  The same cute pattern comes in a dress too!  I was looking on-line for other fun floral patterns (getting ready for Spring Break) and found so many cute options that I thought I’d share them with you today.  The hard part is choosing which items to order.. I want everything in this collage!  What’s your favorite?  If I could only pick one thing it would be the Coach sandals.. no wait.. the earrings!  No.. the watch.. OR the Caitlin Wilson pillows.  But I want the dresses too!  Floral patterns are too much fun this time of year.  Better just get one of each. ;)

Floral Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)

1 – Reanne Flip Flop – 2 – Coach Buckle Sandal – 3 – Applique Sandal – 4 – Floral Scarf

5. – Orchid Earrings – 6. – Floral Leather Strap Watch – 7 – Floral Embroidered Tee – 8 – Print Top

9 – Hibiscus Sandals – 10 – Flutter Sleeve Dress – 11 – Floral Dress – 12 – Crossbody Bag

13 – Day Print Minidress – 14 – Floral One-Piece Swimsuit – 15 – Tropical Floral Flip Flop

16 – Bell Sleeve Wrap Midi Dress – 17 – Wrap Maxi Dress – 18 – Envelope Clutch

19 – Decorative Pillow Covers – 20 – Caitlin Wilson Floral Pillow

I’ll be popping back in quickly this weekend with a new post and to announce the winner of my birthday giveaway so check back!  (Thank you for all of the sweet birthday wishes!)  More office organization is on its way too. ;)

Happy Friday friends!

xoxo, Erin

My Organized Office (part 1!)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Come in come in!  I’m so excited to take you all on a tour of my organized office!  I’ve shared a few organized spots in this room in past posts, but I wanted to have one post that included my ENTIRE office and how every single drawer and cupboard are organized.

Because I finally got every single drawer and cupboard organized. ;)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

(*For newcomers (hello and welcome!)  I designed this office when we built our house and the dutch door and table were both custom made.  The counters are all quartz (Caeserstone – Organic White).  The room is 15 1/2 by 12 feet and you can download my house paint colors here.  All other office sources will be shared at the end of the post!  Affiliate links used.)

I started sorting through pictures for this post and realized that if I put ALL of the pictures I wanted to share of every single organized drawer and cupboard in my office in one post I would blow up the internet.  Ha.  So I’ve divided my tour into 2 posts and today I’m sharing my organized office part 1!  Anyone else giddy about today’s topic?

Just me?

I can live with that. :)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

When you come into the room you’ll see my Visual Planning Board on the left side of the wall.  I wrote more details about how this board keeps me organized in this post.  (I’ve been loving it!)  I also hung baskets on the side of my chalkboard to hold random items like clipboards, notepads, etc.  Quick, easy access items!

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

I designed this desk space in the back of the room for my work space (the kids use the large computer) and most mornings you can find me here in this chair with my planner and laptop happily blogging away.  Or managing other not as fun tasks. :)  Popcorn is always close.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)In the far left corner I have these wooden file boxes for all of my paper.  I’ve loved this system.  Now I know exactly where to put things I’m working on for work and home and I have a spot for urgent to-do’s that I sort through and take care of every day. (One of my best tips for paper control is to create some sort of “urgent” file/folder/drawer in your home that you always set important papers and then go through it daily so that urgent things don’t slip through the cracks!)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Inside the cupboard right below my wooden file boxes I added three large pull out drawers.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

None of our previous homes/apartments had office spaces and I was always scratching my head about what to do with my kids’ large art work that I wanted to save.  These pull out drawers have been a dream!  Although I have to tell you that I made a mistake when we were building and didn’t make them quite deep enough.  It’s hard to tell in this picture, but the large poster boards in the bottom drawer are tilted up resting on the back of the drawer because it’s too short!  Not a big deal because it all still fits but one of those “oops” moments when we were building our house.  We had many!

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Next to the cupboard with the pull out drawers are these 3 desk drawers.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

All of my office supplies are in the top drawer.  I use these clear organizers in all of my office drawers and love them!

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

The drawer below my office supplies holds my many notepads!  This drawer is a favorite. :)  I actually did a major purge session after the holidays and got rid of over half of them so I’m quite proud of this drawer at the moment.  (Cute notepads are a weakness!)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

The bottom drawer I fondly titled my “mail station.”  I have all of my greeting cards and envelopes and packing tape and stamps in this drawer and I can’t tell you how happy this spot makes me!  Now mailing a thank you/birthday card or gift is so easy!

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

This clear card keeper holds all of my greeting cards organized by category and you can see more details about it in this post.

I think the mail station did it.  Cue the angels!  Do you hear them singing?

I was starting to wonder when they might show up.  ;)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Happiest drawers in the house. :)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

I like to keep these two thin desk drawers mostly empty so I have a place to stash things I’m working on.  They usually just hold my planner (when it’s not in use) and post-it notes for my visual display board and then of course.. painter’s tape.  If you know me well you know how much I use and love my blue painter’s tape.  Works for everything! :)

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Moving over to the right side of the room!

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

In the cupboards to the right of my desk drawers I have more pull outs.  The top holds my paper cutters.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

I designed the bottom drawer to hold 12×12 paper.  If you followed me in my early blogging days you know I was really into scrapbooking so I designed this space to hold supplies.  The girls and I are hoping to do a little scrapbooking again this summer!  My albums definitely won’t be as elaborate as they once were, but I still love playing with pictures and paper and preserving memories.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

My kids have used a lot of my scrapbook paper and supplies for school projects so even though I don’t scrapbook as much as I used to it has been so nice having a place to keep things like this organized.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

When I realized I was going to have this extra space in the corner of my office I decided to add another tall cupboard for storage.  (Clearly I was coming from a home with little storage because I felt the need to go cupboard crazy in this house!) The small cupboard on the very top is currently empty.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

The tall cupboard below it I designed to hold wrapping paper and supplies.  Wrapping paper on the left..

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

and then I used these Elfa Mesh Drawers to hold ribbon and sacks, etc.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

I wrote a full post on this little project here.

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

The next cupboard used to be a hot mess of old half done projects and craft supplies!  I spent some time after the holidays this year finally getting things organized.  It took hours and I said good-bye to a lot of things I was hanging on to!

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

Then used my label maker and these clear bins to organize the things I wanted to keep and finish.  Getting this cupboard under control was one of those projects I was thrilled to check off of my list!

My Organized Office (Sunny Side Up)

That’s the first half of my organized office!  Pop back in soon to see part 2!

I’ll bring the singing angels.  You bring the popcorn.




xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Birthday Giveaway!

Birthday (Sunny Side Up){Sweater/Jeans/Earrings/Similar Shoes} *affiliate links used

You guys!  It’s my birthday!  I turn 42 today!

Or 24.

You decide.

Actually how about I decide. ;)

Growing up I adored my Aunt Gwen (actually she was my great Aunt.. my mom’s Aunt Gwen).  Every year on her birthday she would take our family to dinner and we could order whatever we wanted and she would pay.  Dinner on her birthday was the first time I ever ordered Prime Rib and I loved it!  I still think of her every time I eat Prime Rib.  Then she would give all of the kids in her extended family (and there were a lot of kids!) each a $2 bill.  On HER birthday.  My cousins and I would all get so excited for Aunt Gwen’s special day which was a treat to everyone.  So I’m channeling my sweet Aunt Gwen today and giving all day long!  Starting with all of you – my blog family. :)  I absolutely love this community and can’t thank you all enough for your continued support.  It means more to me than you’ll ever know!  You all make every day a sunny day.  Thank you!

So!  A fun giveaway for one of you!  This blog is focused on home decor, organization and fashion.. my three favorite things.  While I like to shop at lots of places, you all know that I tend to gravitate to 3 main stores.  Pottery Barn for decor, The Container Store for organizing, and Nordstrom for fashion so for my birthday I’m giving away a $300 gift card to one of those stores!  Winner gets to choose which of those 3 stores you want the giftcard to.  You can freshen up your home with some new decor, finally organize that trouble spot for good, or get some cute new clothes for Spring!  Or I can send you a $100 gift card to each of the three stores.. totally up to you!

Entering is easy..

1 – Subscribe to my e-mail list (ENTER YOUR INFO. HERE)  (Subscribing also gives you access to some fun printables!)  

2 – Make sure you’re following me on Instagram (HERE).

3 – In today’s giveaway post on Instagram tell me what you would use the gift card for and then tag two friends who you think would also enjoy my blog/IG.

If you are already a blog subscriber and you already follow me on IG you just have to leave a comment on today’s IG post and tag two friends and you’re set!  I’ll announce the winner here on my blog and in the original IG giveaway post on Friday.  Make sure to check back to see if you won!  I’m choosing the winner Friday because of course I’m going to be milking this birthday for all it’s worth and make sure it stretches out through the entire week.

What else would you expect from someone turning the ripe old age of 24?


Good luck and thank you again for hanging out with me here!


xoxo, Erin

To-Do Lists and Calendar Pages

So!  I know I said my next post would be an organizing post.. and that’s coming!  Surprise.. I took too many pictures and it’s taking me a while to go through them all.  I’m nothing if not predictable. :)  But I wanted to pop in quickly today to share some monthly to-do lists and calendar pages that are in my printable library!  And to talk all things to-do lists because lists are my favorite.  Along with throw pillows, peep toe booties and cherry ice chapstick.

It’s the little things. :)

Monthly To-Do List and Calendar Pages (Sunny Side Up)

I think we all know the power of a good brain dump.  If you don’t, it’s definitely time to give one a try!  Getting everything out of your head and onto paper is the BEST feeling.  You mind is free to dream up all sorts of things when it isn’t bogged down with the mundane to-do’s of every day life.

Monthly To-Do List and Calendar Pages (Sunny Side Up)

I designed these simple monthly to-do list pages to use for brain dumps.  I’ve tried using apps on my phone for lists like this and while they work and are fine for a few days, I always end up going back to a good old pen and paper list.  These pages are perfect for a beginning of the month brain dump!  Write down ALL the things without worrying about when or how you’ll do them or what’s most important.  When you feel overwhelmed with where to start, just get it all out of your head and on paper.

Monthly To-Do List and Calendar Pages (Sunny Side Up)

Once I’ve written my list I prioritize what needs to be done by highlighting three things that are the most important each day.  When one item is done I check it off and then highlight another item.  This picture is of an older to-do list.  I love that the new monthly to-do list printable has boxes to check off next to each item!  Such power in checking off a box. :)

Monthly To-Do List and Calendar Pages (Sunny Side Up)

If it’s a large project I’m working on, I use my Current Project sheet to break things down into small steps.

Monthly To-Do List and Calendar Pages (Sunny Side Up)

Visual to-do lists (like this one I recently shared) are another great way to get things out of your head and to keep track of projects.

Monthly To-Do List and Calendar Pages (Sunny Side Up)


Monthly To-Do List and Calendar Pages (Sunny Side Up)

Another to-do list option is this favorite printable that helps with time blocking your day and prioritizing your top three items to get done.

Monthly To-Do List and Calendar Pages (Sunny Side Up)

In the summer when our schedule is less structured I love this day/week/month to-do list.  Clearly I need to add sticky notes to the favorites list next to my cherry ice chapstick. :)

Monthly To-Do List and Calendar Pages (Sunny Side Up)

Sometimes I love using a blank calendar page to brain dump and keep track of specific things!  We use our phones for our family activity calendar (there are too many things going on to write down every day) but I love having blank calendar pages for things like planning summer camps or family trips or for planning blog content.

There are so many different ways to plan your day and to make to-do and project lists.  I hope I’ve shared some options if you are in a rut and need some motivation!  For me, mixing up my to-do list and trying something new always motivates me and helps with my productivity when I’m in a rut.

You can probably tell by my many list making options that I tend to get in ruts often.  Ha. ;)

(You can see the planner I put together with my printables here.)

Monthly To-Do List and Calendar Pages (Sunny Side Up)

I should have had these monthly to-do and calendar pages up at the beginning of the year, but I figure better late than never right?  I’m happy to kick things off with March this time around.  And yes.. I know they are a little on the “overly cute” side with the pictures representing each month, but the school teacher in me couldn’t help myself. ;)

Happy planning! :)


(If you are already a Sunny Side Up subscriber just enter your info. again to get the printables.. it won’t add you twice!  Also, if you sign up and don’t get an e-mail soon after check your junk mail!  Once in a while it lands there first.)  

xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

February Family Favorites

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Happy March friends!  It felt like January lasted a year and February flew by in a few days.  Did anyone else feel like that!?  I had two posts scheduled to go up before this one but we had a hard week at our house.  My husband’s grandma passed away last weekend.  Kenny’s mom was very young when she had him so his grandma helped raise him and the two of them have always been incredibly close.  She was 93 years old and her health had been failing for a while so we knew it was coming, but it has still been hard.  We all loved her so much and knowing she’s gone has just felt sad.  So lots of talks about life and death and God and heaven have been going on at our house with the kids.  It has been an emotional week!  But we know she is in a good place and we are so grateful for the time we had with her.

We are re-grouping at our house and I have a fun organization post going up next week that I’m excited to share.  Aside from this past week February has been a good month at our house with lots of favorites!

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

We’ve have had so much rain in Southern Cal this month and while I know that’s nothing special for many of you, it is special to us!  It has been years since I’ve felt like we’ve actually had a “winter” and we’ve loved every minute of cooler temps and rain fall.

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Although I think I’ll be getting a new outdoor rug this summer.  I can live with that. :)  I’m also getting Kole some fun rain gear for Easter.  These sets of boots and umbrellas for kids are darling!

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

The yard and my lemon tree are thriving!

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Plus we have enjoyed lots of family walks in-between the rain.  Everything is so green and beautiful!

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

The girls and I are obsessed with our Magic Bullet blender!  We got it for Christmas and just started really using it this month.  It’s so quick and easy!  Honestly the best blender when you want to just make something fast and be done with it.  It was a favorite at my friend’s Favorite Things party (which I never got around to posting about and maybe still will!).  I had also heard so many good things about the book Body Love and there are lots of smoothie recipes in it so the girls and I ventured into the really healthy stuff (unknown territory.. ha!) and have been experimenting.  Almond milk and raw fiber powder and hemp seeds?  Um.. ok.  (You should have seen me in the store trying to locate all of this.)  Some of it we’ve loved, some of it we’ve hated and spit right back out.. but still.  I’m proud of us for trying. :)

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Pure joy when this child realized Costco sells Skinny Pop in bulk.

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)


I’ve been getting lots of questions about my kitchen rugs so I thought I’d answer them quick in this post.  They have been favorites since I bought them in the Fall and I can’t say enough good things about them!  I bought the color Navy (although the Indigo looks very similar).  Because they are indoor/outdoor rugs they really don’t show food and dirt.  You can’t toss them in the washing machine and I was worried about that when I bought them, but they wipe clean so easy!  I always just put a little dish soap on a wet cloth or paper towel and food wipes right off.  Even stuff like spaghetti sauce comes off clean enough that you can’t see it anymore.  Trust me.. we’ve had many spills!  You can take them outside and spray them off too but I haven’t had to do that yet.  Plus I love the pattern and texture.  I’m always thrilled when I can find things that give me the look I want in my home but are still practical for life with kids!

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Happy little Spring moment in the kitchen.

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve been pulling out Spring accessories and adding lots of plants and flowers to brighten up our home.

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

The sunshine feels good and I’m ready for more.  I shared this pic on Instagram last week with a favorite conversation with Kole this month that made me smile. :)

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve also been pulling more navy into my family room lately and I love the contrast with coral.  Two long time favorite colors throughout my home!

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

And isn’t this the cutest pot from Anthro?  Love it so much!

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Speaking of Anthro, have you seen their new Joanna Gaines collection!?  Ahhh!  I’m in love with everything but my absolute favorites are the Textured Eva Rug..

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)and this Tassled Olive Pillow.  So cute.

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

You all know how much I love this Crepe Myrtle tree in our backyard.

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

It only blooms like this for one month in August and I look forward to it all year!

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

My close friend Vanessa took the picture of my tree from my blog and had this canvas print made for me for Christmas.  Is that not the sweetest thing!?  I have it in my office and now I can enjoy it all year long. :)  I thought I’d share that because aside from being one of my recent favorite things it’s also such a fun personalized gift idea!

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Knew I’d love this Varsity Stipe Knit top!  AG jeans/Similar shoes here and here)

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

I also got this turtleneck and love it too.  See how longer tops like this give me no shape?

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Enter the front tuck.  Huge difference right!?  Like magic. ;)  Try it if you haven’t already!  Especially if you’re short like me and things tend to always look too long.

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Tops like this are cute tucked in or with a vest.  I’ve been wearing a lot of vests lately!  This hooded puffer vest is similar to the one I’m wearing.  It’s marked down and so cute!  I love this vest too and have it sitting in my cart. :)  Vests are definite favorites.  They give you a waist, keep you warm, and make it appear as though you’ve put some real time and thought into your outfit when really you haven’t.  #score

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Another favorite is this layered flutter sleeve top!  I’m a huge fan of this style of Vince Camuto shirt.  You can easily dress them up or down, they are so comfortable and the flutter sleeve is such a pretty feminine touch.  I buy a few of the newest style every Spring!  They come in lots of colors and I love the square neck.

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

I saw this quote on the wall in a Jimmy John’s when we were traveling one weekend and loved it so much!  It made me want to interrogate all of my kids’ friends to see what they say about me. ;)

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Running errands.  So much beauty around us.. even at local grocery stores if we take the time to stop and look for it. :)

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

One of our many Goodwill drop off trips this month.  That yellow cart that’s being hauled away was full of our stuff.  You can see my girls’ Barbie Dream house on the top I finally convinced them to part with!  Feels so good to be de-cluttering and simplifying our home.  I’ve been organizing at least 15 minutes a day and it makes such a difference!

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Even Kenny’s bathroom drawers got a major clean out.  That was his Valentine’s Day present this year.

Lucky guy. ;)

February Family Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

Speaking of my babe and Valentine’s Day I’ll end with a favorite past February post..

10 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Strong

I hope you enjoy this post if it’s new to you!  We certainly don’t have it all figured out but after 20+ years together we have definitely learned some things that work for us.

Good-bye February!  Grateful for your highs and lows filled with family time in-between.

*affiliate links used 


xoxo, Erin

Visual Planning Board (for goals and to-do’s!)

How to create a visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

Come on into my office!  I’m excited to show you my new Visual Planning board!  Also known as my goal setting board.  And my project to-do list board.  And my let’s get motivated inspiration board.

Basically I call it anything other than its original name..

my chalkboard. :)

How to create a visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

You might remember a post from a few years ago that I shared on my “Visual to-do list.”

How to create a visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve always been a visual person/learner and love seeing the projects I’m working on all laid out in front of me.  Big picture planning like this REALLY helps me.  It’s basically my way of dumping my brain out onto my wall instead of keeping it all jumbled up inside my head.

If you had a pre-conceived notion that I was sophisticated in any way I’m sure my explanation of this little project just blew that theory out of the water.  Ha.  Better you know the real me. ;)

How to create a visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

I used to have my Visual to-do list off to the side of my chalkboard so that I could use my chalkboard for other things, but I decided to mix it up this year and put my chalkboard to better use.  It’s front and center in my office and I wanted to create something that would not only be a brain dump station, but also an inspiration board that will help inspire and motivate me to meet my goals.

Visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

I’m so excited about how it turned out!

Visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

I’m a huge fan of sticky notes (just can’t quit them!) so I use the left side of the board to keep track of spaces I’m organizing, spaces I’m decorating and ideas for blog posts.  There are so many other things I always have going on each day that I keep in my planner, but I love having these 3 things (the things I really enjoy doing!) out in front of me as daily reminders.  I also love the feeling of pulling off one of my sticky notes and tossing it when my project or post is finished!  They never go away of course because I’ll always replace old sticky’s with new sticky’s, but still.. major satisfaction when I can throw away a sticky note. :)  #itsthelittlethings

Visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

At the top right of my Visual Planning Board I put my Monthly Goals and Daily Habits printables.  I’m loving these so much! (You can download your own monthly goals and daily habits page HERE and read more details about them in this post.)  I took these pictures early in the month when I was just getting started on these goals/habits.  Because they are right in front of me every day in my office I can’t help but be reminded of the things I’m working on.

Although that still doesn’t guarantee I’m in bed by midnight..  (sigh)  

Visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

I had some empty space at the bottom of my board so I decided to create a little inspiration.  I tore out a few pages of my kitchen organization from the magazines I was featured in last Spring and then added a favorite San Diego picture and my Do What You Love heart.  That’s the secret to happiness right there.

Just do what you love and the rest will fall into place.

Visual goal and to-do list board, Visual Planning (Sunny Side Up)

I also added my all time favorite quote at the bottom.

Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul – Alice Walker.

Amen to that. :)

Visual goal and to-do list board, Visual Planning (Sunny Side Up)

So that’s it!  My Visual Planning, goal setting, project to-do list, motivational inspiration board.  It’s helping me stay on track!  And I can use all the help I can get. :)

How to create a visual goal and to-do list board (Sunny Side Up)

Do something you love today for me!  And then come back to see more office organization.

So that I can share more of what I love with all of you.



*affiliate links used

xoxo, Erin

New Finds and Old Favorites

Happy weekend everyone!  I hope you’re all having a good one so far!  I’m popping in quickly to share some new finds and an old favorite post.  I’m thinking I’ll share this older post with you all first.. it’s such a good one!

New Finds and Old Favorites (Sunny Side Up)


If you remember my mom’s organized laundry room makeover you’ve been with me a while!  And I love you for it. ;)  But even if you’ve seen it before it’s a fun post to re-visit.  I just read it again myself and still can’t believe the before and afters of this space!  (Clearly the above picture is one of the “befores”)  If you haven’t read this post and enjoy a good organization makeover you are in for a treat!  This is still one of my favorites to date.  Organization galore!  It made me want to instantly hop up and clean out a few of my own cupboards.  But I didn’t because it’s late and I’m tired and Kenny turned The Office on Netflix and we are both cracking up remembering how much we loved that show and now I’m going to have to binge watch the entire series to see Jim and Pam get together again.

So organizing cupboards will obviously have to wait until tomorrow. :)

So many fun new finds this weekend!  First here are a few recent favorite things I’ve been wearing and then I’ll share a round-up of some things I’m loving on sale for President’s Day!

New Finds and Old Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

(Stripe Dolman Top/AG jeans/Similar shoes here and here)

Cutest, casual stripe top.  Never met a stripe I didn’t love!

New Finds and Old Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve hardly taken off my new North Face coat since I got it for Christmas!  So warm and white seems to work with anything I’m wearing.  I’ve dressed it up for dinner and also run around with it on over sweaty exercise clothes.  It’s almost identical to this North Face Full Zip Jacket and I love it!  This coat is also similar.  There are so many cute North Face coats and jackets on sale this weekend!

New Finds and Old Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

I absolutely love this mint puff sleeve pullover sweater.  So cozy soft and just a cute fit.  Another favorite Christmas gift!  From me to me. :)  It was just marked down 40% off!  (Similar peep toe booties that just came in for Spring!)

New Finds and Old Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

(PJ Salvage Camo Lounge Sweatshirt/PJ Salvage Camo Sweatpants/Ugg Fleece Lined Socks)

Seriously could not love these camo pjs more!  Sizes are flying fast so don’t wait if you want them!  These would be my favorite pjs to date if it weren’t for the fact that my husband loves to tease me so much whenever I wear camo.  He’ll walk in the room and say “Whoa!  I didn’t even see you there!  You just blend right in with your surroundings..”  Then he laughs at himself for a good 5-10 minutes.

Hilarious Kenny.  Just hilarious.

New Finds and Old Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

This cute Varsity stripe hoodie I recently shared was also just marked down!

New Finds and Old Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

So was this beloved Madewell sweater (love it in black too!) and these cute pink lace up booties!

I always get excited about President’s Weekend sales.  So many great prices on winter clothes and home decor!  Here are some of the fun things I have and love, just bought or am debating buying at the moment.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I’ll be back soon with something fun I put together in my office!

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Cozy Guest Bedroom Re-fresh

*This post is sponsored by Pottery Barn and affiliate links are used, but as always all product selections and opinions are my own! :)

Christmas in the Guest Room (Sunny Side Up)

Sharing a little guest bedroom re-fresh today!  I so loved having this space decked for the holidays and was bummed to take off my new reindeer sheets!  So I didn’t.  I left them up through January. :)  As soon as February hit I was ready to put away all things Christmas.  I wasn’t quite ready to pull out Spring pillows and bright colors so I gave my guest room a small winter re-fresh!  Here’s what this space is looking like today..

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

A little more muted than the bright red I had going on and I love the soft colors for this time of year.  It feels so calming to me.  Like this room is saying “hello.. so happy you’re here to visit.  Come in and relax.”

That’s what I imagine it’s saying anyway. :)

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

It has been so cold lately that I wanted a really comfy throw somewhere in this room (I have one wrapped around me at all times when I’m on my couch or bed!).  This faux fur knitted throw in blush pink is a dream!   Crazy soft and I love the muted blush color this time of year.  I got a pillow to match because, like the throw, it was on sale.  I love it when all of the PB winter throws go on sale!  They are my favorite as I’m sure most of you know by now and we use them year round.  It’s funny because they seem to mysteriously disappear from my couch on a regular basis.  I alway find them in my kids’ rooms!  Clearly I’m not the only PB throw fan in the house. :)

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Another new item I picked up for this room is this beautiful Belgian Flax Linen Floral Stitch Quilt in the color Midnight.  My white duvet and the light fixture in this room have a bit of a boho feel so I wanted something that had that same look.  I love the stitching on this quilt!

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

It adds so much texture to this space.  I ordered the matching pillow shams too, but one of the three hadn’t arrived yet when I took these pictures so you might notice the middle Euro pillow has this Diamond sham on it temporarily.  (Another fun quilt/pillow set I like from PB!)

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

These Pearl Organic Pillow Cases have been on my wishlist for years so I was excited to finally have a place in my home they would work!

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve always loved the Pearl bed/bath items from PB and still have the matching Pearl hand towels in my girls’ bathroom. :)

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

You can see more details on their bathroom in this post.

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I’m so excited about the last new addition to this space!  I’m in LOVE with these inhale exhale prints!

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Such a perfect way to remind guests to relax and enjoy their time with us. :)  The frames have antique silver accents which look gold and work well in this space with other similar accents on my lamps, bed, nightstands and table.

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I haven’t really taken the time to style this table, but for now it’s holding a few simple items I shopped from around my house.  I wanted it to look somewhat put together with my parents coming into town!

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

They came last week for Addison’s “grandparent day” at school.  She also sang in church on Sunday so they were able to be here for that.  We snapped this pic right before church and El wanted to be the photographer this time around because she has been so sick this week.  Poor girl!  At least she’s had lots of love at attention from grandma and grandpa while she’s home resting.  Kole went to the park with grandpa today and is loving the extra attention too.  Always a treat having family in town!  Tomorrow is their last day here and my plan is to set work aside so that I can lounge and shop and visit and eat and lounge and eat and visit with my parents some more. :)

Guest Bedroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

They have enjoyed staying in this cozy guest room and love the recent updates!

So happy they approve.  I hope all of you do too. :)



xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

New Finds & Old Favorites!

Happy Weekend everyone!  I thought I’d start a new weekend post series called “New Finds and Old Favorites.”  Kind of a bonus weekend post. :)  I’ll share a couple of quick favorite “new finds” (things I’ve heard about, things I’m loving, or fun finds on sale) and then also share a couple of “old favorites” (past posts I think you might enjoy).  My goal is to make these posts simple and helpful to you!  And easy for me to post over a busy weekend.  Win win! ;)  So here are a few new finds/sales I’m excited about!

*affiliate links used

New Finds and Old Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

I just ordered this Hamilton Beach can opener and I’m so excited about it!  My friend has it and worships it (we took this pic at her house).  It cuts the lid off of cans so quick and easy and leaves a smooth edge!  Kind of funny but I always get excited about things like this.  I love finding ways to make every day life chores quicker and easier!

New Finds and Old Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

{Lou & Grey Sweater/AG jeans/Similar Wedge Sneakers here and here}

I found a new to me brand that I’m in love with!  Lou & Grey.. so many cute, cozy things!  This sweater has been on repeat lately! (It runs big – I’m wearing xxs so size down)  Kind of also wanting this faux fur jacket and this pink fuzzy hoodie too!

New Finds and Old Favorites (Sunny Side Up)

And I found the cutest striped turtleneck half off for just $24.49!  Comes in lots of colors too.. love it!

A few other fun things on sale at the moment!  

This Clad 10 Piece Stainless Steel Cookware Set is 45% off!

My portable laptop desk is trashed I use it so much so I just ordered this one to try!

My favorite Celine Throw I just shared in this post was just marked 15% off.  Am I crazy if I pick up #3? :)  I kind of love the aqua too!

This Teddy Fleece Pullover Jacket comes in so many cute colors and is 40% off!  We have had a cold winter (cold for southern Cal!) so I’m still on the hunt for all things WARM.

And speaking of all things WARM PB has 30% off of all of their Faux Fur this weekend!

Ok.. some past posts you might enjoy reading again or reading for the first time if you missed them!  (Click the link below each picture.)


And here are a few past Valentine posts for anyone looking for ideas for next week!

{Over 10 Fun Ideas for Valentines Day}

This post is full of Valentine decorating ideas, fun Valentines for the kids and our favorite pretzel hug V-day treat.

{Our February Tradition.. Sharing the Love}

{Simple Valentine Party Ideas}

{How to Make a Cupcake Valentine Box}

An easy solution if you need to throw something together for the kids!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends!



xoxo, Erin

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