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Cyber Week Sales (my favorites!)

Cyber Week Sales (my favorites!) Sunny Side Up

{Ribbed Funnel Neck Sweater/Cozy Joggers/Ugg Fleece Lined Socks/Kole’s pjs – Gymboree last year}

*affiliate links used

Happy Thanksgiving friends!  My mom just snapped this pic of me with my little buddy tonight.  We made it over the river and through the woods to grandma’s house!  Which means it’s officially time for cousin chaos, Hallmark Christmas movies, late nights talking and laughing with siblings and of course.. stretchy pants. :)  My mom and I spent the evening getting food prepped and browsing early Cyber Week deals on-line.  Well.. let me clarify.  My mom spent the evening getting food prepped while I spent the evening browsing early Cyber week deals on-line.  I know.  She’s lucky to have me.  Ha. :)  In my defense, I did help dice some celery and I found an awesome gift for her so I think she’ll ultimately forgive me.  She always does.  (Love you mom.. and I’m all over that stuffing prep tomorrow morning.)  

Holiday Gift Ideas! (Neighbors, Teachers and Friends) Sunny Side Up

{Gratitude Glass Jar and Gratitude Cards}

Last week I was looking through some of the Gratitude cards I wrote on during this past year and it made me feel especially grateful for family, friends and for all of you.  All of the little things that make me so happy on a daily basis usually involve someone I love or the kindness of others.  Several of my cards included gratitude I was feeling for sweet comments/e-mails/DM’s from many of you!  Your kind words of love and support for me and my family and this blog brighten my day more than you’ll ever know.  I’m so grateful for this space on-line where we’ve been able to connect and grow close.  So thank you!  For reading, for commenting, for encouraging, for sharing my ideas with others.  I’m so thankful for all of you this Thanksgiving!

Ok.. sap is over.  I can just hear Kenny singing “A Whole New World” in the background.  His favorite go-to song when I start waxing poetic. ;)

I remember past Thanksgivings after the meal and dishes were done and the boys were all watching football, my mom and sister and I would wish we could start our on-sale Christmas shopping early.  But from the comfort of our own couch in our pjs.  Now that’s exactly what we plan to do!  Black Friday/Cyber Monday has kind of turned into a full week of great deals and shopping on-line has never been easier.  To be honest I’m planning on avoiding stores all together this weekend!  The crowds stress me out and I’d much rather spend time with my family and just do everything on-line.  I actually knocked a lot of my Christmas gift shopping out on-line today and found so many cute things that are already marked down!  These are a lot of my favorite sale items below.  I hope this post is helpful if you are looking for gifts and plan on shopping from your couch in your pjs this week too!  In-between the celery dicing of course. ;)

Happy Thanksgiving friends!  I hope it’s a good one.


xoxo, Erin

Teen Gift Guide (and a fun new sign!)

Teen Gift Guide (Sunny Side Up)

Happy Thanksgiving week everyone!  I threw a PJ dinner party for friends on Saturday night and we had so much fun.  First holiday party of the season was a success!  Good friends, good food, good conversation and Christmas pjs.  In my book you really don’t need much else. :)  I’ll share a few more pics and party details soon but I wanted to quickly get my Teen Gift Guide up!  I’m trying to get a gift guide up every weekend to help you all with your holiday shopping and I was so busy with party prep that I’m a little late with this one!

Teen Gift Guide (Sunny Side Up)

But ahh!  I have to share my new sign I got in the mail with you all first!  I had this sign made custom for my Hot Cocoa Station this year and could not be more excited about it!  It’s seriously HUGE you guys.  Kenny had to lift it for me it was so heavy!  It’s from Jen at Harper Grace.  I have loved her signs for a while now so I reached out to her to make this Hot Cocoa sign for my dining room and another sign for my guest room that I’ll share soon.  I could not love them more!  I wanted black lettering with just a touch of red – perfection!  If you want to order one of her signs use the code “sunnysideup” when you check out and she’ll give you 15% off!  (Thanks again Jen!) :)

Teen Gift Guide (Sunny Side Up)

{Navy Console Table/Chunky Wool Jute Rug/Mini Pine Tree (similar)/Eucalyptus Wreath (sold out but the matching garland on my table is on sale!/wreath ribbon*affiliate links used

I’ll have pics of my dining room up soon (going through them all tonight!) but here is a peek of the corner with my hot cocoa station.  I needed something large on that wall with my new chairs and console table and this sign is perfect!

Ok.. let’s talk teens!  Gone are the days that I could pick up all things doll and princess for my girls and call Christmas done.  I miss those easy shopping trips.  Teens can be so hard to buy for!  Gift cards are always a safe bet, but it’s not too fun to wake up to just gift cards on Christmas morning.  I’ve talked to all of my friends who also have teens and we came up with some fun ideas for our kids that seem to be “in” right now.  These are the things our teens are wanting for Christmas!  I hope this is helpful!  Moms of teens need to stick together just like moms of toddlers do. #thestruggleisreal

1 – Harper Crossbody – I just shared this little purse on my gift guide for friend/teacher/neighbor gifts but I think it’s perfect for teen girls too!  Just the right size for their phone and some cash and lipgloss.  Comes in so many cute colors!

2 – Instax Mini 9 – Cutest little mini camera!  Teens love instant film cameras like this and I have to admit that I love them too!  This newest model has a built-in selfie camera and comes in so many cute colors.  You can buy the full bundle here with the case, film, etc.  I’m thinking this would be perfect to get my girls working on their first scrapbooks.

3 – Power-Up USB Leather Tassle Keychain – Teens can easily charge their phone with this cute keychain!  Forget teens.. I want one!

4 – Echo Dot – Is there anything the Echo Dot can’t do!?  Such a fun gift for teens or adults!

5 – Faux-Fur Bean Bag – This bean bag looks to comfy.  Ever since I bought Ad this extra large pouf (another fun option!) my whole family wants bean bags.  On it this year. :)

6 – Nike Air Force 1 Sneaker – Clearly these are big right now because they are selling out everywhere!  Huge right now for teens.  I seriously can’t keep up with the shoes!  First it was Converse, then Adidas, then Vans and now these Nike Air Force 1 Sneakers.  To be honest I don’t love these shoes, but they are all Ellie wants for Christmas so I’ll have to get over it and save the shoes I love for me. ;)

7 – Champion Hoodie – Champion hoodies are all the rage with our high schoolers this year (boys and girls) and there are so many fun options if you want one for your teen!

8 – Anthro Monogram Candle – Love that you can personalize with this candle!  Would be especially fun to give to college aged kids who are away from home for the first time.

9 –  Brandy Melville and Starbucks Gift Cards – If you are going to go the gift card route I know the two gift cards my girls would want!  They are obsessed with all things Brandy Melville and with Starbucks lemonade drinks!  I don’t let them get them often (hello $8 and gone in 5 seconds) so I know a Starbucks gift card would make them both happy campers.

10 – Hydro Flask –  LONG time favorites.  My girls love these and so does the rest of my family.  I gave everyone one for Christmas two years ago (mom, dad, brother, sister, etc.) and they are all still using them!

11 – LED Make-Up Mirror – Such a fun gift for a teen girl who is starting to wear make-up!  Now she can easily listen to her favorite tunes while she gets ready.

12 – Spikeball Game Set – I have friends with teens who love this game!  Looks like so much fun and something the kids can play with friends or family.  There is a video you can watch when you click on the link to the game that shows kids playing it.

13 – Drybar Detangler – Such a good brush!  These might be popping up in stockings this year for the girls.  Thank you Santa! :)

14 – The Ranger’s Apprentice Series – I knew I’d be heavy on girl ideas and clueless on ideas for teen boys, so I talked to friends with teen boys and they all said their boys are obsessed with these books!  I’m taking notes for when Kole is older!

15 – Butter Slipper Socks – My girls and I live in these all winter long!  The coziest!  They have fun patterns for men/boys too!

16 – Apple AirPods – All the rage with everyone this year!

17 – Firefly String Lights – These string lights are so much fun for teens!  Addison has some similar lights in her bedroom that were a gift from a friend.

18 – Clarisonic Mia – The best time to start teaching good skin care habits!  I love my Clarisonic Mia and want my girls to have their own!

19 – Slippers – So many cute slipper options for teens.. I fell in love with this sparkly pair for girls (or women) and these ‘Casey’ Slippers for boys (or men).

20 – Umbra Hangit Photo Display –  We hung two of these in Ad’s room (you can see them here) and she is seriously so in love!  She has thanked me for her picture display wall so many times.  Makes me happy!  Ellie wants something similar now in her room too.  This would be such a fun gift to give with the Instax Mini 9 camera so your teen can take pics with family and friends and instantly hang them up in their room!

I hope that was helpful for those of you who are shopping for teens this year!  If you missed my first Gift Guide you can find it here and I’ll be sharing ideas for younger kids and other people on your list soon too.  Plus I have my whole house to share with you.. it’s decked and ready for Christmas!  I never want to take all of the lights down.  They make me too happy.  If you live in the states I hope you are enjoying Thanksgiving preparations and if you are traveling be safe!  We’ll talk soon!  I have lots to share. :)

xoxo, Erin

Fashion Friday (and our recent injury)

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

Fashion Friday *affiliate links used

Happy Friday!  We made it.  My kids all go to school just half day tomorrow and then they are out for all of next week!  So happy to get them home and take a break from their activities.  This week has been just short of insane!  I’m hosting a party Saturday night so aside from the normal craziness I’ve been getting ready for that and finishing the Christmas decorating so I can take pics to share and getting other things ready for Thanksgiving at my moms.  I’m sure this week before the holiday was busy for many of you too!  So excited for some time to relax and be with family.  I’m ready to veg out in front of a Hallmark Christmas movie and think of nothing except how the girl and guy are going to end up together in the end.

Even though I know exactly how they are going to end up together in the end.

I have so many fun Christmas posts coming up so I’m keeping this one short and sweet with a few recent favorites I’ve been wearing!

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

{Madewell Stripe Turtleneck Sweater/Jeans/Booties}

Could not love this Madewell sweater more!  I mentioned in this post I love everything Madewell came out with this Fall and they just keep getting better!  Seriously my favorite brand right now.  This sweater is so soft and warm and perfect for cool temps.

{Sheridan Ribbed Sweater/Earrings/Jeans/Booties}

For the love of mint!  This sweater was a splurge because I bought it thinking I was going to wear it for our family pictures.  But then I ended up wearing something I already have for family pictures so this sweater was apparently a splurge for no reason at all.

Well.. except for the love of mint.  :)

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

{Madewell Maybe Later Sweatshirt/Jeans/Sneakers}

Love this sweatshirt.  Whenever I ask my husband to do something.. “hey babe can you…”  he always answers “No.  But I’m not mad you asked.”  He thinks it’s hilarious.  Really it’s just annoying at best, but now I have a comeback!  When he asks me to do something I plan to promptly reply “maybe later.”  Or I’ll just face him wearing this sweatshirt.

Game on Kenny.  You don’t want to mess with me.

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

{B.P. Dolman Ribbed Top/Jeans/Booties}

This pullover is so cozy!  Soft and a great fit without being tight.  Perfect for Thanksgiving dinner.  With extra pie. :)

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

{V Neck Sport Shirt/Jeans/Wedge Sneakers}

This fun V Neck Sport Shirt is an Amazon find!  I stumbled on it doing a little Christmas shopping and couldn’t resist!  So cute and casual and a great price.  Comes in lots of fun colors.

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

{Loose Tunic T-Shirt Blouse/Necklace/Jeans/Wedge Sneakers}

Another fun Amazon top that I’m loving!  You can wear this long or let it gather more at your waist.  So cute!  Also perfect for pie.

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

Here’s one other reason this week has been busier than usual for us.  Aside from all of the decorating and holiday/party prep, Addison broke her finger!  She was in LA Monday celebrating her close friend’s birthday at a water park and slammed her finger in a huge, heavy door.  (SO painful!)  The trip came to a bit of a halt when Insta Care sent her straight to the ER.  Aside from the break she sliced it pretty good so she had to get stitches too.  It was awful not being there with her!  Her friend’s mom took great care of her and we face timed through most of it.  She was so brave.  Wednesday we had a follow-up appointment at our hospital here which at this point feels like my second home.

Let’s see.. in the past year..

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

Kenny broke his ankle and had to have surgery.

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary hiking Colorado and exploring New York with his lovely boot and scooter.

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

Then I had my massive knee surgery.

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

Spent months recovering, doing physical therapy..

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

and looking like the Terminator.

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

Then Kole had his strange cheek issue.

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

Three days in the hospital and surgery for him.

Fashion Friday (Sunny Side Up)

And now Ad.  Seriously!?  It’s almost comical!  We keep telling Ellie to watch out because she’s next!

Finger’s crossed she’s not.  (Sorry Ad.. no pun intended.)  I would be just fine not visiting our hospital again in the near future.  Although I have to admit that I’m getting really good at throwing together a quick hospital bag.  Phone charger, water bottle, change of comfy clothes, sweatshirt because the hospital is always cold..

All joking aside I’m so grateful it wasn’t worse for Addison.  For all of us really!  We have been lucky that none of our injuries have been life threatening.  We get knocked down and we heal and get back up.  Ready to fight another fight!

Or just veg out from sheer exhaustion in front of mindless Hallmark movies.

I’ll fight another fight the week after Thanksgiving.



xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Reindeer and Snowflake Tree Sources

Happy Thursday friends!  I’ve been decorating up a storm and am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!  I have to keep my eye on the prize (a clean and cozy decorated home ready for the holidays) because the last two weeks have been nothing but boxes and messes.  I’d love to have a day to just knock it out and be done with it, but instead I’m working with 20 minutes here and 15 minutes there and 45 minutes after everyone else is asleep and I’ve caught up on e-mails and cleaned the kitchen for the 18th time in a day.  I know many of you are doing the same kind of decorating (or will be soon!) at your house. Good times. :)

I am decorating four Christmas trees again this year and am so excited to have them up and almost done!  Three of them I just slightly tweaked from how they were last year and one I kept the same.

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

Here is the final outcome of our family room tree!  A bit reindeer themed and slightly different than last year’s tree.

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

Some of the ornaments are the same, but last year’s tree had large shiny red ball ornaments, white leaf picks and our candy and candy cane ornaments.

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

So you all know that this family room tree is the tree my kids help with (I recently shared pics of our tree decorating party.. a favorite tradition at our house!).  Last year I made the mistake of moving a few of the ornaments around the day after we decorated together.  The blogger/perfectionist side of my personality got the best of me (the struggle is real.. ha) and I sort of straightened things up a bit.  Well.  My kids came home from school the next day and noticed right away.  I could tell it hurt their feelings and I felt AWFUL.  #momfail  So I vowed that I would never do that again.  It was a good lesson for me to not lose sight of what matters most during the holidays.

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

This year I’m happy to say that our family room tree is 100% decorated by me and my kids and I haven’t touched one ornament since we finished!  Although the style of this tree is very kid friendly and still looks put together.  If your kids are helping but you’d still like your tree to look like it has some sort of plan (I know some of you moms are thinking yes please!) one tip is to choose 5 or 6 ornament styles and some garland and stick to just using those items on the tree.  Repeat the same ornaments throughout and it will give your tree a cohesive look even if the kids clump things together.  I also had most of the garland up before we started.  My kids like that because they just want to hang all of the ornaments. :)

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

We also have this smaller tree we keep in our stair landing that my kids decorate with all of their special homemade/school ornaments.  A few options for including your kids in the decorating this year!

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

It’s so funny.. without even planning it my whole house is reindeer themed this year.  I’m subconsciously drawn to them!  I knew I wanted to add some of these fun reindeer to my family room tree so when I found this large red pom pom garland at Michaels craft store I had to have it!  Hello Rudolph. :)  (This tree is 9 feet tall and I used 7 of the red pom garlands.)  My white garland sold out but I’ll link to similar options below that will give you the same look.  My long time favorite wooden chalkboard plaque ornaments are back in stock!

*affiliate links used

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

I also added these darling white ornaments from Etsy with reindeer names on them!  So much fun.  I have the red Rudolph ornaments displayed in this bowl in my kitchen. :)

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

More reindeer and favorite past Christmas pictures in these frames on my shelves.  Tradition.

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

There’s nothing like a tree lit up at night is there?  The best.  For the tree skirt I layered this faux fur tree skirt with this pom pom knit throw on top of it.  Another tip is to use chunky throws for trees skirts.  I love the look!

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

I love buying large tree ornaments.  I think they look great on a tree mixed in with the small ornaments.  They cost a bit more, but on smaller trees you only need 3-4 large ornaments to make a statement (5- on larger trees).  Another bonus is that you can also use larger ornaments for decor throughout your home.

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

When I want to display my larger reindeer in places other than the tree I just tape the ornament ribbon to the back side. :)

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

Speaking of reindeer and my over the top obsession with them this year.. are these not the CUTEST yet!?  Sherpa Reindeer! So soft!  And that fuzzy white with the red scarf and pine cone tail!  I can’t even.  Just like PB’s other reindeer they come in larger sizes or these small sizes for the tree.

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

I also wanted to share sources for these fun wool trees and this Church Birdhouse that are new this year.  I shared a peek of how I was decorating with them in IG stories and got lots of questions.  The little house has lights inside and looks so cute lit up when it’s dark!

Christmas Tree Sources (Sunny Side Up)

I also got lots of questions about sources for my little mudroom tree that I decorate every year.  This is the one tree I kept decorated the same (not ready to change this one up yet.. I love it!).  But I did move it to a different room!  I’m excited to show you where it is soon. :)  I’ll be back with another post tomorrow.. so much to share!  All of the sources (and lots of similar options) for these two trees are below!

{Family Room/Reindeer Tree Sources}

{Mudroom/Snowflake Tree Sources}

{Extra Post Sources}

xoxo, Erin

Holiday Gift Guide! (Neighbors, Teachers and Friends)

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

So excited about today’s post!  But before we get started talking gifts I wanted to let you all know that my 2018 Holiday Planner is on sale for just $8!  It’s not too late to get organized for the holidays!  If you are feeling scattered with everything that needs to be done next month and need some direction or just a place to write down ALL the things – this will help!  Lots of organized pages to help you plan who you’re buying for, what your budget is, plans for December or just cute to-do pages and calendars for major brain dumps.  I’ve had lots of those lately. :)  You can see exactly what’s included in my Holiday Planner HERE, details on how I’m using mine (and how I plan in general) HERE, and you can purchase it at a discounted price HERE.  I hope you love it!

Ok.. I’m seriously so excited you guys.  Did I already mention that?  Remember my friend Ann’s annual Favorite Things party?  After a two year break she’s hosting it again this year!  Also another close friend of mine is hosting a Favorite Things party!  So I’m going to two Favorite Things parties that will be loaded with fun gift ideas.  I promise I’ll take good notes!  Also I’ve been doing my Christmas shopping (following the weekly guide in my Holiday Planner!) and I’ve found so many fun things.  I’m going to try to get a gift guide up every weekend for the next month to help you all with your holiday shopping.  There are just so many fun options this year!  My problem hasn’t been figuring out what to get family and friends this year.. it has been having too many great options and not being able to narrow it down and make a decision.  Not a bad problem to have. :)  So without further rambling, here is my first gift guide of the season… Gifts for Neighbors, Teachers and Friends!  

*affiliate links used

Holiday Gift Ideas! (Neighbors, Teachers and Friends) Sunny Side Up

Holiday Gift Ideas! (Neighbors, Teachers and Friends) Sunny Side Up

1 – The Original Peppermint Bark – A long time favorite gift.  SO delicious and better than the peppermint stuff you find in the grocery store or anywhere else.  I’ve given this to neighbors and teachers in years past and it’s always a hit!  Addison and I were just talking about how we need to go pick up a tin for us this December!

2 – Initial Pendant Necklace – These Kate Spade lowercase letter necklaces are so dainty and beautiful!  Giving away several of them this year and now I want one for me!  (Kenny.. El.. who’s reading?  Hint hint..)

3 – Brass Inlay Marble Cutting Board – Gah!  Is this marble cutting board not the most gorgeous thing!?  I LOVE that brass inlay!  Perfect for the friend who loves to decorate or entertain!  Wait.. that’s me.  Who’s going to mail me one? ;)

4 – Popcornopolis – If you haven’t tried this popcorn that is your homework this season!  So delicious!  We gave this set out to friends and neighbors a few years ago and it was a hit!  (Zebra is my all time favorite flavor!)

5 – Cable Knit Beanie – I was in Nordstrom last week (it’s their Fall sale right now btw and so many fun things are 40% off!) and I saw these Treasure and Bond beanies in person and they are darling!  And so soft!  If I lived somewhere cold I would be sporting one 6 out of 7 days a week.  I could go even longer without washing my hair!  If that’s even possible.  Ha.

6 – White Wash Bowl – The picture of this bowl does not do it justice!  I just bought it!  So beautiful.  You’ll see it in my Christmas decor posts!  It’s holding shiny glass ornaments at the moment.  Really pretty to display on a coffee table or end table, etc.

7 – Library of Flowers Bubble Bath – Ok.. I’m dying to try this!  Have you all seen Oprah’s 2018 Favorite Things List yet!?  She has so many great gift ideas and loves this bubble bath!  I absolutely love taking a hot bath at the end of the week (it has become a ritual for me!) and I can’t wait to try this.  (So Kenny you’re going to need to buy it for me.  I make Christmas SO easy for you.  You’re welcome.)

Holiday Gift Ideas! (Neighbors, Teachers and Friends) Sunny Side Up

8 – Platters and Boards – I have two favorite coffee table books and this is one of them!  Platters and Boards has a gorgeous cover/side binding to display on a table or shelf and gorgeous images on every page.  It is full of so many fun ideas for creating platters of food/snacks for entertaining.  My friend and I are using some of the pictures for inspiration for my Christmas party coming up!  Perfect gift for someone who loves entertaining.  My other favorite coffee table book is Cut Flower Garden and is perfect for the flower lover.  Coffee table books can make fun gifts when you personalize them.  Buy someone a book full of whatever they are interested in and they are sure to love it.

So don’t buy me a cook book.

In case you were thinking about it, let me save you some money.


Holiday Gift Ideas! (Neighbors, Teachers and Friends) Sunny Side Up

9 – Gratitude Glass Jar – You guys!  My Gratitude Jar is back in stock!  My mom gave these to me, my sister and brother and our families for Christmas last year and we have all absolutely loved them!  This jar costs a bit more than a regular glass jar, but it’s so beautiful that it looks like decor so you want to leave it out displayed in your home.  It comes with lots of pretty cards so that you and your family can each write down one thing you are grateful for each day.  Or you can do it once a week or however it works best for you!  We didn’t remember every single day this year, but we did all write on a lot of cards and are going to read them together as a family this year on New Years Eve.  That’s how Kenny and I like to party ;)  I also loved having this jar when a certain 8 year old would complain more than usual.  Instead of being frustrated or upset with him I would just say “I know that’s rough and some days don’t always go our way.. but let’s think of one or two things we are grateful for today and write them down and focus on that.”  I maybe got an eye roll or two, but he always did it and I could tell it shifted his focus.  Sometimes we all need a reminder to focus on the positive and this gift is such an easy, special way to help us do just that.  (Thanks mom!  Best gift.) :)

Holiday Gift Ideas! (Neighbors, Teachers and Friends) Sunny Side Up

10 – Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask – I’ve been using this for years and love it!  I have dry skin and this makes my skin so feel/look so hydrated!  I just put it on like lotion every few nights.  A perfect friend gift!

11 – Faux Fur Throw –  I LOVE this pom pom throw!  I have it in a few colors and you can see it in this picture of my Fall living room.  The cream looks even better on a darker couch.  It’s not thick so I don’t recommend it for cuddling with on the couch.. it’s perfect for decor.  Drapes beautifully over chairs and couches and the pom poms are perfection!  SIDENOTE:  If you are looking for an inexpensive cozy throw to wrap up in I recently ordered and LOVE this fleece blanket.  TOO good and comes in so many colors!  Not cute for decor (ha) but perfect for cozy movie nights on the couch.  My girls keep taking it up to their rooms and I keep bringing it back downstairs.  Clearly I’m going to have to get everyone their own!

12 – Weekly Spiral Desk Pad –  So cute to set out on your desk!  And the inside pages are perfect for people who just like to jot down a few daily to-do’s for the week.

13 – Faux Fur Slippers – These are so soft and a great price!  I gave them to my mother-in-law a few years ago and she loved them!

14 – Harper Crossbody –  Giving a few of these out this year (and I bought one for me!).  They were also on Oprah’s gift list and are perfect for when you just want to take your phone and credit cards and a few small things with you!  So great for travel too.  I’m excited about them!

Holiday Gift Ideas! (Neighbors, Teachers and Friends) Sunny Side Up

15 – Anthropologie Capri Blue Candle –  So as you can see from the picture above.. I’m clearly a fan of this candle.. ha. :)  They smell SO good and are so beautiful to display in your home as part of the decor.  Perfect teacher, friend, neighbor gift! (And two styles are 20% off right now!)

16 – Harrison Serving Bowl – I just ordered this and can’t wait to get it!  Such a beautiful bowl.  I’ll share a pic when it comes in!

17 – Bindle Bottle – Ok.. where have these been all of my life!?  You guys have to check these out!  A water bottle that not only keeps things cold or hot but also holds your keys, cash, change.  If you exercise at a gym this is perfection!  I’m also thinking of how great it will be to take to the beach (or a pool) in the summer.  It can hold your chapstick, mini sunscreen, earbuds.. so many odds and ends.  GENIUS!

18 – BP Faux Leather Tote – My Madewell leather tote is one of my all time favorite staple bags but it’s a little pricey.  If you don’t want to spend that much this PB faux leather tote is a beautiful option for less that gives you the same look!

19 – LittBag Organizer – Another genius idea!  It’s a purse organizer that goes inside of your purse!  That lights up so you can always find things even in the dark!  Why don’t I think of things like this!?  Because I’m too busy hunting for them on-line instead. ;)  I want one of these because I switch up my purses so often.  This would make changing handbags a breeze having all essentials organized inside and just popping the whole thing in and out of new bags.

Holiday Gift Ideas! (Neighbors, Teachers and Friends) Sunny Side Up

{Similar Pajamas}

20 – Ugg Fleece Lined Socks – Last but not least.. the coziest slipper socks in all the land!  These have sold out so fast the past two years!  And for good reason.  I LOVE them!  The best to wear throughout the winter.  I’m giving several for gifts this year.. AGAIN!

Alright you guys.. let me know.  What is your favorite gift idea I shared!?  Are these guides helpful?  I know it can seem daunting each year to come up with creative and useful gifts for the people we love and appreciate so I hope these guides make that easier!  I’m off to bed.. got a little excited about this post and stayed up way too late.  I just love favorite things posts!

Favorites are my favorite. :)

Enjoy your weekend!

xoxo, Erin

Decorating our tree and fun Christmas pj’s!

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

So this happened!  Our annual tree decorating party.  One of our favorite traditions!  We take this night pretty seriously.  Clear schedules.  Pull down ALL things Christmas from the attic.  Crank up the Christmas tunes on the TV.  And of course.. wear fun Christmas pjs!  (Keep reading for more details on the pjs.. we are so in love!)

Of course this evening doesn’t always go picture perfect.

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

My kids are always SO hyper excited so for the first hour it’s usually me bringing down stuff from the attic and these three doing who knows what.

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

At one point my girls made up a hip hop dance to Up on the House Top.  Which they taught me btw.  We might have to film it.. it’s pretty lit if I do say so myself.

Ha. :)

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

At some point in the evening we actually got to work and started decorating!

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

Addison’s face when she realized the ornament she had dropped and started to hang was broken.  For the record.. she broke one, El and Kole didn’t break any and I broke three.

Next year I think I’m turning the tree decorating completely over to the kids.

I’ll choreograph the hip hop dance.

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

My face when Kenny (who grudgingly agreed when I begged so kindly offered) to take pics of us decorating asked if he could be done and go watch the football game.  At this point my girls were laughing non stop and Kole was decorating the whole back side of the tree that no one sees.  I said “you’re seriously going to leave me with these three and this mess?”

His response?  “Seriously.”

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

Family!  Good thing I love them all.

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

This year I’m partnering with The Company Store (love them!) to share their adorable collection of Christmas pj’s.  Yes.. I might have squealed when that e-mail came through!  I’m all about Christmas pj’s and their cozy matching flannel sets are just too much fun.  I picked out the Santa set for us.  You all know I’m a sucker for traditional Christmas colors.  It just doesn’t feel like the season to me without all of the red and green!  I’m actually wearing the teen set and El’s wearing the womens.  Personal preference because she loves pj’s to be loose and baggy and I like more of a fitted top.  Each set comes with a matching nightgown too that my girls would have loved when they were younger!  So many cute options!

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

The Company Store is encouraging everyone to have a “national family pajama night” and they are donating a dollar from every pair of pj’s sold to the Ronald McDonald house in NY to help kids and their families.  See why I love them so much?

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

Pajamas and family time.  I can’t think of anything better.

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

My favorite part of the holiday season hands down.

Quickly followed by all of the fun decorating.

And music.

And food.

And parties with friends.

And gift giving.

I could keep going but you all have families of your own you need to tend to.

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

Best little tree helper.

Especially when he’s working on the front side of the tree.


Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

Quick break in the photoshoot to read Santa Mouse – a long time favorite.  As soon as I pull the Christmas books down from the attic they all three stop drop and read.

Decorating our Tree and fun Christmas PJ's! (Sunny Side Up)

Huge thank you to The Company Store for sponsoring this post and for sending us pj’s that we love and are so excited to wear this season!

Also huge thank you to my husband.  For supporting me through all of my crazy Christmas adventures.  I know you put up with a lot!  But you dish quite a bit out during the process so how about we call it even.


p.s.  Details on our tree coming soon!

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Getting Ready for the Holidays

Holiday Prep (Sunny Side Up)

{Fa la la Bowl/Marble Serving Tray*affiliate links used 

We are in full holiday prep mode at our house!  Well.. by “we” I mean “me” and the rest of my crew is happily along for the ride. :)  Today I’m sharing a few fun things I picked up from eBay to help me get ready for the holidays this year.  I was so excited when they reached out to partner on another post because I had so much fun decorating my laundry room with fun eBay finds.  I still can’t believe that 81% of the items they sell are new!  So many great deals.  I love their selection of new kitchen/home items and was thrilled to find this gorgeous Kate Spade bowl for the holidays!  Fa-la-la.. I think it was made for me. :)  I’ve been looking for a small marble serving tray for a while now so I also picked up this one and plan to get one or two more.  We are hosting a few different parties over the next two months so I’ve been on the hunt for fun holiday serving pieces!  These are a few other options I’ve been considering..

Holiday Prep (Sunny Side Up)

My kids got to test out my new bowl with a fun movie treat the other night.  We’re big popcorn people (you already knew that about us?) and adding some holiday candy and pretzels to our popcorn takes things up a notch to “special.”

We’re also easy to please people.

Easy Halloween Snack (Sunny Side Up)

{Similar Pumpkin Serving Dish}

This family holiday tradition started years ago with a simple popcorn Halloween mix I threw together for my girls when they were little to accompany a Barbie movie.  Has anyone been with me long enough to remember that?  :)

Holiday Prep (Sunny Side Up)

Of course I couldn’t stop there.  Grapes and strawberries and bananas are three fruits we always have on hand at our house so when I found a simple Christmas treat on Pinterest I thought I’d try making it for my kids to see if it would become another holiday favorite.

Holiday Prep (Sunny Side Up)

Can you tell what these are?  Grinch Santas!  Just fruit on a toothpick with a marshmallow on top.  Something even I can do. ;)  I knew what they were the second I saw a picture of them, but I was cracking up when Kenny got home and couldn’t tell!  He was so confused and the look on his face when he was holding one upside down made me laugh.

Of course that didn’t stop him from eating half of them.

Holiday Prep (Sunny Side Up)

My kids rolled their eyes at my attempt to make a “Pinworthy” treat, but then they promptly gobbled up what was left so regardless of the reaction from my family, I’d say the treats were a success.

Holiday Prep (Sunny Side Up)

Did you want to start calling me Martha?  It’s ok.. go ahead.  Really.  I don’t mind.

Rest assured that I have friends helping with the food for all of my holiday parties.  But that won’t stop me from impressing everyone with a few of my Grinch Santas.  I’m on a roll.  Ha. :)

Ok.. now let’s chat about my for real favorite type of holiday prep.  Getting the house ready!  I always have the same routine for early November.  I take down all of my Fall/Halloween decor and just live with my house empty for a couple of days.  I love having this in-between time to get my house clean!  I try to set aside two mornings to just quickly go through each room and organize.  Not a major clean out, but a quick “organize as much as I can” clean out.

Getting ready for the holidays (Sunny Side Up)

I ordered this Dyson Portable Handheld Vacuum from eBay to help me get the house ready for the holidays and I’m seriously so in love!  I have so many friends who love and swear by Dyson vacuums and eBay has such a great selection of different styles.  I can’t believe I’ve gone this long without one in my life!  We have Central Vac in our house and I’ve been really happy with it, but the only downside of that system is that it’s a bit of a pain to pull out the long cord and vacuum for smaller, quick vacuum jobs.  This Dyson is lightweight and easy to hold.  So handy for quick clean outs!  It also has a really strong suction and with no cord it’s easy to just carry room to room.  It gets the job DONE.  I’m such a fan.  (Tempted to get another one to keep in my car!)

A few things I do to get my house ready for the holidays:

1) Wash all sheets in the bedrooms.  I get these going in the washer first and then I start my room to room pick up!

2) Quick overall room pick up.  Anything obvious we aren’t using or I’m not loving anymore goes in a black sack and off to Goodwill.

3) In the kitchen I wipe down my fridge/freezer and straighten my pantry  (tossing things that are old/expired).

Getting ready for the holidays (Sunny Side Up)

{You can get my favorite dream drawer dividers here- not pictured above but what I use to organize most of my drawers}

4) Organize and vacuum out drawers.  Like I said, this isn’t the time for anything major, but I try to go through our most often used drawers and give them a quick clean out.  Toss garbage, straighten things up and vacuum out any crumbs.  (LOVE my new Dyson for cleaning crumbs/dust out of drawers!)

Getting ready for the holidays (Sunny Side Up)

Why yes.. I’m back on my tiptoes on this counter again.  My hang out every time the season changes.. ;)

5)  Wipe off/dust or vacuum shelves.  I especially love doing this with all of the decor put away.  I’ve always struggled to clean off this shelf over my oven.  Not anymore!  New vacuum to the rescue.  Did I mention I’m in love!? :)

Once I’ve gone through each room and quickly picked up I feel like I can start pulling out my Christmas decor.  YEA!  Bring it on.  Then I’m surrounded by flocking and boxes and glitter and garland.

Getting ready for the holidays (Sunny Side Up)

And once again my new vacuum to the rescue. ;)

*Huge thank you to eBay for sponsoring this post!  And for introducing me to my new soulmate.  I will be forever grateful.   #justagirlandhervacuum.


There is a huge Dyson deal going on through eBay for the next few days!


xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Shiplap Dining Room Progress!

{Shiplap Dining Room Progress} *affiliate links used
Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

Popping in quickly today with an update on my dining room shiplap walls!

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

Quick recap for anyone tuning in for the first time!  I mentioned in a previous post that even though I loved the gray paint on these walls, the lighting in the front of our house where this dining room sits isn’t great and this room always looked and felt so dark to me.

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweater/Black Jeans/Booties}

Time for a little shiplap to save the day!  It’s a known cure all. ;)

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

Here’s how it looks now after some fresh white paint!  I don’t have any progress pics of the paint going up because we were in the hospital with Kole when our painters came.  I told my painter the night before that I’d leave a door unlocked for him while I was picking up kids from school and be home soon after he got there.  He called me that day at around 5:00 to see if I was coming and I was like “oh my word!  Totally forgot about paint!  We are in the ER.  Just make it look good!”  Sometimes your day just take a minor detour!

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

Luckily our painters are great guys who we know well and trust and they checked on Kole and did an amazing job.  So happy with how the paint turned out!  Honestly these pictures don’t do this room justice.  In these pics it just looks like white walls.  I know. :)  But in person there is so much texture…  the thick wide planks add so much to the room.  They stand out more than these pics show.  Plus it just brightened this space up immensely.  I wish I could have you all over to see it in person!  We need to have a shiplap soiree. ;)

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

You can see in this pic that our dining room is to the side of our front entry.   I’m going to do some walk throughs of parts of our house on IG stories as soon as I get it all decorated for Christmas!  I get a lot of questions about our floorplan so I’m hoping that will give some of you an idea of how our house is laid out.

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

So my bestie Chuck was back at our house again this afternoon!  This is an awful iPhone pic I snapped quick but I wanted to share the progress real time.  I was so excited to see these mirror frames go up today!  I’ve had my eye on them for a while.  I knew I wanted some sort of a mirror on this wall (again trying to add brightness to this space) and out of lots of options I finally decided on these Aiden Large Wall Mirrors.  I kind of laughed because I looked at SO many mirrors from so many different stores (my cute friend Tritia even found some fun options for me!) and of course I ended up choosing the one option from PB.  Not intentional!  I just can’t help myself with that store.  Admitting my problem is the first step right?

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

Talk about a transformation having mirrors on this wall!  I’m so excited about them!  This mirror actually comes in a panel of six so I bought three of them and had Chuck hang them together.  The mirrors are still filthy so better pics of this room decked for the holidays will be coming soon!  But I was too excited to show you all the progress to wait. :)  I’m keeping everything neutral for now so that I can add Christmas red and green, but after the holidays I’ll bring in some color.

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

I’m getting my table ready for guests (hosting a Christmas pajama party this month!) and I’m going to use this beautiful Euculyptus Berry and Pine Garland I shared earlier for the table.

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

I also ended up ordering two of the matching wreaths for this room.  They just came and are so pretty in person!  I’ll try to share them on IG stories soon too!  I’m trying to be better about getting on stories.  I just get so caught up doing all the things that I usually forget to film all the things. :)

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

Here’s a pic of this space last year around this time.  Off to a good start but definitely not complete!

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

{Halloween/Fall Porch}

I recently took down all of our pumpkins.  This stage is always so funny to me when my house is 50% Fall and 50% Christmas and 100% mess.

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

If you are like me and have a lot of pumpkins around your house that you hate to waste I’ve always loved taking them off the porch and mantel, etc. and using them as a tablescape.

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

Toss them on your dining table with some leaves and candles and you are ready for Thanksgiving!

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

Or for just a Fall lunch/dinner with friends.

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

You can find more details on this tablescape in this Fake it Don’t Bake it post I wrote last year.  You can also find a quick easy dessert that was obviously faked and not baked. :)

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

Getting so excited for Thanksgiving!  I love spending time at my moms with family and look forward to it for months.  My mom and I wait to watch all the good Hallmark Christmas movies together while the guys are watching Football.  My mom watches them all first in Oct/Nov and weeds out the cheesy ones and after some back and forth discussion on the phone she records the best picks for us.  And I know.  ALL Hallmark Christmas movies are cheesy.  But some are a little less cheesy and more enjoyable than others and we have our favorites.  I might need to make a spreadsheet to share with you all.  We take our Hallmark Christmas movie watching marathon pretty seriously.

It’s intense.

Shiplap Wall Dining Room Progress! (Sunny Side Up)

In fact we take all of our Christmas festivities pretty seriously around here.  I woke up to this scene today.  Someone was up at the crack of dawn (hello time change!) and got into the Santa hats and stamps to keep himself entertained until everyone else woke up.  Made me smile.  :)

It also reminded me that while I miss certain things about having little kids.. having older kids who entertain themselves early in the morning instead of waking mom up is pretty awesome.

Almost as awesome as shiplap and new wall mirrors and Hallmark Christmas movies.



xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Family Room Fall Decor

50's Halloween costumes (Sunny Side Up)

{Porch Decor Sources}  *affiliate links used

Well!  October is a blur.  But it must have happened because we have the pictures to prove it. :)  I hope you all had a great Halloween!  Having it land in the middle of the week definitely threw me for a loop.  We took Ad and Kole trick or treating with friends and then came home exhausted to party round 2 with El and her high school friends.  We were up so late it took us a few days to recover!  Anyone else?  I was texting my mom and dad that night that I was so tired but party round 2 was starting since I now have a teenager and instead of sympathy they laughed and told me to get ready.  #payback

50's Halloween costumes (Sunny Side Up)

Addison really wanted us all to dress in a 50’s theme so that we did!  With a bit of a modern twist. ;)

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

And just like that!  It’s November.

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

(My Faux Fiddle leaf fig is back in stock!)

I took 5 million pics of my family room one afternoon last month because it was feeling clean and cozy and the candle was burning and my fireplace was on (because I was in the mood for it.. not because it was all that cold) and then I never got around to posting them!

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

So here they are now.  Our family room Fall decor.  Thought I better share it quick since this room will be decked in RED by the end of the week.  Bring it on!  So excited. :)

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I kept my shelves (and decor overall) so simple.  Brought in lots of pumpkins and baskets and a few cozy throws.

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I’ll link to all sources at the end of the post!  Sorry in advance for the picture overload..

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

But not that sorry.  Fall decor is so inviting isn’t it?

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I brought in a lot of navy this year inspired by my new kitchen rugs!  Details on my couch are in this post and my family room rug is on sale.  (woot woot!)  You can read more about it here.

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Bet you thought this was the last pic but nope.

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

When I say 5 million pics are coming..

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I mean it.

I’m a girl who keeps her word.  For the most part. :)

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

We have a new clock in the family room!  I made a horrible mistake of putting a small clock on our shelves by the TV when we first moved in and my husband got used to it being there and every time I try to re-style the shelves he demands I put his clock back.  So I bought him a new clock.  A BIG clock.  And I hung it on the wall where you can easily see it from every room.

And it didn’t work.  He still asks where his clock is and makes me set it out on the family room shelves or on the coffee table right in front of him.  Drives me CRAZY.

Over 20 years of marriage though.  So I set out his clock and roll my eyes and move on with life.  Lucky him that he never has to do that sort of thing with me.

Lucky me that this is my blog and he can’t dispute.


Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

4 million and 22.. almost there!

Family Room Fall Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Happy Fall.  It has been a good one so far. :)


xoxo, Erin

Halloween Porch and Fall Fashion

Halloween Porch Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Halloween week!  Are you ready?  We’ve had a weekend full of Halloween parties and get togethers so it feels strange that trick or treating isn’t until Wednesday.  Kind of spread out this year since it fell mid week isn’t it!?

Halloween Porch Decor (Sunny Side Up)

But we are ready and so is our porch!  Bring it on.  I had planned on mixing up my porch decor this year and going with less black/Halloween and more light, bright/all things Autumn.  BUT..

I have a certain 8 year old..

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)Better known these days as “Pikachu” who had a different idea.  He wasn’t all that excited about switching out our spider web for more mums so we keep things nice and friendly/spooky like always.  Because really.. how many more years am I going to have a sweet little sidekick helping me decorate?  Not as many as I’d like!

Halloween Porch Decor (Sunny Side Up)

So the two of us got out our BOO pumpkin and favorite lanterns and Halloween banner and we added a few Cinderella pumpkins (they are my favorite!) and a couple of small mums for a compromise. :)

*affiliate links used

Halloween Porch Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Halloween Porch Decor (Sunny Side Up)

We also put our spiderweb in the window and some cute little pumpkin string lights on the balcony railing and then called it a holiday. :)

Halloween Porch Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Boo hello and trick or treat.  That’s as scary as we get around here.

Halloween Porch Decor (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweater/Jeans/Madewell Tote/Earrings/Booties/Black and white striped rug/Similar Hello rug/Chalkboard/BOO pumpkin/Lanterns/Similar plant pots here or here}

We’ve had a few chilly days lately which means sweater weather!  Woot woot!  Even on warm days it has been cooler in the mornings and evenings for us which is such a nice change.  This green Ribbed Funnel Neck Sweater is my most recent favorite.  It’s a great length and just so soft and comfortable.  Comes in plus size too!

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweater/Scarf/Black Jeans/Similar Boots}

This is the same sweater in Ivory with this cute Check Scarf.  Love this outfit!  I need a vacation home in the snow.  That’s backwards I know.  Ha. :)  But I just love cold weather clothes too much to live full time in San Diego!  Good thing we make lots of Utah trips in the winter.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)


My Madewell Balloon Sleeve sweater is selling out fast but there are still a few sizes left!  I love pulling out this long time favorite RM purse every Fall too.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)


So in love with this Cece Poodle Sleeve Sweater!  The sleeves are my favorite.  I recently wore it three times in one week.  I made sure I wasn’t going to see the same people.. although now the secret is out.  Why do I even think about that when I’m perfectly fine telling everyone later how much I wore it?

One of life’s great mysteries that will never be solved.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

We took Kole to the Pumpkin Patch a couple of weeks ago and it felt strange to just have him there!  My girls both had actives and things going on so we met some of Kole’s buddies.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

We spent a good while lost in a corn maize.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweater/Jeans/Wedge Sneakers/Purse}

And had an overall fun night.  Love hanging with my boys.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Ruffle Tie Front Sweater/Jeans/Wedge Sneakers/Sunglasses}

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

One more item I’m loving lately!  These comfy LOVE sweatpants are too good.  Perfect for around the house.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{LOVE sweats/Adidas sneakers}

And around out of the house. :)  This is my Sunday evening crew.  One Sunday afternoon we all ended up at the same park with our kids (unplanned) and had so much fun catching up while the kids played that we decided it needed to be a weekly tradition.  Today we all took food!  Life is more fun with friends isn’t it?  And with food. :)

K.. this post is too long already but I wanted to quickly share some favorites that are back in stock or on sale!

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

My favorite Balloon Sleeve Sweater from the N sale is back in fun new colors!  I know this is looking a lot like the sweaters I already shared.  I’m nothing if not predictable. :)

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Madewell Leather Tote}

This cute Wrap Sweater is also back in stock!

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

My Blouson Sleeve Sweater is 40% off!  It’s a tad on the short side so sometimes I wear a tank under it.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweater/Pencil Skirt/Similar Boots}

My Bow Neck Puff Sleeve top is also on sale.  I get so many compliments on this every time I wear it!  I love the length of the sleeves.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

My Cece Ribbon Sweater is also marked down.  (Loving Cece tops this Fall!)

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

And so is this cute Fit and Flare dress!

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

A view from the side..

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

and the back.  Really pretty dress.  I love wearing it with over the knee boots.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

And last but not least, this cute faux leather tote is also on sale!  I’ll also link to some recent favorites I have my eye on at the bottom of my post.  I’ve started my Christmas shopping (following my holiday planner guide!) so I’m seeing ALL the cute things on-line.  Picture late nights with comfy pjs, Hallmark Christmas movies (they started last weekend!), on-line shopping and lots of leftover Halloween candy.

It’s a dangerous time of year for me.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Well!  That’s it for a round-up of my Halloween porch decor, fashion favorites and complete and utter nonsense.

Looks like I’ve done my job once again. ;)  Have a great week everyone!




xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Fall Living Room Decor

Happy Thursday everyone!  I’m so glad my Christmas decor post was helpful for so many of you!  I got a lot of questions about my favorite Christmas trees.  I totally forgot to round up some good trees for you so I’ve added those to the bottom of my last post if you are looking for a new tree this year.  I’ve had my eye on a few of the trees I shared.  I do NOT need one more Christmas tree in this house.  But I figure once you get past a certain number of trees.. what difference does one more make?

Let’s not ask for my husband’s opinion on that question. ;)

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

As promised we are back to all things Fall today!  I kept my Fall decor really simple in our living room but have loved the dark, rich colors.

*affiliate links used

Summer Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

You can see pics of what this room looked like over the summer here.

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

I love that I can switch out my pillows and add a few seasonal items and get a whole new look in this space.   Change is good!  Well.. some change is hard and scary, but when the change I’m referring to is simply about new throw pillows in different colors.. change is good.

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

{Chesterfield Sofa/Fringe velvet Pillow Covers/Washed Velvet Pillow Covers/Pom Pom Throw – back in stock!}

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

{Madewell Balloon Sleeve Sweater/Tear Drop Earrings (that are so cute but hiding in my hair!)/ Jeans}

I switched out our Summer pictures for pictures in pumpkin patches and leaves.  Rotating family pictures is such a simple way to decorate for the seasons and my kids love seeing older pictures like this displayed.  I do too.  So many good memories.  I love getting our photos off of the computer and out where we can enjoy them.

Trick or Treat Halloween Banner (Sunny Side Up)

This Trick or Treat wall of Halloween pics in the hallway on the other side of our house is always fun this time of year too.  I have to admit that I don’t have it up yet this year!  My shiplap wall still looks like this.  Since Halloween is next week I think we are just going to bag it this year and move on to the next holiday.  October flew this year didn’t it!?  (You can see this shiplap wall through the seasons here.)

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

Sorry.. I keep getting sidetracked with other displays and cute earrings.  Back to pics of the formal living room. :)

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

{Chair/Navy Bliss Throw/Pheasant pillow (on sale!)/Faux Pumpkins (on sale!)/Similar mirror here and here}

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

{Similar Branches/Silver Tray/Cotton Wool Blend Sweater (40% off!)/ Jeans}

I was having the hardest time styling these bookshelves!  Sometimes they just come together quickly and other times they go through several hot mess stages before they come together.

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

I didn’t have time this month for several hot mess stages, so I just kept them really simple with books, doughbowls and mini white pumpkins.  “Busy mom shelf styling 101.”  I should write a book.

The only problem is that busy moms don’t have time to read books.  Ha. ;)

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

My O Holy Night Christmas sign is about to finally make sense in this room again.

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

Simple, cozy Fall decor.

Fall Decor Formal Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

The best.  You know what else I love about Fall?  Aside from the obvious fun things that come with this time of year.  It feels slower and calmer to me.  Not necessarily slow and calm.  I don’t know that you ever feel slow and calm when you have kids, right?  But slower and calmer than other months.  Kids are back in a good routine with school and it doesn’t feel as full of activities as the Spring and Summer sometimes do.  It gets busy over the holidays, but during the Fall there is this really nice calm before the storm.  I love that.  Do you feel that too?  We seem to have more time to just enjoy simple every day things and each other.  Maybe it’s just the way our schedule always seems to work out.  But whatever it is.. I’ll take it. :)


xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Favorite Christmas Decor!

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

Happy weekend everyone!  Does this picture above make you excited or scared or annoyed?  Ha!  I find that when I start sharing Christmas decor early I usually get one of the three responses. ;)  Don’t worry!  I’ll be back to pumpkins in my next post.  Lots of them. :)

Today I’m sharing my annual round of up my favorite Christmas decor with you!  I usually put up this post after Halloween but I’ve had so many requests to do it earlier this year!  And I totally understand.  The good stuff often sells out quickly!  Some of the things I’ve ordered for Christmas this year are already backordered.  So today I’m sharing some favorites I have that are back in stock and some new things I’m loving this year.  Yea!  BRING IT ON.  Clearly I fall into the “excited” category.  I could talk Christmas decor ALL year long. :)

*If you’re in a hurry I’ve linked LOTS of favorites at the end of this post.  A lot of this stuff is on sale this weekend.. yea!  (Affiliate links used.)  

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.. one of my most asked about items last year and they sold out FAST.  These little lit birch trees that light up are back in stock!

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

I put them on my mantel and on end tables.. they look darling however you use them and look so cozy lit up at night!  Another item I get so many questions about every year are these striped stockings and I found some that are so similar!  Aren’t these Candy Cane Striped Stockings adorable!?  A great price too.

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

Of course I’m a huge fan of these little plaid reindeer and can’t wait to pull them out again!  I also picked up this Cozy Knit Ivory Garland last year and love the texture it added to my tree.

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

This Magnetic Santa Advent Calendar was one of my favorite new decor items last year and it’s back in stock.

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

And you guys!  My Fa-la-la glitter garland banner is finally back!  I can’t even tell you how many people ask about this banner each year and right after I bought it a few years ago it sold out and I haven’t seen it since.  It’s finally back in stock!  So excited about that because I know so many of you wanted one.  You can get it here and it’s a great price.  YEA! :)

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

An oldie but goodie is back in stock!  Every year I think I’m going to do something different with my range for Christmas but I just can’t quit my favorite It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year sign. (On sale right now!) :)

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

Here are a few things I ordered for this year that just came in!  I’ve wanted these jumping reindeer sheets for years and am so excited to deck out one of our bedrooms for the holidays with them!   I also got the Merry Bright pillow cases and this red Cable Knit Fringe Throw that’s on sale (comes in grey and cream too!).  Cozy red throws are my favorite for the holidays. :)

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

I was searching for some new garland this year and found and ordered three favorites.  This Faux Mixed Pine and Cedar Garland, this Faux Lit Garland (that’s backordered and hasn’t come yet) and I ordered two of this Eucalyptus Berry and Pine.  I’m kind of picky with greenery and these three past the test.  Love them all!

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

My magnolia garland is so beautiful and is back in stock!

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

Can’t wait to deck my staircase again.  My kids need to start cutting snowflakes!

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

My favorite Merry hand towels are back!

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

So are these cute red stockings that hold silverware.  Love little details like that. :)

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)

This fur stag pillow has sold out quickly the past two years so if you want that one I wouldn’t wait!  My Hamilton Plaid Pillow, Pom Pom Knitted Throw and this faux fir tree skirt are other favorites I’m excited to pull out again.

Favorite Christmas Decor! (Sunny Side Up)The McKinley Plaid Pillow and this red Merry Lumbar Pillow are other favorites.  There are so many cute new Christmas pillows out this year!  I’ll link some of my favorites below.  I told myself last year that I couldn’t buy one more Christmas pillow.  EVER.  But I also told myself last year that I couldn’t buy any more purple skittles and that I would start cooking healthy meals 4 nights a week.  You can all guess how that went.

This year I’m not making myself any promises.

Alright friends.. here is a round-up of my favorite Christmas decor that I’ve seen so far.  I hope it’s helpful to those of you planning your holiday decor.  Happy almost decking the halls!














xoxo, Erin

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