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My Planning System (and how I’m using my Holiday Planner)

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

Let’s talk planning and lists and time blocking and organizing ALL the things.  Because that will make me incredibly happy.  You too?  I knew we were friends. ;)

I use these labeled wooden trays pictured above in my office for all of my random loose papers I need.  But I’m on the go so much driving my kids around that I like to have a planner with pockets to hold loose papers also so that if I find myself with extra time, I have my lists with me.  I can be extremely productive filling out school forms or planning an upcoming blog project while I’m waiting at soccer practice, watching a dance competition or sitting in the school carpool line.  Moms of school aged kids I know you feel me on this one!  I also like large planners with more room to write (lists for days!) and I like to use my own printables.  So.. after trying out a few different planners and notebooks lately, I’m happy to stay that I finally have a planning system I’m thrilled about!

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

This is my new planning system and it has been perfect for meeting all of my organizing needs.  #happydance

I’ve used Discbound Arc notebooks in the past and have loved them so a few months ago I finally decided to go back to the discbound system again.  It just works the best for me.  I ordered this pretty navy Levenger Notebook.

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

LOVE the pockets on the inside flap!  Then I also ordered some cute Martha Stewart Discbound Dividers (that have pockets for loose papers also.. second happy dance!).  I also picked up these project packet folders for when I have a lot of paper I’m carrying around with me.  Love the coordinating patterns on these that match my printables!  But that’s beside the point. :)

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

I used my label maker to label the tabs To-Do’s, Blog, Projects, Kids and Christmas.  Those are the five categories my to-do lists always fall in! Let’s look at what’s going on in each tab.. TO-DO’S –

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

This time blocking printable I designed last year is the one I use the most during the school year, but my schedule this year is so crazy I had to update it!

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

I have so much going on with my 3 kids in 3 different schools that I needed the times to be in half hour increments.  This new updated version is available in my printable library if you want it too!

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

Every Friday when I’m doing my little “week ahead prep” for the next week I fill out five of these forms.  (You could use one with a sheet protector and a dry erase marker too!  I’ve done that before.)  Ellie’s High School schedule this year drives me crazy!  It’s on an every other day schedule so it’s always changing.  None of the days ever look the same.  Some days she’s out early and some days she goes late and some days she has a class she takes at a separate school down the street that I have to take her to and some days she has dance after school and most days she has seminary early before school (church class).  (I never thought I’d be ready for my kids to drive.. but this year, I’m starting to feel ready!)  Her schedule is literally all over the place so I just focus on one week at a time!  We keep all of our kids’ activities scheduled on an app on our phones that our whole family uses, but with El’s schedule this year I have to write down her her drop offs and pick ups and then work in all of the other stuff around it on paper or I feel like I’m losing it every day trying to figure out where I need to be and when.  So before the week starts I at least have my kids’ schedules written down!  Then the night before each day I write my to-do’s for the following day and I write down what work I need to do in the small pockets of free time I have.  You can see above it’s nothing fancy.  I just wrote “to-do’s” in the free spots on the paper above that day, but most days I have specific things I try to focus on during my work time so that I don’t get distracted cleaning my house. (That’s my biggest problem working from home!  I always want to be cleaning..)  Writing out my daily schedule and to-do’s on this printable and then time blocking everything has been a huge help in keeping me focused and on track!

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.. next tab is BLOG.  I keep my holiday calendar pages under this tab (they came in my holiday planner this year) and I use them for my post schedule.  Showing you a blank one from the beginning of the month but now it’s full with all sorts of writing and arrows on it because I move posts around so much!  After that I have another fun printable I made that helps me organize all of my blog/social media stuff.  I can share that system on the blog at some point if any of you are interested?  I’m not sure how many bloggers read this blog!?  Speak up if you’re interested! :)

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

Next tab is PROJECTS and this is where I keep my “Current Projects” lists.  (You can read about how I use this printable in this post.)

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

When I put together this new planning system, everything was so coordinated and cute that I decided my Current Projects page needed a little face lift too. ;)  This is also in my printable library for you if you want it!

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

Ahhh.. much better!   The reason I love the Arc system better than a typical 3 ring binder is because you can fold everything back like a notepad.  I like to do this when I’m on the go and writing lists and things.  It’s also flat and less cumbersome than a binder (easier to keep in my bag).  You can also pull out pages and pop them back in and move everything around easily without messing with opening and closing rings.  The only downside to this system..

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

is that you have to buy your own paper punch.  I bought this Arc desktop paper punch and LOVE it!  It punches quite a few papers at a time so nice and easy.

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

Done!  Now I can pop in my own printables and pull them out and move things around so easily!  I know this system isn’t for everyone (and a basic binder could easy hold the same things!) but I’m in planner heaven with all things discbound. :)

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

My KIDS tab just holds forms for the kids.  It had hospital forms in it over the weekend.  (Happy to say Kole is healing so well and doing great!  Thanks again for all of your kind thoughts and prayers.)  

Now for the CHRISTMAS tab!  My favorite. :)

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

This discbound planning system is absolutely perfect for my Holiday Planner!  Of course you could also put it in a 3 ring binder or have it bound at an office supply store, but I love having mine punched and ready to go right inside my planner.

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

Have you all been using the week at a time lists?  They started last week!  I love that I don’t have to even think about what I should be doing to get ready for the holidays.  I just follow this list and do what it says each week!

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

I’m going to start filling out a few of these pages this week too.  Yea for holiday entertaining!  I have a few fun party ideas swirling around in my head and I need to just make a decision and get moving on it!

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

On a sidenote, I can’t thank you all enough for the sweet e-mails and messages you’ve been sending me about my Holiday Planner.  I’m so excited that it’s going to help so many of you stay organized!  To be honest, I was so nervous to introduce it to you all.  Ha!  I’ve never sold a product before and I kept thinking “what if they think it’s stupid!?” ..  But then I reminded myself that I don’t think it’s stupid (I love that sort of thing!) and even if some people don’t love it, other people hopefully will.  You just have to be brave and try new things.  So phew!!  Huge relief that so many of you love it like I do!  You have no idea how happy your sweet messages make me.

And there’s a mini pep talk for any of you who are scared about trying something new.  Just go for it!  You’ll be glad you did. :)

How I plan and use my holiday planner (Sunny Side Up)

I hope this post on my planning system was helpful and gave you a few ideas!  When I have an organized system set up like this that holds all of my to-do’s and notes and papers I’ve found that I feel less scattered and I work harder to stay focused and make good use of my time.  Bonus if my planning system is cute and color coordinated too. :)

*You can download any of my free printables by signing up HERE.

(If you are already a Sunny Side Up subscriber just enter your info. again to get the printables.. it won’t add you twice!  Also, if you sign up and don’t get an e-mail soon after check your junk mail!  Once in a while it lands there first.)  

Enjoy your day friends!  And happy planning. :)

*Update:  You can now get my 2019 Holiday Planner FREE by signing up HERE!


xoxo, Erin

Life Lately

I’m feeling the need to do a quick re-cap of a few things going on around here.  Because a lot has been going on, but if I don’t blog about it.. did it ever really happen?

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Quick trip to New York a couple of weeks ago for the Better Homes and Gardens Style Maker Event!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

I started this book on the plane my sweet friend Jessica Turner sent me.  I still need to finish it but I’m really enjoying it so far!  So proud of her.

*affiliate links used

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

{Blouse/Earrings/AG Jeans/Kentvi Sandals}

Reunited with some of my blog besties and heading to dinner!  I wore this top I shared in this my Fall Fashion post – one of my favorite short sleeved blouses this Fall.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Isn’t this window arrangement amazing!?  So beautiful.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

{Tie Neck Dress/Shoes/Similar Purse}

I wore this J Crew Tie Neck Dress to the event.  So cute and classy.  Clearly I have a thing for the tie neck style that’s huge right now!  You can see more favorite tie neck tops/sweaters in this post.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Time for class. :)

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

The evening party was on the rooftop of our hotel and was so beautiful!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

My favorite part of events like this is always catching up with all of my close friends!  So fun seeing them all.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

I also got to meet Stephen Orr (Editor and Chief of Better Homes and Gardens).  He’s so down to earth and fun.  I wore this long time favorite Ruffle Sheath dress to the evening event with the same heels I wore earlier for easy packing. :)  I shared better pics of my dress in this summer post.. the back of it is gorgeous!  Plus it’s 40% off right now!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Love these girls!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Other random things going on around here.. Kenny ran his first marathon!  I’m so proud.  Proud of him for setting a goal and accomplishing it.  Proud of him for running enough for both of us right now.  Keep it up babe. :)

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

And while we’re talking food.. I finally learned how to cook chicken!  And make it taste good!  Ad was so excited she had to take a chicken selfie.  Serious victory for me.. you all have no idea.  I have a close friend who is doing some remodeling and needed help with paint colors so I helped her (she’s using a lot of my tried and true favorites!) and she taught me her secret to cooking good chicken.  I’ll share it with all of you at some point!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

I snapped this pic watching El and her team dance on the football field.  My friend and I have both been living in our wedge sneakers!  We always talk about how much we love them.  I have two colors of this pair and she has two colors of this pair.  They are so great for when you want to be casual but not sloppy casual.  You can see better pics of them in this post.  Perfect to wear with jeans and a sweatshirt or sweater when you are going to be doing more walking or running errands, etc.  Comfy AND cute.. the best!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

I wore them to the Journey/Def Leppard concert with friends a few weeks ago because I knew we would be doing a lot of walking to the stadium.  My husband was so beyond excited for this concert it was hilarious.  He was totally in his element listening to all of the 80’s rock songs.  Quite a night!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Annual dinner at Cheesecake Factory.  We always have to have the seasonal pumpkin cheesecake at least once every October.  This ruffle tee is another recent wardrobe staple and is 40% off!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Primer went up on my shiplap walls and the paint is almost done!  I’m excited to show you all the final result.  It looks very.. white.  Ha. :)  But I have fun plans for the walls.  Can’t wait to decorate this space!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Speaking of house projects.. I recently shared this one quick on IG stories.  Chuck was over finishing up the shiplap so I had him help me knock out this simple gallery wall in our guest room that has been on my to-do list forever!  We measured everything and put up some painters tape to mark where to line up the frames.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Done.  I love it!  It was just what this wall needed.  I bought the frames here and ordered six of the 8×10 (15×19 without the mat).  I have no idea what pictures I’m putting in them yet, but at least the wall is up!  #progress

So now that I’ve shared a few fun things going on at our house lately, here are a some pics of our not so fun weekend..

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Kole woke me up in the middle of the night Thursday crying because his cheek hurt.  I turned on the light to look at it and it was swollen huge!  I looked inside his cheek, checked his teeth.. couldn’t see anything causing the swelling.  So Kenny and I gave him some Tylenol and let him sleep with us and then first thing the next morning I took him to our pediatrician.  She couldn’t figure out what the problem was either so she sent us to our dentist.  Our dentist took X-rays and checked everything and was worried so she sent us to an oral surgeon.  These 3 doctors were all in different locations so by this time Kole and I were hungry and exhausted from shuffling around to doctors all day and Kole was in a lot of pain.  You can imagine how we felt when the oral surgeon told us to head straight to the emergency room of the Children’s Hospital!  I couldn’t believe it.  We spent the rest of the afternoon/evening in the ER.  Kenny picked up the girls and took them to their activities and then met us there for a couple of hours and then he went home and I stayed overnight with Kole.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

He was seen by so many doctors and no one could figure out what was causing the swelling.  X rays and an Ultra Sound showed nothing.  I asked for a CT scan but they wanted to put him on antibiotics and see how he did first.  After a day of medicine and the swelling only getting worse they finally did a CT scan and could tell they would need to operate.  It still wasn’t clear what was causing the issue, but Kole had an infection and it needed to be treated.  I tried to stay calm but definitely had a few teary moments imagining worst-case scenarios.  My mind just couldn’t help going there!  Never easy having a child in the hospital.  My heart breaks for parents who deal with things like this on a regular basis.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Kenny came to visit when he could on Saturday and as always was a huge help.  Ha.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Kidding. :)  He was great and helped talk Kole through some major anxiety about all of the tests he was going through and his upcoming surgery.  Kind of scary stuff for an 8 year old.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Prepped for surgery.  My sweet brave boy.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

El was performing at a football game and was bummed she couldn’t visit in the hospital but Addison was able to visit the night of his surgery.   She helped calm his nerves with a few games of Chess.  None of us can beat Kole!  She knew that would cheer him up.

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

{Guest Room}

His surgery went great and we were able to go home the next day.  (Thank you so much to each of you who reached out through IG and sent well wishes and prayers!  It meant so much to us all.)  It’s still not completely clear what was going on with Kole’s swelling.  It had nothing to do with his teeth.  He had been eating some uncooked spaghetti noodles a few days before his swelling so we are wondering if a very tiny piece pierced his cheek and got lodged inside of it.  The surgeon didn’t find anything specific when he drained his cheek and cleaned things out, but it could have been something like that.  He is on strong antibiotics and we have to follow up a few times with his surgeon to make sure that he’s healing well and that the infection doesn’t come back.  So grateful to have him home!

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

He is recovering in our guest room (he likes the TV in this room) and I told him when he came home that he could have whatever he wants!  Ice cream, popsicles, endless TV or X box time.  When he woke up this morning he said “mom.. we’re still spoiling me today, right?”  Ha ha.. back to normal again!  Thank goodness.  Love my little buddy so much. :)

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

Remember my pretty Fall flower arrangement by my kitchen window?

Life Lately (Sunny Side Up)

I came home from the hospital to this and had to laugh.  Kind of made me think of our weekend!  Life lately.  Full of ups and downs.  The good and the bad.  The pretty and the not so pretty.

Really I just can’t keep plants alive to save my life.

But I can cook chicken!  And my little boy is home and safe and well.

So I think I’ll focus on that.

And I’ll buy a new Fall plant tomorrow.



xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Fall Kitchen Decor (and new rugs!)

*affiliate links used

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

Isn’t Fall decor cozy!?  I finally finished decorating my house for the season and now I don’t want to leave it!  I just want to be home nesting with my candle burning all day long.  If only. :)

I’m sharing my Fall kitchen decor with you today!  Kenny was out of town last week and Addison was gone on a school trip so I found myself home with just Ellie and Kole for a few days.  Crazy how much easier it is to keep the house clean with 3 people living in it instead of 5!  I’ve never understood the philosophy of “once you’ve had 3 kids it’s crazy and doesn’t matter how many more you add..”  In my experience each individual person definitely adds to the load!  Just taking Addison’s activities out of the driving mix and not having Kenny’s running gear and work stuff all over the house made the week feel so much calmer and cleaner.  But even though the house was clean and my schedule was easier, it just wasn’t the same around here.  We missed them!

Sort of.  ;)

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

Anyway.. that was a long way of saying that my house stayed really clean for a week and it was easy to photograph all of my Fall decor.  So here it is. :)

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

I mostly just added traditional pumpkins and mums.  These pumpkins paired with real mini white pumpkins are my favorite combo.

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

Woven baskets always feel like Fall to me so I love to pull even more than I usually use out during this time of year.  Can you tell that this plant on the right is fake?  One of my favorites because it looks so real!  I always use a mix of real and faux when I decorate.  I think if you’re a regular here you’ve heard me mention that a time or two. ;)

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

White pumpkins peeking out of my bowls in the glass cabinet are always a happy sight.

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

I snapped this picture on my phone right after I decorated this table.  The lighting always looks darker on my phone but it makes it easier to see what’s out these windows!

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

My dining nook is SO sunny.. it’s always hard for me to photograph!

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

Simple pumpkins and faux leaves above my oven.  And have you noticed my favorite new kitchen accessory?  So excited about my new rugs!

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

These are Indigo/Navy Dash and Albert rugs in a Herringbone pattern.  Aren’t they gorgeous!?  I still love my black and white striped rugs and I’m sure I’ll pull them out again at some point, but I was ready for a change.

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

Here’s a closer look at the pattern.  They are so durable and I can already tell they are going to be a lot easier for me to keep clean!  They are a lot like my favorite family room rug in that both rugs hide dirt/crumbs really well.  Even when they are filthy you can’t tell because of the pattern.  Perfect rugs for busy families with kids.

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

I’m loving navy this Fall!  Such a pretty deep blue that goes great with all of the orange pumpkins.  I ordered 2 of the 4×6 rugs for in front of my islands..

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

and one of the 2’6″x12′  runner for in front of my sink by the window.  You can order these rug pads to go under them (and I would definitely recommend rug pads!).  I just used the same pads I had under my previous rugs.  These rugs are so nice and I love the way they warmed up my kitchen.  I’m excited about them!  (I’ll add a few links below to other rugs I considered for this space.)  I know the style is to keep your rugs out away from the cabinets centered on the floor but I’m too practical for that.  The designer in me wants to move them, but the busy mom of 3 in me knows they need to stay up against the sink to catch any water/food spills.  The busy mom of 3 in me usually wins.  Ha. :)

Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

  Fall Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up) #cofferedceiling #doubleislands

The only thing missing is something cooking in the crockpot!  Luckily Ad and I came up with a simple solution for that over the weekend. ;)

ENJOY THE LITTLE THINGS this month!  We plan to do the same.


p.s.  For my fashion loving friends I just saw that my one of my favorite graphic tees (GOOD VIBES) is re-stocked and another favorite (SUNDAY) is 40% off!  I wear one of these pretty much every weekend running around with kids (they are soft and a great fit!) so I wanted to let you all know. :)


xoxo, Erin

Sweaters and Shiplap!

(*affiliate links used)

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

{Madewell Cardigan/Jeans/Similar Boots}

You guys!  We’ve had cooler weather this week!  Low 70’s instead of high 70’s!  I know.. not a major change, but around here that’s reason to celebrate.  And to pull out ALL the Fall sweaters.  Which is precisely what I did. :)  I’ve got so many cute new sweater options to share with you!  Plus an update on operation “finish the dining room.”  Yea!  I love this post and I haven’t even written it yet.  Ha! :)

First up.. the cutest Madewell cardigan above.  It keeps selling out!  But I’ve seen it come back in stock so keep an eye on it if you love it!  It’s so fun to wear with over the knee boots.  Cardigans are too much fun this time of year.  These are some of my favorites..

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)


I’m noticing a major trend this Fall with tie neck sweaters.  SO many cute options!  I love this Tipped Tie Neck Blend Sweater.  It comes in other colors and has a great fit.

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweater/Black Jeans/Similar Boots}

This cute Cece Ribbon Detail Sweater is another favorite.  I love this shade of blue because it’s different from other blue sweaters I have.  Always nice to mix it up!

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

This is the same sweater in the navy.  I ordered them both to try but am keeping the blue because I already have so many navy tops!  Btw.. these jeans I’m wearing are favorites and they are 40% off!  And my other favorite pair of AG jeans that I’m wearing in almost every picture are 30% off!  Nothing like a good sale on good jeans.  :)

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)


How fun is this Cotton Wool Blend Sweater!?  It might need to dip lower than 72 degrees to justify wearing it (so warm and cozy!).

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

{Chair/Bliss Throw/Pheasant pillow/Dough Bowl/Faux Pumpkins (on sale!)/Similar mirror here and here/Sign – Home Goods}

Clearly the weather is not dictating my wardrobe.  Too warm of a sweater?  I just crank up the air.  My husband loves it as much as my dad loved it when I used to crank up our heater in the summer.  Drying my hair on my bedroom vent just made my perm THAT much cooler.  My hair might be different, but I haven’t changed much since High School. ;)  I was in the middle of styling my living room in this picture.. the shelves were a hot mess for a while!  But I finally finished decorating and took pics of everything today so YEA.  Fall decor coming soon!  (p.s. my pheasant pillows are back in stock!  Love them.. the colors are perfect for this time of year!) 

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweater/Black Jeans/Similar Boots}

It’s close, but this Bow Neck Puff Sleeve sweater might be my favorite of them all!  I love the fit and the material.  Plus the oversized bow and puffy sleeves are too cute.  So fun with black jeans.

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweater/Pencil Skirt/Similar Boots}

I also love this top tucked in with a black skirt!  So easy to dress up or down.

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

I was wearing it the day Chuck finished my shiplap this week.  If you follow me on IG you know we added shiplap in the dining room!  I was going to plank these walls when we built the house, but decided not to because I didn’t want to over do it with the planked ceiling so I painted this room gray instead.  I love the paint color (you can find it here), but this room gets less sun because of its location so it usually looks pretty dark.  I’m ready to lighten this space up and knew that adding shiplap to the walls would do the trick!

Besides.. you can’t really over do shiplap.  It’s kinda like my permed hair in high school.. the more/bigger the better. ;)

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

So happy to have Chuck back healthy and working again!  Some of you might remember he had a terrible accident last year.. lots of recovery and physical therapy later he is doing so much better.  We are thrilled to have our favorite carpenter back!  He’s part of the family. :)

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

One wall done!

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

Now two!  Painting starts next week.  Woot woot!

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

Ahhhh.. shiplap.. how much do I love thee?  Let me count the ways. :)

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the type of wood, thickness, size, style I chose, etc. so I’ll write a separate post all about it.  If you have any other questions ask me in the comments and I’ll add the answers to my upcoming shiplap post!

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)


A few more favorite sweaters!  Love this Blouson Sleeve Sweater.  Such cute sleeves and not too heavy so it’s a good Fall transition top.

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweater/Jeans/Similar Boots}

This Chunky Thermal Cowl Neck sweater?  Full on FALL.  I couldn’t love the color or slouchy fit more!  This will be on repeat on cool days!

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweatshirt/Jeans/Wedge Sneakers}

This cute Colorblock sweatshirt feels like pajamas!  Such a soft, thin, lightweight material.  I love sweatshirts like this that I can wear out and about all day and then switch my jeans to sweat pants in the evening and bam!  Ready to lounge.

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweatshirt/Jeans/Wedge Sneakers}

This Reverse Weave Champion Sweatshirt is going to be in my closet for YEARS.  Such a great staple.  It’s slightly fitted but still baggy like a sweatshirt.  Opposite the sweatshirt above because the material is thick.  So warm and comfortable and I love this deep shade of blue!  Perfect for Fall/Winter days when you don’t have to dress up.  I scored bonus points with my teenager when I bought this because apparently Champion is all the rage at her High School right now.  She was like “mom.. you know Champion?”  “Um yes El.. they’ve been around for awhile.. we made them cool back in the 90’s.”  Ha.  I can’t wait until she asks for Girbaud Jeans and Doc Martens.


Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

One last sweater before I sign off!  This Striped Sleeve Chenille flew in my on-line cart so fast!  Then when I tried it on I was bummed when I realized it’s a little short.

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

{Sweater/Black Jeans/Similar Boots}

But the fabric is so heavenly.  Honestly just so soft and comfortable.  Plus the color!  Plus the stripes!  So I put on a black tank top under it and SOLD.

Best Fall Sweaters (Sunny Side Up)

When you love something this much you make it work.

Sweaters and Shiplap.  I knew I loved this post.



*I know some of these sweaters are selling fast but check back because sizes get re-stocked often!  

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

It’s October (Fall in the Mudroom)

Fall Mudroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Happy October everyone!  It’s official!  The month that kicks off the best time of the year has arrived.  Well.. one of them anyway. :)  We are feeling all sorts of festive around here with pumpkins in every room and our Fall candle burning on repeat.

Fall Mudroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Our mudroom is especially ready to welcome the season!  The three stacked pumpkins on my bench were actually meant for my porch.  I set them on this bench for a few days while I was rounding up other decor and they made me so happy every time I walked in this room I decided they should stay. :)

Fall Mudroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

To be honest, it’s a little much.  And you know.. you can’t sit on the bench or walk through our dutch door.

But who cares about trivial details like that when your mudroom screams FALL every time you walk in?

Fall Mudroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I certainly don’t care about trivial details like that.  Besides, we have two doors in this room.

And my kids can stand for a month.

The pumpkins are taking center stage!

It’s October.

Better Homes and Gardens Style Maker (Sunny Side Up)

So happy about that. :)




*affiliate links used

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Kid’s Bedroom Photo Display

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

I’m back with another fun addition to Addison’s room!  I recently shared this new bedding and full length mirror we got from Walmart to give her room a little re-fresh.  She loves them both so much and uses the mirror multiple times a day when she gets ready.  I’ve truly had so much fun collaborating with Walmart on these posts.  They have so many cute, inexpensive options for kids’ furniture and decor!  They make it easy to update kids’ spaces.  I’m excited to show you something else we are loving from Walmart!Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

The one spot I never finished decorating in her bedroom was this blank wall next to the door to her room.  We planned on doing some sort of gallery wall, but never got around to actually doing it and to be honest I don’t think Addison was ever very excited about putting up large frames with just a few big pictures in them.  When I was looking for bedding for her room I came across something that looked like the perfect solution for this wall.

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

This is what her blank wall looks like today!  I’m so excited about this and the best part is that she loves it too!

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

This is the Umbra Hangit Photo Display and we put up two of them to fill the space on this wall between the two doors.

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

It turned out so cute!  This was so easy to hang and now we she can change out and add new pictures so easily.  She kept telling me she wanted something to display current photos on which is hard to do with a large gallery wall.  She has a pin board over her desk but wanted something that held more for all of the pictures we snap of her with her friends, etc.  This is a perfect solution!  She can hang pictures or notes from friends with the little clothes pins and switch it up any time she wants.

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

Her bed pillows always end up along this wall when her bed isn’t made (which is pretty much every day!) so I kept them there when I took these photos. :)

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

Addison and I had fun picking out some of her favorite pictures and then I had them developed with a white border.  Most of these are straight off of my phone.

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

I also bought these two nice white frames to go above her bookshelf.  I’m going to put some pictures in them from our next family photo shoot.  Which reminds me.  I need to schedule our next family photo shoot.

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

This was such a simple update that really made her room complete and is so perfect for a 12 year old.  She is thrilled with it and I’m thrilled I don’t have to plan out a gallery wall!

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

This was a much easier solution and took very little time.  Done and done.  Mission accomplished. :)  El just told me the other day that she wants to give her room a teen re-fresh and I’m so excited to start working on that after the holidays!  I need to share her current room with you all first so I’ll try to get that posted soon.  I can’t believe I took pics of her room years ago and never shared them!

Actually.. I can believe that.

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

One last thing Ad is beyond thrilled about.  She saw this extra large pouf on-line when we were picking out things for her room and BEGGED me for it.  To be honest when I ordered it I didn’t realize how huge it would be!  It came in the mail and I had to laugh.  It’s enormous!

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)

She pulls it downstairs every afternoon and perches on it to read her book and then takes it back into her room at night.  It cracks me up to walk into the family room and see her sitting on it like she does!  Kole begs her to play on it and El loves it too.  It has been such a hit at our house I’m debating getting two more so all three kids have their own.  But where will we keep them all.. ha!  Not really the Fall accessories I was hoping for.. ;)

Kids' Bedroom Photo Display (Sunny Side Up)But I knew as soon as she saw it I was going to have to let her keep it.  If she’s happy.. I’m happy.

We have the ears to prove it.


*Huge thank you to Walmart for sponsoring this post!  I love all of your fun options for kids’ spaces.  So do my kids. :)


xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Laundry Room Decor

Organized Purses (Sunny Side Up)

So excited about today’s post!  I’ve partnered with eBay to share some fun home decor items I’m loving right now.  Did you know that 81% of all merchandise sold on eBay is new!?  I have friends who love shopping at eBay on-line and have turned me into a fan quickly.  They literally sell just about anything you could ever need/imagine!  Before I give you a tour of my laundry room I have to share this Hanging Closet Purse Organizer I found!

*affiliate links used

Organized Purses (Sunny Side Up)

I’m seriously so excited about this.  I have been struggling with how to organize my purses in my closet for a long time and this is perfect!  It holds purses on both sides.

Organized Purses (Sunny Side Up)Some slots I was able to put 2 or 3 clutches in.  I’m going to order another one!  Love this solution so much.

Ok.. now moving on to my laundry room!

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I haven’t shared my main floor laundry room since my original post on this space when we moved in over 4 years ago.  Really there hasn’t been much to share other than lots of dirty clothes. :)  But a few new finds from eBay completely inspired a little re-fresh of this room for Fall and I’m thrilled with how it turned out!

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

The first thing I fell hard for is this Geometric Trellis Moroccan Rug.

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

It’s so soft and has a rubber back – perfect for kitchen/laundry rooms!  Plus I just LOVE the pattern.

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve actually been folding my clean clothes on it lately.  I usually take them into the family room on the couch or set them on this counter, but ever since I bought this rug I’ve been planting myself right here to fold. :)

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I was also thrilled to find these cute and functional large laundry baskets.  (These are almost identical!)  I love them for decor and also to hold large loads of clothes that need to be folded.  I’ve honestly used them every day in one way or another since I bought them.  (Also great for cleaning up piles of toys and kids’ stuff that needs to be taken upstairs!)

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

My next eBay find was this Vintage Style Laundry Sign.  (It sold out but I love this similar sign too!).  It’s perfect for this space and exactly what I had been looking for.

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I put some simple jars with laundry soap and clothes pins next to it and added a few pumpkins.  Because pumpkins make everything better this time of year. :)

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

And just like that my laundry room was decorated and felt complete!

Laundry Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

If only my piles of laundry were folded and complete too.  Why is it so much more fun to decorate the laundry room than to actually DO the laundry?

The struggle is real.

But definitely more manageable in a cute space.


*Huge thank you to eBay for sponsoring this post!  It didn’t take much to make me a fan.  You had me at the fun LAUNDRY signs!


xoxo, Erin

Mens Fall Fashion Favorites!

Mens Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Kenny’s Billabong Stripe Tee/My Ruffle Trim Tee}  *affiliate links used

Happy weekend everyone!  I’m excited to be partnering with Nordstrom to share Fall fashion favorites for the men in our lives today!  Last weekend I shared some of my recent Fall favorites with you all and today it’s Kenny’s turn.

Because he wanted a turn so badly. ;)

Mens Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

You might remember last Fall when I shared some of his favorite clothes with you all that my photoshoot didn’t go so hot!  He kept pulling faces like this one and telling me he was “the new face of Nordstrom.”  (Nice babe.  At least you amuse yourself.)  So this year I just followed him around day to day and took pics of him in some of his recent favorites.  Much easier than a scheduled photoshoot that requires me dealing with his humor and sarcasm. ;)

Mens Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

In-between the jokes last year I did manage to get this sweet picture so yea for that!  It’s a favorite.  So is this Cotton/Cashmere Pullover that’s back in stock!

Mens Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

I bought it for him in both the tan and the blue and it was one of his go to’s for months.

Mens Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Another favorite that’s back in stock is this grey Crewneck he’s wearing under his vest.  He wears it all the time in the Fall/Winter.  Sometimes on its own.. sometimes under a vest or jacket.  It’s perfect for layering!  I just ordered him another one for this Fall in the green deep pine color.  I’ll link to some fun vests I’m loving for men right now too at the bottom of this post!

Mens Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Heading somewhere cooler!  He loves this Nike zip hoodie.  It’s comfortable.  That’s really all his criteria amounts to when it comes to fashion.  He’s easy to please so I just buy things I like. :)

Mens Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

I love him in blue so I bought him this short sleeved Henly a while back and he must love it too because he wears it so often!  He also loves this blue Treasure and Bond pocket tee.  And Greek yogurt.

Mens Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

I introduced Kenny to Zella for men a while back because I’m such a fan of that brand and we both love this performance t-shirt.  A good “transition to Fall” top while it’s still so hot in San Diego!  He loves vans too and this beloved pair is on sale.  He also loves it when I take pictures of him while he’s trying to read.

Mens Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Caught him heading to work in this favorite Crewneck tee.  At this point he realized that he might as well smile because me and my camera weren’t going away. ;)  I gave him this backpack/briefcase last year for Christmas and he has loved it too!  This one is similar.

Mens Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Under Armour Fit Tee/Under Armour Fade Shorts/Similar Nikes}

Getting ready for an evening run.  Kenny has been training for his first marathon and he runs it in two weeks!  He has done lots of half marathons but never a full.  He’s so excited to check it off of his bucket list.  We’re both so excited to have the trainings done… such a huge time commitment!  He ran 20 miles last weekend (his longest training run) and feels ready.  I can’t imagine running 20 miles!  I run/walk 4 max and call it a day and feel like I’ve earned the right to eat chips for two meals straight.  Needless to say I don’t see a marathon in my future.

My chips and I are ok with that.

Mens Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

I hope you all enjoy your weekend!  We have lots of activities going on for the kids but in-between it all we plan on doing what we both do best.  He’ll watch football and catch up on work and then take a nap.  I’ll climb all over the counters decorating.

Mens Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

It doesn’t take much to make us happy.


*Huge thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post!  


xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Girl’s Bedroom Update

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

Sharing a few fun updates in Addison’s bedroom today!  When we designed our house 5 years ago (has it really been that long!?) and I was thinking about my girls’ rooms and bathroom I never would have thought to put in a full length mirror for them.

*affiliate links used

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

That’s because my girls were 7 and 9 at the time.  Now they are 12 and 14 and care more about how they look than they do about how their dolls are dressed.  (sigh)  Things have changed a lot in the past 5 years!

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

Ad has been begging for a full length mirror in her bedroom for a while now so we were beyond thrilled to find this beautiful Glam Floor Mirror at Walmart.  They have so many fun options for kids’ spaces!

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

It has an easel style stand and props up so easily.  I love the beveled edge and it’s the perfect size for this corner of her bedroom.  We added this cute Tropical Stripes Flamingo pillow and a hook to her wall where she can hang her outfit for the next day.

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

Her previous comforter was starting to fade and look a little worn, but I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on something new because in a couple of years we will most likely be updating this room for a teen.  I was so excited to find this cute Pintuck Comforter Set at Walmart!  It’s darling and is only $43!  If it looks familiar to you that’s because it’s almost identical to the comforter in my master bedroom.  Clearly I’m a fan of white pintuck. :)

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

It’s reversible and has a fun chevron pattern on the other side.  Plus it’s lightweight and perfect for fall in San Diego.. which pretty much feels like winter and spring and summer in San Diego.

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

The nail polish pillow was a no brainer for this child.

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

She is my girly girl and has always loved a good pedicure. :)

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

Her room feels so light and bright and clean with this new comforter!

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

This side of her room still looks the same, but I have one other fun update on the wall by her door I’ll share soon!  It’s still a work in progress.

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

You can see my original post on Ad’s bedroom here.

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

Simple updates bring a space back to life and feel so good don’t they?

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

Huge thank you to Walmart for sponsoring this post!  And for offering such cute, affordable decor for kids’ spaces.  You’ve helped guarantee well coordinated outfits and good hair days in Addison’s future.

Girl's Bedroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

In middle school.. you can’t get much better than that.



xoxo, Erin

Fall Fashion (Recent Favorites!)

Happy Friday everyone!  I’m thrilled it’s the weekend.  Kenny has been out of town all week so needless to say I’m ready!  My kids had a lot going on this week and I’m beyond sleep deprived.  Looking forward to a nice long nap Saturday or Sunday!  We’ll see if it actually happens. ;)

*Affiliate links used

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Ruffled Tie Front Pullover/AG jeans/Kentvi Sandal/Madewell Leather Tote}

Today I’m partnering with Nordstrom to share some Fall fashion with you all.  Can I just say that this is hands down my favorite time of year for fashion.  I could not love Fall fashion more and Nordstrom has so many cute new things in right now.. you guys.. seriously.  SO many cute new clothes.  Like this sweater!  I’m in love.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

SO cozy, a great fit and yes.. I’m matching my pumpkins.  What more could you want this time of year? :)

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

I love the feminine ruffle and soft material.  Madewell is quickly becoming one of my favorite brands!

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

If it’s not quite sweater weather where you live this smock necked blouse is so pretty and a great transition to Fall top.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Smocked Neck Blouse/Oblong Drop Earrings}

It comes in lots of prints and colors but I love this navy with flowers for Fall!  It looks so cute with my oblong drop earrings.  I’ve been wearing them so much lately.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Cable Knit Sweater/Wedge Sneakers}

So excited to wear this cute cable knit sweater when it cools off!  It also comes in navy and pink and has a cute zipper on one side.  One of those comfy go-to sweaters when it’s cold.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Of course it’s still way too hot for this sweater in my neck of the woods right now so I just wear it to the grocery store.  I hang out in the frozen food section in my sweater and then smell my candle when I get home and pretend it’s Fall.

San Diego has made me a good pretender.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Lucky Graphic Tee/Wedge Sneakers/Faux Leather Tote}

This Lucky Graphic Tee is another great transition to Fall top.  It has cute flowers at the top that my hair is covering up!  The top on-line has them at the bottom too.  I wore it last week with my favorite wedge sneakers during the day running kids around.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

And then I switched shoes to dress it up a little more for a meeting and dinner that evening.  That’s about as dressy as I like to get on a week night.  Ha. :)

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Oblong Earrings/Raw Hem Seamed Dress/Lucky Tee/Madewell Tote/Similar Wedges}

K.. this might be one of my favorite outfits EVER.  I’m so in love with this raw hem seamed denim dress!  Madewell again.. I just can’t get over their Fall clothes this year!  It’s so flattering because it comes in so fitted high at the rib cage.  You could add boots for a western flair if you wanted too.  Addison saw this dress on me and said “Mom!  You look like a farm girl but I love it!”  Ha ha..

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Tanner Bar Necklace/Denim Daylily Dress/similar over the knee boots}

And since we’re talking Madewell, Denim, Western Farm girl.. here is another favorite new denim dress I’m in love with.  I buy a new denim dress every Fall because it’s honestly my most worn dress every year.  This one is cute, casual and comfortable!

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Had this pic taken quick on my way out.  I got a bigger striped rug for my front porch and am still deciding if I like the larger size.  It feels huge!

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Loving this cute knot front tee.  It comes in white and black too.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Perfect for those days I’m just working and running kids around.  Wait.. that’s every day.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Speaking of cute knot front tees, this favorite green tee from last Spring is back in stock!   And my pink purse is on sale.. woot woot!

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

My favorite Tory Burch Leather Tote is also in stock in so many pretty colors for Fall!  This Vince Camuto tee was my favorite tee this summer.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

So I was thrilled to find this similar pretty Vince Camuto flutter sleeve blouse!

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Love this color and the pretty sleeves!

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

I also love evenings at home with my kids.

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Last recent Fall favorite!  And you thought you were going to get through this whole post without seeing some camo.

But then you remembered you knew better. :)

Cutest camo utility vest!  So flattering because it cinches and ties at the waist.  Perfect for cool Fall football games!  El is performing at half time at her high school’s game tonight.  We’re so excited to watch her dance!

Fall Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Speaking of.. I better get us all ready and out the door.  Looking forward to the game and all things Fall!  Love this time of year.

Did I mention that already?

*Huge thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post!  And for carrying so many fun brands and styles for Fall.  And for keeping me looking my farm girl best. 

















xoxo, Erin

How to organize your holidays!

HOLIDAY PLANNER! Includes everything you need to organize your holidays! (Sunny Side Up)


The holiday season will be here before we know it which is so exciting!  But I know for a lot of us it can also bring up feelings of panic and stress.  In the past 14 years I’ve been a mom I’ve had well planned, organized Decembers along with my fair share of stressful, last-minute-everything Decembers.  Just ask my mom about the year she was visiting for the holidays and came with me to buy last minute gifts and wrapping paper at Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve.  I left her in my car with my kids with the DVD player on while I ran in the store and the car died!  We were stuck in a parking lot in the rain with three tired little kids until my husband and dad could come and help us.  Not exactly the way we wanted to spend Christmas Eve!  We laugh about that year now but it wasn’t so fun at the time.  Ha. :)  (still so sorry mom..) 

I decided that year that I was DONE spending December stressed out with a to-do list a mile long.  Over the years I’ve learned some tips and tricks on how to organize for the holidays and and I’m so excited to finally share these tips with all of you!  I’ve created a HOLIDAY PLANNER that is 30 pages of planning sheets.  It includes everything you need to organize your holidays.  I am seriously so excited about this!


HOLIDAY PLANNER! Includes everything you need to organize your holidays! (Sunny Side Up)


This holiday planner is over 30 pages in a printable PDF.  The pages are 8.5 x 11.  Right now you can buy it for just $12!  You can purchase it HERE.  (I will be sharing how I put my planner together in an upcoming post!)

Included in this planner:

October/November/December monthly calendars (both vertical and horizontal options)

October/November/December to-do lists (I’ll be printing out multiple copies of these!)

Week at a Glance (LOVE this!  I laid out exactly what we should be working on each week so that we can fit everything in BEFORE December!)

The Nice List (Organized shopping for your kids)

Shopping by Group Guide (So excited about these pages too!  They make shopping for everyone on your list a breeze!)

Holiday Menu Plan (Because we have to cook.. ) ;)

Holiday Baking

Party Planning 

Decor Planning (can’t wait!)

Holiday Self Care/Fashion and Beauty

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Shopping Page

It’s a Wonderful Life (make the holidays meaningful!)

Wrapping Up the Holidays

This planner has everything you need to be organized and on top of your holidays!  I know it’s only September and we don’t want to rush past the Fall.  I plan on fully enjoying pumpkin spice everything this year!  But starting in October I’m going to follow my week at a glance and start doing a few simple things each week to plan and prepare for the holidays.

HOLIDAY PLANNER! Includes everything you need to organize your holidays! (Sunny Side Up)

That way I can spend December fully engaged with these three.  Decorating trees and making paper snowflakes and enjoying Christmas movie marathons in our pjs and looking at lights and going to holiday musicals and singing carols and teaching them the reason for the season..

HOLIDAY PLANNER! Includes everything you need to organize your holidays! (Sunny Side Up)

all while we anxiously wait for Santa to come.  :)

HOLIDAY PLANNER! Includes everything you need to organize your holidays! (Sunny Side Up)

They are growing up right in front of my eyes and I don’t want to miss a minute of the holidays with them!  I will be sharing more about how I’m organizing my holiday planner in an upcoming post but I wanted to tell you all about it now for those of you who want to buy it and get it printed and ready.  That way when October comes you can start working on a few simple things each week and organize your holidays!  It makes a HUGE difference!

HOLIDAY PLANNER! Includes everything you need to organize your holidays! (Sunny Side Up)

I hope you all love this holiday planner as much as I do!  I know it will eliminate stress and give us all breathing room in December to feel the magic of the season with the ones we love. :)


xoxo, Erin

Organized School Supplies and Recent Favorites!

•Affiliate links used belowOrganized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

Happy Monday everyone!  I’m so excited about this week!  It’s busy but lots of fun stuff going on.  First up.. Organized HQ starts today!  Seriously you guys.. it’s like the Superbowl of organizing!  More than 20 organizing pros from across the country are joining to share their knowledge to help you get organized.  They will be covering everything from quick meal planning to healthy eating on budget, home management, creating routines, self-care, photo organization, decluttering, eliminating paper clutter, home decorating, budgeting and finances, cleaning methods, and lots more!  My session is this Wednesday and is focused on office organization.  A favorite topic of mine as you all know. :)  I love listening to stuff like this when I’m getting ready in the morning!  I bring my laptop in the bathroom and put on make-up and do my hair and learn a few new tips and tricks and it just motivates me throughout the day.  You can still get your free ticket for a short time!  {HEAD HERE TO SIGN UP!}

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.. speaking of office organization!

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

Still wrapping up a few things I wanted to go through over the summer and didn’t quite get finished in this space.  See the chalkboard crates in the openings below my cupboards?  I’ve loved having them for extra school/office supply storage but they quickly became dumping grounds and needed a serious clean out!

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

I’m slightly embarrassed about the hoarding situation going on here.  With most things I’m so good at purging but when it comes to school supplies, notepads/planners, and throw pillows I’m a lost cause.  Ha. :)

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

{Chunky Wool & Jute Rug/Bliss Throw}

I dumped everything out in our family room (where most of my organization takes place!) and got to work categorizing.  I just love categorizing. :)

Pretty soon my crates looked like this..

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

One for markers, crayons, pencils.

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

One for tape, staples and sticky notes.  This cracked me up btw.  We are ALWAYS out of tape at our house and rummaging around looking for some.  Um.. guess where all the tape was hiding?  I had so many of them in these crates but they were underneath other things so I kept thinking we were out and I needed to buy more!  Reason #7,592 why it’s so important to keep things organized.  You know exactly what you need and DON’T need to buy.  Christmas I’m ready for you this year. ;)

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

One for miscellaneous craft/home supplies.

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

And one for important manuals I refer to and our pencil/crayon cases for when we need supplies on the go.

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

SO much better.  This took no time at all.. I don’t know why I lived with them messy for so long!  I feel like this every time I organize something.  It makes my life so much easier when things are neat and tidy and I know where they are and what I need.  Little projects like this (just 20 minutes a day) add up to an organized home.  They really do!  These bins will stay this way because once I organize something I work hard to keep it clean.. it’s easy to maintain things when they are organized in a way that makes sense!

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

I thought about labeling these bins and might at some point, but I know where things are and kind of like the solid black.  For now they look the same on the outside but are a happy surprise on the inside when it’s time to grab new supplies. :)

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

A few other fun new things around the house!  Remember my living room makeover with new pillows from Lauren at Lo Home?  I had to get some of her fun Cherry Blossom ginger jars!  Love them.  They come in lots of colors and I’m seriously tempted to pick up some in a darker color for Fall.  They look good everywhere!

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

I also got a new console table for our formal dining room!  Kenny and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary last week and he asked if I wanted jewelry and I asked him if he even knows me at all.  Console tables are the way to my heart. :)  I’m so excited about this one!  When we designed this room I specifically created a cut out on the right side of the room for a large sideboard table that we could use to spread out food on when we entertain.  To be honest I’ve had a hard time finding the right piece of furniture for this spot because it’s really long and not very wide.  I also knew I wanted a navy table so finding a navy table that was the right length and width and that I loved and that worked well with the other furniture in the room proved to be a challenge!  I got this beautiful table here at One Kings Lane but I also found it later at Wayfair too.  It cost more than I wanted to spend, but after years of searching for the right piece of furniture and not being able to find anything I jumped on this and told Kenny diamonds would have cost more. ;)

I never really finished decorating our formal dining room.  I got a good start with the farmhouse table and chairs and bench, but never finished.  Finding this table has completely motivated me to get this space done and I’m so excited for what I have planned!  Now I’ve got this whole room all decorated in my mind!

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

It’s sitting in limbo right now for a few days and then some changes will be happening!  (That ladder mirror was from a local store and doesn’t really go there!)  Poor Kenny.. maybe diamonds would have been less after all.  Ha!  I’ll be sharing dining room progress on IG/stories!

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

{Lumbar pillow/Leighton Pillow/Radde Pillow}

Got these darling new pillows from Lu Lu and Georgia for the theatre room and now I love them so much I want them downstairs!  Do you all ever shop there?  They have so many fun things for home decor!  I’m kind of obsessed with that site lately.  These all sold out so quick but they have some in other colors and they have a place where you can get on their waitlist for when they come back!  They usually get stuff back in stock that sells out quick.

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

{Lace Up Back Cardigan – 40% off!/AG jeans – also 40% off!/Madewell leather tote/Madewell necklace/Kentvi Sandal}

On the fashion side of things.. getting so excited for things to cool off around here so I can dive into Fall clothes.  They are my very favorite!  We had a cool, cloudy day last week and I got to wear this cute new cardigan I picked up on sale.  LOVE how slouchy and comfy it is!

Organized Office Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

I tried to get a pic of the back and failed miserably but look at it on-line because the back is the cutest part!  It runs really big so order down a size (I’m wearing the xxs and you can see how slouchy it still is).  My jeans are also 40% off right now!

Ok.. signing off for now but you guys!  I’m SO excited about my next post!  I worked hard all summer long to create something that is going to help us get so organized for the holidays!  I even hired a couple of my close friends to help because I wanted this to be so good.  I found this pic on my phone.. El took it one afternoon this summer while we were working.  Can’t wait to share what I’ve been up to with you all!  Coming soon to a blog near you. ;)

Enjoy your week everyone!

xoxo, Erin

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