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Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry, Flowers

*affiliate links used

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

{Olin black striped rug/all other kitchen pics and sources}

I loved hearing from so many of you about my paper organization post yesterday!  I know sorting, purging and filing papers isn’t rocket science, but seeing how others organize always inspires and motivates me to get things done around my house and I’m thrilled it did the same for some of you!  I’ll definitely be sharing more about how I organize ALL of our paper in upcoming posts.  I’m on a roll! :)

Chatting about a few random things today!  First on the agenda are my kitchen rugs.

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

I get so many questions about how I keep these rugs clean!  Really how I keep all of my white/light colored rugs clean.

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

Here’s the deal with my striped rugs.  You are NOT supposed to wash them.  But I can’t have kitchen rugs that I can’t wash.  My kids are not kind to my rugs in any way, shape or form and they get trashed daily.  So I knew when I bought these rugs that I was going to ignore the label and wash them anyway.  (Such a rebel.)

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

{Laundry Room Post/Sources}

Clearly I’m a fan of these rugs since aside from my kitchen, I also have one in my laundry room and two on my front porch.  You all know that when I find something I love I buy multiples. :)  I toss them in my washing machine (one or two at a time) and put them on either the gentle or hand wash cycle (I’ve done both and don’t see a difference between the two).  Then I shake them and let them air dry.

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

The rugs in this picture look faded but they aren’t.. that’s just because I took this picture by the window.  The rugs don’t fade when you wash them BUT!  The first time I washed them they did shrink a little.  Maybe an inch all around?  I didn’t even notice at first but when I went to lay them on their rug pads, the pad was bigger.  I just cut it smaller to fit the rug and they haven’t shrunk again since that initial first time I washed them.  (I’ve washed my kitchen rugs each 4-5 times now.)  One time a little bit of the black bled into the white (just a tad!) on one of the rugs but it doesn’t bother me.  I’d rather have rugs that are a tiny bit smaller or have colors that have bled a little and look clean!  I figure I’ll wash them until they don’t look good anymore and then buy new rugs.  I have to get new kitchen rugs every 2 years or so anyway because they take so much abuse.  We really aren’t careful with them at all!  And I’m a hot mess when I cook in my kitchen.  Things get spilled daily.  I’d love to blame it all on my kids but the truth is that I’m most part of the problem. :)

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

{Powder Bathroom Sources}

I do the same thing with my favorite white bathroom rugs.  Toss one at a time in the washer on a gentle cycle and then lay them out to dry. These come out so nice and clean!  I do have large, fairly new washing machines so that might make a difference.  It’s risky washing rugs that aren’t supposed to be machine washed, but for me it’s either do that or I just have to find a new rug anyway because like I said, I have to be able to wash them.

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

I don’t know what will happen to your rugs if you wash them!  You may or may not have the same experience, so machine wash at your own risk!  I would feel awful if you ruined your rugs because of my advice.  But I get asked this question so much and wanted to share the honest answer.  I break the rules.  I machine wash rugs that aren’t supposed to be machine washed and deal with the consequences.

Because for me, at the end of the day, CLEAN wins.

Every time. :)

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

Speaking of all things laundry.. you guys!  I was cracking up a few days ago!  I shared this on IG stories so sorry for the repeat for some of you but oh my word.  I have to document this. :)  I walked into my kitchen the other day and went to my sink to wash some dishes and about jumped a foot because there was something large and red hanging just outside of my window.  It seriously scared me at first!  Then I thought wait minute.. is that my husband’s shirt!?  Hanging from our outdoor light fixture!?

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

Um yes.  Yes it is.  My husband rarely does laundry.. I do it all so this was a first.  I don’t why but it just cracked me up! There are so many places he could hang his clothes to dry inside our house (including built-in drying racks!) but why use those when you can use outdoor light fixtures instead.  Ha ha!  Hanging clothes outside isn’t a bad idea.. and I’ve tossed things over chairs before to dry, but something about seeing his clothes hanging from these large light fixtures was just so funny to me.  Points to him for being creative!  And taking the initiative to do some laundry.  (Although I think I’ll take it from here babe.. not sure I want to see what you come up with next time.  Our neighbors still like us at this point..)

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

{Lewit Puff Sleeve Dress/Halo Strap Sandals/Purse/Earrings}

Ok.. back to talk about wearing clothes instead of washing them.  I was so excited to wear this new dress from the Nordstrom sale last week!  I snapped a pic so you could see it in better lighting.  I don’t usually go for busy patterns but I just love the flowers on this dress.  Clearly!  They match my yard. :)

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

{Cashmere Sweater/Pleat Detail Midi Skirt/Tanner Bar Necklace}

I also had to dress up for an event a few days ago and wore this fun new skirt I bought.

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

I paired it with this Leith Rib Wrap Sweater (that I also have in green) and my new open toe mules.  So cute!

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

  1. Chelsea28 Ruffle Midi Dress 2) Rebecca Taylor Fit and Flare  3) Lewit Puff Sleeve Dress  4) Tahari Pinstripe  5) Tahari Lace Inset Fit and Flare 6) Tie Waist T-Shirt Dress  7)  Eliza J Ruffle Sleeve Dress  8) Chelsea28 Crepe Fit and Flare 9) Tory Burch Crossbody Bag  10)  Tory Burch Wallet  11) Sara Leather Wristlet  12)  Faux Leather Tote Bag

Honestly the dresses were one of my favorite things on sale this year!  Above are all of my favorites.  (Minus this favorite dress because it sold out so fast!)  I have a few events in September I have to dress up for and was thrilled to find so many cute options.  I ordered several dresses from the collage above and can’t wait to try them.  I wasn’t as impressed with the purses/bags on sale this year.  Did you find one you love?  I ordered this purse for Fall (so cute and a great price!).  The other three in the collage were options I love but didn’t buy because I already have purses/wallets that are similar.

Another favorite from the sale this year?  The JEWELRY!

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)1)  Oblong Drop Earrings 2) Bladedrop Necklace  3) Nadri Hinge Bangle 4) Arrowdrop Bolo Necklace  5)  Arrowshift Pendant Necklace  6) KS Kirsten Drop Earrings 7)  Panacea Tassel Hoop Earrings 8)  KS Initial Pendant Necklace  9)  Inside Out Hoop Earrings 10)  Genevieve Hoop Earrings

Ahhh!  Love every single things in this collage so much!  I’m patiently waiting for the jewelry I ordered to arrive but wanted to share my favorites with you all before they sell out!

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

Aside from questions about my rugs I’ve also been getting a lot of questions about these flowers.  They really took off this year!  So fun seeing all of the plants in our yard finally filling in.

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

Here is flower info. for those of you who have asked!

Rugs, Dresses, Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)

Now we can all match our gardens. :)



















xoxo, Erin

Organized Paper Files

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

Talking organized paper files today!  Raise your hand if you’ve ever struggled with controlling the paper in your home!?  Or just nod your head!  Or smile.  Not that I can see any of this, but the thought of you joining me in this never ending struggle brings me great comfort regardless. :)

Last week I decided to pull some file folders out of my office drawers to sort through.  The drawers had been driving me crazy for months because they were getting overstuffed with paper I knew I didn’t need to hang on to anymore.  I decided that since I was going to sort through my office files, I might as well sort through some old files in our filing cabinet in the garage.  And since I was doing that, why not go through the files sitting in a pile in my husband’s office too?

Why not!?

All of the sudden I was staring at this ENORMOUS pile of paper on my family room floor wondering two things.  1) How in the world did we let our paper consumption get so out of control!?  And 2) Why in the world did I just turn a 20 minute project into a 4 hour project!?

If you give a mouse a cookie  :)

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

But I was determined to organize my paper files once and for all so I sat on the floor and got to work!  Two Hallmark ‘Christmas in July’ movies later my family room floor looked like this.  One very large sack of paper to recycle, a pile of paper that needed to be shredded, a pile of paper I needed to ask my husband about, and my categorized paper piles.

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

For me this has always been the easiest way to organize paper.  Dump everything on the floor.  Pick up each paper and decide if you can recycle it or if it needs to be filed.  If you are going to file it, decide what category it fits in, write that down on a sticky note and add to it as you go.  I never know what my folders will be named until I’ve made my sticky note piles and figure out what paper can be combined in a folder.

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

I had some Smead hanging file folders on hand so I chose some blue folders (worked best with my office decor!) and got to work labeling.

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

This is what I was left with after everything was sorted!  Even as I was putting the piles into folders I ended up getting rid of more paper.  I kept asking myself what I really needed to hang on to and keep.  I had a whole pile of papers on emergency preparedness I was about to create a file for, but then reminded myself that if I ever decide to prioritize that and update our 72 hour kits, food storage, etc, I will most likely go on-line to find information.  No reason to keep extra forms/paper that I deep down know I won’t ever use!  If they have been sitting in my office drawer for the past four years and I haven’t looked at them, chances are I won’t look at them in the next four years either. :)

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

I only kept things that are current and that I refer to often.  Be ruthless when you are purging paper!  Or anything else for that matter.

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

{Tour my office}

Time to put things back clean and organized!  My favorite part of the process. :)

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

The drawers on both sides of my computer look like this closed..

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

and like this open.

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

Organized paper files!  Wait for it.. do you hear!?  The angels are singing again.

I knew they’d be back. ;)

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

I used my trusty label maker and kept things simple.  Just folders that hold important info. I refer to often.  I was able to recycle a lot of things I kept from when my girls were younger so for now my little buddy is monopolizing most of the drawer. ;)  After the kids’ individual folders I just kept things I refer to often like family medical forms (immunization cards), class phone directories..

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

fitness forms (with the list of knee exercises I’m supposed to be doing everyday), yard stuff I need and receipts.  I don’t keep many receipts, but I like to hang on to receipts for larger home decor items.  Mostly so that when I get questions like “what fabric did you put on your couch..” I’ll be able to find and remember the answer. :)

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

I had my cabinet guy make these built-in file drawers for my offie and I’ve loved them.

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

I had him make the drawers deep in case I ever want/need to use longer file folders.  In my previous house with NO office/drawer space for things like this I used a lot of file crates to organize my files…

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

They work great if you’re short on office space!

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

The bottom drawer holds forms I want to keep but don’t look at often.  Transcripts and important papers from college, some stuff from my teaching years, church talks I want to hang on to, some special e-mails I’ve printed and saved and the poems my husband’s grandma wrote us for Christmas every year (love seeing her handwriting).

Other forms we keep (taxes, finances, etc.) my husband has in his office and I still need to go through those.  But that requires his help so tackling that little project is a horse of a different color.  Ha.  Then I have the kids’ school boxes I’m finishing and some keepsakes in a different cupboard so as soon as I wrap up our paper organization I’ll do a huge post that includes how I’m organizing ALL the paper in this house.

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

Which thankfully after last weekend, is now much less. :)

Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)

BEST feeling ever getting these files organized!  It’s funny how we dread projects like this and keep putting them off, but when we just START and get it done we realize it wasn’t that bad and wonder why we didn’t do it so much sooner!  At least that’s what always seems to happen with me. :)

So if you have drawers stuffed full of paper like I did, here is your invitation to set aside a few hours as soon as possible and JUST DO IT!  Turn on your favorite movie (or Hallmark Christmas in July because it’s on and why not?) and start a recycle pile.

Then the angels can come and sing at your house too.  I’ll loan them to you!

It’s a beautiful thing.


Organized Paper Files (Sunny Side Up)
















xoxo, Erin

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (my favorites!)

{affiliate links used}

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Bliss Throw – marked down to just $25!}

Happy weekend friends!  I’ve been knee deep in paper organization the past few days and I know this sounds crazy, but I’m having so much fun.. ha!  Totally in my groove just getting things done.  I’m excited to show you what I’ve been up to!  (Sharing some of the progress on IG stories if you follow me there!)  But this weekend I wanted to pop in and share more favorites from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale because things are flying and selling out so quickly!  It’s the Superbowl of sales and this is a Superbowl of a post!  Might want to grab a snack. :)

Remember this favorite throw that went on sale last year?  They are back on sale again!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

They come in so many fun colors and if you read my blog last year you might remember how I stocked up on so many during last year’s sale and gave them out as Christmas gifts!  Teachers, neighbors, friends.. everyone loved them!  And I had a big chunk of my Christmas shopping done in July.  Pretty smart if I do say so myself. ;)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Nordstrom Matte Satin Pajamas/Bliss Throw/Wool Jute Rug}

Of course I kept a few for us too. :)  They are so soft and cozy!  My kids and I usually fight over them when it’s time to watch movies.  I usually win.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

I got these cute satin pajamas at the sale too!  LOVE the colors and they are so silky and comfortable!

Let’s talk other Home Decor items on sale.. these are my favorites..

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

  1. Bliss Plush Throw  2)  Fringe Pillow  3)  Voluspa Candles  4)  Marble and Wood Serving Board  5) Monogram Tablet Holder  6)  Pom Pom Morgan Throw  7)  Paper Towel Holder  8)  Pom Pom Pillow  9)  White Towel Set  10)  Chloe White Duvet Cover

So many great deals and along with the throws I think the serving board, candles, or monogramed tablet holder would make great Christmas gifts for those of you who like to have shopping done early too!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Adidas Hoodie/Adidas Leggings}

There are also so many good deals on cute Active Wear this year!  I couldn’t pass up this Adidas set in navy and coral.. my favorite colors. :)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Tory Burch Sunglasses/Visor/Zella Lite Crop Leggings/Adidas Hoodie}

I wore the hoodie and these new navy leggings I also picked up at the sale on a walk/run with friends yesterday!  Love our therapy workout sessions together. :)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Zella High Waist Cropped Leggings/Zella Live in Lite Crop Leggings/Sheer Drama Crop Leggings/Flashback Sneaker}

A few other leggings I picked up while they are marked down!  I wear my Zella leggings to exercise or run errands almost every day.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

A similar grey pair of these favorite Zella jogger pants are also marked down!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Treasure and Bond cinched sweatshirt/Zella Crop Leggings/Flashback Sneakers}

I have a feeling this might be my new uniform next year. :)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Balloon Sleeve Sweater/AG jeans/Madewell Bag/Similar bag on sale/Vince Camuto Kentvi Sandal/Black Lanterns/Hello Mat/Black striped rug}

There are always SO many cute sweaters that come out during this sale!  I’ve linked my favorites from this year below and took a couple of pics so you can see how I’ll wear some of them.  The Balloon Sleeve sweater above I love so much I also ordered it in a green!  Makes me excited for cooler weather.  We’ll be waiting a while for that!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Leith Rib Wrap Sweater/Earrings/AG jeans/Vince Camuto Kentvi Sandal/Madewell Bag/Similar bag on sale}

Another cute green sweater I’m excited about!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

And this beloved Tie Knot Sweatshirt from last year is back and marked down!

I also ordered a couple of cardigans I’m excited to try.  These are my favorite sweaters from this year’s sale..

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

  1. Barefoot Dreams Circle Cardigan  2)  Leith Ribbed Shawl Cocoon Sweater     3)  Balloon Sleeve Sweater  4) Halogen Scallop Trim Sweater 5)  Leith Rib Wrap Sweater  6)  Dolman Sleeve Sweater    7) Tie Knot Sweatshsirt  8)  Halogen Cashmere Button Sleeve Sweater

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

I also ordered this beautiful Vince Camuto blouse and can’t wait to try it!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Kentvi Sandal/Tonya Open Toe Mule/Aiden Wedge Sneaker/Chuck Taylor Sneakers/Analise Sandal}

In my last dressing room post I shared my favorite shoes from the sale!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Sam Edelman Maruine Bootie/Vince Camuto Pevista Bootie}

One of my friends came over yesterday and we were sharing our new finds and these two pairs were her favorite.  So cute for Fall!

Some fun new casual outfits..

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{J Crew Tres Chic Tee/AG jeans/Chuck Taylor Sneakers}

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Treasure and Bond Baseball Tee/Twill Utility Skirt/Vince Camuto Jacket/Converse Sneakers}

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Bell Sleeve Knit Top/AG Jeans/Analise Sandal}

Round-up of my favorite shoes.  If I lived somewhere cold the pink/cream Sperry boots would be coming home with me!  Trying to justify buying them for our one ski trip a year.. ha.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

1)  Sperry Water Resistant Boots  2)  Flashback Sneaker 3)  Sam Edelman Knee High Boot 4)  Sam Edelman Maurine Bootie  5)  Aiden Wedge Sneaker  6)  Vince Camuto Acasha Pump  7)  Tonya Open Toe Mule   8)  Tory Burch Benton Pump  9)    10)  Vince Camuto Pevista Bootie  11)  Vince Camuto Movinta Bootie

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

These wedge sneakers are so comfortable!  I’m thrilled about them.  Like where have they been all my life!?  Also my favorite Make and Model Gotta Have it Tees are on sale!  I have these in almost every color.  LOVE them.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

Another long time favorite basic are these Caslon Scoop Neck Cotton Tees that are marked down!  Such great staples.  I love wearing them under vests and scarves.

Here are a few more of my favorite essentials that are marked down..

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

  1. Nordstrom Cubic Zirconia Earrings 2)  Nordstrom Chevron Luggage  3)  Spanx  4) Kiehl Lotion  5) Make and Model Gotta Have it Tee  6)  Face Complexion Set  7)  T3 Hair Dryer  8) Swell Water Bottle  9)  Caslon Scoop Neck Cotton Tees

That luggage set is darling and an amazing deal!  My friend just bout the set in pink!  I have the T3 curling iron and love it so I’d love to try the hair dryer.  The earrings are perfect for every day.  I wear them a lot even though they get lost in my hair!  Couldn’t live without my spanx and the pink make-up brushes are such a great deal I’m buying a few to have on hand for gifts!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Sunny Side Up)

{Rebecca Minkoff Dress/Vince Camuto Kentvi Sandal/Classic Bauble Earrings/Kate Spade Aviator Sunglasses}

I also got these darling Kate Spade Aviator sunglasses on sale!  So many good things this year.  I hope you’re all finding a few things you’re excited about too!  I’ve got to go but I’ll be back soon!

My organized paper piles are waiting for me.  :)






















xoxo, Erin

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Early Access!

All of my fashion loving friends!  It’s that time!  The Nordstrom Anniversary sale is here!  To those of you who come here for just the home decor/organization I have fun things in store!  But we have to pause and talk all things clothes during the Nord sale.  It’s the law and I’ve always been a law abiding citizen. ;)  I have to say that I love this sale more every year.  It just keeps getting better!  Last year I bought so many cute things that I lived in all Fall/Winter and are still favorites so I was excited to see this year’s inventory.  It did not disappoint!  If you have a Nordstrom card you can start shopping today!  If not I hope this post gives you some fun ideas for when the sale opens to everyone on July 20th!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

I ate a power breakfast this morning (could hear Rocky music playing in the background) and then hit the mall!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

{Mudroom Runner/Baskets/Similar Light Fixture}

*Affiliate links used 

I came home hours later exhausted (the best kind of exhausted!) with 5 full bags and some CUTE things for me and my family for back to school, the rest of summer, Fall, Winter.. and into the future!  As we all know, this sale is a marathon, not a sprint, so I’ll share a lot of what I got in this post and then more things I’m loving and what I got for the rest of my crew later on!  (Sidenote: my all time favorite black Flashback Adidas sneakers that I’ve been living in are back in stock and on sale!  Pictured above by the bags because I wore them today.) :)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

{Kentvi Sandal/Tonya Open Toe Mule/Aiden Wedge Sneaker/Chuck Taylor Sneakers/Analise Sandal}

These were my favorite shoes this year!  Every pair is so fun and stylish and COMFORTABLE and a great price!  I loved some of the tall boots too (like this pair, this pair and I really love this pair.. and how cute are these for rain/snow!?) but I bought so many tall boots last year I just didn’t need another pair. #practicalwon

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

These Aiden Wedge sneakers are so comfortable!  And I love how they are such a perfect mix of cleaned up but casual.  Had to get them in two colors!  I know I’m going to live in them!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

So excited about these!  It’s hard to not be happy when you’re wearing cute shoes. :)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

{Carter Sneaker}

I was especially falling hard for all of the cute pink shoes this year!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

And it was hard to resist these cute black Hunters for such a great price!  But since we had rain about twice last year and I already have a grey pair I decided I’d wait on these.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

Full fitting room full of clothes!  This post is full of bad lighting and dressing room selfies so please excuse the photography!  Things sell out fast so time is of the essence!  Let’s do this. :)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

One of my favorite finds this year is this Halogen Cashmere Button Sleeve Sweater.  It’s crazy soft and such a nice fit!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

I loved it so much I got it in the Burgundy and Pink.  Wearing the pink here with these Mother Frayed Ankle Skinny Jeans.  They are a little long on me (supposed to be cropped.. ha!) but I love the pink lines down the side and they fit so cute.  I’ve heard great things about Mother Jeans and am excited to try them!  Very flattering fit!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

This Halogen Pleat Detail Midi Skirt I had circled in the catalog and was thrilled that it fit well.  Love it so much!  I can’t wait to try different tops with it.  (Wearing a 2 regular but might order it in the petite to try because of the length.)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

This Scallop Trim Sweater is darling, a great price and comes in so many fun colors!  I bought a scallop sweater at this sale last year and about wore it out!  Fall/Winter staple. :)  Btw.. my favorite AG Raw Hem Ankle jeans that I’m wearing here (and pretty much wear every day!) are also on sale!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

I loved this Cinched Waist Sweatshirt the second I put it on!  Really comfortable and flattering because of how it tucks in at the waist.  I love clothes like this that look cute but feel like you’re wearing your favorite sweats!  (It runs big so get one size smaller.. this is an xxs).

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

This Stripe Rib Puff Sleeve Top is darling!  Comes in other color patterns.  It’s pretty fitted so I went up a size to a small.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

Cutest cotton camo tee for just $19!  

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

This Treasure and Bond Baseball Tee is a staple that can be worn so many ways with so many different things.  Love it with this cute AG Legging Ankle Ripped Skinny Jeans!  Again they look like full length jeans on me instead of ankle jeans I’m so short.. I just roll with it. :)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

Ok.. so excited about this Vince Camuto Denim Jacket!  So cute!  It runs big so order one size smaller than you usually wear (I’m wearing the xx-small).  It’s a little jean overkill with these pants, but will look so cute with colored jeans, joggers, skirts.  Everything!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

This Twill Utility Skirt is so comfy and casual and fun for Fall but I’m going to start wearing it now!  Also comes in camo (wanting that one too!) and a grey.  I’m wearing a 2 petite and it’s still past my knees (it’s long so get petite if you’re short!).

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

All the love for camo.  It will forever be a favorite so I couldn’t pass up this Thermal Henley Top for just $24!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

Comes in other colors too!  I didn’t come home with this color because it washed me out, but such a comfy top.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

Give me all the Sporty Stripes!  Love this Treasure and Bond sweater!  And it comes in grey and white too.  Trying hard to resist getting another one!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

This BP Balloon Sleeve Sweater fits so cute!  It makes me excited for cooler weather.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

This Puff Sleeve Silk A-Line Dress was my splurge of the day!  I actually didn’t look at the price tag when I brought it into the room to try on or I probably would have put it back, but once I had tried it on I had to have it!  Such a great fit and the pattern is darling!  This picture (and bad lighting) don’t do it justice.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

K.. this looks huge on me because the top isn’t my size (ordering it!) but I was surprised at how much I liked this!  It’s a really casual Cotton Blend Midi Skirt and matching Boat Neck Top and I’m thinking it would be so cute with sneakers!  I need to try my size in the top and see if I want to keep it or just keep the skirt.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

This outfit is totally out of my comfort zone because I rarely wear red and it’s so dressy (I always gravitate towards casual!) but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fit/style of this Belted Red Skirt!  At first I was wishing it came in other colors, but then I decided it’s good for me to have a variety of colors in my wardrobe (and break out of my rut!) so I was daring and bought it.  Plus the coordinating Halogen Ribbon Top makes me feel like such an important executive.. ha!  I just need a pencil in my hair and some really important clients to manage.  For now my three kids will have to do. ;)  (Was wearing the xs petite top in this picture but bought the regular xs because the sleeves were a bit short.)

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

I have a feeling this Rebecca Minkoff Floral Dress is going to sell out fast.  SO cute.  I couldn’t believe how many cute dresses were on sale this year!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

{Good Vibes Jogger Pants/Too Cool Pullover}

And of course, I couldn’t stray too far from my norm.  Hello new Make and Model pj’s on sale!  Happy day!  I loved this fun blue star pair but the stars are embroireded on and you can feel them!  So not as comfortable and I had to pass.  Too bad because they are so cute!  But comfort reins supreme with pjs.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

{Good Vibes Jogger Pants/Too Cool Pullover}

Which is why I came home with this cute pair!  Oh my word.. are they not just adorable!?  And so flattering and comfy!  And cute enough to wear out and about and pretend they aren’t pjs!  I have to hide them from Kenny because if he sees that I’ve bought one more pair of Make and Model pjs…

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (Early Access!) Sunny Side Up

{Cardigan/Madewell Leather Tote/Similar Faux Leather Tote on sale for less/AG Jeans/Similar Shoes on sale}

(If you didn’t buy a Barefoot Dreams Cardigan last year I would HIGHLY recommend getting one while it’s on sale!  The most comfortable cardigan you’ll own!  I wore it every single day last winter just working in my house.  Perfect to throw over pj’s when you’re cold or dress up and wear with jeans.  LOVE this.)

Ok.. signing off friends!  And we haven’t even discussed Handbags, Beauty or Home Decor on sale!  More to share from this beloved sale but it will have to wait!  Seeing my cute Make and Model pjs has made me tired and ready to put them on and go to bed. :)  Happy shopping!

























xoxo, Erin

This and That and all things Summer

Summer Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up)

How is everyone’s summer going so far?  Good I hope!  Sharing some randomness today.  Some of this.. some of that.  A little bit of the other. :)

Summer Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up)

My house for the most part is a disaster.  But I’ve found that during the summer if I can just keep the kitchen semi-clean with a vase full of hydrangeas, I can handle the rest of the chaos.

Summer Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Summer Kitchen Decor (Sunny Side Up)

{Kitchen post/sources}

*affiliate links used

Of course it’s no easy feat keeping the kitchen clean in the summer.  Especially with all of the slime that’s going down around here.  I had hoped by now that my kids would be over it (2 out of 3 are) but I have one child who is STILL slime obsessed a year later and we’re honestly about to turn into a slime factory over here she has made so much of the stuff.  I’ve been holding out hope that this phase would pass (right along with her “I desperately want/need a Bearded Dragon in my life) phase but both are still going strong.  I can most likely compromise with her and get rid of one if I’m ok with the other.. but because I’m not excited about either we are at a stand still.  And the slime just keeps on coming.  I guess I should just be grateful that (so far) there isn’t a large lizard camping out on my couch every morning.

Health and Fitness (Sunny Side Up)

I wanted my girls to learn some healthy habits they can take with them the rest of their lives so I hired a nutritionist to meet with us a few times this summer.  I’ve got a lot of things covered around here (they will definitely leave this house knowing how to scrub a sink) but healthy eating habits?  Turning this one over to an expert.  We had our first meeting and it was pretty clear that I’m the one who needs the most help!  Apparently Coke Zero doesn’t count as a healthy breakfast.  Who knew? ;)  After 2 hours of ALL the information, she gave each of a copy of this Wellness Journal.

Health and Fitness (Sunny Side Up)

We have to write down everything we eat over the next couple of weeks and it has a place to check off our water (we are drinking SO much water I feel like I’m drowning).  I thought I’d share this little journal (you can buy one here) in case it’s helpful for any of you!  Misery loves company so come on.. join my world of carrots and cauliflower. ;)

Custom Coastal Craftsman Home (Sunny Side Up)

{Embroidered Lace Top/AG Jeans/Earrings/Wedges/Purse/Sunglasses}

Summer evenings are my favorite!  I love being outside in our yard watching my kids swim and play, checking on the plants and flowers in my yard, going on walks with Kenny.  When a neighbor is having a BBQ or mowing their lawn it’s even better.  Aren’t summer smells the best?  Love them.

Custom Coastal Craftsman Home (Sunny Side Up)

Summer night date look.  This Embroidered Lace Top is so beautiful!  Hands down one of my favorites this season.

Custom Coastal Craftsman Home (Sunny Side Up)

The detail is so pretty and I love wearing white in the summer time.  I wore this somewhere a couple of weeks ago and when two of my friends saw it they decided to order it too!  Now we will all be white embroidered triplets in this top. :)

Custom Coastal Craftsman Home (Sunny Side Up)

{Eyelet Dress/Strap Sandals/Earrings/Purse}

I shared this similar white eyelet dress in my last Fashion post.  All the love for summer white!  These are a few other white tops I adore.  I really wanted to order this one (adorable and only $32!) but it’s sold out in my size!  One of you get it and wear it and love it for me.  I’ll feel better. :)

Custom Coastal Craftsman Home (Sunny Side Up)

{Family Room Update/Sources}

If we aren’t outside enjoying summer evenings you can usually find us camped out on our family room couch.  Reading or watching TV.

Custom Coastal Craftsman Home (Sunny Side Up)

Or cracking up over who knows what.  This picture made me smile when I came across it!  Typical night with Ad.  We laugh a lot when we’re together.

Custom Coastal Craftsman Home (Sunny Side Up)

Somehow it always ends up being us two hanging out together because El is usually busy with dance or friends and Kole and Kenny are doing their thing.  Ad and I have become partners in crime lately.  :)  We watched the entire series of Gilmore Girls together when I had knee surgery (Ad’s first time watching, my second) and are looking for a good summer series to start.  Any suggestions for fun Netflix series or movies?  I’ve been showing her the classics lately.  We started with Gone With the Wind and then Fiddler on the Roof.  I have a list we’re making our way through this summer so if you can think of any good classics you love give me those too!  I can share my list in a post later if anyone is interested?  I love a good classic.  Especially when it includes Clark Gable or Jimmy Stewart. :)  Is it ok to watch It’s a Wonderful Life in July?  I never get tired of that movie.

Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{Brushed Hacci Hoodie/Good Vibes Jogger Pants}

The cute blue sweats I’m wearing are one of my favorite brands.. Make and Model.  I love this set so much because they’re lightweight, crazy soft and comfortable and also I feel like I can wear them to the grocery store or to run kids around.  I’m all for pj’s that double for real clothes!  Plus in the summer I’m always cold inside most places because the air is usually blasting so these have been perfect indoor summer sweats.

Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Some of you have asked if I’d share pics from our recent trip to Florida.  Here are a few for those of you who are interested!  We hit Universal Studios and Volcano Bay and spent three days at the two parks.  My best tip if you are planning on hitting theme parks this summer (after years of owning Disneyland season passes and spending more time than I’d like to at theme parks!) is to GO EARLY.  Pretty obvious tip, but I’m always amazed how few people do it.  We always try to be at the parks ready to go the second they open!  It’s hard to get up so early on vacation, but you can hit so many fun rides and see A LOT in the first two hours before the park starts getting busy.  Plan your route the night before and hit everything that you care about the most first thing.  My kids have wanted to see all things Harry Potter at Universal for a while now so we surprised them with this trip and they were so excited.

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

Such a fun day and because we went early we were able to really enjoy it all without crowds!

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

Caught this quickly with my cell phone in line to choose their wands.  Oh my word.. the look on her face!  Ha ha.. priceless.

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

The windows all have fun things that happen when you wave your wand a certain way and these two could have done this for hours.

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

A little tricky to figure out, but after some help we were in business!  Like magic. :)

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

First ButterBeer of the day!

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

Riding the train between parks was one of our favorite things!  The window showed scenes from the movie and there were shadows on the doors of the train on the opposite side that made it feel so real.  Friends from the movie, Dementors and leaping chocolate frogs all passed by on our journey.  My kids loved it.

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

{Blue ruffle sleep top/Zella Crop Pants/Similar Adidas Shoes/Kole’s Adidas Shoes}

After we hit all things Harry Potter we split up for a while because my girls wanted to go on some scary rides that Kole wasn’t excited about.  Plus he and I had our own agenda.  Time to hang with Transformers.  After years of Disney Princesses it has been so fun to dive into all things little boy. :)

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

Curious George was a long time favorite so we spent some time there and on other fun rides.  The next day Kenny took the girls back for more rides and Kole and I decided to take a break and swim at the hotel and feed the ducks.  Sometimes the two of us enjoy a slower pace. ;)

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

Our third day we hit Volcano Bay (the water park next to Universal Studios) and this is the only pic I have to share!  Taken from my lounge chair. :)  We put our phones away and enjoyed a day of water slides.  Really fun park!  Once again we made the most of our early morning time and hit as much as we could.  By 3:00 the park was so busy and we had done most of the rides we cared about several times (plus the lazy rivers.. love those!) so we left early for dinner.   Right around that same time a huge thunderstorm hit and they closed the park!  I was so glad we went early and were on our way out anyway.

Universal Studios (Sunny Side Up)

{Kole’s rashguard/Ad’s swim suit (she wore this as a cover up – so cute!)}

The rest of the trip we just enjoyed some down time at the hotel.  Always such a treat to have uninterrupted time together.

Alligator hunting (Sunny Side Up)

On our last day there we took off on a boat to see alligators.  When in Florida right!?  The girls and I sat in front with the boys in back.

Alligator hunting (Sunny Side Up)

Can you see the gator in this picture?  They blend in SO well with their environment!  It was unreal being so close to them without even knowing it until we spotted them.  I have to admit.. I was ready to move on as soon as I saw that nose coming up out of the water.  Too close for my taste!

Alligator hunting (Sunny Side Up)

Holding a baby after our boat ride.  “Snap a pic quick because I’m not holding this thing for two seconds longer!”  Ha.  Glad I did it.. don’t need to do it again.

Alligator hunting (Sunny Side Up)

But when in Florida right!?





























xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

4th of July Outdoor Decor

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Finally!  I finally have some 4th of July outdoor decor to share with you all!  Every year I think of how easy it would be to make this already white and blue space festive for the 4th with just a touch of red.

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Every year I think of this right around July 5th. :)  I’m so proud of myself for being more on the ball this year!  Next year I’ll shoot to have it up by Memorial Day in May.

Whoah now.  Let’s not get too crazy ahead of ourselves.  Ha.

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

But really this was so easy and fun!  Plus it just felt good to be decorating again.  Things have been nonstop around here with my kids for months and I haven’t had as much time to do the things I really love.  Decorating this space only took 45 minutes and put me in the best mood!  A good reminder to all moms out there to prioritize your hobbies/passions and find a way to make time for them!  I feel like I’m a much better mom/wife/person when I’ve had some happy creative me time.

Here are a few quick and easy things you can do in no time to make any outdoor area festive for the 4th!  (Also if you are looking for more fun 4th of July ideas you can follow me on Pinterest!  I have a board for the 4th I love referring to this time of year.)  

*affiliate links used

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

First the banners.  So in love with these!  Such a simple thing that added so much to this space.  I bought this banner from Pottery Barn and you can find it here.  They have so many cute things for the 4th of July this year!   I recently found this banner on-line also that is very similar.  Thinking of getting it for my front porch!  (I also linked other fun similar options at the end of this post.)

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I just used my favorite go to blue painters tape to hold the banners.  One side of the left banner came down and I made Kenny climb up on the counter and fix it (he just loves doing stuff like that for me).  They’ve stayed in place ever since so fingers crossed!  I’m thinking I’ll put a small pin or nail up there to hold them if I do this again next year.

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

My rug and blue pillows and poufs were already 4th of July festive so I just added a few fun new pillows.

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

It always amazes me how just a few new pillows can transform a space!  I love these red tassel pillows (they come in other colors and are on sale for only $21!).  These red pillows would also be cute for this time of year.  (They’ll be fun to use in December for Christmas too.)

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Then I used flag pillows for the two chairs.  These exact pillows also sold out but I linked similar options below.  White hydrangeas make everything beautiful don’t they?  My forever favorite flower.  I moved this white tray out from my family room but I like it so much outside I want to get another one!

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I rounded up a few dishes I would use if I was entertaining and put these cute Liberty Burlap flags in a white pitcher.  Easy decor.  Now I want to throw a party!  We are usually out of town visiting family for the 4th but with this fun set up I’m thinking my family needs to come to us.  It’s cooler here too.. are you listening mom?  70 degrees and navy gingham plates and white hydrangeas and flag pillows!  And a fridge stocked with diet coke and lemons on my trees.  And a guest room that is finally decorated.

I’ll answer for you.  SOLD. :)

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Flowers are working well with my set up this month. :)

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

This rug is fading fast because of all of the sunlight this area gets so I’m going to get one more summer out of it and then find something new.  Really it has held up pretty well considering all we’ve put it through the past few years!

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve loved having this area decked for the 4th.  I just feels like summer and makes me smile every time I go outside.

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

As for the inside of the house.. I didn’t do much!  I just put up this fun American Flag sign (similar option) I bought from PB last year on sale.  I always love buying holiday decor about a week before the holiday.  There are still a lot of fun things in stock and everything is marked down.  Then it’s like a happy surprise pulling it out the next year.

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)

{Stripe Sleeve tee (a favorite!)/jeans/wedges}

My kids love the new flag too. :)

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)So proud to be an American.  Bring on the parades and fireworks and food!

This year we’re ready.  :)

4th of July Outdoor Decor (Sunny Side Up)













xoxo, Erin

Daily Expectations – a printable to keep your kids on task!

Daily Expectations - a free printable to keep your kids on task! (Sunny Side Up)

We are officially kicking off summer at our house!  While I love carefree summer days and plan to have a lot of fun with my kids, I still need some sort of order.  Without order our carefree summer days start to feel like one never ending unorganized hot mess!  Any moms out there relate?  I thought so. :)  I’ve come up with a fun “Daily Expectations” printable to help keep my kids on task this summer and to help me from losing my mind and hiding in my garage with a small bowl of peanut butter and chocolate chips.

Don’t ask me where that example came from.. I assure you it has never happened before.

These fun Daily Expectation printables are available to download at the end of this post!  Clearly I care about your sanity too. ;)


Daily Expectations - a free printable to keep your kids on task! (Sunny Side Up)

Does anyone remember these oldies but goodies?  When my girls were little I made these Star Behavior Charts for them to help motivate them to work on certain behaviors and to help out around the house.  They worked so well for us for years!  (I always smile when I see these charts with fond distant memories of the days when I actually had time to cut out individual stars and stamp individual letters and laminate everything in sight.. )  #goodtimes  

Daily Expectations - a free printable to keep your kids on task! (Sunny Side Up)

When my girls were a few years older I created these individualized chore charts to help remind them of things they needed to get done/work on each day.  Those worked well too, but for the current stage we are in I wanted something we could easily change up once a week.

Daily Expectations - a free printable to keep your kids on task! (Sunny Side Up)

Enter my new “Daily Expectations” printables.  I’m so excited about these!  There are two different versions.  One for older kids like my girls (ages 12 and 14) and one for younger kids.  I filled out the first one for my kids this week but will have them fill out their own charts from now on.  I decided to call these “Daily Expectations” instead of Chore Charts because I wanted to add things my kids are working on each day that aren’t (or at least shouldn’t be!) chores.  Things like reading or creative play or drinking more water or writing down what they are grateful for each day, etc.  The list will include anything they are working on and need to remember to do each day.  Some will be chores and some won’t, but they will all be things I want them to do daily or goals they are working towards themselves.

Daily Expectations - a free printable to keep your kids on task! (Sunny Side Up)

For Addison this week, aside from reading and personal progress (something my girls do for church), she has certain rooms she needs to clean or help me clean each day.  Next week we’ll mix it up and I’ll give her different rooms and give these rooms to Ellie.  They will always be responsible for keeping their bedroom and bathroom clean and for getting their laundry done.  Addison has some new personal goals she wants to include next week (work on lines for an upcoming play and eat more vegetables.)   When they finish their goals/chores each day they just check each item off!  My girls like to check things off of lists.. wonder where they get that from? :)

Daily Expectations - a free printable to keep your kids on task! (Sunny Side Up)

For younger kids I broke the Daily Expectations up into two sections: tasks and behavior.  I also added a reward because younger kids aren’t as motivated by the checkmark alone. :)  This week Kole has been working on reading 20 minutes, playing creatively by himself (he struggles with this one!), unloading the dishwasher when dishes are clean, putting away his laundry and vacuuming.  He loves to vacuum. :)

Daily Expectations - a free printable to keep your kids on task! (Sunny Side Up)

For behavior he is working on having a positive attitude, minding the first time (so I don’t have to keep repeating myself!), and getting along with his sisters.  Work in progress around here for sure. :)  For the reward I usually like to have my kids choose an outing or experience (get ice cream, go to the park/mall, have a playdate, go to the beach, etc.) but Kole has really been wanting some Star Wars books so I let him put that as his reward this week.  I’m trying to have him read (or read to him) as much as possible this summer so anything that helps encourage that goal I’m all for!  He has to check off all of the boxes for a whole week to get his reward, but if you are using these for really young kids it could be a reward they get at the end of each day.  You could also use stickers to put inside each box instead of a check mark for little kids.  Anything to make completing their tasks fun!

Daily Expectations - a free printable to keep your kids on task! (Sunny Side Up)

I absolutely LOVE having something like this during the summer.  Aside from motivating my kids to be productive and help out around the house it also makes it easier for me to parent!  When they want to play with friends or swim or get on the iPad or watch a movie I can simply say “have you done everything on your list?”  If they have it’s time to party!  I’m all about fun as long as everyone is pitching in and working hard on the side.

Daily Expectations - a free printable to keep your kids on task! (Sunny Side Up)

The colors I used for the Daily Expectation printables are the same colors I used for my Summer Calendar pages so they all coordinate!

Daily Expectations - a free printable to keep your kids on task! (Sunny Side Up)

Can you tell I went to a happy place with these printables!?  I hope they help some of you this summer as much as I know they are going to help us!

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE DAILY EXPECTATIONS PRINTABLE!  They are available in color and black and white.  Calendar pages are also available along with other fun downloads in my printable library.

(If you are already a Sunny Side Up subscriber just enter your info. again to get the printable.. it won’t add you twice!  Also, if you sign up and don’t get an e-mail soon after check your junk mail!  Once in a while it lands there first.)  

Daily Expectations - a free printable to keep your kids on task! (Sunny Side Up)

Here’s to summer and not needing to escape to the garage!

Although I’m not making any promises about no peanut butter and chocolate chips…













xoxo, Erin

Summer Fashion!

Sharing some summer fashion with you all today!  Basically everything I wore in May so I’m apologizing in advance for the crazy picture overload. I am so beyond behind on posts you guys!   So much to share and never enough time to get things up on my computer!  We ended school and took off the next day on a quick family vacation to Orlando, Florida.  Hit the theme parks and wrestled alligators.  Ok.. we didn’t wrestle alligators, but I did hold one (a baby for about 5 seconds and I was shaking the entire time) so close enough.  Florida was beautiful!  A great trip full of good times and bad hair. :)  Now we’re home again and I’m excited to be settling into our summer routine!  I have so many things I want to get done this summer.  My “current projects” printables are filled out and ready to go!  More on that soon.  For now.. let’s talk clothes!

*affiliate links used

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{Flutter Sleeve Crepe Top/AG jeans (on sale!)/Earrings/Similar bag/Espadrille Sandals}

Cutest summer top!  You all know me and my difficulty branching out from my beloved AG jeans.  It just doesn’t happen much (even in the summer because our temps are basically the same as they are in the winter). :) But this would also be cute with a skirt, white jeans, with something red for the 4th of July.  Endless possibilities!

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

It’s silky and lightweight and perfect for warmer temps.

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{Flutter Sleeve Crepe Top/Paige Jeans/Earrings}

I love it so much I bought it in white too!  Isn’t the ruffle detail pretty and feminine?

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{Flutter Sleeve Crepe Top/Earrings/AG jeans/Purse/Wedge Sandals/Kole’s shoes}

It has been on major repeat the past two months.  Wearing it here with my little sidekick at Ad’s last play!

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

My cute friend took these pics when she came to see the play with me.  Still loving these wedge sandals!

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

I made her get in a pic too.  Because you can’t hang out with me for long without having to endure some pictures.  My friends love me for it.

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

I also love this top paired with these cute green Paige crop jeans.  Straw bags are so fun for summer!  I bought this one in the Spring and it has sold out but if you’re looking for a cute one for a good price I love this circle straw tote!  So many cute straw options right now…

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{Crochet Neck Linen Tee/Paige Jeans/Corlina Ankle Strap Sandals/Earrings}

Different day, same bag and Paige jeans with a different top and sandals.  I love the top of this black tee!  So pretty.  I’ve worn it with skirts a few times too and it’s easy to dress up or down.  It comes in other colors too.

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{Scallop Eyelet Dress/Earrings/Purse/Strap Sandals}

Ellie had two special end of the year events (her middle school promotion and party).  We didn’t have time to go shopping so we ordered LOTS of dresses on-line for her to try.  She’s an xs in womens now (my size – woot woot!) so we had a major dress party in my closet.  I couldn’t resist trying them all on too!   I had a hard time not keeping half of them.  She chose two (this dress and this dress to wear with a little sweater or cardigan over them) and I chose two.  This pretty white dress was one I just couldn’t send back.  It didn’t work for El so I had to take one for the team and keep it myself.

I’m nice like that.

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

Isn’t the pattern and detail pretty!?  Perfect dress for summer.

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

Me heading to an event one night and Kenny heading out on an evening run.  Our 10 minutes to see each other so we documented it.  And then hugged good-bye and said “until next time..”  We were in major divide and conquer mode for that end of school year 6 week madness!

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{Lace Fit and Flare Dress/Purse/Earrings/Strap Sandals}

This was the other dress El ordered and I kept.  So beautiful and I’ve always loved navy!  Does the pattern/material look familiar?

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

It’s the same as the back of this Ruffle Sheath dress I shared a while ago.

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

Such a favorite!  I’m excited to have a few new dresses to work into my rotation!  Seems like I’m having to dress up for things more and more lately.

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{Keeping it fun since 1991}

Even though if it were up to me I’d be living in sweats and graphic tees like this one.  I loved the 90’s. :)

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

Love this green v neck tee from Cassie’s Gibson collaboration!  (Isn’t her whole collection just fun!?)

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

It has such a cute little twist on the sleeve!

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

Another favorite from her collection I’ve been wearing a lot is this Kahala tie sleeve top in navy.  So cute!  I need to get a better pic of the detail on the sleeve.  I also need to pair it with something other than jeans!  Goal for next month.  Along with drink more water and eat breakfast every day.  (My girls and I met with a nutritionist yesterday and I have much to work on.. starting slowly with the basics!)

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{1901 Ribbed Sweater/Gingham Ruffle Skirt/Similar Shoes here and here}

While we’re talking navy tops, isn’t this outfit adorable!?  Love it for the 4th or any summer get together.  I told Vanessa she was already a pro so she might as well hop in a few more pics. ;)  We sometimes share clothes and I am so borrowing this red gingham skirt!  It’s so cute and 40% off!

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

She had her daughter take this one later in the day.  Her shoes are older but these are similar.  I love the sweater, but if it’s hot during he summer where you live this skirt would be cute with any tank or tee!

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{Ruffle Sleeve Tee/AG jeans/Espadrille Sandals/Earrings}

Another favorite green top I’ve been reaching for over and over.  In fact my girls were teasing me about wearing it again the other day.

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

It has a slouchy loose fit that is so cute and flattering!  It just hangs well.  And I didn’t get a pic of the back but it has a cute v shape.  It does run big though so I’d go down a size (I’m wearing xxs).  It’s also 40% off!

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

An older beloved shirt with my favorite Zella crop pants.  Had to have them in blue!  If I’m taking a break from jeans I’ll be wearing these.  I get asked about these Zella crop pants almost every time I wear them!  Which is a lot sine I now have them in 4 colors.  I especially get questions about them on airplanes!  I always travel in them and every trip women stop me and ask me about them.  It’s becoming a thing.. I wait to see how long it takes on the airplane before I get asked about them.  Walking down the aisle.. 4.. 3.. 2.. “Love those pants!  Where did you get them?… “  BAM.. knew it. ;)  I’m kind of hoping they don’t come out with these in more colors because I will be FORCED to buy them and they will take over my closet.  I might have to design a separate closet just for these Zella crop pants.  Hmmm.. that’s a thought.

Kidding!  But not kidding.

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{Eyelet Sleeve Top/AG jeans/Espadrille Sandals/Earrings/Similar Bag}

Ok.. clearly I’m a fan of green tops!  But seriously is this not the most darling summer tee!?  The sleeves are perfection!  Comes in other colors too.  Summer nights in the yard are my favorite.  Everything is growing so beautifully right now and I love watching my kids play outside while I soak it all in.  The best is when a neighbor starts a BBQ (or better yet when we do!).  Don’t you love that smell on a warm summer night!?  It’s my favorite.

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{Banded Lace Midi Skirt/Strap Sandals/El’s dress/El’s shoes}

A few pics from the end of our school year!  Middle school graduation.. I can’t believe El is off to high school.  (sniff)

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

Wrapping up Ad’s last play (Willy Wonka).  She is going to be Horton the elephant this summer in Suessical. :)

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

{Ava and Yelly Dress/Felicia Anna Flats}

Then we had a special audition for a play in the Fall.  We found this dress and it’s absolutely darling.  I can’t find it on-line!  And sparkly shoes make everything better. :)

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

LOTS of driving for this one the past 6 weeks.  He’s always a good sport when friends can come along.

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

I just bought him his annual pair of Natives which means summer is officially here!

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)


Bring on lazy days by the pool!

Summer Fashion! (Sunny Side Up)

We are more than ready.





































xoxo, Erin

Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All!

Oh friends.  Today’s discussion is serious business!  If you come here solely for decorating, organizing and fashion inspiration you might want to skip this post and come back for the next one!  To celebrate Father’s Day I was invited to join nine of my close blog friends in a “Married to a Blogger.. The Husbands Tell All” blog hop where our husbands answer questions about us.  Let me tell you.. it was NOT easy turning my blog over to Kenny.  I knew all too well that I either wouldn’t approve of what he was saying, OR that I would just want to crawl under a rock reading his answers!  (Both are true.)  So you’ll find my own commentary/responses to him below some of his answers in a sad attempt to defend myself!  I also added pictures.  Other than that, this post is all Kenny.  Read it with a grain of salt. Or don’t read it at all. ;)

If you need me I’ll be under that rock..

1) When did you first meet your wife and what was your first impression?

I first met Erin in the hallway of our high school when I was a Senior and she was a Sophomore. I was with a friend who was talking to her friend. The first thing I noticed about Erin was how cute she was.  Then she turned around and I saw what a cute butt she had, and the rest was history.

*(I seriously can’t believe you just said that.  I don’t know if we can continue.. )

2)  Which one of you more aggressively pursued the other?

I was definitely the pursuer. I think Erin was afraid of me at first. I kept asking her out and she kept saying that her mom wouldn’t let her date yet, so I decided to cut to the chase and ask her mom directly if I could take Erin out. Her mom said yes before Erin could tell her not to, which led to our first date.  (Thanks again Bonnie)

*I was scared of him!  And I was furious with my mom for saying I could go out with him!  But we hit it off instantly.  We have the same sarcastic sense of humor and laughed non stop.  I guess I should tell my mom thanks too.

So I married a blogger: Husbands tell all!

{Old favorites circa 1993 – our hair and those sleeves!}

3) What are the best and worst parts of your wife’s job as a blogger?

The best part is that Erin gets to do something that makes her happy.  Also all of the friends she has made with other bloggers and connecting with people who read her blog.  She loves that.  The worst part for me is that she stays up working too late every night and we never go to bed together.

4)  How do you explain what your wife does for a living to your friends and coworkers?

I just call her a professional blogger and let them take a guess about what that means.  Sometimes I get strange looks.  Sometimes they tell me they already follow her on Instagram.

5) What is something we might not know about your wife?

Erin has a large tattoo on her back of a phoenix rising from the ashes just like Ben Affleck.  Just kidding. Honestly I think if you’ve read her blog for a while you already know Erin.  She writes like she talks and is pretty open.  People who meet her who have read her blog first always say she is just like they pictured.  She is friendly, happy and sincere.  Everyone who meets Erin loves her.

*sweet babe.. thanks.  For the second part of your answer.  The tattoo part wasn’t amusing.  

6)  What does your wife do that drives you crazy? What would she say you do that drives her crazy?

It drives me crazy that she is rarely on time. I think she’d say I drive her crazy always harping her to be on time.

{Similar tee/AG jeans (on sale!)/Adidas sneakers}

*I’m laughing he said that because I just shared this “Running Late is my Cardio” tee on IG and mentioned that this is an issue for us!  I do tend to run a few minutes late all the time but I like to gently remind him that he only has to get himself ready while I’m always getting me + 3 other people ready.  Plus rounding up all the things my kids need.  Plus putting away the milk and turning off the TV on our way out the door.  Plus if I had his hair I’d be ready fast too. ;)

7) If you had an extra $10,000 that you could do anything you wanted with (no saving, investing, or donating allowed!), what would you spend it on? Would your wife be on board?

Motorcycles.  She doesn’t love that I ride them, but I think she’d be on board as long as she didn’t have to ride them with me, I promised not to take the kids on them, and I ride under 20 miles an hour on roads that no other cars are able to travel on.

8)  You get home from work and your wife is giving you “the look”. What have you most likely done to get yourself into trouble?

Erin is pretty happy-go-lucky.  We were at dinner with a bunch of friends once and they asked if Erin ever gets mad.  She answered that she gets furious sometimes.  I laughed and told them that her version of furious is most people’s mildly irritated.  We were all teasing her about it.  It’s true.  She doesn’t get mad much.  I’m a lucky guy.

9)  What’s your favorite trip you have taken with your wife/family?

We have taken lots of fun trips. Best trip with Erin was Italy about 10 years ago. Best family trip would be one of our fun trips to Hawaii. They are all good because they give us a chance to be together without interruptions.

So I married a blogger: Husbands tell all!

(Most recent family trip to Kauai)

10)  Do you have a “man cave”? If so, where?

I have a home office but I don’t use it much. Erin has taken it over with her treadmill and extra decorating stuff.  My man cave is probably our bedroom with the door shut watching a movie.  I’m hoping to claim our new theatre room as my man cave as soon as Erin finishes doing her thing in there.

So I married a blogger: Husbands tell all! (Sunny Side Up)

{Master Bedroom Sources}

*I’m kind of laughing that this is his man cave but it’s true!  So manly right.. ha!  Time to move “decorate the theatre room” and “clean Kenny’s office” up on the old to-do list.

11)  What’s one thing that your wife is super “picky”/particular about?

Uh, what’s one thing my wife isn’t super picky about?  She’s particular about everything — food, movies, clothes, organization, houses, etc.  It’s a running joke with her family.  We all enjoy giving her a hard time about it.  She’s the most high maintenance but low key person you’ll ever meet.

*What!?  Not true!  Ok.. a little true.  Alright alright.. totally true.  But I’m picky in the nicest way… ;)

12)  What’s your favorite dinner that your wife makes? What is your specialty?

That’s easy. She makes ramen noodles for Kole and lean cuisine frozen dinners for her and the girls. But if it’s a super fancy occasion she has a spinach lasagna recipe that someone gave her 15 years ago that she’s used about 500 times. I think that about sums up her entire cooking arsenal.  As for me, I’m good with grilling and all things breakfast food. Want eggs and bacon for dinner?  I’m your man.

*Thanks for totally throwing me under the bus on that one babe!  I knew you would.  For your information Kole loves ramen noodles and I make more than that Spinach Lasagna (although it has been a while and I’m due to toss it into the rotation again).   If I’ve made that 500 times you’ve teased me about it 10,000 times so I think we’re due to call it even.  

If anyone doubts that I really do mix up the lean cuisines once in a while you can see my go-to recipes here.  Spinach Lasagna recipe coming soon.  Ha.

13)  Are you a DIY-er or more of a “hire the professional” type of guy?

Totally a “hire the professional.”  I hate trying to fix something, wasting a bunch of time and making the problem worse.

*For sure.  My husband does a lot of things well, but DIY projects are not one of them and we’ve found it’s better for our relationship to just hire help!  Although I have to say that my husband helps with a lot of other things around the house and when a job requires more man power (which is often the case!) he is alway happy to jump in and assist.

14)  What do you think about your wife’s blogger friends? Who do you hear about the most? Have you met any of them?

Erin has met some of her favorite friends through blogging. I’ve met a bunch of them from all around the country.  They have stayed at our house and I got to hang out with some of them and their husbands on a trip to Colorado and New York last Fall.  They are all awesome and make blogging really fun for Erin.

Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All! (Sunny Side Up)

Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All! (Sunny Side Up)

Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All! (Sunny Side Up)

Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All! (Sunny Side Up)

Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All! (Sunny Side Up)

(Colorado/NY Better Homes and Gardens Trip)

15)  Has your wife ever done a project that you secretly didn’t love but you never told her?

Erin knows how I’m feeling all the time. I can’t hide my feelings from her and don’t try particularly hard to. That might be another thing about me that drives Erin crazy!  I don’t mind Erin’s projects except when she goes on one of her typical organizing frenzies and I can’t find my stuff.  She puts things away in “their spots” when I already had a spot for my stuff on the kitchen counter.

*I actually love that.  I know how he feels about something before he feels it himself because I know him so well.  And things can’t live on the kitchen counter babe.  It just doesn’t work.  

16)  If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Would your wife agree?

I get bored super easy so if I could live anywhere it would be in many places at different times during the year.  Europe in the spring, Colorado in the summer, Utah in the fall, California in the winter and Hawaii for a few months somewhere in there too.  Erin is the polar opposite. She wants to be in one place and never leave. Literally. Build. A. Nest.

"Married to a Blogger.. The Husbands Tell All" (Sunny Side Up)

*What’s wrong with nests!?  Ha ha.. so true!  I’m a home body and would be completely content staying where we are now forever.  In San Diego.  In this house.  With this man and his stupid ninja faces.

17)  What’s your idea of the perfect Father’s Day?

Early morning motorcycle ride, nap in the early afternoon, six mile run in the late afternoon, dinner with Erin and the kids, and then alone time with Erin after. :)

*I think we can manage that.  At least the nap, run and dinner part. ;)

Whew!  Is that over!?  Ha ha.. Thank you to my husband for being a good sport and chiming in today!  I think.  It might be a while before I ask you back though.  Or before you get spinach lasagna again.  I know that’s a great hardship for you.  

I’m so excited to read what my friends’ husbands said about them!  You can check out all of their posts below!  This should be fun.. :)

Randi – Randi Garrett Design

Kris – Driven by Decor












































xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional (theatre room progress!)

I’m back!  And I missed you all!  My kids finished their last week of school and it was so jam packed I barely had time to sleep let alone blog.  But we made it!  At our house it’s now officially summer!  I can’t tell you how good it feels to take break from all the things school brings.  (I’m sure I don’t need to tell most of you.. you know!)  When my kids were little summer felt like more of a struggle, but as my kids get older and more busy and involved in activities I am cherishing our low key summers with family time more every year.  We are ready for this break!

I have so many things to share with you all I don’t even know where to start!  So today I’ll just start with a couch.  My Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional.  I get asked so many questions about our family room couch so I’m sharing a few details today along with some theatre room progress!  That also involves a PB Comfort Roll Arm Sectional.

Because I’m never predictable and I don’t buy multiples of things I like.  Ha. :)

*affiliate links used

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional (Sunny Side Up)

This picture was taken soon after we moved into our home (about 4 years ago) and I was just starting to decorate.  I knew I wanted a sectional because of the spacing in this room and sat on what felt like hundreds of couches to find “the one.”   The PB Comfort Roll Arm Sectional was hands down my favorite.  I love the look and style but mostly am a fan of how comfortable it is.  So comfortable!  We customized it to fit the room size and went with the roll arm vs. a square arm.

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

{PB Comfort Sectional/Chunky Wool Jute Rug (I shared rug details in this post)/Similar Coffee Table here and here}

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

We have loved this couch and I look forward to crashing on it at the end of each day!  The only thing I haven’t loved is the material we chose (which I get asked about a lot!).  For this couch I chose “Flax” Textured Basketweave (Fabric Grade D).  I LOVE the look.  And HATE the way it stains.  I knew I was getting into trouble going with a linen and not getting a performance fabric, but at the time the performance fabric options at PB weren’t as appealing.  I really wanted this fabric and thought we could keep it mostly clean.  And we have.  The kids are pretty careful, but accidents always happen and while most of the couch looks good, if you look up close there are a handful of spots and stains. Not a huge deal, but if I were buying this again now I would get one of PB’s Performance Fabrics like we put on the couch in our living room.  Things wipe off so easily with the Performance fabrics and they have so many better options available now!

The most common question I get asked about this couch (after what is the fabric) is about how the cushions are holding up!

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

{Family Room/Kitchen Sources}

Not bad!  They are a little more squishy.. especially the few we crash on the most often, but I like a “lived in” look so they don’t bother me at all.  We chose a slipcover for this couch and will probably replace this fabric with a Performance fabric that has a similar look in the next year or two.

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

So when I last shared Theatre Room progress it looked like this.

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

While we aren’t completely finished, things are looking a lot more put together and we have a couch!  Another PB Comfort Roll Arm Sectional to be exact.  You can customize these couches so we made this one bigger to fill the room and added a chaise.  We also went with an upholstered couch to mix things up (I’m tricky like that) and a performance fabric knowing that this room will be mostly used by kids.  With popcorn and treats in hand. :)

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

We also have fabric on the walls in this space and I’ll share better pics of that in a post when I finally finish the lingering details that need to be wrapped up this room.  Hopefully this summer!

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

The fabric I chose for this couch is “Pebble” Premium Performance Basketweave (Fabric Grade P) and I love it!  It has a similar look/style as the family room Flax fabric I have, but this fabric has more of a grey undertone. (It’s hard to tell the difference in these pictures!)

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

I knew I wanted this same couch for our theatre room because I have loved our family room couch so much!  And I wanted more of a family room feel for this room vs. the theatre style of chairs.  We can fit a lot of kids on this couch!  And pile more on the floor.  Mission accomplished. :)

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

I also recently decided on a rug for this space and am excited to get some color in this room!  I choose this Kala printed rug in “midnight.”

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

It was on sale for a great price (still is!) and I love the shade of blue.  I still need to slide it up under the couch a bit more.  It’s soft and durable and just what we needed to protect the carpet and add some personality to this space.  I’ve been having a love affair with blue/nay rugs lately!

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

It’s very similar to this Arabesque Wool West Elm rug I put in my guest room.

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

And to this Bosworth printed wool rug (blue) I have in my mudroom.

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

Like I said, I’m never predictable and don’t buy multiples of things I really like.  :)

Details on the Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional! (Sunny Side Up)

If any of you have other questions about my Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Sectional let me know!  I’ll answer them in comments and I’ll add them to this post.  For now, the kids’ backpacks are cleaned out and put away in our mudroom lockers!  Let the summer fun begin!




















xoxo, Erin

Father’s Day Gift Guide!

Father's Day Gift Guide! (Sunny Side Up)


Happy Saturday everyone!  I hope you’re all enjoying the weekend!  We have been so busy wrapping up the school year that I didn’t realize until a few days ago how close Father’s Day is sneaking up!  I went on-line (no time to hit the mall these days!) and found SO many fun things for Kenny and my dad.   (They know they aren’t allowed to look at this post!)  I’m excited to share them with you all in this Father’s Day Gift Guide!  I’ve also included a few of my husband’s current favorite things to give you lots of ideas for Father’s Day.  Dads do so much for us don’t they!?  I love having a day to celebrate fathers.  (You can see my Mother’s Day Gift Guide here if you missed it!  Fun gifts for women for any occasion.)

*affiliate links used

1 – Oxford Slim Fit Shirt – Love this shirt!  Ordered it for Kenny.  He loves the ‘slim fit’ shirts and wears this type of shirt to work most days.  The blue is a great price but there are also other colors on sale!

2 – Bose Wireless Headphones – We’ve had these for years!  Long time favorites.  Especially when we travel!

3 – Nonstick Burger Press – This looks so perfect for summer!  It has great reviews and is a fun gift for the man who loves a good BBQ.

4 – Herschel Travel Kit –  Every man needs a good travel kit!  This is a great size and I love Herschel bags.

5 – Stainless-Steel Sliding Skewers – So excited about these!  I’ve been looking for some good skewers and these have great reviews and look perfect for summer grilling!  Giving them to Kenny but really it’s a gift to me when he does the cooking.

6 – You Can’t Scare Me Shirt – #truth  Love this.  Perfect for any dad with daughters!  There is also one for 3 daughters and 4 daughters.  I know my husband will wear it proudly. ;)

7 – Tumi Alpha 2 International Carry On – I have a close friend whose husband travels a lot for work and she swears by this suitcase!  Her husband has been bragging about it all year.   It’s durable, lightweight, has a lot of great storage compartments inside.  A perfect gift for a dad who is often on the go!

8 – Billabong Board Shorts – Every spring/summer I get new swim suits for me and the kids.  Then we go on vacation or hit the pool and I see my husband wearing the same suit he’s had for going on 8 years. :)  Trying to be better about updating his swimwear and with lots of board shorts on sale right now that’s easy to do!  These are a few favorites I’m choosing between..

9 – Ecco Soft 8 Sneaker – My husband has these shoes in black and grey and loves them!  So comfy and stylish and on sale for a great price right now!

10 – Wooden Chess Set – We gave Kole and Kenny this for Christmas and they love playing Chess together!  A fun game they bond over.  Another fun game Kenny loves playing with the kids is Clue so I just ordered this Harry Potter version of Clue for the kids to give him.  My husband just loves that we all give him gifts that benefit us too.  I’m tricky like that with my gift giving. ;)

11 – S’well Water Bottle – I love this wooden S’well!  Our favorite water bottles are Hydro Flasks, but we all have S’wells for times we don’t want to carry our larger Hydro Flasks and they are great water bottles too.

12 – North Face ‘Surge’ Backpack – I’m so excited about this!  My husband has been using the same backpack for every campout and trip we’ve gone on for years and it is seriously falling apart.  This North Face backpack will be a perfect replacement!  I’m a huge fan of organizing compartments and this looks like it will hold every single item and then some.  Great reviews.  I know my husband will love it!  You’re welcome babe.

Oh yeah.. you’re not reading this.

13 – Rainbow Flipflops – Perfect gift for summer!  These are simple and casual and comfy.  My three requirements for mens flip flops.

14 – Key Cable – This keychain makes it a breeze to charge your mobile device!  Such a fun and creative gift.

15 – Fitbit – A great gift for any father who doesn’t already have one!  Kenny loves his.

So that’s it!  My favorites for Father’s Day.  I hope this post gives you a few fun gift ideas to help spoil the dads in your life!

p.s.  Did I mention how excited I am that it’s June and May is behind us!?  Seriously SO HAPPY about that.  You can download some fun summer calendar pages here!  

I’m also happy about my closet organization progress and my updated planning system, but that’s beside the point.  

And posts for another day. ;) 

Enjoy your weekend and happy Father’s Day shopping!



















xoxo, Erin

2018 Summer Calendar (free printable!)

2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)

Summer is almost here!  And what better way to celebrate than with a summer calendar printable!?  Planning and lists and calendars make me absolutely giddy.  So does the thought of taking a break from driving my three kids all over this city and then back again each afternoon!  To say this mom is ready for summer break is an understatement.  Good-bye May!  I’m not sad to see you go. :)

2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)

I use a combination of apps, notebooks and my planner to plan during the school year, but summer is a break from our regular hectic schedule and I like for it to feel a little more care free in my planning too.  Enter these fun June, July and August summer calendar pages!

2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)

We like to keep things low key when school is out, but my kids do have various camps and activities going on during the summer so I’m using these calendar pages to schedule those types of things.

2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)

If you have younger kids home this summer you could use them to schedule some fun activities/outings for each week.

2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)

Or you could use them to schedule trips, projects, appointments, something to organize each day.  The possibilities for blank calendar page are endless! :)  Do you love the color scheme I used?

Navy, coral and mint.  

Hmm.. looks familiar…

2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)

{Family Room}

2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)


2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)


2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)

{Living Room}

2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)

{Powder Bathroom}

2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)

{Laundry Room}

2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)

Yes.. navy, coral and mint.  I do believe we’ve seen those colors around here a time or twenty.  Clearly I’m a fan. ;)  If you aren’t crushing on those three colors like I always am, I also have these calendar pages available in black and white.  In my book, you can’t go wrong with simple black and white either!


(If you are already a Sunny Side Up subscriber just enter your info. again to get the printable.. it won’t add you twice!  Also, if you sign up and don’t get an e-mail soon after check your junk mail!  Once in a while it lands there first.)  

I hope you enjoy these summer calendar printables!  Happy summer planning everyone! :)  

2018 Summer Calendar - Free Printable! (Sunny Side Up)

















xoxo, Erin

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