Every year in January I put up a survey on my blog asking what you’d all love to see more of on Sunny Side Up and guess what the number one thing is that I always hear back? A regular day! Never what I’m expecting to hear, but I get it! It’s always fun to see how other people live and how they fit in all that they do. So friends, this is it. Today I’m sharing what a typical day in my life looks like. You can bet it will be beyond glamourous. ;) I’m joining my friends Amy and Christy at Magnolia Lane and a group of fun bloggers in this series so there will be lots of fun “day in the life” posts to check out! It’s always the best to get ideas and learn from each other.
I picked a day last week and documented the whole thing from start to finish. I used my cell phone for a lot of the pics during all times of the day (not just good lighting times) so this truly is real life in all of it’s grainy glory. Grab a snack! My days are long. ;) Here we go!
Our alarm goes off at 6:20 am and my husband has to roll me out of bed. I am a night owl and don’t like early mornings! He gets in the shower while I fumble my way upstairs to wake my girls. Ellie is usually up and going already, but Addison (pictured above with a blanket over her head) is like me and never wants to get out of bed. Sometimes I get back in bed with her and we both snooze for 10 more minutes until we nudge each other and convince ourselves that we have to get up. :)
Once my girls are both up and going I go back to my bedroom to put on my workout clothes and then I head to the kitchen to start making breakfast and packing lunches. El gets lunch at her school, but Ad and Kole still like to take a lunch despite my on-going efforts to convince them that school lunch is amazing and lunch from home is of the devil. Lunch packing. I am not a fan. I always have the kids set their lunch boxes and water bottles out on this counter the night before so I’m not searching for them the next morning and sometimes (if I’m on my A game) they get the packing started the night before with things that won’t go bad.
Then in the morning I finish them. I’m struggling this morning because Kole doesn’t want the leftover pasta I was planning on using so his lunch is looking rather pathetic with a cutie orange and animal crackers as the main dish, but it is what it is at this point! We need groceries. Kole usually wakes up on his own at some point while I’m making the food and then the girls and Kenny come in the kitchen and everyone (except me) eats breakfast. Then I help the girls round up their things and get out the door by 7:20. Most mornings (if my husband doesn’t have an early meeting) he takes the girls to their middle school on his way to work.
Kole’s school starts a little later this year and we have 45 minutes after breakfast before we have to leave so my new plan for this year is to get my workout done most mornings before I take him to school. I let him turn on his favorite Lego show and I sneak into my husband’s office. Kole is loving this new plan too. ;)
Last school year Kole’s school started at 8:00 so I went to an 8:15 class at Orange Theory after I dropped him off. (Do any of you workout at an OT? Crazy good workout!). But this year Kole is at a new school that starts at 8:30 so I can’t go to my class. I don’t want to take the 9:20 class because I have too much to get done during my kids’ school hours and can’t have exercise take up the whole morning, so over the summer we bought a new treadmill and my plan is to do a quick 30 minutes on it before I take Kole to school. I still may do an OT class once a week and I usually run with friends one morning a week, but this will be a quick something for most busy days. I’ve been decorating Kenny’s office and it was looking so good until I plopped a huge treadmill in there.. ha! Not my best decor accessory. ;) But it works! And he could care less.
After I exercise I finish helping Kole get ready and off to school we go! He has to wear a uniform this year – little polo shirts and tan shorts that he’s not a fan of, but I help him accessorize with fun shoes/backpack so we make it work. ;) I chat with moms/friends at his school after walking him in and then head back home.
This is the morning rush kitchen mess that is always waiting for me and even though I need to shower and have tons of work to do, I can’t do anything until I’ve cleaned my kitchen!
I put an egg on the stove and while it’s boiling I start cleaning. I know – one boiled egg is a lame breakfast! But I am never hungry in the mornings and would love to just skip breakfast all together if it weren’t for the whole “you have to eat breakfast.. it’s the most important meal of the day”.. spill. So I make myself eat an egg and call it good.
{Kitchen pictures and sources in this post}
I get the kitchen looking like this again. Ahhh. Much better!
Then I style a few things in my bay window because it has been empty and I want the house looking good for a party we are hosting over Labor Day weekend for 70+ people – my daughter’s dance team and families. (Which we had and it was so fun! Pics coming later.)
I add some lemons to a wooden bowl and a new plant.
Then I take this pic to share on Instagram at some point.
{Master Bathroom Pics and Sources}
Kitchen is clean so I head to my bathroom to get ready for the day. My bathroom wasn’t quite this clean but I forgot to take a pic of it. Although I will say that ever since I organized my bathroom drawers I have been doing a pretty good job putting things away immediately and keeping it clean! Definite improvement. :) I shower fast (and don’t wash my hair) and get ready.
(affiliate links used)
I wear my favorite jeans, go to booties, tassel earrings I’m loving right now and my recent favorite ruffle tee that has been on major repeat this month. This is the time I usually take my Fashion pics – right after I get ready and before I’ve wilted from the day’s activities. ;)
{Office pictures and sources}
Then it’s time to get to work! During the day I work at this window desk in my office/craft room. Lots of fun things help me stay organized!
I have multiple planners – which aren’t necessary but I’m a planner/notebook addict so there’s that. :) In one of them I have my blog content planned out for a month. I always get side tracked and never follow it exactly, but it’s a good outline to go by.
This is an older to-do list, but using it just to show you – I always have a running to-do list going (one for my blog and one for every day life) and then I highlight the top three things for each day. When they are done, I highlight three more and just keep going!
I also have a Visual to-do list in my office that I refer to for larger projects I’m working on. You can read more about that here. I have more desk organization coming in a post soon because this post is already too long!
At my desk I answer e-mails, make phone calls for the upcoming party and appointments for the kids I need to schedule, answer blog comments, etc. I am giving a fun gift to a friend at the party that involves everyone sending me e-mails so I spend some time working on that too.
Time for lunch so I make me a quick turkey sandwich with baked lays and strawberries. Typical lunch I’ve been eating for years!
Once in a while I mix it up and make me a salad instead of my turkey sandwich. And then I always add some sort of candy or treat after. Because I wouldn’t want to be too healthy. ;) I usually take my lunch back in my office and eat while I keep working.
At this point it’s 1:30 and good lighting so I head to my guest room and take pics for a progress post coming soon. (One of the things highlighted on my blog to-do list!)
Then at 2:00 I have the countertop guys scheduled to come and install the counter in our theatre room. (Progress on that space coming too!) I meet with them and get them started and end up staying upstairs with them to show them where to drill holes for the faucet, sprayer, etc. At 2:45 they are still working but I have to leave them to finish while I run to pick up my kids from school. My work day is over so anything I didn’t finish will be put off until late!
I pick up this cute boy and hear all about a fun Science gummy bear experiment he did in class and how they also read his favorite story Teacher from the Black Lagoon and how his new school is the best school ever (yea! #momwin) and can he please have some food immediately because his lunch didn’t fill him up (sigh #momfail).
After chatting about his day he does the usual and requests “Thriller” from his play list. A long time favorite song. Halloween – we are ready for ya. :)
We head to the girls’ school to pick them up. I quickly answer IG questions while I’m waiting in the carpool lane. Then when the girls come I drive straight to Addison’s play practice. She finished Alice in Wonderland on a Sunday and started a new play on Monday! I leave Kole with Ellie and take Ad in the building she has practice (that also conveniently has a little food shop) and buy her a smoothie for a snack because she won’t be home until 7:00.
She meets some friends that are also in this play and I snap a picture and give her a hug good-bye. They have 10 minutes to eat before practice starts!
I get in the car and El and Kole beg me to get them pancakes at our favorite bakery. We usually have to rush home for El to do homework before dance, but she assures me she finished most of it during ISPE (she gets a study period at school instead of taking PE because of all the dance she does outside of school – love that!). Plus she only has 2 hours of dance tonight instead of her usual 3-4 hours so pancakes it is! I never order me anything because there is always left overs. :) We have a good chat and I hear all about Ellie’s day at school. She is keeping the middle school drama at bay and I’m proud of her. While El and Kole are doing a word search I hurry and post something on Instagram.
Heading back home! I snapped a picture of the pic that has been on my car dashboard for years now. That’s how old my kids were when we bought our van! Babies. My husband is trying to get me to buy a new car, but I’m sentimental (about the van and this picture) and am not moving very fast on that one. :)
I notice our pretty tree blossoms on our side yard pulling into the house and stop to take a picture. I never regret taking a minute to appreciate the little things. :)
We walk into the house and El heads to her room. Kole changes out of his school clothes immediately – ha! Then he needs a little down time to play so I find myself with 30 minutes before I have to leave again to take El to dance. Kids are fed and happy and I have just enough time to fix this mudroom closet that has been driving me crazy! We let it get messy over the summer and I could barely open the door. I quickly pull everything out, decide I don’t want to use the stacked organizer on the side anymore because it’s taking up too much room, re-organize everything, and put it all back nice and neat.
I start a load of wash downstairs and run upstairs to check on El and see if she’s ready for dance. Then I start a load of towels in the kids’ laundry room before we head out the door.
Kole isn’t excited about getting back in the car (poor kid gets driven around a lot!) but he does it and we take El and drop her off. Her water bottle says “I can’t, I have dance.” Pretty much sums up her life right now. :) It’s getting close to 7:00 so we then drive to pick up Addison from her play practice. On our way home we stop at the grocery store to get a few things so Kole can have a better lunch experience and actually get full the next day. ;)
You can see he was thrilled about that decision. This kid just loves to go grocery shopping.
Luckily his sister keeps him entertained and cheered him right up!
We get home and I unload all the groceries and get the kids taken care of and I’m getting tired. This is always the hardest part of the day for me. I’m just starting to wear down from all the go go go and I still have a lot to get done. It’s around 8:30 and I’m home for the night so I change into my favorite pj pants and pull my hair up in a top knot and immediately I feel better. :) This is how I look every single evening once I’m home for the night. Whether that starts at 8 or 10 or 6:30. Once I’m done running kids around, my pj’s are on and my hair is up. And yes – I recognize that my top knot is huge. I have super thick hair and in college I wore it like this for dance practice (college dance team) and my friends all called it “the mushroom.” Ha. :)
I head upstairs to get Kole in bed and toss the towels in the dryer.
Kole wants to read before his shower instead of after tonight. We read together every night before bed and are loving the Magic Treehouse series right now. We take turns reading and a lot of times I stop at a cliff hanger on purpose so he’ll want to keep reading in bed. I’m tricky like that. :) Reading, shower and prayers with Kole and then I’m back downstairs wondering how in the world my kitchen looks like this again when I had it spotless this morning…
The roses were a fun surprise left from a friend. I start picking up and realize that it’s 9:00 and I haven’t eaten dinner and am hungry. I forget my own dinner a lot because we are so busy in the evenings so then I start eating/snacking too late. It’s a problem!
Kenny had a dinner with clients so I heat up the rest of some fajitas we had left over for Addison and grab a Lean Cuisine for me. This Chicken and Broccoli and Pasta is a good one! You can probably tell by now that I’m not much of a foodie.. ha! Most definitely why I don’t love to cook. I’d rather just make a quick turkey sandwich and be done any day. :)
While my dinner is “cooking” in the microwave I clean the kitchen and load the dishes. Again.
{Organized Bathroom Drawers}
I kiss Addison and get her up to bed and then eat dinner. Then I head to my bathroom to take out my contacts because my eyes are hurting. I always take off my make-up at this time of night because I stay up late and am too tired when I finally make it to bed.
Kenny walks in the door with Ellie (thank goodness he always does the super late pick ups!). She wants something to eat and I want to cry because the kitchen is finally clean. But I make her some food anyway and we talk about dance.
Kenny brought in the mail so I sort through and toss most of it and then find this.. my Christmas porch was featured in an upcoming Country Living Christmas Magazine! I love fun mail. :) Aside from the feature thinking about Christmas instantly cheers me up! (Btw.. because a lot of you have been asking, my kitchen is supposed to be showing up in BHG in Spring of 2018! They are slow to get things published, but I will definitely let you all know when it’s out!)
Back to our day! Does it ever end? El needs help with some math before she goes to bed and that is ALL Kenny. I’ll keep helping Kole with his sight words. ;) It’s about 9:45 at this point and I am finally sitting down to start working again. This is when I write and post! When my kids are at school I keep up with e-mails, complete projects and photograph them, and run errands. All of the computer part of my blogging happens after my kids are in bed (which used to work out so well when the kids were little and all in bed by 8:00! Not the case anymore.) I get my second wind right about this time of night though so I’m good. I start editing pics and adding my watermark and writing. El finishes math and heads to bed. My husband and I offer each other a tired “oh hello babe.. how was your day” just before he crashes on the couch. I turn on the TV for company more than anything else and work on my blog until around midnight or 1:00 am. If I can get at least 5 hours of sleep I’m good to go. I always tell my husband to go to bed without me but he doesn’t like to. So he sleeps on the couch in his clothes until I’m done and then I wake him and we head to bed together. He’s out again before I get my teeth brushed. :)
Then at 6:20 am the alarm goes off and we do it all over again!
We are in a busy stage right now with our kids and our jobs and a lot of days I am just doing the best I can to keep my head above water! But we are happy and our kids are healthy and doing great. We have a wonderful life that I’m very grateful for and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Except maybe hire someone to make the school lunches. I’d change that little routine if I could.
Be sure to check out my friends “day in the life” posts too! I can’t wait to take a break from my hectic day to read about theirs. :)
xoxo, Erin