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Feeling overwhelmed? 5 strategies that will help!


{office post and sources here}

Friends.. it’s May.  May!  I can’t believe this school year is already winding down.  I swear it just started!  I went on a walk with a good friend this morning and we were talking about May Madness.  We call May “the new December” because if you have school aged kids you know that it tends to be one of the busiest months of the year.  Just like the holiday season, it’s a wonderful time full of fun activities, but it can also be stressful when our to-do lists and calendars are bursting at the seams.

Continue reading “Feeling overwhelmed? 5 strategies that will help!”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Naples Beach Cottage GIRLS Trip

Happy Friday friends!  Sharing some pictures of my trip to Naples, Florida last weekend!  I mentioned in my last Friday Favorites post how excited I was to meet these four beautiful friends of mine in real life.  We met on Instagram.  Isn’t that crazy!?  We met on Instagram and hit it off and over the past year have become so close through IG and text messages and blog comments and phone calls.  Sometimes (often actually) we would stay up so late all texting each other back and forth that my husband would just shake his head and call it a night and go to bed without me.  :)  When Shauna invited us all to her beach cottage for a weekend we couldn’t buy plane tickets fast enough!  Before I share a peek at our trip let’s first check out her amazing vacation home in Florida.  She completely renovated this house from top to bottom and friends, it is AMAZING!

Continue reading “Naples Beach Cottage GIRLS Trip”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

A new sign and progress made

I have something new in my office.  And I’m really excited about it.  When I’m really excited about something I always want to tell all of you.  My blog friends.  So let’s do that now, shall we?  :)  You might remember from when I shared pictures of my decorated office that I had my anniversary date sign displayed on my shelves.  Love that sign!

Continue reading “A new sign and progress made”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Simple (and pretty!) Jewelry Organization

melissa's book
It’s no secret that I love having an organized home.  Along with organizing, I also love reading books that inspire me to continue to organize my home and make it a place I truly love.  When Melissa Michaels from the beloved blog, The Inspired Room, reached out to me to help share the news about her new book and join a blog organization tour, I seriously squealed out loud.  And then did a happy dance.  After I picked my jaw up off the floor.  Like many of you I’m sure, I am a huge fan of Melissa (and her books!) and I knew before I turned to page one that it would be a favorite.

Continue reading “Simple (and pretty!) Jewelry Organization”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

A Simple Spring Tablescape

Happy Thursday friends!  I’m sharing a simple spring tablescape today that honestly took minutes to put together.  My kind of tablescape. :)  My friends Randi and Kelley instigated a fun Mother’s Day/Spring tablescape loop so if you are visiting from Janet’s blog (Shabbyfufu) welcome!  Hopefully these Spring tablescapes will give you all fun ideas if you want to set your table pretty for Mother’s Day brunch.  Truth be told, my Mother’s Day wish is always to eat out so I won’t necessarily be using this tablescape Mother’s Day weekend. ;)  But I love Spring decor!  And I love having my table decorated for each season so it is ready to have friends over at a moment’s notice.
Before we get started I have to tell you DO NOT look at my built-ins.

Continue reading “A Simple Spring Tablescape”

xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

Friday Fashion/Favorites (on a Monday)

Happy Monday friends!  So I had my Friday fashion/favorites post all set to go on Thursday night and when I tried to post it, I couldn’t log into my blog!  I ended up spending the entire evening e-mailing my tech support back and forth until we (and by “we” I mean “they”) got things straightened out.  Which is why this post is coming to you on a Monday.  But I’m ok with that.  I need a little pick me up most Mondays so maybe it will be a good thing starting today off with some fun recent favorites.

I’m actually so excited this week is finally here!  I’m leaving Wednesday on a girls trip!  With blog/IG friends I adore but have never actually met!  My cute friend Shauna has a beach cottage in Florida and months ago she invited me and a few other friends to come and stay for a few days!  The other night I told my kids about the trip and my 9 year old said “MOM!  You always tell us DO NOT go meet people you’ve met on-line but have never met in person.. this is so dangerous!”  Ha!  I laughed.  I told her she was totally right.. but this was a little different.  Then I said a quick prayer that these friends of mine are actually the sweet, talented, home decor loving girls I think they are and not… something else. ;)  Kidding!  I know them well and seriously cannot wait to give them all the biggest hug!  And then chat the days away at the beach and pool.  I’m sure pics of our trip will be coming. :)
Of course a trip like this requires a little shopping.. am I right ladies?  I went through my summer clothes and my wardrobe was looking a bit sad so I hit the mall and found a few fun summer staples.  Like a lot of you I’m sure, I pretty much live in my swim suit all summer so clothes like this that I can toss on over my suit to wear to the beach or pool are my favorite.  These Chino roll-up shorts from BP are darling and come in so many colors!  I got coral but they are on sale so I’m tempted to pick up a couple more.  I also got this cute striped tank and this pair of denim shorts.   They all fit great and will no doubt be on repeat this summer.

Continue reading “Friday Fashion/Favorites (on a Monday)”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

My Favorite Gray Paint! (and all paint colors throughout my house)

My favorite gray paint!

**POST UPDATE!  Since sharing this post I’ve had so many questions about my paint.  It got a bit complicated with Frazee switching to Sherwin Williams.  Some of you were having a hard time finding the exact color, some of you had questions about what sheen we used, some of you wanted info. on our white paint or our ceilings or on rooms I didn’t share in this post below.

SO!  Because I love you all. :)  I have spent hours getting everything figured out for you!  This involved a few trips to my local Sherwin Williams, several phone calls with my painter, and going back to where my mind was during building and painting our house which quite frankly is a place I didn’t really want to return to.. ha. ;)  I then typed EVERYTHING up for you on a printable that you can print out and keep!  This printable includes ALL of my paint colors throughout our home (exterior and interior).  It also includes the brand and number that goes with each color.  A few of these rooms I haven’t even shared on the blog yet!  But now you’ll know the name of the paint color when I do. :)  Feel free to read the post below, but you will have a much easier time finding my paint colors with the exact information I share in my printable.  Happy painting! :)  

 Sign up at the end of this post or CLICK HERE to download all of my paint colors and get access to my new printable library!


Ok friends.  It’s finally here!  A post that contains ALL of the paint colors throughout my house.  This post has been a long time coming for three main reasons.  First because  “what is the paint color of your _____ room?”  (insert any room in my house) is the number one question I get asked.  On average between my blog, InstagramFacebook and e-mail I get asked that question around 20 times a day.  That’s a lot of time I spend typing out paint colors! ;)  The second reason I’ve been wanting to write this post is because for someone who thrives on organization, there are a lot of things about my blog that aren’t very organized!  Ha!  Go figure. :)  I’ve mentioned all of the paint colors in my house multiple times on my blog, but they are all in various posts and random places making it difficult for all of you to find.  Hence the 20 paint questions a day.  I recognize that I did that to myself.  :)  Reason three is because you guys.. I GET IT.  The struggle is real when it comes to finding that perfect paint color for you house.  Especially when you are working with gray paint which is a great neutral and really popular right now.  Gray is tricky and I want to help you!  I spent months knee deep in gray paint when we were building and went through every single shade of gray possible (at least it felt like it!) until I finally found my favorites that look amazing in my house.  Will they look amazing in your house?  I don’t know.  That depends a lot on the lighting in your home so please put a large sample on your wall before you have at it with any of these colors!  But I do think that overall my grays are at least a great place to start if you are looking for that perfect gray.  So here we go!  Let’s talk PAINT.

Continue reading “My Favorite Gray Paint! (and all paint colors throughout my house)”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

15 Ways to Style a White Vase

Happy Friday friends!  I can’t believe the weekend is here.  This week flew by so quickly!  It felt really good to be home with my kids again after a week away.  I’m excited for the weekend.  Dinner with friends and A LOT of catching up around here.  Mostly organizing.. so my kind of catching up. ;)

Continue reading “15 Ways to Style a White Vase”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

One Room Spring Tour – formal living room!

One Room Spring Tour graphic
Hi friends!  Back from Paris, France.  We had an amazing vacation!  I’ll fill you in later because today I’m joining 24 talented bloggers in a One Room Spring Tour!  My sweet friend Kathleen from Lindsay Hill Interiors invited me to join the tour (you can head to her blog to see the tour from the beginning).  Every day 5 bloggers are sharing a different area of their home decorated for Spring.  So much inspiration!  Today is all about living rooms.
The last time I shared pictures of my formal living room was in December decorated for Christmas.  We are due for an update!

Continue reading “One Room Spring Tour – formal living room!”

xoxo, Erin


Bonjour friends!  Eek!  I’m in Paris, France!  Biking through the French countryside and seeing things I’ve always dreamed of seeing!  (Like those goats behind us.) ;)  We are missing our kids, but having the best time.  I just had to pop in and thank all of you again who gave us recommendations!  You helped us plan such a fun trip!  Sorry I’ve been slow to respond to comments and e-mails the past two weeks.  It’s always busy getting ready to leave on a trip and since the day we arrived in France we have been going non-stop from sun-up to sun-down trying to see as much as we can of this beautiful city.  I’ll share a few pics of our trip on Instagram and Facebook and of course be back next week with lots to share.  Au Revoir!  :)


xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

5 ways to get your house ready for SPRING!

5 things to do to get ready for spring collage
Spring is here!  Bring it on.  It’s such a happy time of year.  I don’t know about all of you, but every year when the beautiful blossoms start popping out on the trees I get the itch to get my house ready for Spring!  I’m a nester at heart year round, but Spring seems to kick things into overdrive and really motivates me to get my house put together.  These are the main things I do every year to spruce up my house and welcome this beloved season.

Continue reading “5 ways to get your house ready for SPRING!”

xoxo, Erin

Friday Favorites/Fashion

utility-kitchen-canisters-oHappy Friday friends!  What a week!  I hope you all survived yours.  I have some fun favorites to share today starting with these darling kitchen canisters from West Elm! flour-and-sugar-canister
I fell hard when I saw these and bought the Flour and Sugar canisters immediately!  I don’t drink tea so I didn’t get that one, but what a cute set!  They have one for coffee too!  They add so much charm to my kitchen and are large and so nicely made.  I’ll share more pics further back later but had to let you know about this fun find immediately.  :)  Did you all see what I did with the flour jar on Instagram?  More on that in an upcoming post too!  Let’s just say I’m in love with these jars and will be using them for many things!  Not just to hold flour. :)

Continue reading “Friday Favorites/Fashion”

xoxo, Erin

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