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Happy Birthday Ellie

k with girls
My Ellie turned 12 yesterday.  I’m shaking my head as I type the number 12.  Cannot believe that!  But it happened.  Her real birthday was full of homework and dance classes so we celebrated on Saturday.  First up on the agenda.. the whole family hit the mall!  Continue reading “Happy Birthday Ellie”

xoxo, Erin

Fashion Friday

Happy Friday everyone!  So glad the weekend is here.  I don’t know about all of you but I feel like I still haven’t recovered from Christmas break!  I’m trying to get back in the swing of things around here but I feel like I’m moving slower than usual.  Anyone else?  At least I was able to get a few spots organized so the week wasn’t a total bust!  Pictures coming soon. :)
Sharing a few fun things I’ve been wearing lately!  It has been cold here (just low 60’s but really cloudy) and every day I want to reach for this grey and navy turtleneck tunic from Banana Republic.  I bought it in December and I’m seriously embarrassed about how much I’ve worn it since then!  It’s cute and comfortable and just perfect for cloudy, casual days.  They also have the same sweater in black and grey and I’m thinking of buying it too just so I look like I’m trying to not wear the same thing every day. Ha!  {Jeans in every picture in this post are my tried and true AG favorites.}  Shoes are my favorite Toms booties.  I’ve had them for over a year and LOVE them.  Like the sweater they are casual and comfortable.  And on sale right now!  Everything at Banana just went 40% off for the weekend too – YEA!  (Just enter their code.)  This sweater and this one are in my cart and need to come home. :)

Continue reading “Fashion Friday”

xoxo, Erin

The two secrets to finally getting your home organized!

Alright friends.  We are SO going to get our homes organized this year!  I have to be honest and say that since I’ve moved into my new house (with a lot more storage space than past homes and apartments I’ve lived in) I’ve had a harder time staying organized.  You heard that right.  It’s honestly true!  Some of my house (parts I’ve shared on the blog) are organized, but a lot of spaces (cabinets and drawers especially) aren’t.  I’ve finally figured out why!  In our past homes/apartments with little storage space, I was forced to be ruthless about what I brought into our home and kept.  I just didn’t have room for excess.  Every time I bought something new, old items had to go or there just wasn’t enough space to hold everything.  I actually think living in small spaces really taught me how to be organized.  It taught me how to prioritize things we loved and needed and to toss the rest.   I used to always think “if I just had more space.. it would be so much easier to stay organized.”  Have any of you ever thought that?  Now I live in a larger home with cabinets galore and you know what?  A lot of them are a mess and I have struggled to keep them clean.  It has driven me crazy this past year and after doing a lot of soul searching I’ve finally realized why.

Continue reading “The two secrets to finally getting your home organized!”

xoxo, Erin

Sunny Side Up Survey Results

To all of you who took my survey.. I truly can’t thank you enough!  I have to be honest and say that I was a little nervous about what you all might say.  But you guys.  I was right!  I just knew you were all friends!  In fact so many of you said you wished you lived next door and we could hang out.  Me too!  There’s actually one more lot available not far from me.. ;)  Really though – I was overwhelmed by so much kindness and love.  The kind, but constructive criticism was genuinely helpful – exactly what I was looking for to help me make visiting my blog a fun experience for you all.  I wish I could thank each of you personally for your heartfelt remarks.  I read each and every response – twice!  Just know how much your sweet words mean to me.

I thought it would be fun to share some of the survey results with you (thousands of you answered!) and explain a few things on my end.  You were all so open and honest with me and now I want to be open and honest with you!

Continue reading “Sunny Side Up Survey Results”

xoxo, Erin

The Complete Book of Home Organization

Happy Thursday friends!  Oh my word.  I have had SO much fun reading your survey answers!  I can’t thank you all enough for taking a minute to answer my 5 question survey.  I have seriously loved your responses!  Really great feedback and I’m going to share the results and address some of your comments/questions/suggestions in my next post.  {If you haven’t taken the survey yet I’d love to hear from you!  You can find the link here.}

K.  The real reason for today’s quick post.  Eek!  I’m excited.  I’ve had my hands on the BEST book the past few days and I can’t wait to tell you all about it!  Do you all read Toni’s blog A Bowl Full of Lemons?  If you don’t already and you love to organize, you are in for a treat!  Toni is an organizing expert and her blog has been a major source of inspiration for me for years.  When I got an e-mail from her a couple of weeks before Christmas asking if I’d help with her new book launch I think I might have squealed out loud!  After I picked my jaw up off the floor.  I had no doubt her book would be fabulous and friends.. I was right!

Continue reading “The Complete Book of Home Organization”

xoxo, Erin

Sunny Side Up Reader Survey

dining-room-nook{table/chairs/striped runner/vases/flowers/wooden tray – localstore/light fixture}

Happy 2016 everyone!  Even though I’m bummed Christmas break is over (always hard when the party ends) I had such a nice, quiet morning Monday with the kids back at school.  I sat at this table for a couple of hours (love the morning light in this space) setting goals and making plans for the new year.  Nothing like a fresh start!

Continue reading “Sunny Side Up Reader Survey”

xoxo, Erin

SUNNY SIDE UP 2015 Year Review!

2015-Sunny-Side-Up-Year-ReviewHappy 2016 everyone!  I hope you all had a great New Year’s Eve!  Before 2016 officially begins for Sunny Side Up I thought I’d share a round-up of some of the posts I shared in 2015.  If you missed something you can catch up or re-read posts that you enjoyed the most.  Or just skip this post completely.  But I hope you don’t do that because it took me forever to round these posts up.  ;)  I’m so excited for what’s to come in the New Year!

Continue reading “SUNNY SIDE UP 2015 Year Review!”

xoxo, Erin

Merry Christmas!

The morning of Christmas Eve we took the kids to get our annual picture on Santa’s lap and he asked them what they wanted for Christmas.  My 11 year old asked for rain on Christmas day.  My 9 year old asked for World Peace.  My 5 year old little buddy asked for a robot.

We nailed 1 out of 3.


Continue reading “Merry Christmas!”

xoxo, Erin

Christmas Night Lights

Oh my word.. Christmas is almost here!  My kids are so excited I think they might burst.  I still have so much left to do I think I might burst.  There is a lot of almost bursting going on around here.  :)  I’ve actually managed to stay fairly calm during the storm that is December and I think a large part of that is because of my house.  My Christmas decorations have a way of calming me down.  Especially the lights at night!  They are so warm and cozy.  It’s hard to feel stressed when you are also feeling warm and cozy.  Sometimes I pull it off and I feel all the feelings.  I’m tricky that way.  But most of the time, with Christmas night lights, calm wins. :) Continue reading “Christmas Night Lights”

xoxo, Erin

Christmas in the Entry

Happy Christmas week everyone!  So excited to have my kids out of school.  We wrapped up the play one of my daughters was in over the weekend – A Christmas Carol – such a fun production and my parents are in town (yea!).  I am excited to wind down after a busy few weeks and get this party started.  The party that includes pj’s all day, Christmas movies, rides to look at lights with Christmas music playing, hot chocolate and LOTS of wrapping!  I still have areas of my home that I decorated and took pictures of, and I just haven’t had time to post them.  Sharing a few of my entry today.

Continue reading “Christmas in the Entry”

xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

Favorite Things Party 2015!

Hello friends!  The week before kids get out of school in December is always a busy one, isn’t it!?  So much to get done and it’s also when a lot of holiday parties take place. I hope you are all enjoying the madness! :)  I hosted a party at my house last night for all of the 12-18 year old girls from our church and it was so much fun!  But that’s a party story for another day.  It’s time to talk about our annual Favorite Things party!  YEA!!  (I need some drums here.. or music.. something to express my excitement for this party!)  If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you know this has been a fun party I’ve been going to for years.  My friend Ann is the hostess and this party is a tradition we all look forward to!  I can’t believe how quickly a year goes by.  I feel like I was just typing up the post from last year’s party!  If you are new to my blog that post explains how this party works!  It’s also full of other great gift ideas.  Pretty sure I own one of everything on that list by now!
favs party
{Outfit sources: blouse/ (one of my favorites!)/jeans/similar boots /necklace/earringsAnn’s dress}

Continue reading “Favorite Things Party 2015!”

xoxo, Erin

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