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I Spy Design Series and Christmas Past

ispydesignseries pin graphic

Happy Sunday everyone!  I don’t usually post on the weekend but I wanted to pop in quickly today to tell you about a fun Instagram series I’m a part of in case any of you want to join or follow along!  Months ago I joined a group of my friends on IG for a series called the “ISPYDESIGN” series and it was so much fun!  These series are a great way to share your decor with others and to get so many fun ideas.  It’s also a great way to get your picture/account featured.  SO much inspiration on Instagram and I love it because it’s all so real.  Not just pinterest perfect pictures – real decorating ideas for real homes.

Continue reading “I Spy Design Series and Christmas Past”

xoxo, Erin

Christmas Inspiration Galore!

Hello friends!  I hope your week is off to a good start.  I have been so sad and in a bit of a funk after hearing about France.  Last Friday’s events were beyond devastating and I’m so heartbroken for all of the people suffering right now.  They have been in my thoughts and prayers nonstop.  Today I decided I needed a little cheering up.  Aside from spending some quality time with my kids (they always bring out my best smile) I also spent some time on Pinterest getting lost in Christmas inspiration land!  Time with my kids, wasted minutes on Pinterest, home decor, Christmas.. my best cure for the blues. :)  I thought I’d share some of my fun finds in case you need a distraction and some cheering up too. Continue reading “Christmas Inspiration Galore!”

xoxo, Erin

Friday Favorites – Gift ideas for men!

10 great gift ideas for men
Happy Friday everyone!  This has been a fun week.  I’ve had Christmas music going around the clock and have been decorating up a storm.  My favorite!  The only problem is that every room is half way done because my attention span is only so long and I keep flitting from one room to the next starting everything and finishing nothing. Ha! :) Anyone else like that?  I’ve always had a bit of decorating ADD.  Let’s hope I can rein things in this weekend and complete a room!  I’m joining blog friends for several Christmas home tours this year and I’m anxious to take pictures to share and to see all of the beautiful Christmas decor inspiration in blog land!  Such a fun time of year. Continue reading “Friday Favorites – Gift ideas for men!”

xoxo, Erin

Got 15 minutes? Quick and easy organizing!

15 minute quick and easy organizing
Life can be chaotic.  It’s busy for us all.  I was talking to some close friends today about how I often feel like I’m on a ride that just doesn’t slow down.  I keep expecting the ride to stop.  For just a minute!  So I can catch up.  Get ahead even.  But that doesn’t seem to be in the near future.  Especially with the holidays around the corner!  My friends feel the same way so I’m betting that is the case with a lot of you too.  We all have so many things going on.. so many balls to juggle each day.

Continue reading “Got 15 minutes? Quick and easy organizing!”

xoxo, Erin

Friday Favorites (and discounts for you!)

Happy Friday everyone!  Yea for the weekend!  I’m seriously so excited about my favorites today.  I’ve got some good stuff to share!  So let’s get right to it, shall we!?  Just picked up these darling trees to add to my Christmas decor! (I’m having a blast decorating btw.. I know I’m early but since I’m a blogger I sort of have an excuse right?  I mean it’s my duty to get things up early so I can share them with you.  I really have no other choice..) ;)

Continue reading “Friday Favorites (and discounts for you!)”

xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

Over 100 gift ideas for kids and adults!



So excited about this post friends!  I’ve rounded up over 100 gift ideas for kids and adults!  Every fall I set a personal goal to have my Christmas shopping finished with most gifts wrapped by the end of November.  It doesn’t always happen, but the years I do manage to get a head start on holiday shopping have been my absolute favorite!  I love hitting a good mall, but in December?  No thanks!  It’s too busy and I’d much rather spend the month doing fun Christmas activities with my kids or curling up next to the Christmas tree to watch It’s a Wonderful Life.  With all of the activities December brings, the only way I can find time to slow down and enjoy the month with my family is if my shopping is out of the way.

Continue reading “Over 100 gift ideas for kids and adults!”

xoxo, Erin

Christmas inspiration round-up! (organization, decor, gift ideas and more!)

sunny side up christmas inspiration
Happy November friends!  I’m so excited I can’t stand it!  Love October but I have to admit that I look forward to November and December all year long.  Nothing beats this time of year full of gratitude, love, excitement, family time, and all things Christmas!  It’s simply magical.  My friends have been teasing me all week.  They know that once Halloween is over all bets are off at my house.  My favorite Christmas CD’s come out (this one and this one) and we get positively giddy planning the next two months!  I’ve rounded up some of my FAVORITE past Christmas posts for you today if you like to start planning early like we do!  So many ideas in this round-up!  Past posts on decorating, organizing, gift ideas, etc.  Click around and Enjoy! :)

Continue reading “Christmas inspiration round-up! (organization, decor, gift ideas and more!)”

xoxo, Erin

Happy Halloween!

happy halloween 2015_edited-1Hope you all had a great Halloween weekend!  Good times around here for sure.  We were a little random this year.  Ad dressed up with friends at school and they were all preppy nerds (um.. ok.. ?), El wanted to be a witch and my little boyfriend made sure we all had our shots, temperatures checked and heart beats monitored.  :)  Love these trick or treaters so much!  I know our years are numbered having them all three trick-or-treating together with us (El actually turned down a party with friends this year to stay with the family) so we cherish our Halloweens around here!  I hope you all enjoyed yours as well!  I’ll be back soon with another post.  So excited!  Bring on the most wonderful time of the year!


xoxo, Erin

Fashion Friday – favorite jackets

favorite jacketsHappy Friday everyone!  Quick post tonight because this week has been pure madness and I need to gear up for the weekend which will no doubt be even crazier!  Nothing like already hyper kids collecting sugar.  Are you ready moms?  :)  Up early for a Halloween parade and helping with three class parties tomorrow.  I think I can I think I can…

Continue reading “Fashion Friday – favorite jackets”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

The 10 most important things I learned building a house

The 10 most important things I learned building a house_edited-1
Alright friends.  Let’s talk building!  Most of you know that after a couple of years of looking at houses in our area my husband and I finally took the plunge and decided to build a custom home. I have always loved home design and decorating and had a good idea of what I wanted for our future house, but other than that we had zero experience with building.  We spent six months designing our home with an architect, months waiting with our plans in the city (this process is long in San Diego!) and then a little over a year building.  The whole process was two years total and wow – we learned a lot!  After sharing our before and after pictures of our new home I’m finally going to share the ten most important things I learned building a house.  While most of these tips are centered around building a custom home because that’s the route we went, they can also be applied if you are building a semi-custom home or remodeling your existing home.  So find a comfy place to sit and grab a snack!  This is a long one friends.  :)

Continue reading “The 10 most important things I learned building a house”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Building our house before and afters – take 2!

building our house take 2 collageI have more fun before and afters from our build for you today!  If you missed the first round-up of before and after pictures you can find them here.  Next I’ll share my tips for building and I’m hoping to get that post finished this week but it’s taking me forever so it might be Monday.  I could seriously write a book on the topic.  :)  Trying to condense things and make sense of all of the random building tid bits I want to share.  Plus remember everything I tried to block from my mind soon after we moved in.  Ha!  ;)  Since I love a good makeover, for now let’s look at some fun before and after shots which prove one definite thing when building or remodeling that I mentioned before – things always look worse before they look better.  :)

Continue reading “Building our house before and afters – take 2!”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

2 Years! Building our house before and afters

building before afters post #1Happy October 19th everyone!  Today is a special day for our family.  Two years ago today we moved into our new house.  I really can’t believe it has been two years already.  In so many ways it feels like we just moved in!  But in other ways it feels like this house has always been home.

Those of you who were with me during our building journey might remember that posts were few and far between.  I wasn’t able to share a lot of progress pics at the time because building was so time consuming.  All consuming really!  I was struggling to keep my kids fed and the laundry done let alone work on the blog. :) So while you’ve seen a lot of the “afters” of the house, I thought it would be fun to share some of the “before” and “during” pics today I might not have shared.  It really is such a fascinating process to see a home come to life one step at a time.

Continue reading “2 Years! Building our house before and afters”

xoxo, Erin

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