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Fashion Friday – neutrals for fall!

fringe infinity scarf
Happy Friday friends!  Made it to the weekend.  Always a great feeling. :)  For fashion Friday I’m talking neutrals today!  I tend to stick to neutrals when it comes to clothes.  I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that I don’t buy a lot of patterns.  Maybe stripes – but that’s about as far as I go… and I actually consider stripes a neutral.  :)  I have nothing against patterns!  In fact, I love seeing how people mix patterns in their wardrobe.  But at the end of the day neutral clothes will always have my heart.  I’ll tell you why..

Continue reading “Fashion Friday – neutrals for fall!”

xoxo, Erin

My top 5 tips for getting things done

So how is everyone’s week going?  Stellar?  Awful?  Somewhere in-between?  My girls’ play ended last week.  It was a great show and the girls had a blast, but our schedule has been so “off” lately because of all of the rehearsals, parent obligations and performances that for over a month now I’ve felt a little “off” myself.  This week I’ve worked hard to get back on track and to make the most of my time.  I’ve had a couple of productive days and it has been such a good feeling!  It has made me think a lot about the habits I’ve formed that save me during crazy busy weeks and then help me re-group and get back on track when those crazy busy weeks finally come to an end!  Five simple things I strive to consistently do that make all the difference in my productivity and help me GET THINGS DONE.  Want to hear them?  Well let’s go then!  No procrastinating around here.  ;)
my top 5 tips for getting things done

Continue reading “My top 5 tips for getting things done”

xoxo, Erin

Favorite Fall Traditions

favorite fall traditionssole-society-striped-bag

{Hunter boots (graphite gloss) / Striped bag}

So the past two days have been full of excitement around here.  It has been raining!  POURING rain!  Not a big deal for a lot of you I’m sure, but you should have seen everyone in my neck of the woods.  All smiles in rain boots and fall clothes.  Everyone was in such a good mood!  Aside from getting some much needed moisture, it FINALLY felt like fall!  We are all more than ready.  So to celebrate happy fall weather days (fingers crossed more are coming!) I thought I’d create a little round-up of our favorite fall traditions!  If you’ve been with me for a while you most likely know these traditions well.  We’ve been doing the same things every fall for years.  But that’s the best part about family traditions.  The same fun things to look forward to that signal a happy time of year and remind us of past memories made.  So without further rambling from me, here are our family’s favorite fall traditions!  Love this time of year.  :)

Continue reading “Favorite Fall Traditions”

xoxo, Erin

Fall (and chairs!) in the formal living room

Well!  Sorry about the crickets chirping on the blog!  I took a quick trip last weekend and last week was tech week for the play my girls are currently in.  Busiest week of the process and our family has been living downtown helping with sets, costumes, make-up and the raffle.  Now it’s show time and I can’t wait to see my girls perform!  But more on that later.  :) Continue reading “Fall (and chairs!) in the formal living room”

xoxo, Erin

Fall Into Home Tour

Fall into Home Tour sign

So excited to be sharing our home all decked for fall with you today!  I’m especially excited because I’ve teamed up with some amazing bloggers who are also sharing their beautiful homes.  Seeing everyone’s cozy decor this time of year is so inspiring!  I can just smell the pumpkin spice.  :)  Be sure to check out all of my friends’ homes at the end of this post!  They are simply stunning.   Continue reading “Fall Into Home Tour”

xoxo, Erin

Happy Halloween porch!

Happy Monday friends!  I’m so excited to share my Halloween porch with you today!  It’s really simple.. nothing fancy.  I’m just impressed with myself that I actually got it decorated early enough to blog about it before the holiday hits.  Unlike my outdoor Christmas decor last year that I blogged about the first week in January.  Ha!  Yeah.  I know that was super helpful to all of you.  :) Continue reading “Happy Halloween porch!”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

House Tour is finally on the blog!

Happy Monday everyone!  K.  You know how when you click on my blog there is a green menu bar at the top and on the left side there are the words “House Tour?”  And you click on it only to find there’s nothing there but a “coming soon!”  Well it finally came!  So happy to report that I spent a good amount of time last week and this weekend rounding up pics I’ve shared on the blog and putting them all together to create a house tour.  YEA.  That little project has been on my to-do list for oh.. about a year since I made the move to WordPress.  Ha! Continue reading “House Tour is finally on the blog!”

xoxo, Erin

Friday Favorites – favorite organizing posts!

Well! I hope everyone had a great week. It sure flew by around here!  Things were just short of chaos at my house this week and I’m feeling more scattered than ever lately!  I think it’s a combination of school/activities really picking up for my three kids, random commitments/to-do’s taking up any ounce of free time I have, and the fact that my house truly looks like a bomb went off because I started decorating for fall and haven’t had time to finish.  You can see in this picture of my dining room I shared on Instagram today what “in-progress” looks like around here.  Let’s hope there are better “afters” to come! :) Continue reading “Friday Favorites – favorite organizing posts!”

xoxo, Erin

Anniversary and goals

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend!  My husband and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary Sunday.  I shared this picture on Instagram and Facebook (wrote a little bit about how he drives me crazy and I couldn’t love him more ;)) and after I did, it reminded me that I shared this picture once before.  I couldn’t remember when so I started scrolling through past blog posts and then it hit me.  It was for a post I wrote last January – My Goals and Word for 2015.  I went back and re-read that post and I’m so glad I did.  My word for this year has been “BETTER” and my #1 goal was to be a better wife.  I’d have to ask my husband if so far I’ve been doing my part to achieve my goal.  I’m sure he’d say something like “well.. you haven’t stopped buying baskets..”  Ha!  But we both know – I have.  ;)  I’ve worked hard to be better at all of the things I mentioned in that post and while I can still do so much more and really being “better” will be a life long goal for me, I can say that I have truly noticed a difference in my life so far this year by prioritizing others. Continue reading “Anniversary and goals”

xoxo, Erin

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