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Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day from my crew to yours!  I’ll be back soon with a new post!  I didn’t quite get it finished because I was reading my sweet handmade cards and soaking up all the love today.  Heading to bed feeling so grateful for these three.  I couldn’t possibly ask for more.

Hope your day was a special one!

p.s.  Working on Kole’s smile.  I think he’s attempting Flynn Rider’s smolder in this one.


xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Spring in the Family Room

Happy May everyone!  Oh my word.  Are your calendars/planners going to blow up?  :)  My friends and I joke every year that May has become the new December.  Such a busy month for so many!  All the end of the year projects/parties/activites/gifts/graduations.  But such a fun time of year too.  Lots going on to celebrate!
Speaking of parties, I have a couple of different events scheduled at my house in May and June and they have been great motivators for me to kick it in gear and get things done around here that have been lingering on the old to-do list for way too long!  For starters I added some Spring touches to the family room so I thought I’d share some updated pictures of this room.  YEA Spring.

Continue reading “Spring in the Family Room”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Butler’s Pantry Shelves

You guys.  I’ve been organizing like a mad woman.  No joke.  We had cloudy weather and some rain this weekend and I don’t know what it is about clouds and rain but they make me want to tear apart and organize every single drawer and cupboard in my house!  Is that weird?!  Maybe.  Probably.  I don’t care.  Things are getting checked off my list right and left and it feels good!  I haven’t had time to take pictures – been too busy with my head buried in cupboards.  ;)  But along with the organizing I also managed to re-style my butler’s pantry shelves so I thought I’d share that since I’m still mid-project with everything else.

Continue reading “Butler’s Pantry Shelves”

xoxo, Erin

Weekend Organizing

organize your purse
Happy weekend everyone!  Anyone doing a little organizing?  I have several areas that have been driving me crazy!  I’m excited to tackle them.  It’s always funny to me how I’ll put off cleaning a space for so long and then when I finally just jump in and organize it, it takes hardly any time and makes such a difference.  Why do we put things off so long?  Sometimes just thinking about how we NEED to organize something takes more energy than actually diving in and doing it.  :)

Here are a few things we can tackle this week that don’t take long at all!

Continue reading “Weekend Organizing”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Backyard progress

I love this time of year.  I got the kids off to school one morning a few days ago and was cleaning upstairs when I walked by one of our french doors and the morning light was streaming across our backyard.  It was such beautiful natural light!  I had to stop and take it all in.  And then take a picture.  :)  We are lucky that because of our weather we can really use our backyard all year long, but everything looks more beautiful in the Spring!  Our yard is still new so it’s fun to see plants and flowers finally blooming.  It’s still a work in progress and there is a lot I want to eventually do, but after living with such a small yard for so long in our previous house, having all of this space and grass for the kids to run and play on feels like a dream!  I’m going to do a post at some point with more details on our back yard because I get lots of questions about our trampoline, fire pit and bike trail so that will be coming soon!

Continue reading “Backyard progress”

xoxo, Erin

Weekend Organizing

Happy weekend everyone!  Every Saturday morning I spend a few hours getting my house in order.  The kids do some chores (unless they finished Friday during my week ahead prep) while I tackle a spot in my house that needs a little sprucing up.  I thought it might be fun on Saturdays to share a past organizing post or two to help motivate us all!  A lot of times I’m not tackling a new space, but instead just spending 15 minutes getting a space I’ve already organized back in order.  This week my kids are tidying up our craft room and all of the art supplies.

Continue reading “Weekend Organizing”

xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone!  Sharing a few recent favorites today!  Kicking off with this beautiful Aztec sign from a fun etsy shop I discovered called Vine and Branches.  Caroline makes such beautiful signs!  Most of them have words written on them and I love those too, but this Aztec pattern just spoke to me!  I’ve had fun styling my shelves with it!  It keeps playing musical decor and moving from one spot to another in my house.  :)  Check out Caroline’s etsy shop – it’s so much fun!

Continue reading “Friday Favorites”

xoxo, Erin

A day to remember

Happy Friday friends!  Is it really Friday already!?  To be honest I haven’t been keeping track of the days this week.  My kids are out for Spring Break and if you follow me on Instagram you know we have been hanging in Maui  – our favorite getaway.  I have to apologize for the lack of posting.  Last Friday I confessed that my previous week was less than stellar and how nothing on my to-do list was completed.  Well.  The top of that to-do list said “finish three posts to share during vacation.”  Hence the reason you have been hearing crickets on the blog this week.  Posts weren’t finished and this week I’ve been too busy sunscreening my kids to worry about it.  :)  I have to say that taking small breaks from real life and technology and just spending time with family is SO refreshing for me.  Then I come back completely rested and excited to do the things I love.  We all need that, right!? It’s good for the soul.

While days are blurred on vacation, I do know that today is April 10th.  April 10th is a day I’ll never forget.  Five years ago today I had quite a scare after Kole was born and came dangerously close to losing my life.  My sweet husband kept friends in the loop with posts like this one and then a year later I shared what I remembered about that day.  It was scary and the feelings I had during that experience will always stay with me.  They are a reminder to me that things can change in an instant and how precious our time is here.  They are a reminder of what a gift I’ve been given to still be here today.
I love that the anniversary of this special day for me falls on my kids’ Spring Break.  We always plan a trip for the week and I do my best to soak up as much precious time with my family as possible.  I remember all that I have and thank God for all He has given me.  I thank Him for the gift of being here to hold my sweet little boy on the beach while we watch his sisters and dad play in the waves.

Hug your loved ones a little tighter for me today.  :)

I’ll be back with lots to share soon!  I’m feeling much better than I did last week and those unfinished to-do’s are about to get some serious check mark action.


xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Friday night confessions

It’s Friday night and I’m exhausted.  A few confessions about my week:

I prepped for this week last Friday and it did no good.

There was too much going on.

There was no time to manage my time.

My house was a mess.

I didn’t feel organized.

I was late to two different meetings.

My kids ate cereal three nights in a row.

My list of to-do’s are still nothing but a list.

I cried twice.  I don’t even know why.  Maybe because my youngest turned five.  Maybe because I was tired.  Maybe because a friend of mine is sick with cancer and I’m so sad and mad and stressed about her.

I didn’t get enough sleep.
Ellie told me I was reminding her of the mom on Brave.

Continue reading “Friday night confessions”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Formal Living Room Decor (take 2)

Friends.  Progress has been made!  I’ve turned over a new leaf when it comes to decorating and I’m knocking things off my list right and left.  Still not a ton to share because things ordered will take time to get here, but at least I’m making decisions with lightning speed!  Compared to my usual speed that is.  :)

Continue reading “Formal Living Room Decor (take 2)”

xoxo, Erin

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