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Dear Kole

Dear Kole,

My little buddy.  You turned five years old today.  FIVE!  I blinked and it happened.  My baby is growing up.  We had your Kindergarten orientation last week.  This is my third time doing the Kindergarten thing so you’d think it would be pretty routine.  I was fine while they introduced the Kindergarten teachers.  Fine when they talked about your schedule.  Even fine when then showed us the Kindergarten classrooms.  But then they took us outside and showed us the little tables you’ll sit at to eat your lunch.  And the little playground where you’ll play at recess.  And suddenly my heart started to hurt so badly and I couldn’t hold back the tears.  Your dad looked at me and just shook his head.  And I know!  I’m crazy.  If I’m already this emotional and it’s just orientation time we are in big trouble on the first day of school.  But it’s hard.  You are my baby.  My only boy.  My little sidekick for life.  Or so I wish.
k 5 years old_0104

Continue reading “Dear Kole”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Spring in the kitchen

white craftsman kitchen_0032
Happy Friday friends!  I’ve done a few things around the house to welcome Spring!  There is still a lot I want to do (isn’t there always!?) and a lot of areas in my kitchen need some sprucing up, but I decided to show you where I’m at anyway.  If I wait until things are “complete” like I want them to be I’ll be showing you Spring pictures in November.  :)

Continue reading “Spring in the kitchen”

xoxo, Erin

5 ways to help your home business succeed


Happy Tuesday everyone!  My sister (who is a successful recruiter in SLC) was on Studio 5 last week discussing “5 Ways to Help Your Home Business Succeed” and I thought some of you might enjoy her tips!  If you are a “mom-prenuer” in any way these tips can really help you stay on track.  My sister Carly is on the news often discussing all sorts of tips for women in the work force so if you find her segment helpful go to the Studio 5 website and you can type in her name to find similar segments.  *Proud of my little sis!  She is beautiful and smart and so very talented.  I taught her every single things she knows.  ;)  Seriously though – all those hours we logged during our childhood playing news reporter paid off big time!  She is a natural on camera.  :)

You can watch her segment here:  5 WAYS TO HELP YOUR HOME BUSINESS SUCCEED – Studio 5

I wanted to re-cap the points she made (and add my two cents!) because they were great tips.  Some of them I already do and some of them I could definitely do better!

Continue reading “5 ways to help your home business succeed”

xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

Friday Favorites

world market popcorn bowls
Happy Friday everyone!  Made it through the week!  Which is always something to celebrate.  :)  Sharing a few of my recent favorite things today!  These popcorn bowls are from World Market and they make me smile every single night.  I always pop some popcorn after the kids go to bed.  A little ritual that signals time to sit down, chill with my husband and blog the night away.  My happy time.  :)  Technically these bowls belong to my girls.  I wrapped them up with some treats and American Girl DVD’s for them for Christmas.  I bought six little bowls (they are doubled up in this pic) so we have plenty if friends come over.

Continue reading “Friday Favorites”

xoxo, Erin

Week Ahead Prep

How do you generally feel during the week?  Productive and on top of things?  Or like I do most of the time – frantic and scattered and barely getting by.  From the minute I wake up Monday morning until around 8:00 Friday night I feel like I am doing all I can to just survive.  I love the stage we are in with our kids but man – is it ever busy.  From what I hear talking to parents with kids older than mine, I can see the writing on the wall.  Things aren’t slowing down any time soon.

Because I despise that “barely getting by” feeling I started something a month ago that has helped me manage my time and feel more in control of my week days.  Every Friday afternoon/evening I spend an hour or two preparing for the upcoming week.  This can obviously be done any time over the weekend.  I prefer Friday afternoon because it’s a low key time for us with no homework and little on our agenda.  Plus I like to get it done so that I can relax and enjoy the weekend with my family.  Here are the things I do during my “week ahead prep.”

Continue reading “Week Ahead Prep”

xoxo, Erin

Birthday Time

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Happy Friday friends!  Well.  I turned 38 yesterday.  And despite the fact that I’m not so happy I’m getting dangerously close to 40 (YIKES!) it was a great birthday.  I really just wanted a fun day with the family this year for my birthday so I decided to surprise the kids.  Kenny and I woke them up and told them that instead of school we were headed to Disneyland for the day!  They had NO clue (we had pre-packed lunches and laid out school clothes the night before – same old routine!).  Hearing their squeals after we told them was honestly the best birthday present ever.  :)  We all got ready and hopped in the car and listened to It’s a Small World and other Disney songs the whole hour drive there.  The kids are I were just giddy and singing at the top of our lungs.  Kenny had this look on his face like this is going to be a LONG day.  Ha ha!  He was such a good sport!  Love that guy.  He would honestly do anything for us.  Including riding the Alice in Wonderland ride one too many times because Kole was fascinated with “the really mean queen.”  :)

Continue reading “Birthday Time”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Living Room Decorating Progress

Is everyone adjusting to the time change?  This one is always tough.  I feel that lost hour all day and STRUGGLE to get out of bed in the morning.  Yuck.  But so nice to pick my girls up from their dance class this evening and have it not be dark.  Spring and Summer are upon us!

I’m sharing where I’m at with decor for the living room today and I have a lot to cover so chop chop!  Time for me to stop rambling about the seasons.  :)

Continue reading “Living Room Decorating Progress”

xoxo, Erin

Saturday morning chore time

I’m so glad I spent all that time/money designing this lovely mudroom so that my kids can toss all of their shoes and backpacks on the floor.

Oops.  One pair of shoes belongs to me.

The struggle is real.


Happy Saturday friends!

xoxo, Erin

Things I want to remember (daily life round-up)

Happy Friday friends!  Slow blogging week I know!  I have been making major decorating/organizing progress around here that hasn’t left me with much computer time.  Hopefully next week I’ll have time to share more.  I’ve been checking things off my list!  You all know how much I love that feeling.  :)

It’s been a while since I’ve done a quick round-up of some of my every day pics from my iPhone so I thought I’d share a few today.  If you follow me on Instagram (erin_sunnysideup) you’ve seen a few of these already.  These day to day snapshots are always my favorite because when I’m old and gray it’s the little every day things I want to remember.
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Every morning I wake up and stumble into the kitchen and sunlight is pouring through these windows in my nook.  It always makes me smile and I tell myself that “today is going to be a great day.”  My little morning pep talk to myself before I wake the kids up and the crazy begins!

Continue reading “Things I want to remember (daily life round-up)”

xoxo, Erin

Organizing Art Work and Keepsakes

I don’t know about all of you but lately I feel like I am DROWNING in my kids’ paper work.  Three kids with all of their class assignments and tests and reports and stories and art work and parent letters and the list goes on and on…
I thought I’d share a few ways I’m attempting to contain the paper around here.  I’ve shared my hanging file holder several times on the blog.  In the past I’ve used it to hold magazines.  Right now it’s hanging in my office.  (I get asked a lot where it’s from – Ballard Designs!)

Continue reading “Organizing Art Work and Keepsakes”

xoxo, Erin

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