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A New Look!

Happy December everyone! Popping in with a fun announcement today! Sunny Side Up has a new look! I have wanted to do this for a long time now. I’m switching from Blogger to WordPress and decided my happy little spot here on the internet was way past due for a makeover. Fun! Who doesn’t love a good makeover? :) This has been a work in progress for months and I felt like I needed to just switch everything over now or I will spend the next forever tweaking and fine tuning everything. So that being said, there is still some tweaking and fine tuning that needs to happen. I’m still in the process of categorizing all of my posts so you’ll notice when you click on my navigation bar at the top of my blog there will be a “coming soon” page or just a few posts added. Give me a few weeks and hopefully I’ll have all of that finished. I’m also happy to announce that I FINALLY have it set up so that you can subscribe to my blog and get my posts e-mailed to you. YEA! Many of you have asked over the years if there was a way to subscribe to my blog and I’m so happy to finally answer YES! That option is on my sidebar or you can click HERE to signup .

I’m hoping that aside from a new updated look this makeover makes things more organized for all of you! Definitely let me know if you are having any problems with my site over the next few days. Hopefully this will be a fun new change for all of us. Just for a good time here is a look back at some of my old blog headers. I used to change them every season! That was before baby #3 came along. :)


4 Continue reading “A New Look!”

xoxo, Erin

Our Favorite Toys! (2014)

**Comments were lost on this post when I switched my blog to WordPress!  I read them all and was thrilled to hear your kids love so many of the same toys!  Thank you! 

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Such a fun holiday. Hard not to enjoy an excuse to eat and hang out with family. We’ve had such crazy warm weather here lately that after we ate Thanksgiving dinner we all went for a swim. Something about it just didn’t feel right! But we did it anyway. :) Continue reading “Our Favorite Toys! (2014)”

xoxo, Erin

Favorite Children’s Books

**So sorry!  Comments to this post were lost when I switched my blog to WordPress.  I read them all!  Thank you!

Earlier today I was making a list of our favorite toys to share with all of you to give you a few gift ideas (coming soon!). It occurred to me while I was thinking about the toys my kids love and play with again and again that books should be at the top of that list. Continue reading “Favorite Children’s Books”

xoxo, Erin

Creative Turkeys

Happy Turkey week everyone!  Such a fun one.  My kids are out of school all week and I’m thrilled.  Low key mornings and no homework.  YEA.  Plus such a fun holiday to look forward to!  This will be a different Thanksgiving for our little family because we are on our own!  We usually visit family in Utah, but because of activities my girls can’t miss this week we are staying put.  Which means I’m on my own to cook Thanksgiving dinner.  Which means I will be working hard to find a delicious, affordable pre-made meal that I can order and pick-up.  Kidding!

Ok.  Not kidding.  :)

Continue reading “Creative Turkeys”

xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

My FAVORITE Things from 2014!


YEA!!  It’s that time of year!  If you’ve read my blog for long you know that I love sharing my favorite things.  When I find something I’m excited about, I get even more excited to share it with all of you!  I post random favorite things often throughout the year, but each November/December it’s especially fun to round up my top picks.   Continue reading “My FAVORITE Things from 2014!”

xoxo, Erin

Christmas decor ideas (and my thoughts on early Christmas decorating)

The kids and I decorated our Christmas tree tonight.  We just couldn’t wait one. more. minute.  In fact, I have been slowly adding Christmas touches to my house for the past few weeks.  This is a time of year and a season that I enjoy and look forward to all year.  For me it’s not about Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day (although I cherish those as well) but more about the whole season together and what it represents.  Thankfulness, gratitude, love for our Savior and love for each other. Continue reading “Christmas decor ideas (and my thoughts on early Christmas decorating)”

xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone!  Popping in to share just a few favorites before the weekend!  My girls and I did a little Christmas shopping together and these fun furry friends just HAD to come home with us.  I let my kids pick out a new ornament for our tree each year and my girls fell in love with these little woodland “friends” from Crate and Barrel.  They do NOT go with my Christmas tree decor at all.  Actually, nothing coordinates on my tree.  It’s always just one big mish mash of past ornaments my kids have made and picked out along with red and silver ball ornaments.  So come to think of it, the deer, raccoon, and porcupine will fit in just fine.  :)

Continue reading “Friday Favorites”

xoxo, Erin

Organized Wrapping Supplies

My house is so quiet right now!  Always such a strange feeling after my kids have been home with me for a couple of days (they were out of school for Vetrans Day).   While I loved having them home – I think my happiest moments are when my kids are all home with me and we have no schedule we have to follow – it does feel nice this morning to have a few hours of peace to get something done.  Like post these pictures that I have been dying to share with all of you!

Continue reading “Organized Wrapping Supplies”

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Take a tour of my new office!

So excited to share my new office with you all today!  I kept waiting to take pictures of this space thinking I’d share it when the room was actually decorated and the cupboards were more organized, but neither has happened yet and I got tired of waiting for myself to finish everything.  :)  Plus I’m planning to take you all along as I decorate and organize this room so I might as well show you what the space looks like in it’s current condition!  Quick warning: this post is a LONG one.  So like I always say before overloading you with pictures – this might be a good time to grab a snack.  Pretzels and cheese anyone?  :) Continue reading “Take a tour of my new office!”

xoxo, Erin

Gratitude thoughts

Why not?  Why can’t every day be the best day of the year?  I found this quote months ago and every day since it has been on my mind.  Every day is filled with ups and downs and every day I have a choice.  I can dwell on the things that go wrong and cause stress, OR I can choose to find joy in the little things – the blessings that are right in front of me.  Things like:

comfy pajamas
a phone call from mom
kisses from my little boy
an extra hour in the day
anticipation for the holidays
reading a book I can’t put down
my pumpkin spice candle
a funny conversation with a friend
hearing my girls say “sure!” when asked to help out
the sound of the dishwasher humming in a clean house
a quiet evening with my husband
a new day tomorrow

Why can’t every day be the best day of the year?
In my heart I believe that most days really can.
Happy November friends.
p.s.  We are adding to our gratitude journals this month!  You can read all about them here.
xoxo, Erin

Happy Halloween!

Twenty minutes to midnight so I’m popping in quick to say Happy Halloween!  My Eskimo girls and Abominable Snow Monster tore it up tonight.  It was magic for them which made it magic for me.  A day full of non stop partying – delicious food, perfect weather, and time spent with wonderful friends.  So grateful for another fun Halloween with these four.
Also so grateful that the time has finally come to sleep it all off.
Praying my little Snow Monster sleeps in tomorrow.
At least until 7:00.
That would be success at our house.
Happy Halloween everyone!
xoxo, Erin

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