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Home Decor

Fall Console Table

Well.  It has become crystal clear to me lately (as our summer ceases to cease) that I’m going to have to create my own Fall if I want to enjoy this beloved season.  Fall isn’t happening outside in my neck of the woods so I’m going to make it happen inside.  Starting with the console table!

I had so much fun styling this table.  It is so very me and how I love to decorate.  Mixed neutrals with a pop of color.

Speaking of a pop of color, aren’t the coral roses beautiful!?  Perfect addition to go with the rest of the coral in this room.  I picked them up at the grocery store for 10 bucks.  Kenny came home from work a few nights ago and I told him “you bought me roses today because you’re nice like that.  Thank you!  They’re beautiful and I love them.”

Sometimes we just have to take matters into our own hands.  :)

And how adorable is this pitcher!?  A white pitcher with black AND gold stripes?  Perfection.  Have you seen it at Target?  Hands down my favorite thing I’ve bought from that store.
And that’s saying a lot.
I used a simple white platter from the kitchen to hold a few Fall goodies.  I love natural looking Fall decor.  Although my twigs and pine cones and pears do have a bit of gold bling.  :)  I always use a lot of mini white pumpkins when I decorate for Fall too.  Can’t seem to get enough of them.

The branch is from a tree in my area.  I have to tell you my story.  I get home with several branches I’ve cut and I find “the one” and I’m pruning it to go in my vase.  I’m having quite the Martha Stewart moment feeling so impressed with myself for “bringing the outdoors in” when all of the sudden a HUGE green spider comes crawling off of the branch and onto my arm!  I seriously screamed so loud!  Scared me to death.  The girls came running and saw the spider and they screamed too.  I grabbed a napkin and killed that sucker so fast and then looked around at the total mess I’d made with dirt and branches all over my kitchen and had to laugh.

Martha moment was sweet while it lasted.

But now that it’s all behind me I have to say that I love my branch.  Worth the near heart attack?  I do believe so.

Now this table is such a happy spot when you come around the corner and into the family room.  Having a bit of real decor in the house is making me excited to add more.  This is such a fun time of year to nest.  Are you a nester?  I could stay inside my house all day long nesting.  Organizing, decorating, cleaning.  Ok..  maybe not the cleaning.  But definitely the organizing and decorating.  Too bad other things (like life) get in the way.  :)

Had to smile when I came across this picture.
See those little feet popping up in the bottom right corner?
What would I do without my little helper (and his animals) who are always around to assist with styling and photography?    Not to mention great conversation.
Probably get a lot more than just a console table done.
But the company is worth it.
He makes me happy….
You know the rest.
xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Dining nook chairs (and a rug!)

Some of you have been asking me if I ever found chairs to go with our table in the dining nook.  I did!  And forgot to share them with you.  But I will now.  Here they are.  :)    (*side note – this nook is so BRIGHT and sunny that I have a really hard time photographing it so excuse the poor photography!)

For chairs I ended up going with the Constance Metal Dining Chairs from Ballard Designs.  I love them but I originally wanted something different because they are the same style of chair that I have in my formal dining room (just metal instead of wood).  I tried out several wooden chair options but the varying colors of wood were clashing with the wood in the X base of the table and making it look too red.  I didn’t take any pictures of my attempts, but trust me when I say – they weren’t looking very good.  So I decided to go with metal and for some reason, the mixed metals don’t bother me like the mixed woods did.

This also wasn’t the first rug I tried.  Rugs are tricky!  My designer/friend who helped me with my drapes and pillows suggested this coral rug from Home Decorators (she knows my love for this pattern) and at first I thought oh no – that is way too much coral for me.  But nothing else was working so I decided to order it and just see.  And when I first laid it down I thought – oh no – that is way too much coral for me.
But it ties in the coral from the family room and my husband liked it so I promised him I’d live with it for a while before sending it back.  That’s why we only have four chairs down instead of six and there is no pad under the rug.  This was just a sample.  :)
And you know what?  I think I like it more every day.
It’s nice to have a pop of color in the nook.  And it’s nice to have the coral tie in from the family room.  And it compliments the blue decor I’m using in the kitchen.  And I know you’re not supposed to start sentences with ‘AND’ but I’m doing it anyway.
 And I’m keeping the rug.

I also tried the coral rug in my office/craft room and it looks good in there too so I decided that if I get tired of coral in the nook, I can always move it to the office.

The best part?  It is an indoor/outdoor rug so these three can be as messy as they want.
xoxo, Erin

Fashion Friday (preparing for Fall)

Happy Friday everyone!  What a week.  Slow on the blog because my little man and I have both been under the weather.  Luckily we are turning a corner so hopefully next week will be better!  I’m also crossing my fingers for cooler weather in our area because it has been HOT lately.  Record highs on the coast and crazy humidity.  So hot that I honestly got dressed and did my hair one day this week and spent the rest of the week running around in gym clothes and a pony tail.  With ice water in hand.      

Attempted to take a selfie to show you the shirt I wore on the one day I cleaned up and then realized you probably want to be able to read what it says.  :)
Ellie to the rescue.  This is my all time favorite T shirt.  I flew here on my unicorn.  Of course I did.  Seems to explain quite a few things actually.  :)  Made me smile so I had to have it.  Found it at Nordstroms for 20 bucks and it’s super comfortable.  Do you love that my definition of “cleaning up” consisted of my favorite slouchy t-shirt?  That is the way this week has rolled.  
Aside from my favorite go to T, this week was far from fashionable.  But.  I did start going through my closet to assess what I have for Fall.  I honestly have hardly bought clothes in the past two plus years.  One or two things here and there, but not much.  Any extra time/energy/money has been spent on our house.  But surprisingly (even though styles have definitely changed) I still have quite a few basics that will work for this Fall.  Which made me think about how when buying clothes it’s smart to spend your money on classic, solid colored items that will stand the test of time.  It’s fun to buy a crazy patterned top or dress here and there, but I never spend much on those types of items because without a doubt, they look “out” by the end of the season.  
Here are a few things I’ve had for years that still work today:
(pictures are a few years old.. obviously)  :)

Boots.  Most of my boots are basic, solid colored boots that still look good years later.  My little buddy’s boots on the other hand are going to be a tad too small this year.  :)

Scarves.  All of my simple, solid colored scarves can be worn in new ways.  

Dark jeans.  A good pair of dark jeans is a staple for Fall!  A nice fitting pair of jeans can last for years and in my opinion is a smart place to spend a little more.  Unlike tops that look worn and outdated quickly. 

  You can read a past post of mine on jean tips here.

Solid colored sweaters and cardigans stand the test of time and can also be worn lots of different ways.  
Just like I shared a couple of weeks ago with my striped Old Navy dress.  
(Fun to hear so many of you bought it btw!)  :)
Vests are another Fall/Winter staple that look good year after year.  
 Love this vest I saw on Pinterest.  I think from J Crew.  

 This is another Fall outfit I have pinned on my Clothes/Fashion board.  Love it.  I’m always drawn to solid colors, a great pair of jeans and boots with a fun, simple top/scarf/vest.

Very much like this combo as well.  So even though I haven’t bought much in the way of clothes in over two years, I still feel like I have a lot of basics to wear this season.  I can add a few fun things and combine them with my oldies but goodies for multiple looks.  If the weather decides to cooperate that is.

Since I’m flashing back a couple of years I have to share these pics I found of my little buddy helping me with my Fashion Friday photo shoots…

Hmmmm.  What can I put down mom’s boot to get her attention?  

She’s ignoring my boot trick so I’m just going to insist she picks me up.  

 Now I’ve got her right where I want her.  

 Mission Accomplished.  

Here’s a picture from this week to show that three years later my little guy is up to as much mischief as ever.  He was playing hide and seek (his favorite!) with Ad and she could not find him anywhere.  I finally started helping her and we searched high and low and finally found him hiding under the dining room bench.  I was cracking up!  I didn’t even know he could fit under there.  So glad I had my phone with me at the time and caught the moment she found him.  He was so proud that he’d out smarted his sister and had all of our attention.

Some things never change.  

Happy Weekend everyone!
xoxo, Erin

Chore Charts – teaching kids responsibility

Remember in July when I mentioned that I was searching for a way to teach my girls more about responsibility and managing money?  Since then I have read books and searched on-line (and asked all of you!) for different ideas to give me a jump start.  There are so many different ways to approach chores and allowance systems.  I think the most important thing to think about is what will work for YOU.  What works for one family won’t necessarily work for another.  I gathered different ideas from various places and ended up creating something customized that fits our needs.  I thought I’d share it with all of you in case it gives you an idea or two for your family as well!

You all know how I feel about a good list.  :)  Because I’m a list girl, a daily check list made the most sense to me.  There are three sections – Morning Routine, After School Routine, and Family Space.  If the items in each section are checked off, they earn 40 cents.  Three sections worth 40 cents each – so they have the ability to earn $1.20 each day which means up to $6 a week.  I know this isn’t much.  But we’ve never done an allowance before so my girls think they are going to be rolling in the dough.  :)  As they get older, I’m sure I’ll add to their responsibilities and increase their earnings.  I’ll also make them more responsible for paying for more things on their own, where now they are just earning extra spending money.  (I am having them save 10% to give, 20% to save, and the rest is for them to spend how they choose.)
Morning Routine – This section is easy but the girls only earn their money if they don’t have to be reminded to keep getting ready.  I wanted to eliminate me having to say “are you finished with breakfast?  Then what should you be doing?”  Maybe my kids are the only kids who get distracted in the mornings, but man.  We sure get distracted.  This list also reminds them of the little things – like if they are sick, did they take their medicine? etc.  
After School Routine – After school my girls are busy with this list!  They have to unload and put away their things in our mudroom, get their homework done, do their reading, typing practice, feed the turtles, clean their room and bathroom, and put away any of their clothes I’ve washed.  They also have to get their backpacks loaded and ready for the next day on their own.  LOVING this and I’ll tell you why.  It has taken all of the pressure off of me.  I don’t have to remember everything that needs to be done anymore.  When they say “can I play” I don’t have to ask if the turtles are fed and their room is clean and try to remember what else needs to be done.  I can just say “is everything checked off your list?”  

Family Space – Each week I choose three areas of the house that I want them to help with.  They are responsible to help make sure those spaces are kept clean.  I left those lines blank on the checklist so I can change them to what I want, when I want.  I’ll rotate through quite a few jobs so that they learn how to take care of different areas of our house.  
We’ve now used these for two weeks.  A few thoughts:
– The only down side I’ve found with this system is that I’m printing these lists everyday.  I’d like to eventually make something that is more permanent but for now, I really like that they have their list with them after school and are checking things off as they complete them.  (Thinking at some point we’ll switch to white erase boards or I’ll put them in a page protector or laminate them.  Something so I’m not wasting paper!)
– After they finish each section I check that they are done and write at the top of their page what they earned for the day.  Checklists go in a trey in my office and I pay them at the end of the week.  
– Because of after school activities – gymnastics, dance, church activity days, singing, swim lessons, etc. there are days they don’t earn all of their money simply because there isn’t enough time.  Morning and After School Routine Sections always get finished but a few times the girls haven’t had time to help with their Family Space.  And that’s ok.  On days we have more time at home they are able to do everything.  
– Because so much of the new chore chart is weekly/school stuff, we’ll still do our simple to-do list I write on Saturdays.  No money for that.  If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.  :)
– I love that the Family Space section forces me to teach them how to clean things I probably wouldn’t have taught them otherwise.  It’s always easier for me to just do it quickly myself!  But my girls want to earn their money so it is forcing me to stop and teach them how to unload and load dishes, wash counters, vacuum floors, clean bathroom sinks, keep the pantry organized, etc.  
– The other day my girls wanted to order a pretzel from a pretzel truck that visits their school.  I said – “Sure!  Use your own money!”  Then they debated whether or not it was worth it.  Nice.  
– I don’t have to nag them to get things done anymore.
– I love that.  :)
New chore charts!  Helping all of us stay on track around here. 
p.s.  If you are looking for a system for little kids you can see the Star Behavior Charts I made for my girls when they were younger.  These worked well for us for years!  

xoxo, Erin
Favorite Things

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday friends!  Third week of school is behind us and I feel like we are adjusting to our new schedule and getting in a good routine.  Excited to share a few things I’m doing around here that are keeping us on track!  But for now, a few favorites to take us into the weekend…
Like these fun towels I landed on at Target.  Bright happy colors and a fun geometric pattern with that price tag?  Sold.  #GO TARGET

K.  Horrible HORRIBLE picture I know but after I shared this pic of today’s dinner prepped in the morning on Instagram I had several requests for the recipe.  These are Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas and they are really good.  EASY to make and they taste great.  I especially love them left over.  You can find the recipe here.  Good Crock Pot recipes are always a favorite!
Speaking of good food… have you tried these Light and Fit Strawberry Cheesecake Greek yogurts?  I’m desperately trying to lose a few pounds.  Remember our trip to Maui?  And all of the fudge?  Paying the price for that little “I don’t care how much I eat!” vacation.  These make a great snack and they are so good they don’t taste nearly as healthy as they are.  (Not fudge good mind you.  But healthy yogurt good.)  :)

So many favorite things about this picture!  Love my little buddy.  Love that I got him in pajamas the night I took this picture.  Love that football is on again.  I’ll feel differently by the end of the season of course.  When I’ve had my fill of never ending games dictating our schedule.  But for now, it signals Fall and makes my husband in a fabulous mood.  My husband in a fabulous mood is another favorite.  He puts up with so much more of my antics when the Chargers are playing.  And when the Chargers are winning?  Not much I can’t get away with.  :)

Speaking of my little buddy, here is my favorite Kole quote of the week:  “mom, you know yesterday when I was being mean and slammed the door and you had to get mad at me?  My BONES made me do it.”

I seriously laughed for 20 minutes.  He would be such a well behaved kid.  If it weren’t for those bones of his.  Ha ha!  :)

I know Christmas is still months away but in my book it’s never to early to start getting gift ideas!  These Kidoozie car tracks have been such a hit with Kole.  He loves to build all sorts of contraptions with them and then watch the cars race around and around.  The tracks are so easy to assemble that even toddlers can put them together.

 And clearly they’re not just fun for boys.  :)

A few favorites I picked up at an impromptu trip to World Market this week.  Fun for the kitchen.  The mini strainers were 2 bucks each!  Adorable.  

K.  Remember how I told you I was loving HGTV’s show Fixer Upper?  A cute couple (Chip and Joanna) fix up homes and she decorates them so beautifully.  Darling family.  Great show.  Decorating ideas galore!  Last night I landed on their website and Joanna has a blog!  You need to check out the farmhouse they renovated.  It’s amazing!  If you like that style.  Which I do.

This picture is from a post she wrote on Fall decorating.  What a great idea to use a wreath as part of your centerpiece!  Love her style.  Love the show.  A favorite of mine for sure.  Check it out if you haven’t already!

Oh and she also has a store.  Which was a dangerous discovery for me.  

Here’s hoping the Chargers have a killer season.  
Enjoy your weekend!

xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

Family room update (pops of coral)

Ok.  Finally sharing the current state of our family room!  It still feels unfinished to me, but progress has been made.  I’m warning you all that I took way too many pictures of this space.  Then the indecisive side of me came out to play and couldn’t decide which to post/not post so apologies in advance for the picture overload!
 Added a few pops of coral which instantly livened things up.
And I’m in LOVE with this new lamp and my “happy when skies are grey” sign I happened upon in Utah over the summer.
I have a few seasonal ideas for the right side of this console.  I love color but something about this room calls out for more neutral pieces to me.  Blues, greys, whites, woods, tans…

I’m still looking for a better couch throw.  The coral blanket on the right side of the couch in this picture is one we’ve had for a while and it’s too thick.  My kids love to snuggle in it though so it will always be close by.
 Wait basket on the right hiding all of my buddy’s toys.  :)
 Ellie decided to photo bomb this picture.  :)
I haven’t styled the coffee table yet.
Just a start with this white tray, mercury vase and coral flower.  I’ll put some pretty flowers/plant in the mercury vase at some point.  (Tray and flower are both from Target!)
K.  I have to say that these bookshelves are kind of driving me crazy!  I’ve had them styled so many different ways and I still don’t love the way they look.
I think I just need larger/less items than I’m using.  From far back in the kitchen they look too cluttered to me.  But they are an improvement from previous attempts so they are good for now.  “Now” meaning  for the rest of this week of course.  :)
 I did add a few Fall touches with my all time favorite picture of my little pumpkin at the patch.
And these mercury pumpkins from Pottery Barn.  SO in love with the white/silver striped pumpkin!
Remember when I shared my all time favorite Fall quote?  I wanted to frame it so I was thinking about how to write it myself and then decided to hunt a little on-line first.  Lo and behold I found this chalkboard print on Etsy!  Too perfect!

Still loving the new floor lamp we scored for such a great deal over Labor Day.  I’d love to add a small end table next to this chair too at some point.  This is a great chair for reading (one of my girls is always in it with a book!) so it would be nice to have a place next to it to set things.

And we finally found a mirror for over our fireplace!
I love its clean lines and it’s the perfect size, but what a pain to hang!

Quick blurry phone pic of my husband and our carpenter attempting to get this perfectly straight.  Took almost two hours!  Let’s just say this baby isn’t going anywhere for a while.  :)

Excited to add more accessories to my mantel at some point.

A quick view from the kitchen.  The ski lift sign above the TV is a new/old addition.  I’ve had it for a couple of years and always planned to use it with my Christmas decor in the new house.  A few weeks ago I remembered it and decided to try it above the TV and I really like it there!  I grew up snow skiing so it feels like a piece of home to me.  Plus we don’t get snow in San Diego so I figured it brings a little “cold” into our lives around here.  :)

I haven’t added anything new to the kitchen.  I’m too busy just trying to keep it clean!  But I plan on styling it better and maybe trying to bring some of the coral accents in this space as well.

I’m also planning to add more greenery and just haven’t had time to do it.  Thinking a fiddle leaf fig plant might look good in that left corner?

Like I said, progress since I last shared pics!  Sorry if I just took up all of your free time that you didn’t really have with that post.  :)  If you have a question about a certain item let me know and I’ll answer in the comments.

Enjoy your day everyone!
xoxo, Erin

Blog Books (best present ever!)

Have to share this with all of my blog friends today!  Kenny and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary yesterday and he surprised me with the best present.  Ever.

He put all of my blog posts into books.  Everything.  From 2008 until now.  You guys.  I could not believe he did that!  I had no idea and I seriously cried for an hour.  It’s something I have always wanted to do and just haven’t had time for.  Means so much to me!  He has been working on them for months.  Each book is different.  Most years have several volumes.  As you all know, I blog a lot.  :)

We have all had so much fun looking through everything this weekend.  Remembering fun times.  These books are such treasures to me.

(circa 1992)
Who knew this crazy guy would turn out to be such a stud!?  
Love him more than turkey sandwiches, really good second hair days, cherry ice chap stick, and my label maker.  And he knows that’s saying a lot.  ;)  Feeling so grateful this weekend for him.  
And for blogging.
It has been a great 17 years.  
The best.

xoxo, Erin

Fashion Friday (striped sleeveless jersey dress)

Happy Friday everyone!  What a week!  It was a hectic one around here getting used to our new schedule.  I’m afraid I’ve over scheduled us!  May have to cut a few things out so that I can keep my sanity.
Or not.
My sanity hasn’t been a priority for a while now so why start making it one now?  ;)
Despite the current state of my sanity, I’m ready to talk fashion.  It’s a great way to de-stress. :)  So excited to share my recent fun find with you all today!  I seriously think this is the most versatile dress I’ve ever owned.  It’s the striped sleeveless jersey dress from Old Navy.  Fun for summer, but also a great wardrobe staple as we head into Fall.

What I love about this dress is that it’s so simple and basic.  I can put any color of sweater/jewelry/shoes with it for a fun new look.  Here are a few ways I’ve been wearing it…

Yellow Anthropologie sweater and yellow shoes.  I’ve had both for years and feel like they have new life with this dress!
Here it is with another simple yellow sweater.
 I also wore it a week ago with my navy sweater and a thin yellow belt.
And with this simple blue shrug that I’ve had for years.

This dress looks short on the on-line model (who has legs that go on for days!), but as you can see, on a shortie like me it’s actually knee length.  :)  Other than that it fits true to size.

Here I am in the dress without a camera in my face.  :)  Every time I wear it I get compliments on it.
If you like it, it’s on sale at Old Navy for $25!
Plus they are having a sale until Monday.
You’re welcome.
I’m feeling better already!  Sanity is slowly restoring itself.
Have a great weekend everyone!
xoxo, Erin
Home Decor

New floor lamp

Popping in quickly to show you all my new floor lamp!  It was a Labor Day steal from Pottery Barn.  Lamps were on sale and then there was the Labor Day sale on top of that.  Nice!  Love it so much.  Fun new addition to this space.  I have several new family room additions I added over the summer that I’ll share soon!  We had friends over for a Labor Day BBQ so before they came I was flying through the house like a mad woman cleaning everything in sight.  My husband was his usual helpful self – “There’s a spot on the floor over here babe … I don’t think this pillow is fluffed quite enough…”  
Anyway.  Because of my pre Labor Day cleaning frenzy, the house looked good enough on Tuesday morning to snap a few pictures.  Good thing I’m a fast photographer because by Tuesday afternoon it looked like a bomb went off in the kitchen.  But clean house pics are coming soon!  To a blog near you.
p.s.  Have you all seen the show Fixer Upper on HGTV?  It’s my new favorite.
Felt like you all should know that crucial information.
Happy Thursday!
xoxo, Erin

Favorite Fall Recipes

YEA!  It’s September!  After a fun weekend filled with friends and lots of FOOD I am feeling so  excited to say good-bye to a wonderful summer and hello to Fall!  I’m also feeling the need to hit the treadmill hard tomorrow but let’s not talk about that.  Instead let’s talk about more food!  Because I like to contradict myself.  And also because Fall is the only time it actually sounds appealing to me to cook.  So fun to be home in cozy sweats during a cool afternoon with the smell of something delicious baking… mixed with the smell of the pumpkin spice candle of course.  I’m dreaming!  We are still having hot summer weather, but Fall is coming.  I can feel it!
I rounded up a few of my favorite things to make in the Fall.  Thinking I’m going to make the Chalupa’s this week because they are such an easy crock-pot recipe and we always have leftovers.  I need something easy this week with all of the kids’ activities starting up again.  Here’s the recipe to the Chalupas and a few other Fall favorites of mine…

I’m excited to try a few new recipes this year!  I haven’t blown anything up in my new kitchen yet so I’m pleasantly optimistic.
What’s your favorite thing to cook/bake in the Fall?

xoxo, Erin

The “Wait Basket” (new decor and teaching kids to wait)

Sharing a fun addition to our family room today!  I picked up this coral basket at Home Goods a few months ago and have loved having a little punch of color next to the couch.  

The pillows in it are some older pillows we had in our previous house.  Seems whenever our whole family is lounging on the couch we needed a few more.  :)  
But while I love the punch of coral and I love having extra pillows nearby..
 that’s not why I bought this basket. 

I bought this basket for my four year old.  You see, my little buddy struggles with waiting.  Waiting for a snack, waiting for his turn with a toy, waiting for mom to get off the phone, waiting for his sisters to finish their homework so he can play with them.  When he wants something he thinks he needs it immediately.  Typical toddler/child ‘me’ centeredness that is always such a joy to parent.  :)  So I decided to make a little “wait basket” in the family room.  I filled it with a few of his favorite toys and after explaining the importance of waiting patiently for things, I told him that whenever he hears the word “wait” he gets to come and play with the toys in his wait basket.  He has other toys in the playroom for every day.  These are special toys only for when he has to wait for something.  (I’ll switch these out every few weeks so he doesn’t get tired of the same toys).  
I have to say that this little “wait basket” is working like a charm!  
Now he gets excited when I tell him he has to wait.  
Which is great.  Because it happens often.

And just for fun since I was snapping pics of the family room, here’s another fun new coral addition.  Slowly adding some color to this space.  I’ll share where I’m at as far as decor for this room soon!  Just need to finish tweaking my bookshelves a bit more.

Could you use a “wait basket” at your house?  

 Enjoy your weekend everyone!  
xoxo, Erin

Organizing outfits for school (our new system!)

Another “first day of school” has come and gone.  So hard for me to wrap my brain around my girls being in 3rd and 5th grade!  I taught 5th grade when we first moved to San Diego.  I had Ellie in the middle of my last year teaching and remember taking her to my classroom to meet my students.  Such a tiny newborn with all of those big 5th graders.  And now she is one of those big 5th graders.  I cried doing her hair the first day.  She was making me laugh – saying something funny – and it just struck me how grown up she looked and sounded.  I always think I’m going to be fine on the first day of school (especially since by the end of summer I am ready for them to go back!) but then the first day comes and I’m not fine.  I come home to a quiet house and tear up every year.

This little one was SO excited for preschool to start.  He was racing out the door so fast that I only had time to snap two pictures of him and this was the best of the two.  He’s at that fun age where you say “smile” and never know what you’re going to get.  :)  So glad he has one more year of preschool.  I’m going to be a hot mess next year when he starts Kindergarten!

I’m excited to share our new system for organizing outfits for school!  It’s pretty much the old system with a minor tweak.

The girls lay out their outfits for the week.
Just like they’ve done every Sunday for the past two years.
We now use these fun pink canvas closet organizers from Land of Nod.  So excited about these!  We didn’t have room for something like this in our previous house because we were so tight on closet space.  But now that we have more room to breathe I love having a set place for the girls to organize their clothes for the week.  This is a peek inside Ad’s closet.
 I waited for a sale and got each of these organizers for only 12 bucks!
They are sturdy and nicely made.  I couldn’t believe how inexpensive they were.
I got out my trusty label maker and labeled each opening with a day of the week.

There are six slots so there was room for Saturday.  I love this because my girls take gymnastics on Saturday mornings and now we have a place for their gymnastic clothes to call home.

Here is the same set up in El’s closet.  Can you tell this child of mine loves purple?  I had to really force her to look for clothes that weren’t purple this year.  Last year she was in purple every other day!
She did well this week with only a purple belt and one purple top.  A new record for her.  :)
Regardless of how you choose to organize the clothes, picking out outfits for the week ahead of time always makes the morning ‘get ready for school’ rush much smoother!
Want to hear my crazy organized complicated system for organizing Kole’s outfits each day?
You’ll love it.
Ready for this?
He sleeps in the clothes he’s going to wear the next day.
I kid you not.  He hates pajamas (what!?  does he even belong in this family!?) so he BEGS me each night to let him sleep in his clothes.  Over the summer I gave in because it was so hot at night and he was living in mesh shorts anyway.  So I bathe him and put him in clean shorts and a top and he’s all set for school the second he wakes up.  How’s that for streamlining the mornings.  Ha!  I’ll have to get him back in pj’s when it cools off at night because he won’t sleep with covers either.  That kid.  Talk about a major difference from his sisters who are pre-selecting coordinating socks and jewelry and headbands each day.
The joys of raising daughters and a son.
xoxo, Erin

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